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Futuristic Omniverse Travelers


I'm back~
View attachment 57911 You, one of the many space cadets of the Vulgax sector, have teamed up with others to man a Yensidian Battlestar, which was bought by all of you in an auction.

You will travel not just within our universe, but by using Yensidian technology, you will be able to travel through time, however, that is not your prime objective. Your mission, along with the other members of the crew, will be sent to other realities, to explore and detail the differences between dimensions!


*should be curious

*they should be unique

*they should be developed


*posts should be at least one 4 sentence paragraph, though more is appreciated

*no smut, fade to black if it becomes 17+

*no god modding

*have fun!

I give recognition to @Roger Greyson, who helped spruce up the overview.

1) Be creative with your character. Don't have it be a human... how boring will that be, huh?

2) Put at least a paragraph (four sentences) into your part. We are in space and that has tons of interpretation.

3) Appropriateness is essential in this RP, fade to black if it becomes more than PG.

4) Be mindful of characters.

That's about it. Hope that was clear enough. I want a confirmation when you have read it so write in the OOC part something about sci fi.
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The role play has the required members in the crew and we will begin the role play soon though I am concern about having it active throughout and making it interesting. I will do my best despite my complications but also I will want you to help me move it along too.

The first venture for the Omniverse Travelers is to investigate the Madrelania planet. A Teludiri (race of empathic intelligent mammals with large ears; have evolved on a world with low gravity) requested the help of the Omniverse Travelers.

The distress call was cut short but it did say that many of the Teludirian have acted peculiar; showing signs of murderous intentions, after a handful came back from an expedition in an underground cave of their planet.

It will take all of our experience to get to the bottom of this, before all the Teludirians turn into savages.

The travel to get to Madrelania will take two earth days and that will be the time were all crew members can mingle.

I look forward to what will happen and be sure to be open minded to people ideas. With that last thing, I begin the role play.
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Sel looked around the ship for the others as he exited from the computer bay. "Hello?" he looked around. He started the ships Wake-up alarms. "We have a mission!"
The red 'control signal lost' light flickered infront of Cefius' face, illuminating his scarred right eye. He had opened up the electrics hatch for the control panel so that he could get to and root around in the cacophony of spitting motherboards and flailing wires, in an attempt to find the problem which had stopped them in their tracks. He had spent the last couple of hours doing this, developing a splitting headache as the ship had stopped quite abruptly during it's 48 hour journey. They were only 12 hours in, and they needed to get to their destination soon. He could, of course, have asked for help, but he preferred not to bother the moody crew in the middle of their 'precious' sleep.

When the alarm blared on he turned his head, a look of disgruntled hate painted across his face. He grunted in sels direction, almost as an order to turn off whatever was making the awful noise.
The alarm hardly registered on Tetris' hearing. She tossed in her hammock, still deep in her sleep and forgetting that her pet was also asleep with her.

Currently her pet ferret was under her left rib and clawing to be free.


Aee-oo was having trouble on whether the computer bay was on the left or right. It took a chance and went left, meeting many doors in the corridor.

The leafy hand opened a random door and found it dark as space itself. From what was outlined, it was a room and someone was still asleep even with the alarm blaring.

"Uu-iia?" Aee-oo asked which meant 'hello?'.

The translator wires were messed up again and it would have to be fixed by Michael. Aee-oo didn't want to bother him with it but then everyone would never understand what Aee-oo would be saying and especially Tetris.

Aee-oo moved to the lump and finally saw the figure. It was Tetris, the one who took Aee-oo in.

"E-ee, E-ee!" Aee-oo shook Tetris awake, saying Tetris' name in her native tongue.

"What?" Tetris groaned and opened her eyes.

"Uu-iia, oo oi ea aia ee-ou." Aee-oo informed Tetris of the alarm with sarcasm at the beginning, pointing at the ceiling.

Tetris scratched her head, trying to understand what Aee-oo was explaining. She gave up and tried to know the motions being displayed; the leafy hand pointed to the ceiling and registered the alarm.

