[Official] Transformers: Battle for Earth RPG

Revenant nodded. "I had similar concerns,Huntress. This Grimlock could be an asset if used properly. We need an agent to gain his trust. Talk to him when isolated. Even if he's not wholly on our side...We can at the very least use him to serve our objectives,with use of misinformation. And I have the perfect candidate for this role. Although,I'm afraid he'll require significant oversight. Starscream. He can talk his way in and out of everything,so I'm certain he'd be able to condition Grimlock for us. I volunteer to keep an eye on him. If he steps out of line,I'll simply blast him when Grimlock isn't looking." He looked at his comrade and commander. "I'm glad we're on the same page. Right then,our second matter." Minimizing all of the dossiers,Revenant brought up the ship's diagnostics. "I'm no engineer,but...The Nemesis is in bad shape. Very few of our sensors are operational. Other significant systems,such as point defenses,are inoperable at the moment. We need to get the Nemesis in shape if we're going to do anything. We need energon. I picked up numerous ferrous compunds while scanning with what little we had. Perhaps we can find energon on this ball of carbon. If not...Well,let's hope Shockwave can jury-rig something." Revenant looked at Huntress and Megatron. "Anything to add? One item left."
"If Starscream is the one we use to convince Grimlock to our side...watch him closely," Megatron said, "Out of my army he's the one I trust the least," he added. "I can head a mining team to search for energon," Huntress said, "If it's alright with you Lord Megatron." "We'll talk about gaining energon later," he replied, "What's the last item of business?" he asked Revenant.
(Sorry Riddle, didn't realize, I will keep that in mind from now on.)

Optimus Prime politely shooed away Siren with his hand as he tried to stand, but when he realized he couldn't handle it he made sure the other Autobots didn't notice.

"No it's fine, we need to make sure everyone is ok. First I want Siren to go and do a sweep of the ship and the surrounding area to find any injured Autbots and bring them back to the Medical Bay. Nightshade I want you to go back to the main computer room and have Teletraan 1 do a full diagnostic on the ship, we need to access the amount of damage to the Ark, it's condition and if it is fit for continued flight.

We need also need some recon of the planet we have landed on, we are on a mystery world and we need as much information as possible. But first thing is first, we must find all the Autobots and make sure they are ok. Do no worry about me, I'm in working condition."

He looked at them, making sure they understood he was giving them orders.
Siren nodded before walking through the different rooms on the Ark. She noticed that one of the cargo bays were blown open and realized one of the explosions she herd earlier must have occurred there. "Hello? Any Autobots here?" she called out load.
Nightshade nodded slowly, but put a hand on his shoulder gently.

"Be careful, Optimus." She said, staring at him for a few moments, before taking off towards the Ark. She entered it, and eventually found the main computer room. She pressed a few buttons, and made the computer run a diagnostic like Optimus had told her. After waiting a few minutes, it finally finished.

"The Ark is available for flight. But it's damage is immense. It will only be able to take flight for precisely 7 hours and 10 minutes." The computer said to her. Nightshade grimaced in frustration, looking around the control room.

"That's not enough time.. Is there anyway we can fix it?" She asked, making the computer run another diagnostic.

"It is fixable. But it will take a few weeks to fix." The computer said. Nightshade sighed, pressing a few more buttons. Optimus probably wasn't going to be happy about this.

Nightshade quickly made her way out of the Ark, heading towards Optimus.

"We have a problem. The Ark is available for flight, but only for a certain amount of time. It's fixable, but it's going to take a long time." She said, studying Optimus's facial expression to see if he was frustrated of not.
Thundershock looked at the dinobot as he explianed and he couodn't do anything but agree.

"I know it looks bad, but i did not mean any harm. I thought you were a bad guy since we were just attacked." Thundershock replied as he rubbed his shoulder.

Turning around, Thundershock pointed to the spot inbetween his radar jammers revealing an autobot logo.

