[Official] Transformers: Battle for Earth RPG

Thundershock looked at siren and took a breath.

"What or who is vector sigma?" Thundershock asked as he rubbed the back of head.

He was not too sure on any information pertaining to the elders or legends. His time as an autobot has not been for long, but he is loyal.
(I was tempted to make Optimus take a breath, but do Autobots even breath? I wonder...)

Optimus Prime stared out as he heard the question and then decided to answer.

"Vector Sigma is the legendary mainframe that is said to have given life to all Transformers, used by the great Primus. 'Before there was Cybertron, there was Vector Sigma'"

He quoted.

"It has always been considered a legend and though no one has ever found it, aside from mentions in very ancient texts legends and other small traces. But it is real and for there to be traces of technology even connected to it on this planet is... is...."

Optimus couldn't even articulate the enormity of this discovery.
"Really big," Siren said when Optimus was trying to end his sentence, "Possibly a miracle." She looked at Telatran. "What if...the planet's locals found our technology and based theirs of it?" she asked.
"My recon may support that theory." Kanjo said as he walked into the room. "Their technology seems to be so similar that we can access a certain signals, mainly one big one that seems to broadcast over almost all of the planet. Some of the data is... confusing... but it might be a way to learn about this planet."
Optimus' optic receptors went wide, he had even considered that possibility. He had been so shocked by the data that it had yet to cross his mind. What if the creatures of this world had found it. They knew nothing of the locals and that scared him worse.

"Very well, since we know nothing of these planets inhabitants I suggest we go and find out as much as we can, we can access if they have located any of the technology. During this time we can start Teletraan 1 on a global scanning to try pinpoint any locations which will take time. We need to find out about these creatures and if they may pose a treat or if they could be allies against the Decepticons. WE can't let the Decepticons get there first, this may not be our world but regardless we still cannot allow any casualties.

However we cannot let the populous know of our existence as we are not only new to this world and have no idea of their reactions to beings from other worlds, but also due to the aforementioned possiblity of their discovery of any technology from Cybertron so you are all to stay in the robot modes you have scanned on this planet and stay in disguise!"

He decided to choose a form himself as he brought up some scans the ship had taken, he looked through them. He wanted something colourful and needed it big, maybe primary colours. He finally chose a form that was red and blue, it seemed to be putting out a fire so it seemed to be a form that was used for helping.
"Ok. I will head for this planets military function and scan in from there. I will see if i can find any of this information from there. I will keep in touch." Thundershock said as he saluted his fellow autobots and headed for the door.
Nightshade came up behind the others, the orange swords on her arms glowing brightly. She listened to Optimus carefully, but kept quiet. She didn't want to ask questions she didn't know the answers to.

Her orange eyes scanned the area for a moment, and than she looked back to Thundershock and saluted him back.

"Good luck, Thundershock." She said quietly to him before he left.

Even though she looked fine on the outside, she wasn't on the inside. She was worried, and even a little bit afraid. She didn't know what this planet's lifeforms were capable of. She just hoped what ever they were, they weren't at all like the Decepticons.
"See ya later Thundershock," Siren said, as she quickly saluted back. She looked at Nightshade. "How are you doing?" she asked, "My mind is still spinning from this new information."// Huntress looked around her room (in her panther form) and realized the claw markings were created by her. She figured her metal animal form was making her act a little more like an animal, but not as much as Grimlock. She looked at Stalker, she was in her panther mode, and noticed she was powered down (like she was sleeping). Huntress picked up Stalker and headed out of the Nemisis, toward the woods.
With that, Thundershock took his leave. Exiting the ark, he headed for the nearest town. Transforming into his tank form, he rolled out for the outskirts of the town trying to pinpoint the military installment.
In the woods, Huntress noticed some kind of military base, but at that moment she didn't care. She memorized the location before continuing from wondering through the woods while carying Stalker in her mouth.
Thundershock stormed through the forest and soon came upon the military base. His color scheme matched the tanks perfectly and he rolled out slowly towards the base.

I need to get a layout of the base so i can inform Optimus. Thundershock thought to himself as he came to the gate of the military base.
Huntress was walking away from the base when she noticed Thundershock approaching it. "I wonder if he'll notice my tracks?" she thought to herself, "I'd enjoy a fight...once I got Stalker situated in a cave...where she'll be able to be off line in peace."
Thundershock was not one to be prone to details. He was a large autobot equipped with weapons. He was made for destruction of the decepticons and their allies. Small tracks on the ground was the least of his worries.