"Oh, lets go!" Tetris threw the covers off and grabbed her utility belt that resided beside the hammock. She fastened it on in less than ten seconds, her claw like hand moving with a sense of familiarity.

Tetris grinned at Aee-oo and speed walked out the door. Aee-oo smiled back and walked to catch up with the blue alien, only taking three steps which Tetris had to take eleven.

Five minutes later, both were feeling Cefius' negative vibes and regretting coming.
Cefius's head was deep within the panel, some parts were strewn around him and his weapons were slung over the counter. The mixture of the pungent smell of alkali and metal, along with the blaring siren was driving Cefius over the edge. He knew the problem was a severed wire but he had no way of finding, let alone connecting it without more knowledge. He ripped his head from the hive of electrics and furiously kicked the panel, the spikes on his shoes creating scratches in a claw like pattern, then slumping into the pilots chair. When he noticed the two by the entrance he gestured to Tetris to come over to him, the scowl on his face more aggressive now.
Hanz's day had started normally enough. He performed a few systems checks (the weapons were operating at 99.86% efficiency. He'd have to fix that later), he did a little maintenance on himself, he did a little maintenance on the weapons meant for the crew, and he had made sure that the ship had been drifting in the direction it needed to be.

And then the ship had stopped. He'd futzed around with his controls and, after seeing nothing was wrong with them, he got up and went to check on the engines. No, they were operating at optimal capacity...why had they stopped, then? They were in space; there was nothing there to make them stop moving entirely (though getting hit in another direction was always a possibility).

If he could've felt frustration, he would have sighed right now. As it was, he decided to head back to the bridge. Maybe Cefius had found something. When he got there, he gave Tetris and Aee-oo a nod of greeting before turning his attention to the panel Cefius had just got out of. He attempted to turn his head quizzically back to the pilot, trying to convey his question without adding his (apparently) unpleasant voice to the blare of the alarm.
Tetris' mind went numb and her nerves were going hay wire. She grabbed onto Aee-oo's forearm, showing that she was staying right beside Aee-oo in the entrance. Hanz came from behind and did his normal greeting, a curt nod. That made Tetris a bit more nervous but nonetheless, she smiled back.

Her fingers dug into Aee-oo's stem skin, puncturing a hole in the phloem and making it ooze a clear liquid down the arm. Aee-oo grimaced and looked at Tetris.

"E-ee, ae ae. Uoi oa eiu!" Aee-oo warned and removed the arm from any critical damage that might ensue then went over to S.E.L. to check up on what was up, leaving Tetris by herself.

Tetris looked at the back of Aee-oo and turned to Cefius with a fake smile plastered on. She rigidly came up to him and asked.

Cefius hadn't yet noticed Hanz enter, and instead turned his attention towards Tetris, his facial expression was aggressive and the left corner of his mouth was raised slightly in a snarl. He gestured towards the sprawled parts and wiring. The panel was still wide open and the scratch like mark remained fresh, a waft of pungent alkali crossed them as he replied "You are an enginner, yes? Well fix the damn thing! there's a severed wire somewhere."
Hanz walked over to Cefius' console and turned off the alarm. If the others weren't awake by now, they weren't going to wake up unless one of those present went and kicked them in the pants. After that was done, he left for a moment before coming back with a medical kit. He held it out for Aee-oo. You wanted some emergency first aid? Hanz was your guy. You wanted professional medical help? Best look elsewhere, buddy.
"I'm more of a mechanic than engineer." Tetris informed, though she doubted that would help the situation at hand. "I can give it a whirl though." She twirled a finger at the hole.


Aee-oo was grateful for the medical kit and quickly set to work on patching the arm up. Aee-oo cleaned the sugary liquid and wrapped the forearm with gauze. It would take two weeks for it to heal.

"Ieouio, Aa" Aee-oo thanked him, forgetting that Hanz might not understand.


Tetris kept hold of her breath as she eased herself inside the gap, the smell of Alkali too strong for her nose. She refrained from bursting into tears at the sight of the panel. It would take her a whole day just to get it welded and looking in mint condition.

Focusing on the many wires, she tried to spot the one that was severed.

