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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Cicero said:
"I love you too." Cicero said while his smile grew with Tab kissing his cheeks and still laying on the bed hearing Tab's demand "Sure what do you wanna do sweety?" He asked her sitting up on the bed looking at her with worried eyes but kept it at that. To no surprise Cicero was against Tab getting out of bed but why would he go and ruin it for her. He got up and grabbed Tab's hands pretending to dance hoping to make her smile and forget her fever all together and eventually spun her around his arm leading her into a hug resting his head on her shoulder's smiling up at her innocently before it turned into a smirk before mouthing the words love you to the girl kissing her neck and collarbone.
LilyannaGaming said:
"they look good." She said grabbing a violet tee with black designs overlapping each other. She held it up for Susan. "What of this?" Vi asked Smiling. @Cicero
Silver caught the ball with ease. She nodded toward Matt. Then was back in motion Spinning backwards she made her way to the goal. SHe had been focused on defense, before the unexpected switch. She made her way through the court and after having to doge two of the other teams players she made it to the basket. She was at the goal. She wanted to show off by doing a flip, but just shot instead the ball went in with no fight. She smirked. She turned toward matt. Her eyes flickered red then back to normal. She was pissed a little about being called girl instead of her name, but oh well. She will live with it. @King Anthony @iiimee

"Mmm, I'm not sure yet. Is there anyplace you'd like to go?" Tabitha asked him after he spun her around and brought her close to him. The feeling of his lips against her bare neck was... distracting, to say the least, but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing that. She pulled away slightly so they were looking at each other's faces again. "We haven't really had the chance to explore this city, have we? It seems we keep getting a little sidetracked." Tabitha pouted slightly, just to make herself look cuter. She also put a hand on his chest, which she knew was a little mean. Why tease him, if she wasn't looking for anything other than this right now? The truth was that Tabitha wasn't looking for anything specific right now, and going out was really just an excuse to hang out with her boyfriend. She didn't care what they did, but as long as they were together she'd be happy.

Matthew froze. "Did her eyes just change colour?" he thought. He blinked, trying to make sure he was seeing things right, but it seemed that second of blinking been enough time for them to return to normal. Matthew turned away from the others and stalked off, rubbing his eyes know and then. He couldn't have seen her currently, right? It took the boy a moment to remember that he had seen her in the hotel before, the one that only experiments were allowed to use. Finally regaining his cool, Matthew walked back, not to the two Europeans, but to the girl. "You were pretty good- from what I saw. I didn't get to see much, thanks to how aggressive those two played." He shot a glance over toward Vladimor and Derrick, before looking at her again. "Oh, I didn't say so earlier, but you have pretty-" Matthew stepped closer so he could touch the side of her face, his thumb at the corner of her- "eyes." He locked his ember brown ones with her's, hoping to get a reaction out of her. There was no telling if he recognized her, but it felt nice to reveal to this arrogant girl that her cover was blown. Matt didn't know why, but he was a more pissed off than usual today, so giving somebody like this a scare would give him absolute pleasure.​
"well she is the one who dragged me out of the lab to free me." Vi said. She grab SuSu and and her own clothes. Went up to the register and payed. She then walked behind a counter only able to be seen by SuSu. Vi teleported the bags to her hideout so they didnt have to carry themm and walked out of the store SuSu. "Now your turn to pick the store." @Cicero

Silver smirked. Her eyes went dead red. "You noticed congrats." she Snarled. Then grabbed his arm twisting it back. "Im going to warn you once. Don't piss me off." She whispered. Not letting go of his arm. "If you try fighting back or hurting me, it will make me stronger. So be the wise man and dont throw a punch." Silver smirked. Then slacked the grip dazed by the ringing of her phone. @iiimee
Cicero looked at Tab smirking "Yea I guess we do get sidetracked...like a lot."He agreed rubbing the back of his head before letting her go completely "Sure lets go explore the city there should be something fun to do." The boy said while grabbing Tab's hand and leading her to the door but stopping before he opened the door looking over his shoulder at the girl "I'm sorry if I sound over protect or anything saying this....but are you sure your okay to go outside?" Cicero asked turning around fully taking the girl's other hand smiling at her knowing he sounded like some over protective father but he was just truly worried about Tab he knew she was strong and she always manages to bounce back...but some part of him worries that one point she isn't going too. The boy shook his head from these thought he looked back up at Tab with worried eyes but a leveled face before sighing knowing the answer would be yes.

