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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

mewbot5408 said:
Ooc: just post...I tried)
Cicero said:
Susan started to jump up and down with excitement "Oh really like what?" SuSu asked trying to not have anything but a whisper but it failed she was pretty much talking normally with a bit of yelling throw into the mix "Yes please I would love to see you home." The girl said smiling and spinning around aimlessly @LilyannaGaming
"I think knowing you...your so called surprises can never end well."He said before his face gave away a tint of red while she kissed him but not stopping her "Except for that one I like those surprises." The boy stated before looking at her confused "What do you mean revenge?" Nick asked puzzled but soon forgot as he went the direction he was pointed to
"Hmm...you might like it?" Stell said and sighed with a little hum, she tilted her head when the got to the shop. It was a small cute store with various accessories and clothing. Stell guestured for him to put her down and when he did she went inside tugging him in behind her. Stell went over to the counter and whispered somthing and the lady nodded in response going in the back and returning with a box. Stell paid the lady and looked up to nick blushing."um, okay can you get down to my level. I'm afraid I can't put it on you...I'm too short."
"Okay whatever you say." Nick said done fighting trying to figure out whatever it was even though his thoughts were racing...some not so pleasant. Eventually while getting to the store he put down Stell like told and walked in looking around regretting the decision to do so he just tried his best to look at the ground nothing more only looking up seeing Stell get a box from the lady. "Okay your blushing so whatever is in the box is going to be something that you really like." He said before sighing reluctantly going to his knees face to face with the blushing girl his becoming a little red as he waited for whatever was in the box @mewbot5408
At the bar, there was one lone barman and a few hewn pieces of wood. Leo slowly stumbled through, he still had his stash of ice cream. He sullenly sat himself on one of the stools. He asked for something that could drown out his problems. Anything really would do it, but the barman saw the distress the poor boy was in. He grabbed a hard bottle of whiskey, put it on the bar, and left the man to himself. Leo, betrayed by his friend, he felt... Like he was in a rut. It was the first time he felt this, ever. He took sips of the ambrosiac-like liquid. He heard something fitting for the mood. He let it out. All of it. Facedown on the wooden counter, he felt small tears sting his face, leaving temporary scars, only for them to dissapear. He sat like this for what felt like forever. There, he let himself slip away to his old nightmares, and the people he murdered took his consciousness again.



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Shard narrowed her eyes with a low growl crossing her arms."such a stupid male!" She yelled obviously annoyed and punched a chair it shattering upon the slightest touch and the bits crystalized forming a large fushia mass of crystals that spread across the floor and crystalized the whole room. She placed a hand on her forehead taking a deep breath to calm her self before turning to rufus and kneeling over him with a near concerned look in her normal cold stare, she placed her hands on both sides of him. "rufus..are you okay?" She asked simply somewhat attentivly.

@Trombone Geek
Cicero said:
"Okay whatever you say." Nick said done fighting trying to figure out whatever it was even though his thoughts were racing...some not so pleasant. Eventually while getting to the store he put down Stell like told and walked in looking around regretting the decision to do so he just tried his best to look at the ground nothing more only looking up seeing Stell get a box from the lady. "Okay your blushing so whatever is in the box is going to be something that you really like." He said before sighing reluctantly going to his knees face to face with the blushing girl his becoming a little red as he waited for whatever was in the box @mewbot5408
Stell opened the box and pulled out a black collar with a bell and a dog tag on it with the words: property of stell only do not touch! And she put it on nick before taking out a pink collar with a little lace bow and it had a tag on the bow saying: property of nick do not touch! He will hunt you down if you do! And she put it on herself. Stell smiled. "What do you think?" She asked her boyfriend. Stell had wanted to do this for a while now especially now that they had done things already.
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Silver took her bag. She shoved put on her braclet. Her eyes instantly went normal. She stalked off in the direction of Vlad and Derrick. When she got in sight of them, she saw them benching and went to the punching bag. Sliding off her braclet, She placed it in her bag, then checked phone. She ignored Vi's text and shoved her phone to the bottom of her bag. She started with simple punches then worked into more fluid, and complex moves, even kicking sometimes. @Cicero [/color]
@Trombone Geek[/URL] @mewbot5408
mewbot5408 said:
Shard narrowed her eyes with a low growl crossing her arms."such a stupid male!" She yelled obviously annoyed and punched a chair it shattering upon the slightest touch and the bits crystalized forming a large fushia mass of crystals that spread across the floor and crystalized the whole room. She placed a hand on her forehead taking a deep breath to calm her self before turning to rufus and kneeling over him with a near concerned look in her normal cold stare, she placed her hands on both sides of him. "rufus..are you okay?" She asked simply somewhat attentivly.
@Trombone Geek
Rufus blinked as something violent latched itself around his neck and slammed him into a wall, leaving the redhead looking rather confused.

