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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

ooc:@LilyannaGaming Tab SuSu and Cicero are at the mall Cicero is going insane laughing like a mad man for no good reason as for Matt Vlad Orious and Derrick I think their still in a cabin that got a hole in the roof this to Rufu or whatever his name is and Milee and Ldybug's character are in the kitchen of the house doing whatever it is they are doing...I think that's it
LilyannaGaming said:
(someone mind catching me up>?)
Ooc: @LilyannaGaming Feel free to jump in pretty much anywhere! Not sure how long you've been away since it's super hard to keep track of everyone, but let's see... They're in Las Vegas, and basically having one of their last fun days before I trigger a huge event that none of you will be prepared for! ^_^ Rin, Rei, and Mew are in a taxi going to the super fancy house that they've been hiding in, courtesy of Vlad's father- well, actually, he doesn't even know they're there I guess so... :P You can have it be at anytime for the next few days, but please make sure your character is eventually at the super fancy house. Matthew, Vladimor, Derrick, and Orious are all at the gym, and will be going to the club later tonight in the RP. Tabitha, Susan, and Cicero are at the mall- Cicero's gone insane. Rufus and Leo are causing chaos in the streets, probably attracting a scene they really shouldn't be, and Shuzo and I-forget-who are in the super fancy house. xD
(I have a plan to enter involes a new charater.) @iiimee
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Cicero said:
Susan could hear Cicero laughing so that means they were close to him when he came into view SuSu let out a small huff "Great....hes fighting his other side or something I never understood that part when he explained it." She stated crouched next to the boy confused at what to do she turned back to Tab "Try kissing him." She suggested with a shrug on sure what else to do at this point but wait for him to stop laughing she looked around to see if anything was funny to the boy to come up with nothing
Cicero noticed the two of them while laughing he looked at them with teary eyes "Hhhheeeeelllllloooo" He song with a creepy voice stopping his laughter completely and getting up leaning forwards so his arm's dangled and his head faced the ground he cocked his head to one side with a crooked grin "What brings you guys here?" The boy asked with the same voice as before with a small chuckle as he starts walking pass them letting out small giggles along with random words that were possible a different language completely
At this point, the laughter had stopped, and it was quite unsettling to the more rational (and nearly nonexistent) side of Rufus. Giving a quick wave to his newfound friend, the redhead walked briskly in the direction the laughter had come from, somehow going quite fast despite his shuffle. When he arrived, there was one of the cat-boy members of the group, one that he had rarely seen that was a friend of his and also seemed to have cat-like parts, and then the girl with fragile hearing. He studied the group for a moment, deciding that Cicero was attracting the wrong kind of attention. Security guards became more obvious as he studied the crowd, all of them on phones and watching Cicero curiously; furthermore, everyone parted as they went around the boy, giving a wide berth as if his insanity was a cold they could catch.

Rufus himself had two options: distract the crowd and guards by causing his own chaos, or help this poor fellow and get him away from people he could potentially harm.

"Hmm.. I wonder.." He thought over potential chaos-causing actions he could take, and came to the decision of pickpocketing the guards in a rather loud manner, then several hot-headed-looking citizens, and shoving several people in the moving sea of crowd onto the concrete below as he ran through, hurling batons and guns through shop windows as he went. As long as Tabitha and Susan--he was sure those were their names, and his memory wasn't all that bad--took the hint and got Cicero somewhere out of the open, things would go just fine. If not, then he'd just 'kidnap' the boy and lead them all away. At least he had a chance to cause more chaos.
Cicero said:
Susan could hear Cicero laughing so that means they were close to him when he came into view SuSu let out a small huff "Great....hes fighting his other side or something I never understood that part when he explained it." She stated crouched next to the boy confused at what to do she turned back to Tab "Try kissing him." She suggested with a shrug on sure what else to do at this point but wait for him to stop laughing she looked around to see if anything was funny to the boy to come up with nothing
Cicero noticed the two of them while laughing he looked at them with teary eyes "Hhhheeeeelllllloooo" He song with a creepy voice stopping his laughter completely and getting up leaning forwards so his arm's dangled and his head faced the ground he cocked his head to one side with a crooked grin "What brings you guys here?" The boy asked with the same voice as before with a small chuckle as he starts walking pass them letting out small giggles along with random words that were possible a different language completely
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]At this point, the laughter had stopped, and it was quite unsettling to the more rational (and nearly nonexistent) side of Rufus. Giving a quick wave to his newfound friend, the redhead walked briskly in the direction the laughter had come from, somehow going quite fast despite his shuffle. When he arrived, there was one of the cat-boy members of the group, one that he had rarely seen that was a friend of his and also seemed to have cat-like parts, and then the girl with fragile hearing. He studied the group for a moment, deciding that Cicero was attracting the wrong kind of attention. Security guards became more obvious as he studied the crowd, all of them on phones and watching Cicero curiously; furthermore, everyone parted as they went around the boy, giving a wide berth as if his insanity was a cold they could catch.
Rufus himself had two options: distract the crowd and guards by causing his own chaos, or help this poor fellow and get him away from people he could potentially harm.