SuSu seen Vi teleport away and back as she followed her out of the store she wouldn't stop saying thank you until she was asked to pick the store she looked around "That one!" She exclaimed while pointing to a make up store "Unless of course you don't like that sort of stuff." She added in a hurry not wanting to make her friend go some where she didn't want to go @LilyannaGaming
"I don't mind. Thinl of this as a girls night." Vi said following SuSu into the store. She didnt care much about make up. so she just tagged along.

"Oh and just to inform you the bags are at my hideout so we don't have to carry them and nobody messes with them." Vi sated while smiling at SuSu. @Cicero
Susan claps her hands excited "I never had a girls night." She exclaimed while looking around before looking up at the girl "Okay...that's actually a smart idea I like hanging out with you even if I make a stupid call you can always safe it." SuSu said while she continued to look around
"Lead the way." Vi gestures to the make up racks and shelves. She smiled at a older group of females in the store. Patience. She hated crowds, but she had to admit she was having fun. Smiling happily she followed susu along. @Cicero
"Oh what do you think of this?" She asked while picking up a lipstick container taking the lid off relieve a bright red "I think it would look good on you." SuSu said to the girl with a smile as she put the lipstick in Vi's hand "There is that one....or a blue one." The girl said while handing her the blue one also @LilyannaGaming
Vi flinched. "Sorry, i was thinking about the crowds. I prefer the blue one." Handing the red back. Vi smiled at SuSu. before turning around to see what was setting her off. Almost hitting a sales person. "Sorry," Vi said politly as possible. Then turned back to SuSu embarrassed. @Cicero

Matthew didn't know what happened until his arm was being held against his back. He tried to kick her, but this lady had a surprisingly strong grip! "There's people here!" he hissed, hoping she'd let go of him and calm her devil eyes! He wasn't sexist: He didn't care who treated him like this- he'd be ready to beat anyone's ass if they treated him like this, gender be damned! Still, it was humiliating to be held in a position like this, when Vladimor and Derrick were right here. Eventually her grip slackened, and Matthew didn't hesitate to free himself, kicking the back of one of her legs before stepping to the side, hoping not to be toppled over on when she fell to the ground.

"I'll be fine. Really, you worry too much." Tabitha shrugged off his concern by taking his hand. She stepped outside first, looking completely carefree and already feeling better when the unnaturally cold wind blew around them. "I'm fine, see? There's nothing you need to worry about." She said this, but she knew he did have a good reason for being so concerned over her. This was at least the third time she had fallen ill due to her overly sensitive hearing, and by far it was the worst. No matter what precautions the girl took, it seemed impossible to prevent the massive injury that came with something Science deemed a "miracle". She had read the newspaper article, describing everything except the procedure itself. She knew the name of the doctor who gave her this curse, and his son, who also became one of the facility workers. She saw all this, but even with these horrible memories running through her head she remained an optimist. She was going to be cured: If she didn't think this, there was no way she could live day to day without completely breaking down.

Ooc: There is no excuse for this site not having a comic sans font available. Also, do you guys want to wait a bit for the others or continue on a bit before shopping, 'cause only us three seem to be on.​
Silver rolled with a series of flips landing on her feet. Her eyes darkened. "I warned ypu" she said harshly slowly losing control. of her power.

damit. she walked over to Matt swiping his legs from under neath him and as he went down she took her elbow and aimed for the shoulder. HEr eyes where at this point sinister. She turned around on her heels and breathed in small breathes.

Ooc: We can wait i'm fine with it

Bic: SuSu laughed "You really do notice everything don't you I compete forgot there where other people here." She stated while putting the red one back smiling and giggling at Vi "I got all I came for and I want to pay for that if its okay with you." The girl said pulling enough to pay for the lipstick "Think of it as a thank you present."She said to the girl while taking the lipstick out @LilyannaGaming

Cicero walked outside after the girl letting out a small chuckle "Okay your right i'm sorry...I just did want to see you hurt again." He said a bit sad before smiling brushing it off "So what does this beautiful person in front of me want to do?" The boy asked while touching her forehead with his smiling at her kissing the tip of her nose before randomly spinning around out of pure boredom of just standing still and having nothing to do
Vi was about to reject, but nodded instead. "Give me the bag when your done." Vi said walking out to the register. She smiled as SuSu followed the suit. SHe checked her phone then held it where susu could see and shut it off. @Cicero

