[Official] Transformers: Battle for Earth RPG

Grimlock grumbled as some new bot appeared next to him, he had not noticed her at all. She was silent and quiet, he didn't like that.


He suddenly recognized the the bot that had helped him before his angry face going away as he continued running besides her.

"Autobots...." He repeated what she said as if the word seemed familiar to him and he was remembering something.
Huntress noticed that Grimlock seemed to recognize the word 'Autobots.' She ho[ed he wasn't remembering that he was an Autobot, so she spoke up. "You remember them, they attacked you earlier," she said, "I was the only one who helped you fight back, and even with me helping you overpowered them." "I should have had the job to convince Grimlock to help the Decepticons, I already have his trust," the Decepticon panther robot thought to herself.
Arriving at the ark mere seconds after Siren, Thundershock transformed into his large robot form and brought all of his weaponry. He was not going to let that thing wreck havoc on his watch. Even if if was a large dinobot. His weapons were loaded and he was ready for any sort of action that might roll through those trees.

"Siren, if i cant hold that thing back, i want you to combine my parts with you. Use my weapons and armor for your protection." Thundershock spok up as the foot steps began to get louder.
"Yes Wheel-Bots hurt Grimlock, so Grimlock hurt Wheel-Bots!" He grumbled inarticulately as he continued to stump through the forest.

"Where are you!?" He roared out actually expecting the bad bots to answer him as he was kind of a little lost now.
"Thanks," Siren said, "But I'm not going to let that Dinobot kill you," she added stubbornly. She glanced around with her guns out. "I can hear him...but I don't think he's here yet."// "I know where they went, follow me," Huntress said, as she began to run toward the Ark. She stopped near the edge of the forest and could see the Ark. She also noticed Siren and Thundershock and thought it would be best to stay hidden until Grimlock attacked them.
Grimlock followed the Cat-Bot until he came to a screeching halt as he saw the ark. He stayed completely still as he looked at the ark, nothing but his slight gear movements rippling through his body. He continued to stare at it as images raced through his mind, images of Autobots running and screaming along the halls, panic as panels were exploding and the whole room seems to shift diagonally as he was trying to reach around and keep everything from falling off the tables.

He shook his head in pain as the memories flooded his circuit banks.
"Well...what are you waiting for? You want to hurt your attackers right?" Huntress asked. She looked at Grimlock and got the impression he was remembering something. "Um...is something wrong?" she asked, pretending to care.
(sorry I haven't posted lately, something happened and it wouldn't email me when it updated until recently)

Kanjo was standing on top of the ARK and scanning the area around him, keeping his senses sharp just in case some Decepticon tried to snipe him. He could barely hear the thumping footsteps of Grimlock as he approached and turned his head to where he was now standing. He remembered their last encounter, and knew that the dinobot would probably go into a rage if he also remembered him. Nevertheless he stayed on top of their ship to keep an eye on him, as it seems that something small was standing next to him. It could be a decepticon, but he was too far away to tell for sure.
As the dinobot stopped on the clearing of the forest, Thundershock looked upon the massive beast. He soon realized that there was something next to him that was not of any good intention. But as he remembered the last interaction of when the two of them met, he put his hands down and put his guns away.

“Siren, put your guns away.” Thundershock spoke out to his commanding officer.
"Um...OK, but I hope you have a plan," Siren replied as she transformed her guns hands back to hands. "What do you see from your viewpoint?" she asked Kanjo over the comm.
"I can see the beast easily from here, but there is also something very small next to it. It's too far away to tell for sure; It could just be one of the local wildlife." Kanjo said over the comm. // "I'm back!" Haywire said as he flew into their ship. "Why is there so much restricted airspace? It's like no one can fly around anywhere anymore."
Grimlock growled as he saw them suddenly put their guns away which seemed to snap him out of his trance, he was most confused by this act. He honestly did know what to do, he just stood there staring at them and waiting to see what they would do as the strange cat-bot stood beside him.
Siren nodded as she heard Kanjo's voice, then looked to Thundershock. "Kanjo says that there is something beside the Dinobot, but he can't tell what it is from his angle," she said, "Do you see what it is?"// "Looks like they're letting their guard down, now is the perfect time to strike," Huntress said to Grimlock. She crouched behind some bushes and waited for Grimlock to attack; she hoped that the Dinobot would attack.
Thunderstruck spoke out to Siren after he heard the report of Kanjo.