"Huh. Well, this is unfortunate," he remarked, looking up to see a pissed Leo. "I'm.. sorry for attempting thievery of someone that belongs to nobody?" he tried, watching Leo leave through the window and rubbing his neck when Leo released him, sitting against the wall. He looked at Shard, who also looked angry-- Looks like we're all cranky today! Am I the only sane one here? STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT!--and gave a sheepish smile, only to watch as she punched the shit out of a chair, literally. That is, if a chair shits crystals.. Then Rufus found himself distracted with the possibility that maybe there was an alternate world where chairs did, in fact, shit crystals, and instead they sat on and/or destroyed humans.


"Rufus, are you okay?" There was Shard's voice, distracting him from his thoughts. He tilted his head, considering, and nodded.

"I'm more worried about Leo's feelings than the bruise I'm going to have for a few months," he stated, looking up at Shard.

"Can I get up now?" he asked, his grin returning but less cheerful than before, although it was nearly unnoticeable. While Shard might be interesting, it wasn't his place to intrude on Leo's attempts to find someone he could relate to. Maybe he should go apologize.. But, giving Leo some time to cool down would be a better idea, seeing as he'd rather not get spiked violently--not by a volleyball, of course--through the chest. That would hurt.
He put his hand feeling the collar around his neck while looking at hers "There great....but why did you buy them?" Nick asked still confused looking at her confused but somewhat smiling none the less "I guess it is better then what I thought you were going to get." The boy admitted while giving the girl a quick kiss before standing up making the bell jingle and grabbing her hand "Well thank you for the gift." He said smiling moving his head to look at her once again the bell jingled "This bell with get annoying fast....so I guess I gotta get use to it." The cat-boy said to himself @mewbot5408

"I guess it would be better then cleaning the whole place especially if your only going to use three rooms.......I can also see the money this place looks like a house completely." SuSu agreed while she continued to look around. She looked over at Vi only to be greeted by her clothes she bought and a random box she doesn't remember seeing...Vi opened the box allowing Susan to see a beautiful necklace she smiled "When did you get that?" She asked while walking over setting her clothes on the counter while touching the necklace she didn't know the gems that were attached to it but it look cute she looked up at hearing what Vi said giggling "Really...thank you." SuSu said while suddenly hugging Vi "Thank you thank you thank you." She repeated over and over again @LilyannaGaming
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Rufus blinked as something violent latched itself around his neck and slammed him into a wall, leaving the redhead looking rather confused.
"Huh. Well, this is unfortunate," he remarked, looking up to see a pissed Leo. "I'm.. sorry for attempting thievery of someone that belongs to nobody?" he tried, watching Leo leave through the window and rubbing his neck when Leo released him, sitting against the wall. He looked at Shard, who also looked angry-- Looks like we're all cranky today! Am I the only sane one here? STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT!--and gave a sheepish smile, only to watch as she punched the shit out of a chair, literally. That is, if a chair shits crystals.. Then Rufus found himself distracted with the possibility that maybe there was an alternate world where chairs did, in fact, shit crystals, and instead they sat on and/or destroyed humans.


"Rufus, are you okay?" There was Shard's voice, distracting him from his thoughts. He tilted his head, considering, and nodded.

"I'm more worried about Leo's feelings than the bruise I'm going to have for a few months," he stated, looking up at Shard.

"Can I get up now?" he asked, his grin returning but less cheerful than before, although it was nearly unnoticeable. While Shard might be interesting, it wasn't his place to intrude on Leo's attempts to find someone he could relate to. Maybe he should go apologize.. But, giving Leo some time to cool down would be a better idea, seeing as he'd rather not get spiked violently--not by a volleyball, of course--through the chest. That would hurt.