00C : Thats fine. with me @iiimee but do you want to resolve the fight first.?
"Yes ma'am." SuSu said while walking up to the counter after getting the bag she gave it to Vi like instructed to do so only to clap in joy when seeing Vi shut her phone off "now we don't have any more distractions." The girl exclaimed not paying attention to anyone around her @LilyannaGaming

Matthew smirked, easily dodging her attack on his shoulder be sliding out of the way, getting up in what any human would realistically call an instant. "This is fun ma'am, but are you out of breath?" Matthew taunted. He flashed one of his demented smiles, and waited for her response, which would probably just be more fighting. He wouldn't tell her this, but she was a damn good opponent, and a difficult one to match at that.

Ooc: Eh, you can reply to what I just posted if you want, but I'm not posting again 'til later, when somebody else is hopefully on- I want to get at least half of this campaign done, though I probably will pass out before I meet that goal! xD Writing's a bitch... And yes, I didn't write Tabby's post yet 'cause I'm lazy! xD​
Silver growled in frustration. "If you Dont mind i trying to calm down." Her eyes where glowing a little. She turned around releasing a fast flurry of punches then kicking off his chest flipping in the air. When she landed her foot nudge her bag. Her Obsidian bracelet poked out into view, but she didnt pay intention to it.

ooc: end it now or keep fighting. @Cicero
"But I already picked....but okay." SuSu said confused while looking around for any interesting shops that seems like they would both enjoy "I can't find one." She sadly admitted while sliding down on the wall ashamed of herself putting her over sized hood over her head hiding her face


Ooc:I'm done Rping for tonight but i'll still be on my brain is just fried more then usual



Ah, he sighed as he finally walked out of the prison they had placed him in years ago. Light didn't know what year it was, or how old he was. All he knew was that there were some runaways and that his job was to bring them back. He dawdled outside, playing with his favorite knife. Lucky they gave it back to me, he thought to himself and he opened the folder the assignment was located in. He stared at the papers, only to see such a large list. "Wow these many runaways. Guess the org. aren't doing there job that well." Light laughed as he strolled in the forest. A walk would never hurt anyone, he thought.

After about 5 minutes of breathing the fresh air and walking, he decided that it was time to get down to business. He changed his so called prison outfit, and wore his normal suit and tie. After all, being classy was one of the most important things in life. Light bent his knees, and placed his body in an Olympic running starting position. And in a second all that was heard was a large, BOOM! He dashed, he was really fast. As fast as one of the fastest cars on earth. That's the highest the scientists could currently achieve without exploding his legs. As he swiftly ran, Light smiled trying to figure out where the runaways might have been.



- Hey everyone! I'm the new antagonist, so good luck.

- Where were you guys last seen by the org?
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OOC: they last had a hint about me being in Reno, all they know is something about a Tiger running through the city and a dead man in an alleyway. Also, welcome to the RP!

Ooc: There definitely should be tons of havoc and death record spikes in Vegas, so you should just watch for that sorta thing. Welcome to the rp YOU FUCKING KILLJOY

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Light finally reached Reno. That is where the last incident regarding the experiments occurred. All that the org. knows is that there was a tiger running around the city, nothing too special. But then again, the org. knows how to cover it's footsteps. He walked around Reno, looking for anything suspicious. He couldn't find anything... Yet, he did have one trick up his sleeves. His eyes grew black, while his irises stayed the same color. His vision grew red as he looked around the area. He quickly spotted tiger footprints, due to his vision. "This'll be easy." Light said as he slowly followed the footsteps.



- Thanks for the warm welcome.

@MermaidShireen Want my character to find yours?
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]Leo was already panting as he chased her back to the house. He completely cleared the window, following her only a quarter of a mile behind. The power of the boner was the only thing keeping him on task. For now however, he had to greet Rufus again. " Hey Rufus buddy old pal! How has your hour without me been eh? Great great, yeah." He looked around, noticing the tiger was replaced by a naked woman, and that Shard was still not giving two shits. Typical day for Leo Valkas. He stepped next to Shard in one liqiuod movement, and gestured his hands as if he was the host of a game show. "This is my new lady friend, Shard I think! He took an admiration to he handiwork on the quick dress he put on her. He turned his attention back to Rufus. "Why is there a naked person in here? Secondly, what size is she, I can clothe people!e pretty easily."