"Hmm.. I wonder.." He thought over potential chaos-causing actions he could take, and came to the decision of pickpocketing the guards in a rather loud manner, then several hot-headed-looking citizens, and shoving several people in the moving sea of crowd onto the concrete below as he ran through, hurling batons and guns through shop windows as he went. As long as Tabitha and Susan--he was sure those were their names, and his memory wasn't all that bad--took the hint and got Cicero somewhere out of the open, things would go just fine. If not, then he'd just 'kidnap' the boy and lead them all away. At least he had a chance to cause more chaos.

Tabitha shrugged off Susan's ridiculous suggestion. SuSu didn't exactly seem like a genius, but did she seriously think this was a fairy-tale?! She also said something about him fighting with himself, but Susan sounded so uncertain that Tabitha didn't bother to listen. She had asked the question, but she understood that now wasn't the time for explanations. "We should-" The quiet girl was going to suggest they just carry him away before the scene became worse, but suddenly Cicero started talking in a voice Tabitha could barely recognize as his. What had gotten into him?! He lurched forward, walking past them like a zombie. "Hey!" she grabbed one of his wrists, but not before yelling from among the crowd hurt her ears. What was going on? Tabitha wanted to see what it was, but her head was pounding. If she didn't know better, she could've mistaken her head for a bomb, ticking every second, ready to explode at any moment. She did know better luckily, and though weak from the shouting, she was thankful for the distraction. Without a word she grabbed Susan's hand with her free one, dragging both of them along as best as she could. She really hoped Susan didn't try to stop and see what was happening; If she did, they might have waited too long and the security would catch up with them again.

"Hmmmm?" was all Cicero said as he turned his head towards the girl still with the same crooked grin as before "What is it you need?" The boy asked not really caring either way but before he had time to get out of the hold she had on him he was already being dragged making him laugh some more but he followed her without any back talk "If you wanted to bring me somewhere you could have just asked me." He said creepily while he started walking right beside the girl chuckling in amusement with tear stained eyes

"Really why do you drag me everywhere?" SuSu complained while trying to keep up with the girl's pace "Can you at least slow down."She demanded
Silver pulled her phone. She quickly texted Violet's number.

Vi, I need your help. Teleport.
Sure, Have you found the group yet?
Sort of. Im found them then got...lost.

As soon as Silver sent the last message she felt Violet behind her. "How can I help you Silver?" Vi asked. "By teleporting me to this address." Silver showed Violet the house she tracked the group down in. "Sure. Have you gave them there...Files?" Vi asked. Silver shock her head.

"Well, lets teleport. Then." Vi said.

Silver grabbed Violet's hand. And they were off. (they have to go through a rift so, also I'm teleporting to a place nearby. Not a the house.) @iiimee
Soon as they were out of the "rift" Silver almost face planted. "Vi, why here I thought I said at the house not.... in an alley beside a gym!" Silver yelled at Vi.

"Calm down Silver. It's good for you to walk. Plus some of your group will be here. Till you get to the house, im heading back to my hideout." Vi said, then was gone. "Ugh, Vi your a pain to deal with sometimes." Silver mumbled to her self while heading into the gym. Radiating the fact she was pissed. @iiimee @whoever else in the gym...
Mew was fairly quiet during the ride and stared down only to look at rin for a moment blushing looking away and spoke when he was asked about friends. "No..more like acquaintances. honestly, I'm not very used to the outside world, most my life was spend in a hospital...rarely did I ever go outside.."He told rin and smiled a little bit as if remembering something his mother said to him and then blushed again when he looked at rin.

