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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Derrick, with his excessively good natural hearing, turned a glare over the girl who Matthew offered to join, and growled. "This might be street rules but no cheating!" Vladimor hadn't heard the girl, but agreed with fair play. The servant checks his watch, pulling a face. "We will be off schedule if we don't hurry this along." He huffs. Vladimor laughs. "I wanted to pump iron more than I wanted to shoot a ball, t-b-h." One of the men from the opposing team laugh at that, mentioning that he probably could only bench the bar alone, but the lord popped back a snarky remark along the lines of "Ask your girlfriend how much I bench, especially the number last night." What a child he was. Derrick just stood there impatiently. He was a good player and he was itching to have this team beat into the ground.

For the rest of the ride, she thought nothing but "Leave him." And she remained withdrawn, even from her brother. She got out before her brother, startled when he fell, but Rei smiles when Rin gets up on his own, and she keeps her hand in Rin's back pocket to stay close. "I don't like the way he looks at you, the way he thinks of you. Besides being jealous, I just don't like him..." She whines to her brother in her head, following her every step.​
orious blew out a puff of smoke dropping the cigarette, standing and stepped on it before stretching pulling his phone from his pocket as he started walking around the corner dialing the code number. it rang and picked up as a voice started yelling in his ear at him as to why he didn't report in soon and ori sighed. "sheesh, cool it! i ran into some how you say difficulties, mr.ether....anyways. the situation is a code lavender...from the looks of it. ah, yes. yes. okay understood. bye..." he hung up the phone and shoved it back it his pocket before placing a device on the wall and came back around the corner frowning. he wasn't going to mention names or location, it was easier if izabell did not to mention he don't know what he'd do if they took derrick. even if derrick has zero chance of loving him or even caring for that matter let alone would fake around him he still loved him and would protect him at any costs. this made orious edgy about things, he was already breaking the rules given to him.

Tabitha barely moved a muscle until Cicero laid her down into the bed they had shared only a day, or maybe two ago; the girl was barely conscious, so obviously she wasn't in her right mind to remember something like time. "Cici-ro..." she mumbled in her sleep. She turned her body in the boy's direction, a weak hand delicately stretched out toward him and off the bed, but not actually trying to grab unto anything. Tabitha really was sick this time! Of course it couldn't spread because it wasn't a virus, but the crowd of people yelling had really taken a toll on her, not to mention the emotional damage she suffered at Cicero's expense. Still, the slow, fevered sighs that escaped her lips seemed to say what she physically couldn't right now: There was no need for him to ask for forgiveness or be worried. She was just glad that he was okay.

Rin didn't say anything to either of them when he walked through the door. His sister could read his thoughts anyway, but the fact they weren't specifically directed at her meant something was off. Nearly every thought Rin had these days was something he meant to say to Rei, so what did it mean now that they weren't? Rei could probably only guess that since there was no specific thought of Rin's that could give her that answer, but just by looking at the way he clenched his jaw it was clear Rin was stressed, and possibly angry. "Give him a chance." Rin finally directed that one thought at her, before speaking aloud. "I am going to find out where we can sleep. From the looks of it-" Rin's demeanor changed once more when that metal beast from earlier tore down the door, setting off alarms and causing more attention to himself like usual. Rin leaped into action immediately, pushing Rei behind him and looking like he was prepared to fight the iron giant. "You live here too?!" Rin asked. His voice was somehow still neutral, despite how much he raised his volume. His face didn't change at all, but within his mind he was informing the others of his plan to change to his... "other" form if Leo picked a fight. Rin wasn't that strong normally, but his male form was much more powerful and could probably rip a few chunks out of Leo if he tried. Rin really would've been more cool-headed about an intruder, if he wasn't already running a fever and on guard because of the ruckus the monster just caused. The sound of a window breaking could be heard from upstairs, but he didn't dare look to see what it was. He just grabbed Rei again and pretty much pushed her in Mew's direction, making sure the two of them were as safe as possible. He wished he could've been more calm about this scenario, but it was impossible to be calm about anything involving Rei.​
Cicero's ear perked a little while hearing Tab say something along the line of his name he looked behind him and sighed in relief knowing she was still sick but ok enough to actually stick her hand out he chuckled and leaned down picking up her hand kissing it before putting it back in the bed "Hi beautiful." Cicero greeted the girl crouching down where he was at eye level with Tab "I know you feel like shit but do you wanna try drinking something?" He asked the girl with a worried express mixed in with a small smile
Leo's arm shifted from a large Barrett .50 cal to a dual set of simple submachine guns used in personal defence classes. He looked over to the group, the twins and that robot fuck. "You guys again. I'm going upstairs, if you take one step, you'll get a bullet in the head, and a spike in the foot." Just as he was saying that, the floor around Leo was coated in his essence, and spikes of varying sizes and intensity rose out of it. "Don't even try it. Fuckers." He glided over the floor, feet unmoving as he simple drifted through the newly coated floor to the stairs, keeping his new guns trained on the twins and that tinhead. He walked backwards up the stairs, shifting back into a monster slowly, with each step. By the time he entered the second floor, he ran over to where the most noise was coming out of, which happened to be moaning. Looking inside, he found a bunch of chained victims. They recoiled in fear. He raised he guns, and they screamed, more of muffled against their gags. He closed the door and walked to the second loudest room, running. He felt his footsteps get heavier, as that was the case when there was more surface area per step. He opened the door with a firm kick, and found Rufus and girl.