"I am one of the good guys. What about you?" Thundershock asked while not trying to stir him up, afterall he couldn't stand too much punishment from the beast.
Optimus nodded with a sigh.

"That is not good, I guess we are stuck here on this planet. If we are gonna fix this ship we are going to need a large suppl of Energon, we just have to hope this world has some available. Do a scan for any Energon in the area, we can see if we will find any in the immediate vicinity."

After Nightshade left Optimus tried to get up again, only to fail. He lifted his arm revealing a large damaged area around his lower chest where his inner working could be seen. He had been badly damaged in the crash, but he was far too proud to tell his fellow Autobots. He needed to be strong for them now, especially in this situation having crash landed on an alien planet and now the Decepticons on their tails. He needed to be strong!


Grimlock growled at Thundershock.

"No! Funny bot try confuse Grimlock with big words and funny talk! Bad bot attack Grimlock, anyone attack Grimlock, Grimlock destroy!"

He growled, he would not forget so easily that they all attacked as his head twitched to the side with a small spark flickering showing his damage.

If they left him alone, he would not attack him. He was ready to turn now and walk away.
Siren walked back over to Optimus. "The other Autobots on the Ark are off-line," she said, "If there are some on-line...they might be somewhere else on this planet," she added, "Thankfully nothing inside the Ark was damaged too badly, the medic bay only needs a couple hours to be repaired." She wanted to be positive, but didn't know about Optimus' wound.
"Kango, lets figure out what the heck this planet it all about. Want to do a little recon?" Thundershock asked as he looked towards his friend.

Looking back at the dinobot, he wondered if he should go after him or just leave him alone and let him figure it out on his own. He didn't like leaving a comrade behind, but he knew he was not on good terms right now.
"Sounds like a good plan." Kanjo said in his usual monotone voice. He seemed to show no interest, but that was because he isn't able to feel emotion. He transformed to his motorcycle mode and waited for Thundershock to do the same.
Revenant nodded. "I'll be sure to stay close to him...No more than two hundered feet will seperate us. Now,the final order of business is the locals. They're obviously intelligent to have developed nuclear fission. We need to ascertain their disposition and if they're a threat. I have no idea where they might be,however. I was only able to determine their technology. And if the Autobots attempt to sway them against us..." He allowed the statement to hang in the air,knowing exactly what Megatron would reccomend,and he was perfectly fine with it. A particularly large spark erupted from Revenant's wounded shoulder,and arced to the side of his head. The sudden electrical disturbance to his Spark caused Revenant to stumble,and his optics flash off for a moment. "If you'll excuse me,I need to get this patched up. You'll forgive me if I don't salute." Revenant nodded to the both of them,then walked out of the War Room,leaving Megatron and Huntress to discuss things further as he made his way to the med bay. Maybe Shockwave won't try to replace it with a tentacle.
Nightshade nodded, heading back into the Ark and back into the main computer room. She made the computer run another diagnostic to see if there was any Energon on this planet.

"This planet has 75% Energon." It said. Nightshade sighed in relief, running back out to Optimus.

"This planet has enough Energon to fix it." She said, remaining calm and collected. She had a feeling that Optimus was not completely okay, and she had seen the wound underneath his arm. But she felt like he didn't want anyone to know, so she kept quiet.
"My vehicle mode isn't too fast." Thundershock said as he transformed into a tank.

Speeding up, thundershock opened up the autobot comm.

"aThundershock reporting in, Kanjo and myself are going to do a little bit of recon and set up a perimeter around the ark until its defenses are operational." Thundershock said as he followed next to Kanjo.
Optimus Prime looked at Nightshade, he had to admit that he was surprised there was Energon on a world like this. He had not expected, he supposed that was a good thing. At least now they had a chance to fix the Ark and return home. But first he had to make sure all the Autobots were ok.

"Thank you Nightshade."

He then listened to Thundershock on the comms system.