Shard leaned in a her face a inch from his"hmm...I dont know,can you? Or can't you?"she asked staring at him keeping her purple eyes on him,she was challenging him a little Trying to distract him from the inccident with leo. She stared at him for a good moment before moving a giving him a little kiss on the mouth before standing and turning to look to the window placing a hand on the crystalized wall. "......I apologize..."
Vi smiled. "Yours is the blue- Sapphires, My is the purple one- Amethyst. Now may I give you a tour of my empty home?" Vi asked when she suddenlt was wrapped into a hug. Then she remembered what she wanted to do with her power. "Oh....Wait let me try the thing with my power" Vi said as she started placing both necklaces gently on the counter. She walked into the living room and beckoned Susan to follow. She smiled and waited for SuSu to come over she made a clear area. She sat down while she waited. @Cicero
mewbot5408 said:
Shard leaned in a her face a inch from his"hmm...I dont know,can you? Or can't you?"she asked staring at him keeping her purple eyes on him,she was challenging him a little Trying to distract him from the inccident with leo. She stared at him for a good moment before moving a giving him a little kiss on the mouth before standing and turning to look to the window placing a hand on the crystalized wall. "......I apologize..."
Rufus watched, eyes widening when Shard kissed him, but otherwise he said nothing. Standing, the redhead brushed himself off, humming a short note to himself before sighing.

"Don't worry about it," Rufus replied, shrugging. "I'd better go find Mister Metal Man and apologize," he added, fully aware that Leo would probably kill him but not really caring. Rufus knew he had a really high chance of surviving just about anything. Not dying, rather.

Patting Shard's shoulder as a silent message not to worry, Rufus followed Leo's exit path, out of the window. After wandering for a while, following the trail of destruction that was Leo, Rufus found a small bar. Inside, sure enough, was Leo, looking a bit depressed for once in his life.

"I apologize for being a dick," Rufus said as he approached Leo. He was lifting his feet off of the ground, showing just how wary and alert he was, and acknowledging Leo's dangerous ways. "I'm not the best when it comes to resisting certain people," he added, not even grinning and altogether looking serious and sincere. See? RUFUS IS NICE.


"If I stop trying to steal your precious stuff, and you replace my wonderful purple shirt, can we be friends again?"
"Oh yea you promised you would." SuSu reminded her...but mostly herself while following the girl into the living room "Okay so do I have to do anything or are you just testing it?" She asked not really sure if she was suppose to help at any point and didn't want to mess it up anything by interfering she sat down on the floor and awaited any sort of instructions given to help @LilyannaGaming
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Rei already ran off from behind the house, into the neighborhood. About halfway, she took out her phone, calling a taxi. It wasn't long before it showed up, asking for them to take her to the Vegas Strip. She didn't want to be around that noisy house anyway. She paid the lady before leaving, looking around. She realized she hadn't eaten in a little, so she went to a Mcdonalds nearby. Her favorite fast food restaurant. She got a plain burger, nothing but meat and cheese on it; a picky eater she was. She didn't like lettuce, tomatoes or any of the sort. Plain as it got. She sits down in the booth furthest away from anyone, chewing down her burger, forcing fries in between. She was really piggy, and she never got more than a 'squish' on her tum, so she took advantage of it.

Derrick and Vladimor spoke shortly after the game, rubbing in their victory. They laugh and chatter before heading their way to the weight room. On the way, Vladimor sees the two fighting, and he frowns clicking his tongue. "We just won a game together, they should be fighting, not you two." He scolds, Using a shadow to take the girl's bag from Matthew's hand, giving it back to her. "And for being in a public place, you're really doing the most. Look, I love my freedom as much as you do, but don't act out too much or we'll all be seeing cells again." He wasn't dense, he saw the periodic color change of her eyes twice before. Not only that but he saw her at the hotel once, when he was out of his coma. "I'm gonna go lift, go do whatever. We have another 45 or so minutes here on schedule." The lord says nothing else, leaving off with his servant trailing behind him.

"There's a lot of experiments down here...I mean of course, but...there's...so many." Derrick says, wiping sweat off his forehead as he places 2 '25's on both side of the bars. Vladimor shrugs, taking the bench next to him, doing only half the amount of Derrick. "Yeah, it surprises me a little, too. I was in isolation most of the time, so I didn't see a lot of people. I bet this is isn't even half." They both pump their iron, taking breaks between each set to make short-lived conversation before resuming. Over time, they both increase the weight, Vladimor ending up on about 250 while Derrick benched on 315.