'so beautiful....so absolutely beautiful...' he thought but dared not to say it for he believed that it'd be rude not to mention rin could easily read his mind at any given moment. It was kinda embarrassing but he didn't mind if rin knew.
Cicero said:
"Hmmmm?" was all Cicero said as he turned his head towards the girl still with the same crooked grin as before "What is it you need?" The boy asked not really caring either way but before he had time to get out of the hold she had on him he was already being dragged making him laugh some more but he followed her without any back talk "If you wanted to bring me somewhere you could have just asked me." He said creepily while he started walking right beside the girl chuckling in amusement with tear stained eyes
"Really why do you drag me everywhere?" SuSu complained while trying to keep up with the girl's pace "Can you at least slow down."She demanded
Tabitha tried to ignore the frightening aura that surrounded Cicero, but it was hard. Whether he was sane enough to recognize them was difficult to tell, but Tabitha didn't take any chances and even when he ran beside her, she didn't let go of his wrist. When Susan complained, Tabitha was tempted to turn around and scold her, but a girl as fragile as Tabitha didn't have the energy for that, not with a crowd of people shouting behind them. They only had a few more moments before somebody turned around and spotted them. "Hey, look!" a young boy, probably around the age of ten screamed. Several people whipped their heads around, and those who spotted them yelled out for the security guards, but before they could make a move Tabitha had dragged her two friends out the door with her. She didn't stop until she was sure nobody was chasing them. Once that was over and done with Tabitha dropped to the ground, onto the sidewalk they were on. "Ah... my head!" Tabitha made small sounds resembling those of whimpers when she was no longer gasping for air. Her ears were dripping with blood, and a single drop even came out from her eyelid. Thinking it was a teardrop, she wiped it away, only to see the red sticky liquid on her finger. "Gross." she muttered, but besides that she seemed pretty calm. She put one of her arms behind her as support, before looking up at her psycho boyfriend and his innocent friend. "Are you guys okay?" she asked, using her other hand to shield the sunlight from her eyes. Today was far from her day!

iiimee said:
Tabitha tried to ignore the frightening aura that surrounded Cicero, but it was hard. Whether he was sane enough to recognize them was difficult to tell, but Tabitha didn't take any chances and even when he ran beside her, she didn't let go of his wrist. When Susan complained, Tabitha was tempted to turn around and scold her, but a girl as fragile as Tabitha didn't have the energy for that, not with a crowd of people shouting behind them. They only had a few more moments before somebody turned around and spotted them. "Hey, look!" a young boy, probably around the age of ten screamed. Several people whipped their heads around, and those who spotted them yelled out for the security guards, but before they could make a move Tabitha had dragged her two friends out the door with her. She didn't stop until she was sure nobody was chasing them. Once that was over and done with Tabitha dropped to the ground, onto the sidewalk they were on. "Ah... my head!" Tabitha made small sounds resembling those of whimpers when she was no longer gasping for air. Her ears were dripping with blood, and a single drop even came out from her eyelid. Thinking it was a teardrop, she wiped it away, only to see the red sticky liquid on her finger. "Gross." she muttered, but besides that she seemed pretty calm. She put one of her arms behind her as support, before looking up at her psycho boyfriend and his innocent friend. "Are you guys okay?" she asked, using her other hand to shield the sunlight from her eyes. Today was far from her day!

When a boy called out to look at the trio of experiments, Rufus landed right in front of him, waved, and whacked the boy in the head hard enough to knock him out. He brewed up his own laughter to regain the attention of the crowd, suddenly stopping and turning to face the several guards and people who were watching him with unease, wondering if they should really attack him.

"Day your ruining for apologize I. Here's your stuff back!" Rufus called out cheerfully, laying everything he had taken on the ground in front of him before strolling away, leaving the entire bunch unsure of how to react. By the time they'd gotten their things (and brains) together, Rufus was long gone.

