[Official] Transformers: Battle for Earth RPG

"In its raw form," Huntress replied, "You do know we need energon too right?"// "I'm going to head back, good luck Kanjo," Siren said, before driving toward the Ark. "You guys need any help?" she asked over the Autobot com.
Revenant walked out of Shockwave's med lab with a patch over the hole in his shoulder mere minutes after entering. Looking at the patch on his shoulder,Revenant mused, "That's probably the toughest spot on my body,now..." Moving through the Nemesis' dimly lit corridors and sparking loose wires,Revenant sought out the duplicitous Starscream. Finding him was easy,as he didn't leave the bridge. He was putting on a show about how he was the first one to regain runtime. By now,the rest of the Decepticon crew had resumed operation. "You left out the fact that you got your can kicked by Soundwave. Come with me,Starscream. You need to be briefed." Starscream glared at Revenant,and shrugged. "Fine. I'll get my chance soon enough." Why Megatron keeps this slag brain around is beyond me...
Stalker walked back into the Nemesis and walked up to Revenant, before transforming into her robot mode. Being the same size as Rumble she had to look up at Revenant; she tugged on one of his legs to get his attention. "Is this a bad time?" she asked in a coy tone of voice (mimicking Huntress), "I have some information concerning the locals on this planet."
"I am all clear on my end. I have not seen a single decepticon since the attack earlier. I am going to continue patrolling the perimeter." Thundershock replied as he continued fo drive around the ark's perimeter.
Siren transformed into robot mode and waved at Thundershock before walking into the ark. "I'm here to help repair things," she said over the Autobot com, before beginning to fix various things around the Ark. "Kanjo is gathering more lintel," she explained.
Revenant saw Stalker,and replied, "It isn't. Starscream,listen up. This can be useful to you." Continuing on his way,he signalled for Stalker to begin the report. Meanwhile,Starscream scoffed. "What do the locals have anything to do with our war? They're just collateral damage waiting to happen." Without warning,Revenant extended one of his Energon Blades and lunged forward,cutting a shallow nick in the side of his chest--Immediately beside his Spark casing. "Think before you speak."
Thundershock waved at Siren as she went into the ark.

"Let me know if you need anything heavy lifted." Thundershock replied over the autobot comm.

Stopping at the front of the ark, thundershock looked around and aimed his sniper rifle off into the distance.
"Apparently the locals are small and aren't made out of strong material like us," Stalker said, before projecting an image of a car crash that had a fatality. "The red liquid is called blood and is the local's life force."// "I could use some help fixing the cargo bay some cons woke up in," Siren said over the Autobot com. "If anyone is available I'd appreciate the help."

([MENTION=72]Riddle78[/MENTION]: Here's the link to Pyro's Beast War RP Character Sheet Page http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/4230-Beast-Kings-Character-Sheets-(Transformers-Beast-Wars-RP). If anyone else wants to join, post a bio there.)
"Ok. I am heading in. Let me know what i need to get started on." Thundershock replied on the comm.

Leaping into the ark, Thundershock headed for the cargo bay. Turning the corner, he seen the large hole in the cwrgo bay door.

"Holy crap. That is crazy." Thundershock said to himself.
"These doors are no good...they need to be moved out of here, and so does the rubble," Siren said to Thundershock. "I still can't believe cons were in there the whole time," she though to herself.
Thundershock nodded at the order he was given. Reaching up and grabbing one of ghe doors, he started to remove it from it's hinges.

"Any way we got to recycle these parts so we are not wasting anything?" Thundershock said to Siren.
"I guess we could recycle it....if it isn't too badly damaged," Siren replied. "I hope whatever the cargo was is still in tact."
Revenant nodded at the report about the locals. "So we won't be able to infiltrate them as easily as I had hoped. Shame. Such fragile creatures...But useful,if swayed." Turning his attention to the now thoroughly terrified Starscream,Revenant continued, "Your mission is a long term one. We have identified an Autobot with a severely damaged logic co-processor. He identifies himself as Grimlock,and a Dinobot. A hulking brute which takes the form of a...Tyrannasaurus,I believe. It was witnessed attacking the Autobots and several Decepticons. Since you're talented in the arts of persuasion..." Starscream waved off the backhanded compliment, "Oh,please! You're making me blush." "Your mission is to persuade Grimlock into furthering our objectives by any means necessary. Understood?" Starscream laughed in response. "Compared to fooling Megatron,this should be child's play. Consider it done." With that,Starscream marched out of the Nemesis,transformed,and flew off to find Grimlock.
"If he doesn't persuade Grimlock, he's a goner," Stalker snickered once Starscream was gone. "Although...if he actually does persuade the Dinobot, he may have convinced him to attack Megatron."
Grimlock had been wandering through the forests just between the Ark and Nemesis trying to smash his head into trees to make the pain go away, after he repeatedly smashed his head into the trunk it would eventually snap and break, thus he would move on to the next one.