Now i need to figure out how to enter the base without sounding the alarm. Thundershock thought to himself.
Roadblock noticed Thundershock's tracks heading into the woods and fallowed them. He stopped when he noticed the Autobot near the military base."Time to cause some trouble," he thought to himself, as he made sure his grande launcher was loaded.
Pausing in his tracks for a moment, he thought to himself. How was he going to enter the base? How was he going to retrieve information? He was not a scout, he was not capable of retrieving any of their intel, he was developed for war. His strong suit was the ability to deliver pain from a distance. He was out of his element and really unequipped for the situation. Getting on the comm, he radioed back to base.

"Optimus sir... I am not sure i can do this. I am getting nervous about getting in the base. I am not suited for this task. I am meant for war, not this recon job. I am not sure what i am doing here any more. I am freaking out right now sir. What if they do not buy into me being one their tanks. What if..." Thundershock said in a panicked tone as he just went into radio silence.
Optimus heard Thundershock worried tone and tried to calm him down before he went silent.

"Thundershock, relax. Remember you are a soldier of Cybertron. You can do this, remember you are in disguise, they will not recognize you... This is a Autobots true skill, robots in disguise."

He decided he might need some help.

"Siren I am sending you Thundershocks co-ordinates, I think you had best meet him and assist him with his recon."

He grabbed his side which sparked, he wished he could go out there himself and help but he was still too badly damaged.
Siren nodded. "I'm heading your way," she said over the com to Thundershock. After transforming into car mode she headed to Thundershock. She immediately noticed Huntress' tracks. "Looks like a con is nearby...where there's one, there's usually more." When Roadblock saw Siren he fired at her and Thundershock. "See what I mean," Siren said, as dirt and tree remains flew into the air.
Thundershock lay silent upon the comm. His mind wondered back to the war upon cybertron. His battalion was side swiped by the opposition and his friends died. As the explosions sounded behind him, his mind was locked into that time frame and he lost control. He forgot were he was for a moment and without thinking, he transformed and aimed past the explosions. Revealing his sniper rifles and his gatling gun and laid fire upon the trees.

“Die you decepticon scum!” Thundershock roared out as he fired upon the mess of explosions and debris.

He was unaware if he was firing at friendlies or foes, all he knew was if he was not returning fire in a suppressive state, he was possibly going to die.
Roadblock figured he was outgunned with Thundershock around before he cowardly retreated. "The next time I see Siren...she's going to be scraped."

"Thundershock, get back into vehicle form before the natives see you," Siren said to Thundershock over a private com channel. "The Decepticon left like the coward he is."
Thundershock kept firing until he heard a friendly voice in his ear. As he stopped, his vision came back and his mind cleared. He was in the middle of the forest, not too far from the military base. Taking a few steps, he spoke out upon the autobot comm.

“I am sorry Siren, I am sorry for everything.” Thundershock replied as he transformed into his tank mode.
Grimlock was attracted by all the shouting and attacking and soon came rampaging through the forest towards Siren and Thundershock as he stamped the ground creating loud tremors sounds as he emerged from the trees looking at the Autobots with angry scowl on his face as he roared in his Robot mode.
"It's alright," Siren softly replied, before her audio receptors picked up the sound of Grimlock's roaring. "It's that Auto...Dinobot again. We have to get out of here Thundershock, we have to go somewhere without a lot of natives around." She began to drive away from the military base.// Huntress heard Grimlock's roaring too. She looked at Stalker, who was still "sleeping." Huntress believed that the little panther robot would be save and unnoticed in the cave, so she walked out (still in panther mode) and headed toward Grimlock.
Thundershock nodded at Siren’s orders. He knew that the dinobot was out of his league, but he wanted to test it. As Siren took off in vehicle mode, Thundershock took off in a sprint after Siren. His strides were long in Robot mode and made it the fastest mode of transportation. As they cleared the outskirts of the forest, Thundershock leaped into the air and transformed into his tank mode. Rolling out towards the Ark, Thundershock opened a private comm between himself and Siren.

“I am sorry for everything.” Thundershock said as he followed close behind Siren.
Grimlock roared as he began to chase after them, in Dino mode his legs were huge and gave him a powerful and long stride as he chased after them his metal feet slamming into the ground with a shudder as he pursued after them, roaring unnecessarily.

"Bad wheel bots run away!"

He said as he let out another roar.

"Bad wheel bots caused Grimlock pain!"

Despite their speed as vehicles Grimlock was still chasing after them determinedly trying to keep up with his wide strides and his tail swinging behind him.
"It's alright," Siren replied. She transformed into robot mode once she reached the Ark. She turned her hands into guns as she waited for Grimlock.// Once Huntress found Grimlock she ran beside him. "Who are you chasing Dinobot?" she asked. "Let me guess, Autobots?" she asked with a wink.

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