"Understood, but you two are to report every 10 nanocycles and I want you to return as soon as possible. We need to a head count and having a meeting to plan what we are going to do next. Also be careful of any Decepticons, if you locate any you are to report back and not engage. I repeat do not engage!"
"If Optimus sways the locals," Megatron began to say, "Then they are going to share the same fate." "Lord Megatron...back on Cybertron Shockwave built me a smaller version of me...I could use her to locate the locals." "You have my permission," Megatron replied. Huntress bowed from the waste up before heading to her chamber, where she found the Rumble sized Transformer Shockwave had build her. "Stalker...I have a job for you..."// "I could go with Thundershock and Kanjo," Siren said to Optimus over the Autobot com, "Another set of optics may be helpful."
"I agree that Siren would be helpful with recon. Thundershock's vehicle form is heavily armored and specialized for war, it would draw too much attention. Thundershock would be of more use as a form of defense until the Ark's defenses are up again." Kanjo said over the comm. // Haywire has just landed at the crash site of the Nemesis. "Hey guys! I just went on a quick detour. Some other jets accused me of flying in 'restricted airspace', so I blew them up!" He said as he walked into the downed ship.
"Very well, but return quickly."

Optimus Prime responded quickly, he would use this time to head to the repair bay and do a quick patch job while the other Autobots were occupied, he could also choose a vehicle form. He was thinking something read, he would send a scanner and see what it picked up.
"Roger," Siren replied, before transforming into her police car mode. She turned on her holoprojector so it looked like a female cop was driving her. She drove over to Kanjo. "You ready?" she asked Kanjo, before saying to Thundershock, "Radio us if the Decepticons return."// Huntress watched Stalker leave. Stalker was the only Decepticon she showed any real affection for. "Go make momma proud," she thought as she began to hide what could be called a motherly side. "They weren't Autobots were they?" Huntress asked Haywire with a smirk on her face, taking interest in the possibility he could have fought the planet's locals.
"I am ready when you are." Kanjo said. He used the holographic projector to make it look like someone was riding the motorcycle. // "Nah, they weren't fueled with energon and they went down faster than any autobot. I didn't even have to transform." Haywire said to Huntress. "Hey, didn't Teletraan get glitched and can't identify alignment?" (It happened in Fall of Cybertron)
"That's what I heard...unless the Autobots fixed it," Huntress said, as she looked like she was inspecting her nails, "Why do you ask?"// "Teletran's scan picked up a city in this direction," Siren said, before driving toward the city. Once in the city she hit her breaks to avoid hitting a blur that ran across the street. She noticed a metal tail disappear in an dark alley (It's Stalker). "Do you think that was a con?" Siren asked Kanjo.
"I'm going to take advantage of it before they fix it. Later!" Haywire said as he ran down the hallway in the ship towards one of the computer rooms. // "Possibly, but our mission is to observe and gather information. We cannot risk lives of innocents by pursuing it. It would be best to report back with the comm." Kanjo replied. His lack of emotion helps him think clearly in situations like this. Unless he believed that going against orders was the better thing to do, he would follow the orders to the letter.
Huntress fallowed Haywire. "Are you really going to hack Teletran?" she asked him. "This will be interesting."// Siren's hologram driver nodded, before she continued to drive on. "There is a possibility that a Decepticon is in the city," Siren said over the Autobot com.
"Is it hacking when they didn't put in a password?" Haywire said as he entered the computer room. He pushed a few buttons and eventually got access to Teletraan. "I'm going to use it to see what they have on this planet. Maybe I can find some energon reserves while I'm here."
Huntress decided to watch. "If there is energon on this planet...I bet the Autobots would know too."// "Do you think we have done enough recon?" Siren asked Kanjo over the Autobot com. "They may need as back at the Ark to help clean up."
A few statistics appeared on the screens. "Looks like this planet has a lot of energon, maybe enough for the autobots to repair their Ark-thingy." Haywire said. "By the way, energon is explosive right?" // "If you think that you would be better suited for 'clean up', you may go back. I will continue to survey the area." Kanjo said as he continued driving through the streets.

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