[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Rufus turned as Leo burst in, greeting him with a grin. "Hello, Mister Metal Man!" When Leo mentioned Shard, Rufus nodded, realizing the name fit the woman. As for the naked person.. "I honestly didn't pay too much attention. Um.. I think she's some sort of shifter? And I'm not a tailor, I don't know what lid fits the bowl. Wait.." Rufus trailed off as he tried to find a different analogy for not knowing the size of someone's clothes, until he came to a different realization. He looked up at Leo with mock accusation. "You can replace people's clothes, but not my wonderful purple shirts?" he asked, crossing his arms. "Not fair, Metal Man." His grin grew wider as he jumped back to a different part of the conversation; his eyes flicked between Shard and Leo.
"You've got a lady friend, eh? Here I was thinkin' you'd be lonely forever. Of course, there's never a race without competition."

Unless that race is against yourself, his mind responded, until Rufus found the error there, too. Competing against yourself still meant competition. Oops.

Shard glared at leo in annoyance at him and crossed her arms under her chest."never did I say I was your woman, all I said was you'd have to try a lot harder than your poor attempts of flirting....I'm nobody's woman,there's not a man in existence who lived to say otherwise. " She answered bluntly and smirked before looking back at the other male then to leo and sighed. "Hmm..it's nice but I don't like tight dresses,they're so prohibitive...why couldn't you had left me in what I was wearing??"she complained and tugged at her cleavage with a annoyed expression. She hated tight clothing, it was so hard to move it let alone fight without ripping it. hating it so much she'd even prefer running around half naked if she had to, anything was better than this especially considering the simple fact her boobs were Practically nearly a double d. it was just absoulutly annoying to wear such things.shard then smirked bending over and held up a finger to hush leo with a giggle."hmm...I won't stop you from trying," she started then moved around them and placed arms on rufus' shoulders leaning her head inbetween them. "But there's a reason you don't play with knives......"she whispered before moving and her mouth drew close to his ear with a smile. "You can get cut..." she finished before moving and turning to go find that livingroom they spoke of. "Hmm...now what are your names? I'd rather adress you by somthing than adress you by nothing,humans."
mewbot5408 said:
Shard glared at leo in annoyance at him and crossed her arms under her chest."never did I say I was your woman, all I said was you'd have to try a lot harder than your poor attempts of flirting....I'm nobody's woman,there's not a man in existence who lived to say otherwise. " She answered bluntly and smirked before looking back at the other male then to leo and sighed. "Hmm..it's nice but I don't like tight dresses,they're so prohibitive...why couldn't you had left me in what I was wearing??"she complained and tugged at her cleavage with a annoyed expression. She hated tight clothing, it was so hard to move it let alone fight without ripping it. hating it so much she'd even prefer running around half naked if she had to, anything was better than this especially considering the simple fact her boobs were Practically nearly a double d. it was just absoulutly annoying to wear such things.shard then smirked bending over and held up a finger to hush leo with a giggle."hmm...I won't stop you from trying," she started then moved around them and placed arms on rufus' shoulders leaning her head inbetween them. "But there's a reason you don't play with knives......"she whispered before moving and her mouth drew close to his ear with a smile. "You can get cut..." she finished before moving and turning to go find that livingroom they spoke of. "Hmm...now what are your names? I'd rather adress you by somthing than adress you by nothing,humans."
Rufus found quite a bit of amusement in Shard's complaints. When the woman went on to teasing, though, Rufus could only cross his arms and watch with a smirk.. until she targeted him. He rose an eyebrow, watching her and chuckling when she moved away.

"Keep in mind that not every man can boast self control, my dear blade," he stated. She turned to look for the living room, and Rufus followed.

"My name is Rufus," the experiment answered, telling his actual name for once.