after a bit Orious went inside the gym growing bored and went going to change into somthing else he came back in a tanktop and shorts,hair tied up in a messy pontail. His eyes directed to on of the benches and he started lifting, it was too eaisy though. He kept doing so trying to keep himself occupied. Some women stared at orious blushing and commenting on how such a pretty boy was so strong. Ori ignored them muttering in french trying to work up a sweat.
"Well you don't have to do anything. I'm testing if I could use my teleportation to check on someone without actually teleporting myself. So...Like teleporting images." Vi smiled, stood up and closed her eyes. Imaging Silver. Slowly a Violet colored oval appeared. Vi stayed focus intil Silver came into view.Vi watched as silver worked on the punching bag for a moment cutting the connection as she grew dizzy. She turned to SuSu "Well what did you think?" as her view became clear. "Shall we tour the house.?" Vi asked happily. @Cicero
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[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Rufus watched, eyes widening when Shard kissed him, but otherwise he said nothing. Standing, the redhead brushed himself off, humming a short note to himself before sighing.
"Don't worry about it," Rufus replied, shrugging. "I'd better go find Mister Metal Man and apologize," he added, fully aware that Leo would probably kill him but not really caring. Rufus knew he had a really high chance of surviving just about anything. Not dying, rather.

Patting Shard's shoulder as a silent message not to worry, Rufus followed Leo's exit path, out of the window. After wandering for a while, following the trail of destruction that was Leo, Rufus found a small bar. Inside, sure enough, was Leo, looking a bit depressed for once in his life.

"I apologize for being a dick," Rufus said as he approached Leo. He was lifting his feet off of the ground, showing just how wary and alert he was, and acknowledging Leo's dangerous ways. "I'm not the best when it comes to resisting certain people," he added, not even grinning and altogether looking serious and sincere. See? RUFUS IS NICE.


"If I stop trying to steal your precious stuff, and you replace my wonderful purple shirt, can we be friends again?"

Leo didn't make any motion to acknowledge the one talking to him ever existed. In fact, he lifted his head, steam rising frm the puddle that would have been his tears, if it didn't evaporate. A single bear trap rose from the ground to catch Rufus's foot. It pulled him to the ground, eye level with Leo, who still hasn't moved. A small chuckle rose from the mass that was cold with the temperature of the melting ice cream it cradled. "Man. What a beautiful day it is to DIE!" He slammed Rufus against the bar, smashing it to splinters. He put a foot directly on top of the traitor's chest, releasing the bear trap and flexing his hand, blood splattered all over it. "You go tell your bitch that the next time I see you two, will be your last. You've made a powerful enemy." He knew that Rufus wouldn't be able to walk straight for a few days, meaning that he would have a somewhat fair fight next time. He grabbed him by the neck and dropped him outside. "Go. Fly. Before I kill you." Leo turned his back on Rufus to go get rid of some of his fury somewhere more productive. A gym.
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]Leo didn't make any motion to acknowledge the one talking to him ever existed. In fact, he lifted his head, steam rising frm the puddle that would have been his tears, if it didn't evaporate. A single bear trap rose from the ground to catch Rufus's foot. It pulled him to the ground, eye level with Leo, who still hasn't moved. A small chuckle rose from the mass that was cold with the temperature of the melting ice cream it cradled. "Man. What a beautiful day it is to DIE!" He slammed Rufus against the bar, smashing it to splinters. He put a foot directly on top of the traitor's chest, releasing the bear trap and flexing his hand, blood splattered all over it. "You go tell your bitch that the next time I see you two, will be your last. You've made a powerful enemy." He knew that Rufus wouldn't be able to walk straight for a few days, meaning that he would have a somewhat fair fight next time. He grabbed him by the neck and dropped him outside. "Go. Fly. Before I kill you." Leo turned his back on Rufus to go get rid of some of his fury somewhere more productive. A gym.

Rufus sighed at Leo's silence, letting out a "WHEE!" of surprise as he was violently dragged to the ground by a bear trap that had so lovingly attached itself to his leg.

"This day gets better and better!" he announced, words being muffled as he was slammed into the bar. Finally, Leo stopped being so physically violent, setting a foot on his chest and making it hard to breathe. How unfortunate, he decided, that he make a friend and lose them in the same day. Truly tragic!

"I appreciate your offer, but I'd rather not be enemies," Rufus replied, just before Leo grabbed him and dropped him outside.

"This sucks. Women are dicks, making us men do this shit," Rufus huffed. He could forgive Shard, seeing as she was being herself and couldn't help that she was a woman, but Leo would be difficult. Acting all irrational. Huff.