Rufus circled back around the city, eventually finding the people he'd helped. He noticed the girl with sensitive hearing was bleeding quite a bit, so he crouched in front of her, gently laying a finger on her cheek and pushing her head to the side so he could see if there was any damage other than to her hearing, and also providing a shield from the sun. Satisfied that nothing from the crowd had knicked her, he tore a part of his tattered shirt away, making sure there was no blood on it, before handing it to her silently and quickly taking in the second girl. No obvious damage, so he finally turned to cat-boy, who seemed to still be muttering to himself, and simply shoved the boy to the ground in search of a reaction, ignoring any sounds of protest anyone in the group may have given.
After being outside Cicero was looked directly at the sun for a little before he had to blink and look away not breathing heavy or anything to signify he was running "Hhhhheeeeyyyy Ttttaaaabbbiiittthhhaaa yyyoouurr eeeaaarrrss aarree bblleeddiinngg." He song to the girl slowly ignoring the boy slamming him to the ground and only laughing like a mad man again getting the man off of him only grab his head and got on his knees screaming 'I already told you get the fuck out of my head i'm in control and you never will be.' Cicero mentally told his insane side earning the sick twisted laughter he always hated 'Yyoouu are trying to hide from your true self when you did even tell Tabitha about me it hurt my feelings so I decided the first chance I got I would introduce myself.....ahh but you had to ruin it by still wanting to be in control.' The voice sighed before he started laughing again 'What would you do if she seen what you are really like how about I show her for you?' The insane Cicero asked "no...no please no more." Cicero muttered aloud lifting up his head his eyes full of tears with a face asking for help before it was all gone with only the insane Cicero laughing his twisted demented laughter "I WON I FINALLY WON!" He exclaimed in his twisted voice of pure insanity with his eye's going darker (I might have to go and I don't know if where I'm going has wifi but i'll bring my phone just encase)
Cicero said:
After being outside Cicero was looked directly at the sun for a little before he had to blink and look away not breathing heavy or anything to signify he was running "Hhhhheeeeyyyy Ttttaaaabbbiiittthhhaaa yyyoouurr eeeaaarrrss aarree bblleeddiinngg." He song to the girl slowly ignoring the boy slamming him to the ground and only laughing like a mad man again getting the man off of him only grab his head and got on his knees screaming 'I already told you get the fuck out of my head i'm in control and you never will be.' Cicero mentally told his insane side earning the sick twisted laughter he always hated 'Yyoouu are trying to hide from your true self when you did even tell Tabitha about me it hurt my feelings so I decided the first chance I got I would introduce myself.....ahh but you had to ruin it by still wanting to be in control.' The voice sighed before he started laughing again 'What would you do if she seen what you are really like how about I show her for you?' The insane Cicero asked "no...no please no more." Cicero muttered aloud lifting up his head his eyes full of tears with a face asking for help before it was all gone with only the insane Cicero laughing his twisted demented laughter "I WON I FINALLY WON!" He exclaimed in his twisted voice of pure insanity with his eye's going darker (I might have to go and I don't know if where I'm going has wifi but i'll bring my phone just encase)
Rufus's eyes narrowed from behind his curtain of hair, and he tilted his head just at the right angle to get that dramatic effect that he unconsciously went for. He had straightened ever-so-slightly, showing his displeasure.

"Do you really want to do that?" His voice, albeit quieter, was a lot colder than before. "Control yourself," Rufus snapped, feeling quite ready to properly challenge this Cicero kid unless he could fight this other side of his. If he couldn't, it was simple: Cicero would have to die. Rufus was already bracing himself, turning to the side as if to kick the boy. He paused, glancing at Tabitha with a quiet apology--he wanted to appear somewhat decent--before slamming his foot so hard into the boy's stomach that he probably flew back a few feet to hit the alleyway wall.