@mewbot5408 @iiimee @Trombone Geek
iiimee said:
Ooc: Umm... there are no "chained victims" in Vlad's house. If you're suggesting he's seeing things that are not there, you might want to make that more specific. Also, Cicero, Violet, Tabitha, I think Susan, and Shuzo are also in the house right?
Yea xD I actually complete forgot about SuSu...oh well
iiimee said:
Ooc: Umm... there are no "chained victims" in Vlad's house. If you're suggesting he's seeing things that are not there, you might want to make that more specific. Also, Cicero, Violet, Tabitha, I think Susan, and Shuzo are also in the house right?
(Just a gag room. For joksies.)
Mew sighed with a annoyed look."you really need to learn some manners..how dare you threaten us when we didn't do a thing...you won't touch them.you can try hurting me but don't dare bring the twins into this." he said softly and tilted his head,red eyes glowing and he smiled widely licking his lips. Mew was extremely angry with leo and quickly scooted the twins to safety before turning around and unsheathed his blade like claws with a flick of the wrist and charged. A split second mew sliced the guns apart with a few quick slashes before jumping onto him and pinned leo down holding claws to his throat. "Now then, I don't want any trouble. I'm not here to hurt you or try anything but I need you to do the same okay? Consider me and the twins your friends, I won't hurt you and you don't hurt us,deal? "he asked him with a serious gaze but kept his claws near Leo's throat until he agreed.
Vi said nothing, but looked at how Tabby and Cicero interacted before turning away and going out in the hallway. She focused her teleportation powers hoping to get an image without entering, Failed. She sat on the floor and closed her eyes. She began murmuring to her self in a different language. @Cicero @iiimee

Silver just sighed. "Sure i will play." She said to Matt before walking over to the team, shoving the ball in Vlad's direction. ""Don't piss me off." She mumbled to her self. SHe let her eyes go normal. She glared at each of her team mates trying to sense their intentions. She gave up and waited for the game to start. @King Anthony @iiimee
mewbot5408 said:
Mew sighed with a annoyed look."you really need to learn some manners..how dare you threaten us when we didn't do a thing...you won't touch them.you can try hurting me but don't dare bring the twins into this." he said softly and tilted his head,red eyes glowing and he smiled widely licking his lips. Mew was extremely angry with leo and quickly scooted the twins to safety before turning around and unsheathed his blade like claws with a flick of the wrist and charged. A split second mew sliced the guns apart with a few quick slashes before jumping onto him and pinned leo down holding claws to his throat. "Now then, I don't want any trouble. I'm not here to hurt you or try anything but I need you to do the same okay? Consider me and the twins your friends, I won't hurt you and you don't hurt us,deal? "he asked him with a serious gaze but kept his claws near Leo's throat until he agreed.
(I was a bit up the stairs, and the floor was covered in spikes so you couldn't move, but you can overpower me because that's okay. NOTE: SARCASM)

Bic: " You don't seem to have much of a memory do you? Your IQ must be room temperature as well to think, even at most say, that we're friends. We"re not, and we will never be." And at that, blades appear out of Leo's shoulders and sliced off Mew's forearms in an instant, (split second :3) sinking into the caltrop lined floor to disappear up the stairs. He ran, footsteps heavier than before as he became the monster he knew himself to be. He formed a wall made of mass at the entrance to the hallway, blocking entry to his pursuers. He bashed the nearest door open and saw the glass shards on the ground.