Rufus was becoming more sure that he was the only sane one here.
"Oh...okay good luck." The girl said giving her a thumbs up not getting up from her spot on the floor"That....was amazing did it work did you see whatever you were looking for?" SuSu asked jumping up standing she had more questions but decide against it seeing it would be rude to bombard her with questions. She just nodded when Vi suggested to tour "Which room do you want me to see first?" The girl asked curiously while walking up to Vi spinning around

OoC: She saw it to sorry for not specifying, @Cicero

"How about we look at the "dorms"" Vi suggested walking towards them. She grabbed SuSu's hand leading her down a condor. Left and right where bed rooms. "They are sound, proof, curtsy of the first builders. We just decorated with appropriate furniture." Vi said as she lead the way to her room. @Cicero

Last post for the night. Sorry.
Cicero said:
"My fist going into everyone whistling at you....uhh I mean no I actually don't know whats on." He said embarrassed and rubbing the back of his neck looking where Tab said smiling while following her only to see her run into someone helping her up and was about to leave but clenched his fist and put them in his pocket. He did want to punch the guy but Tab didn't seem to be struggling to get free and the guy wasn't saying anything giving the boy a valid reason to hit him so he waited trying his best to ignore the conversation only knowing that the suited men found someone Tab new and he guessed it was a male. Cicero's heart raced he tried his best to calm down by turning around looking at the sky only to get dragged by Tab again he smiled at her "Its fine don't worry and I wasn't planning on it to be honest with you....so I heard a bit of the conversation without meaning too but I figured you would want to drop it so what movie do you wanna see now that were finally here?" Cicero asked her
SuSu smiled nodding her head agreeing "Okay...oh I can't wait this is so much fun."The girl exclaimed while looking at her with a confused look before smiling again "Nope I think I have everything I need thank you though." Susan said while still giddy with excitement. She always had fun hanging out with the Quins and even with Tab...on some occasions but it was much funner hanging out with Vi then the other two combined "Hey Vi....does this mean were friends now?" She asked kinda shy looking at the ground messing with the edge of her hoodie
mewbot5408 said:
Mew exhaled deeply when rin left and stared at the ceiling kinda relived rin left the room.he knew rin didn't mean to but his ears and tail were extremly sensitive to people touching exactly why he often tried to make sure people didn't touch them not to mention considering his feelings for rin himself it didn't help any when he had suprise grabbed his tail just because he looked tense. honestly mew didn't want rin to know in the first place but he wasn't going to lie then do somthing to make rin hate him. No. It was much better if he simply let her know so she could get away from him. He wanted rin to fall for him properly,he would hate it he did somthing terrible to make rin regret ever meeting him. He picked up the pillow and shoved his face into it with a annoyed feline hiss with himself. Hopefully he'd calm down by the time rin got back. Hopefully.. mew dropped the pillow and tried to think of a distraction before starting to sing to himself since he was offically alone.

What mew's singing, also this is how his voice sounds...



"Rei, where are you?!" Rin looked left and right for his sister, but she was nowhere to be found. Finally he gave up searching the house, but even on the street he couldn't sense her mind anywhere. To most people Rin's panic might have been an overreaction, but to him it was completely justified. His sister never left him alone like this! Something had to be seriously wrong for her to just leave. "Is she angry that I took care of Mew?" Rin wondered. That was the only thing Rin could think she'd be mad at him about, but even then it seemed incredibly odd for her to just... leave! As quickly as he possibly could he called over a taxi. "Take me to the Vegas Strip!" he ordered hastily, taking a twenty dollar bill from his pocket and hastily handing it over to the driver. The casino was near that area, so perhaps she was over there too? It was just a guess, but maybe he'd get lucky and actually find her there. He couldn't imagine what he'd do if something had happened to her.

Ooc: Lazy, so doing Tabby's tomorrow! xD Hehe, last post for tonight!​

Vladimor had called it quits before Derrick had, telling him he'd go take a shower and then wait in the lobby. For about 15 extra minutes, Derrick was benching 350 now, something body builders pressed. He had a few people checking him out. He was thick, but from behind his shirt he hadn't seemed to be very muscley. Nor did he had the weight-lifting physique. At minute 15, he stops, placing the bar back on it's stand-thingy. There were copious amounts of sweat on his body, deeming it time for a quick shower before he headed out. That it until he saw Orious. Wiping sweat off his face, he goes over to him. "Hey..!" He seemed more out of breath than he thought he'd be, giving a quick huff. "Thought you left, nice to know you decided you stuck around. It's almost time up, right?"