"Does Mr. Gray want to try again?" Rufus had bent and picked up a shard of glass, holding it up so Cicero's other self could clearly see it. The message was clear; Rufus wouldn't hesitate to kill if he had to.
Tabitha drew in her breath as a strange man approached the group. He didn't say anything, and Tabitha didn't protest when he tilted her head back. Sure, her eyes said "What the fuck?!" but she didn't actually make a move to stop him. She still felt ashamed of her ears and didn't like having this stranger examine them so casually, but when he backed up and gave her a scrap of his shirt, she modestly accepted. There wasn't much else to do, not when somebody randomly walks up to you and grabs your face! Tabby was just thankful he seemed peaceful, instead of one of those crazy shoppers or security guards. What caused them to get so agitated anyway? They obviously didn't like Cicero laying down and laughing at nothing, but they weren't nearly as roweled up until... Well, until what was the question. Tabby started looking at the male more closely while he checked Susan for injuries. He seemed like a troublemaker, but then again that could just be from his red hair. Tabitha didn't say a word when the cat-boy taunted her, and she didn't say a word when the stranger knocked him over. That was what Cicero was now: the cat-boy. It wasn't because she didn't love Cicero, but she refused to believe that was Cicero, not the real one anyway. She wasn't sure how she could prove such a wild claim, but with each fit of laughter Tabitha grew more certain. She finally broke down when he started yelling "I won!" at the top of his lungs, but before she could do anything the stranger was there, kicking Cicero with the intent of... of... Tabby had no clue what he was trying to do, but seeing Cicero being thrown like that caused a certain protective, almost motherly instinct to awake inside her, and without hesitating she stoof up and ran over to where Cicero was lying, blocking the path between the stranger and the psycho who Tabitha still wanted to identify as her boyfriend. "Cicero, Cicero, are you okay?" Her eyes were welling up with tears but only a few out of so many actually fell down her face. She turned toward the stranger, who looked prepared to murder. Was he going after just Cicero, or both of them now? In her emotional state it was hard to tell who was her enemy and who was her friend now. "Cicero, if you come back you don't have to be hurt again- please!" Tabitha was now begging him, touching the side of his face in hopes of somehow reawakening the side of him that didn't seem so frighteningly odd. It was the side of him that didn't joke at her pain, but would comfort her. Maybe if it was anyone but him going psycho right now, he'd stand over them and make sure they were okay. There was no doubt in the girl's mind that if she was the one who was completely insane right now, he'd be showing the same amount of loyalty that she was showing him at this moment. She looked back toward the stranger, one more time, hoping he wouldn't kill Cicero. She didn't know what she'd do if the cat-boy she claimed as her boyfriend wouldn't wake up. There was no telling, but if she was in the mind to bet right now she'd guess that she'd lose her mind too. "Cicero, please wake up before this man kills you!" she thought, and with that endearing but tragic idea in her head the girl buried her face into the psycho's shirt, ready for whatever happened next.

Cicero busted out laughing as he held his stomach "Little boy wants to fight HILARIOUS." The boy exclaimed in delight ignoring the girl talking to him he got up slouched over drawing two knives from his pockets smiling like a psychopath "Cicero is here." He stated with a twisted grin the Cicero she wanted was still inside his brain trying to get out he heard Tab's pleaded but he didn't know how to help he was already in despair of losing himself just because someone got tazed. Cicero was at a lost here he didn't know how to stop the insane him for hurting his physical body anymore sure this wasn't the first time and far from the last time but when it happened before he was never been trapped in this state of despair before well not that he would show anyone if he was anyways he rather but on a fake smile and help them instead of having them help him while thinking this the insane Cicero charged at the red hair man jumping off the walls cutting his leg and attempting to cut the back of his neck
Violet Teleported to a spot near the mall. Almost in the middle of a fight. She saw what was happening and approached a girl, placing a hand on her instantly began calming her, If only a little. She glanced at the fight. She crouched to where the girl was Laying. "can you explained what happened?" Vi asked the girl. "Would you like to leave?" Vi looked concerned. @iiimee
Orious got out following behind Matt and drew a breath pulling a pack of cigarettes from his coat taking one out lighting it before inhaling and blowing a puff of smoke. Orious leaned against the wall quietly as he drew in another breath and blowing, he found the stuff calming just like he did rain and flowers. Orious Sat down on the sidewalk and looked up at the sky. He wished it would rain.
Cicero said:
Cicero busted out laughing as he held his stomach "Little boy wants to fight HILARIOUS." The boy exclaimed in delight ignoring the girl talking to him he got up slouched over drawing two knives from his pockets smiling like a psychopath "Cicero is here." He stated with a twisted grin the Cicero she wanted was still inside his brain trying to get out he heard Tab's pleaded but he didn't know how to help he was already in despair of losing himself just because someone got tazed. Cicero was at a lost here he didn't know how to stop the insane him for hurting his physical body anymore sure this wasn't the first time and far from the last time but when it happened before he was never been trapped in this state of despair before well not that he would show anyone if he was anyways he rather but on a fake smile and help them instead of having them help him while thinking this the insane Cicero charged at the red hair man jumping off the walls cutting his leg and attempting to cut the back of his neck
Before Cicero even got near Rufus, the redhead was already floating casually out of reach, although the lack of grinning or smiling told a different story.