"What color would it be?" Tetris questioned; eyes looking at a clump of wires, especially a yellow one which was currently sizzling, popping with sparks.
Michael's eyes glowed white as he powered on, then he stood up and hobbled his way out where the others were, as quickly as his faulty leg would allow, hoping he wouldn't get in trouble. "S-sorry..." he muttered, his head lowered.
"Uu-iia, Iiae. Oo aiaie ouio." Aee-oo greeted Michael and quickly got to the case. Showing the translator that was around the neck not working.

"Uaeuu, Iiae." The tone in the voice showing urgency. Aee-oo wanted to fix the translator.
"Oh," the android looked up at the translator. "I..I don't know.." He looked around anxiously. "I guess I could try to fix it...only i-if you really want me to...!"
A high pitched scraping noise pierced the silence abruptly, it was emanating from Cefius' sword, which at the current time did nit have electricity pulsating through it, Cefius wad sharpening it. When he heard the question he lent forward from the pilots chair slowly and investigated (this time with only his eyes) the open panel. "I don't know, that's the problem" he replied, slight bitterness obvious in his voice, though it was directed more at the problem at hand than Tetris.
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Aee-oo unclipped the translator from the neck and gave it to Michael. All it needed was fixing of the wire but Aee-oo wasn't sure how to fix it.


"Okay..." Tetris weighed the possibility of the wire being the problem. "I'm going to fix it and hopefully it will be it."

She reached in a pouch in her utility belt and pulled out an electrical tape. Usually she would use it to keep heat insulated in the water pipes of ships but this was one of the rare cases for another use of it.

She pealed the black tape from the rest and shifted to have a better access to the wire. With a tentative motion, she pulled the wires together and tapped it up.

A sigh escaped her and she slowly got out. She wasn't sure she helped out when nothing was felt. No movement from anybody and the ship still floating.

Maybe it's a late reaction, Tetris thought but she doubted it.
Hanz nodded at Aee-oo's words. Even if he didn't know enough about the chef's language to translate it properly yet, it was pretty obvious what his shipmate was trying to say. He turned and watched Tetris work, only stopping briefly to give Michael a nod of greeting. When the mechanic's attempt to fix the issue apparently had no affect, Hanz walked over to the panel and knelt down, looking into it and beginning to scan its insides.
Cefius leaned back in his chair, it creaked a little, a heavy sigh escaping his mouth. "great" He thought to himself, rolling his eyes and proceeding to kick the panel once more. "this ship is a pile of junk" he said to Tetris, the anger prominent in his voice.

He scratched the top of his head in thought, furrowing his brow, there had to be a way to fix this ship. He then noticed Hanz, greeting him with a light nod.
He breathed shakily as he took the translator from the chef, and turned it over in his hands. His right index finger disassembled itself, revealing the small laser underneath. With his artificial tongue sticking out of his mouth, he zapped at the casing, and then at the wires underneath. Finally, he fused one red wire to another, and then refastened the casing, his eyes shining white for a moment. "Th-there..." he said, handing it to Aee-oo awkwardly. "It should..work now."
Aee-oo grabbed the fixed translator and rapidly put it on, switching it on as well.

Aee-oo looked at nothing in particular yet spoke to S.E.L. "S.E.L., what was the mission again?"

The voice had no particular pitch to show that made Aee-oo was only male or female but it did have a smooth voice; a mix between the two, if it was possible.

Aee-oo felt relieved. Finally speaking in a voice familiar to everyone.

"Thanks Michael. I knew you could do it." Aee-oo slapped the forearm of the android, a thing that Tetris taught Aee-oo to do in a appreciated friendly way.


Tetris looked appalled by what Cefius proclaimed.

"Whoa, that's just whoa." Tetris raised her hands in defense. "You do not diss at a ship we all bought."
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"A distress call from the Madrelania planet." He said. "Follow me, miss." He bowed, guiding the to the ships front . "We should all see this."
"Y-you're welcome," he said softly, giving a shaky smile. "It was nothing. Really." Rubbing his arm, he turned to Tetris and Hanz, leaning over their shoulders and watching their progress with interest.

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