When he finishes up his shower, Vladimor sighs in relief to have that layer of sweat off his body; but it sure did feel good to do some work; even if his body wasn't up to it. Damn, he hadn't done this in a while. While he was getting his change of clothes from the locker he checked out, he felt someone random press against him from behind, making him jump. (Mind you, he has only a towel around his waist.) "I don't think a woman should be in the men's restroom, eh, champ?" The man behind him taunts, grabbing both of Vladimor's wrist and pinning them against the lockers. "I'm not a gi-" His words were cut off by his face being slammed against cold metal. "Of course you are, princess." Vladimor felt disgusted by the way this man grinded against him, but his body was exceedingly sore from all that he benched, and it wasn't wise to use his shadows here. Vladimor only whimpers in protest, but seeing as it was his only option; shadows rise behind the man, brushing against the man's back to get his attention before gripping his wrist at the speed of light tightening quickly before disappating. The man hisses in pain looking at his wrist and Vladimor grabs his stuff and runs, using a shadow to keep him still. "Why you- huh?" The man found himself stuck as Vladimor hurriedly put on his clothes and ran out.

When Rei finished her food, she headed out to a hotel on the Strip, booking a room for the night. She doesn't do much, not even sleepy. It wasn't even night yet. She just sat there, listening to an angry couple in the next room. Something dirty in the next. She huffs, getting under the blanket, not even taking her sneakers off. It wouldn't make her any more comfortable. She didn't care about much right now, and she just wished her brother thought the same. No one mattered but each other. Rei could watch people die all day, as long as Rin would only watch her. She was...unreasonably jealous.​
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Barging through the entryway of the gym, he was almost stopped at the front desk when he threw a was of money at the person operating it so he wouldn't be bothered, for their sake. Literally seething with rage, he took a few 100 pound weights in each hand and started arm curling. He stood and watched as other people around him left as the air became more humid and dense around him. He spotted the antics flowing around him, but between trying to get his own gleaming frame out of his eyes and trying to keep people from kicking him out, he couldn't do much in the name of exploration.
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Vladimor had called it quits before Derrick had, telling him he'd go take a shower and then wait in the lobby. For about 15 extra minutes, Derrick was benching 350 now, something body builders pressed. He had a few people checking him out. He was thick, but from behind his shirt he hadn't seemed to be very muscley. Nor did he had the weight-lifting physique. At minute 15, he stops, placing the bar back on it's stand-thingy. There were copious amounts of sweat on his body, deeming it time for a quick shower before he headed out. That it until he saw Orious. Wiping sweat off his face, he goes over to him. "Hey..!" He seemed more out of breath than he thought he'd be, giving a quick huff. "Thought you left, nice to know you decided you stuck around. It's almost time up, right?"

When he finishes up his shower, Vladimor sighs in relief to have that layer of sweat off his body; but it sure did feel good to do some work; even if his body wasn't up to it. Damn, he hadn't done this in a while. While he was getting his change of clothes from the locker he checked out, he felt someone random press against him from behind, making him jump. (Mind you, he has only a towel around his waist.) "I don't think a woman should be in the men's restroom, eh, champ?" The man behind him taunts, grabbing both of Vladimor's wrist and pinning them against the lockers. "I'm not a gi-" His words were cut off by his face being slammed against cold metal. "Of course you are, princess." Vladimor felt disgusted by the way this man grinded against him, but his body was exceedingly sore from all that he benched, and it wasn't wise to use his shadows here. Vladimor only whimpers in protest, but seeing as it was his only option; shadows rise behind the man, brushing against the man's back to get his attention before gripping his wrist at the speed of light tightening quickly before disappating. The man hisses in pain looking at his wrist and Vladimor grabs his stuff and runs, using a shadow to keep him still. "Why you- huh?" The man found himself stuck as Vladimor hurriedly put on his clothes and ran out.

When Rei finished her food, she headed out to a hotel on the Strip, booking a room for the night. She doesn't do much, not even sleepy. It wasn't even night yet. She just sat there, listening to an angry couple in the next room. Something dirty in the next. She huffs, getting under the blanket, not even taking her sneakers off. It wouldn't make her any more comfortable. She didn't care about much right now, and she just wished her brother thought the same. No one mattered but each other. Rei could watch people die all day, as long as Rin would only watch her. She was...unreasonably jealous.​

Orious stopped lifting the huge weight and Sat it down with one hand easily looking up at derrick with his violet eyes."...I got tired of waiting and decided to blow off some steam..." He answered simply and stood up stretching a little bit before looking back at derrick with a curious expression. "Hey.. you going to shower?? "he asked him. Orious had definitely worked up a sweat but the thing was no matter what he did Orious always had that sweet rose and vanilla scent on him as if it were his natural scent. It seemed to only be even stronger now than before oddly enough Orious didn't stink like most people when sweating.

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