"RAH!!!! Nasty pain in my head must go away! Make head stop pain! Rah!!!! All those bad bots fault, everyone make Grimlock's head hurt! RRAHHH!!!"

He let loose a flamethrower from his mouth in frustration.
Grabbing a hold of the cargo bay doors, Thundershock pulled hard and removed the doors from the tracks.

"One down, one more to go." Thundershock said aloud as he carried the blast door out of cargo bay and towards the exit.
Siren walked into the cargo bay to see what was stored inside. "Looks like we stored a some energon in here...but only a few cubes are usable thanks to the crash," Siren said. "I wonder if they will wake up," she thought to herself when she noticed a few Autobots still in stasis.
hello all, im going to resign from this roleplay, i just cant think of posts for it and i find it as a hard subject to keep up with. im vary sorry, hope to see you all around

~Dististik ^^
(Bye Distik)

Optimus looked over the results from Teletraan 1 with dismay, this was very unsettling. He hadn't seen these codes in a very long time and for something like this to show up now, at a time like this while they were stranded on the very world with Decepticons. He closed the panel and started speaking to all the Autobots over the Comm system.

"Will all Autobots please report to the Mission Room immediately, all Autobots report immediately."

His damage would have to wait, first he had to get to the Debriefing room and make preparations immediately...
Siren heard Optimus' orders. "You're going to have to finished that later," she said to Thundershock, before heading toward the debriefing room.
Haywire, after a long time of searching Teletrann, decided that was enough searching for now. He turned to Huntress and said, "I've already downloaded the contents that Teletrann has to the computer. Turns out that the residents of this planet use technology very similar to us. There is this big signal that seems to reach almost everywhere that we can access with our mind (I think you all know what I'm talking about). I'll connect to it and search for information about this planet as I go investigate something I found. Don't wait up for me!" Haywire then transformed into jet mode and then exited their ship.
Thundershock nodded at the order given by Siren.

"Understood boss." Thundershock replied over the comm as he slammed the door into the ground.

Turning around, he walked into the cargo bay and followed behind Siren.
With the majority of Autobots around Optimus Prime decided to start, any later comers would just have to walk in and catch up. He looked around at the Autobots, many he had known for a long time. He regarded them not only as his team, trusted allies but also as friends.

"I am glad to see many of you are unharmed and are in working condition. I understand the past day has been a turbulent one, this Decepticon attack not only caused us to crash land but seems to have stranded us temporarily. The Decepticons are still on the offensive. The matter however that I wish to discuss is the planet, aside from the fact that Teletraan 1 had detected not only sentient life forms and unusually large amounts of Energon..."

Optimus Prime took a moment, still in disbelief himself about what he saw.

"Teletraan 1 briefly detected traces of technology hidden on this planet that seem to correspond with Vector Sigma. It cannot seem to pinpoint these sources nor give any more details. I don't know how this is possible, but there seems to be more to this planet than meets the eye."

(Hope this is ok, just trying to create some drama and plot without actually giving too much detail that could mess up your plot or ideas. If it's not ok, just ignore the post)
([MENTION=2599]PyroWarriorZ[/MENTION]: This RPG will have many plots as Megatron tries to rule the world, yours can be the fist big one.)

"Maybe...the technology was transported here to keep the Decepticons away from it...," Siren suggested. "We should find the artifacts before Megatron does.// "Haywire must have a screw loose somewhere," Huntress said to herself, before smirking. She turned and began to head to the room she claimed as her own. She noticed Stalker was already in the room and, momentarily, her coy smirk became a friendly smile.

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