@Trombone Geek @iiimee @mewbot5408
MermaidShireen said:
OOC: Hello, new here. What exactly is around the house and who is ready to get scared by a panicked Tiger?
Ooc: Broken windows and Vegas lights. Are you ready for a metal monster however?
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]Ooc: Broken windows and Vegas lights. Are you ready for a metal monster however?

OOC: What the hell? Cool! is the house close to other houses? Also, How does no one notice a much of weirdos and A GIANT METAL MONSTER????
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MermaidShireen said:
OOC: What the hell? Cool! is the house close to other houses? Also, How does no one notice a much of weirdos and A GIANT METAL MONSTER????
Ooc: Who knows? Its sorta on a hill I suppose.
When Leo entered the house, causing a scene as usual, Rufus was quite aware. When the cat-bot attacked Leo--as judged by his angry voice and obvious sounds of movement--Rufus also knew. The pissy cat-bot was a tad more than extremely stupid and was likely to get his little kitten ass shredded into little kitty-bits, which wouldn't be good for anyone. The commotion only escalated, and Rufus was about to walk into the hallway to observe when Leo burst through--causing a scene as usual--and Rufus had to float into the air and almost against the ceiling to avoid being crushed.

"I see you're being dangerous," he remarked, drifting just behind Leo to see.. Well. Looks like cat-bot was't litty kitty-bits, but he looked like he was having quite the party.

"I'd join your wonderful party little, sliced off arms my wanted I if. Oops. Anyways, you look like you're having fun, so I'll leave you to it. Shame nobody warned you about the big, bad, metal thing that'd invade and kill us all," Rufus said, pouring quite the amount of sarcasm into the last sentence. Turning around, he looked into the room he came from.

"Anyone able to stitch up a stupid idjiit who got himself spiked at? And no, darlings, we're not playing volleyball. Although, it'd be painful for 'im either way." Rufus gestured out into the hallway.

((I'M GOING TO (try to) BE THE MEDIATOR HERE. Option 1: We delete the scene involving Mew attacking Leo. Option 2: Mew gains a few minor wounds from getting through Leo's spikes, and then instead of completely losing his arms Mew just gets impaled through, say, both shoulders. If you guys have something better, let me know, unless you'd rather leave it be. @Surprise Meteors @mewbot5408 ))
mewbot5408 said:
(Ooc: Well why are they in the house to begin with!!?? Also you are not cutting off his arms!)
Ooc: You're not gonna force some large metal thingy into submission as well. I'd say that I've definately damaged a few servos of yours, but nothing more if we are to compromise.
OOC: Ok, Thanks!

Margo ran, and ran, and kept running. Panic forcing her to shift, then she kept running. "How did they find me? Was it even them? Just keep running!" she thought to herself. "A house! house means people! House means clothes!" (still only thinking beings that she can't form words with a tiger's mouth) Smashing through the door and running straight into a hellabalue and a metal monster. Snarling in surprise, she skids to a halt and just freezes. "Holy hell! What is that? What on earth?" All everyone else heard was a bunch of yowling.
Standing alone in the middle of several male bodies shard stood with a cold gaze as her arm a currently crystal blade was drenched in dark red blood. She raised the blade smirked licking it and flicked out her arm the crystal shattering onto the ground and disintegrating to dust. "Foolish humans.." She muttered and turned running jumping up into a tree climbing up as she heard screaming. She jumped from the branch up through the window of a abandoned factory.
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]Ooc: You're not gonna force some large metal thingy into submission as well. I'd say that I've definately damaged a few servos of yours, but nothing more if we are to compromise.

Well then please run off like a crazy man and go play with shard. I'm fine with some damage to Mew but refrain from that. He wasn't going to kill him fyi just was trying to keep the twins safe.)
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Leo looked directly at the animal dead in the eyes. "Ruff." He had no idea what a huge tiger was doing I'm their room, but he decided to fuck off for now. "I'm going to murderfuck a shit ton of people outside, if you want to join then follow me!" He jumped out the window, feet first. He fell with a small plop, and ran off into the industrial district. Cars swerved to avoid him, and people pointed and stared at him as he walked by. He sensed blood in the air, as people flocked away from a particular building, he decided that he should break down the front door, and so he did. He immediately spotted a tall woman, and might I add emphasis to woman. They both stood at equal height, and he felt a air of rage around her. He looked around, bodied strewn about, blood splattered on the walls. "Wow. You're hot." He looked at the bodies. "Wanna go on a killing spree?"

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