Eventually they found the living room, where Rufus picked a comfortable looking chair and sat. The house really was quite nice, and if everything wasn't so hilarious he'd actually feel sorry for the noble who owned it.
iiimee said:

Rin didn't say anything in response to the harsh tale the tiger-woman told. Rei ran from the room and Rin wanted to follow, but he resisted the temptation. He knew exactly what she was thinking after all, and he had Mew to take care of. Still, while he stepped in the help, using his small body as a support for the side of the cyborg that wasn't being supported by the blanketed woman, he sent a small message out to his sister. "Be safe. Your emotions aren't sealed like mine- You need to keep them under control to survive." Rin didn't say another word on the way to the nearest vacant bedroom, but as he walked he became aware of a very uncomfortable fact: his hips, though small, were wide enough to sway a little, so with every step Rin took his leg brushed up against the cyborg's. Rin looked over at the woman- the real woman; the one who identified as one, and quite obviously had a lot more curve than Rin. Did she feel a little uneasy, or was that just Rin? Most likely, it was just him. "Here, lay down." Rin instructed, helping Mew set down on the bed with the girl's help. He tried to be as gentle as possible, but it wasn't easy being the support for somebody as heavy as Mew, and without meaning to Rin collapsed next to him on the bed.

Tabitha was right; Listening to Cicero did help eliminate her worries, and when Cicero leaned in to kiss her, she can't help kiss back. The small gesture only lasted a moment, but for Tabitha it was all the time she needed to know that this boy was the one for her. "I love you." she told him. She should've just left it at that, but finding herself unable to resist, she leans in one final time for a peck on the cheek before pulling away and sitting up. "Anyway, we should go do something." she determines, and before a word could possibly escape his lips she gets up and checks her forehead for a fever. She was still a little warm, but she felt a lot better than she did ten minutes ago.

Matthew had meant to give the game his all, but after seeing how competitively Vladimor and Derrick were playing he decided the best he could do was play defense. After five scores belonged to them he was certain he was going to be on the defensive all day- until Vlad tossed the ball to him. "O- Okay!" Matt yells nervously. He wasn't actually afraid, just caught off guard by the sudden change in positions. Three of the men instantly went after him, and it took what little self-awareness Matthew had to dodge them. Some were so close to getting fouls but just barely managed to keep themselves restrained. Matthew appreciated this, because he doubted those would even count in a game like this, where there was no referee or way of judging what was and wasn't, other than memory. If given the chance, these guys would lie like hell just to score a point or two, and it's not like Matt could blame them. If he thought he could get away with it, he definitely would. Whatever. He swerved past everyone and made his way to the basket. At first he wasn't sure he was going to make it, but when he saw that basketball make it's way down from the basket he knew he'd accomplished something. "Hey, girl!" Matthew forgot her name but considering she was the only female here, the boy figured she'd get it. He threw the basketball to her, hoping she'd catch it instead of the other basketball players, whose heads it flew over.​
Mew was blushing the whole time, face a light red as he had laid down on bed with a flop. His tail swishing behind him quickly showing he was both frustrated and nervous. Mew stared at him his red eyes a softer shade of red almost a pinky color as he touched rin's forehead curiously trying to see if his fever went down from earlier before pulling it away and looked off trying not to come off weird. Mew still was worried about rin but at the same time conflicted with his own pysical pain and emotional not to mention rin had cuased him to have a boner.( which he was sure was unintentional but still he really wished rin would've realized you don't go around grabbing a guy's tail from between his legs no matter how tense he seems....that and never mess with mew's ears...) mew sighed shaking his head. He was going to behave no matter how bad things got and that was that. Mew just wanted to hide. being in this state was highly embarrassing let alone he was sure it'd make rin angry with him. So of course he would'nt tell him and just play it off as if everything was fine. Yeah. Hopefully rin wouldn't read his mind, after all everything was overwhelming and the last thing he wanted was to do anything to upset or burden him.
Cicero said:
"But I already picked....but okay." SuSu said confused while looking around for any interesting shops that seems like they would both enjoy "I can't find one." She sadly admitted while sliding down on the wall ashamed of herself putting her over sized hood over her head hiding her face

Ooc:I'm done Rping for tonight but i'll still be on my brain is just fried more then usual
Vi smiled. yanked the girl up and dragged her into a small brighter clothes store "Come on. Lets not be down. We are here to enjoy ourselves." Vi said happily. "Don't make me turn my phone back on." VI teased the girl. Vi walked over to the shirts and gestured SuSu to come over.
SuSu couldn't help but laugh while following her "Yea your right."The girl exclaimed while returning to her happy self "No no don't please don't."SuSu whined upon hearing Vi's comment skipping over to her "What is it?"She asked curious @LilyannaGaming

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