“It’s got to be a decepticon. I don’t think that the life forms here would be that friendly to a huge dinobot like that. And about my plan, I will tell you i don’t really have one. I am just winging it since the last encounter i had with him. Since i attacked him without talking, I wanted to give a little diplomacy an option.” Riyohsi spoke out as he took a step forward and put his hands into the air as if he was a hostage.

“Kanjo, keep a watchful eye upon the small figure. I am going in for a closer look.” Thundershock said quietly over the comm.
Grimlock was still bewildered as to why they did not attack as he stood there. They had put their guns away, he was curious to why they would do that. Suddenly one of the bots tried to approach him and immediately Grimlock growled in defense. He then noticed the bot had his hands up for some odd reason, he looked to the sky expecting something to happen.

When nothing happened he grumbled at the bot as to why his hands were up, he didn't like it...
"Be careful," Siren whispered over the private com channel to Thundershock. She watched silently and hoped the Dinobot wouldn't hurt her friend. "I hope you know what you're doing," she thought to herself.// Huntress hissed at Thundershock. "I can't let this Autobot foil my plan." "Looks like he is going to sneak attack you," she said to Grimlock, "His hands are up to buy him time."
"I am always careful." Thundershock said over the autobot comm.

Stopping his walking, he stared up at the large dinobot.

"I am sorry for the last time that we met. I am not your enemy." Thundershock said out towards Grimlock.

Grimlock grumbled as this bot now seemed to apologize.

"Bad-bot say sorry..."

Grimlock seemed totally and utterly confused, he had no idea what was going on now and what to do. He just stood there, mouth agape and thinking hard to understand what was happening as his damaged central brain system struggled.
Huntress hissed at Thundershock. "He's not really sorry, he's just trying to confuse you so he can attack when you're off guard," she said to Grimlock. She growled at the Autobot."He's going to ruin my hard work...I must find a way to stop this."// "Thundershock, that thing beside Grimlock is Huntress, be careful, she can be dangerous." Siren said over the private com to her friend. "She might be trying to confuse Grimlock about your intentions," she added.
Speaking over the intercom to Siren, Thundershock tried to keep it quiet.

"It's okay. She can't do that much damage to me. I am more worried about the big guy myself."

Standing in his spot, he lowered his hand and took a deep breath.

"I apologize for attacking you. I was under the impression you were a decepticon." Thundershock said as he looked up at the large dinobot.
Grimlock listened to Huntress but he didn't know who to believe. The cat-bot had helped him earlier while the bad-bot attacked him, but he was saying sorry, or was it a trick. He growled out in anger as he blasted flames out of his mouth towards the sky straight up.


He growled around letting out another dinosaur roar.

"You try to trick Grimlock?! Who trick Grimlock! Rawr! Why Grimlock head hurt so much!!!!!"

He reached for his head in pain as it sparked, he didn't know what was going on and his head felt like it was going to explode.
The sound of a motorcycle caused Huntress to look around. She noticed a roguish motorcycle being rode by an equally roguish girl wearing a black leather jacket, pants, gloves, and heeled boots, with a bared midriff riding toward the Ark; she also noticed a Decepticon symbol, meaning the girl was a hologram. The panther transformer ran off, not because she was scared or she figured that the new comer would finish things up, but because she had been away from Stalker for a long time and went back to the cave to check on her.// "Don't shoot at the cycle," Siren said over the comm. "That would be my sister...she contected me earlier and wants to be an Autobot, she just hasn't had the time to get a new symbol on her chaise."// Crosshair transformed from her motorcycle form and looked at Grimlock. "I've patched myself up over a dozen times and I never seen an injury like that pal," she said with her arms crossed. She pulled out a welder's torch, "But I bet I can fix it anyway."
Grimlock looked in shock as the cat-bot ran away as the new 2-wheel bot came in. He growled at her defensively his head still in pain as she talked to the others. Suddenly she pulled something as Grimlock saw it...

Suddenly Grimlock's eyes went wide as he stared at the object, his eyes suddenly began to glow blue as he stared intensely, his body frozen as he suddenly let out a completely monstrous and animalistic roar as he suddenly went crazy, his entire body sparking as he began running around like a psycho bashing into every tree and stumbling around like every gear in him was twisted and broken.

He suddenly charged for the new 2-wheeled bot in a raged frenzy his metal jaws snap furiously with only goal to tear her apart.
"Watch out!" Siren said to her sister Crosshair. The former Deception motorcycle jumped onto Grimlock's face and held on like a cowboy in a rodeo as she patched up his wound. "Calm down big fella, I'm trying to help you," Crosshair said.

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