"Pathetic," Rufus snarled, landing lightly on the ground. He didn't move to attack just then, only flung the shard of glass away and watched Cicero carefully. Now that he'd risen to his full posture, it was shown that he was taller than probably most of the member in their group, and he looked a lot more threatening as well. He jumped, boosting himself by lowering his gravity for a moment so he could land on top of the roof, grabbing the double-bladed sword he'd left there as a precaution. Looking down at Cicero, Rufus crouched on the edge of the building, sifting through possible attacks in his head before settling on one that could be pretty effective on an enemy whether they were on the ground or in the air.

Jumping off of the building after judging the distance he'd have to go, Rufus angled himself so his back was to the ground. Before he completely lost touch with the concrete, he shifted his feet just slightly to add a horizontal spin to his fall. This helped him to build up momentum, and hopefully he would land blade-first on the crazed Cicero. If he did, the boy would be wounded enough so Rufus could give him another chance. If Rufus missed, he'd simply recover and keep going. Cicero himself had two choices as well: Snap out of it or die.
LilyannaGaming said:
Violet Teleported to a spot near the mall. Almost in the middle of a fight. She saw what was happening and approached a girl, placing a hand on her instantly began calming her, If only a little. She glanced at the fight. She crouched to where the girl was Laying. "can you explained what happened?" Vi asked the girl. "Would you like to leave?" Vi looked concerned. @iiimee
Tabitha was shaking, crouched down on the ground with her knees drawn up beside her when the girl approached. Tabby didn't know who she was, but she was too much of an emotional wreck to care. Cicero had pushed her away like she was a complete stranger! "I- I'm sorry, I'll be fine." Tabitha told her, sniffling shortly after, then coughing in between sobs, which she tried to keep as quiet as possible. Without warning she reached to put her arms around the unknown girl, crying into her shirt without thinking of what this stranger might think. She mostly muffled her cries by doing this, but it must have felt awkward for Violet, having Tabitha's face on her chest. The innocent girl didn't mean anything by it of course; If she did, she wouldn't be crying over Cicero, but awkward was still awkward, no matter how you looked at it!

The boy let out a small snicker as he seen the boy start to fly "Aww why did you have to move." The boy complained with a sad face before it returned to its same demented smiling one staring at the boy with his dulled eyes he started at him watching him and waiting still smiling and and snickering in complete delight watching the boy fall "Are you done with the fight so you want to ki..." He didn't get a chance to finish as he had to jump out of the way still cutting a bit of his chest he looked down to see blood nothing serious but it was there none the least the boy shook is head "Could you shut up?" He asked the voice or the normal Cicero in his head "Fuck you.....let me out now." Cicero's voice slipped out earning him control of his body he took the time to stab himself in the stomach hoping that would help the only thing it did was make him cough up blood "If I die from this that mean you won't exist anymore." He reminded the insane side of him 'NO NO NO NO YOU WOULDN'T DARE YOU WOULD KILL YOURSELF JUST TO GET RID OF ME HA you fool if you pass out...on second thought i'll keep it a secret.' The voice said in Cicero's thoughts his laughter fading away Cicero just smirking he heaved himself up to look at tab holding his stomach where he stabbed himself "I'm back what I miss?" He asked trying to lighten the mood even though that is most likely far from possible he turned his gaze to the man he was fighting and smiled and nodded hoping he got the message before trying to lift himself slowly wiping away the blood from his lips still smirking a little @Trombone Geek

(Sorry I was gone)

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