[Official] Transformers: Battle for Earth RPG

"Stupid girl." Thundershock said aloud as he ran at the Dinobot.

Jumping at the dinobot's legs, he tried to stop the large beast from destroying everything around him.

"Siren, are you kidding me right now? You didn't warn Crosshair about Grimlock before she just pulled out the torch?" Thundershock replied as he held onto Grimlocks' legs.
Grimlock was shaking his head far too violently for Crosshair to even examine his injury let alone help him as he blasted out fire to knock her off his face, as Thunderbolt grabbed onto his legs he wobbled and tripped as fell to the ground like a lumbering oaf resembling a fallen tree trunk that crushed into the ground.

He then kicked his legs violently kicking at Thunderbolt and blasting out more flames at anything or anyone that came close.
"I didn't have enough time to warn her," Siren said to Thundershock, as she helped hold Grimlock down. "We need to tie his mouth shut or get him to stop attacking somehow." Crosshair rolled onto the ground. "Listen pal, I'm trying to help you feel better," she said as she brushed herself off. "I'm just going to close up that wound of yours."
As Grimlock was being held down and surrounded by all three he yelled out in pain and fear as something began to happen, something unexpected. Grimlock had no idea what was happening as his body began to change, he was transforming as his body began to shift and transform, allowing him to slip out of the grasp of the Autobots.

As he finished transforming he jumped back as he grabbed onto the new sword that had appeared on his back. He growled animalistically even though he no longer had a mouth. It was now that Thundershock and Siren could see his face and it was something that shocked them. They now knew who this strange Autobot was, it was Rachet! The chief medical advisor of the Ark, their friend who had been with them during the crash. Somehow he had been damaged and ejected from the ship.

This was no longer just some random Autobot who was confused, but they now realized it was an old friend... and something was severely wrong with him. Grimlock growled again as he grabbed his sword which suddenly burst into flames and charged at Crosshair ready to take a swing at her.

(Been waiting to do this!)
Siren was surprised that Grimlock was really a damaged Ratchet. "Grimlock...I mean Ratchet, we're trying to help you," she said to him. "You're the one who needs medical attention," she added. She dived toward him and grabbed one of his legs as Crosshair side stepped out of the swords way. Oil began to fall from Siren's eyes. "Please, let us help you," she pleaded.
Thundershock was dumb founded at the outcome of this. He was unsure of what he had to do. This bot was not who he thought he was. There was a memory switch that happened, and Thundershock just froze. Looking at the bot swing down the sword at Crosshair, Thundershock did not budge an inch. This bot was not something that he could defend against. Grimlock, or Ratchet was a bot that seemed to wield a higher power then Thundershock thought about his defense.

What am i to do. I can't possibly defend against a hit like that. I can't just attack him, since he is one of our men. What do i do! Thundershock thought to himself.
Not being in his robot form Grimlock was far more agile, while still a power type with a lot of weight and not more speed. Having proper legs allowed him to do a jump into a roll to avoid Siren grabbing his legs. He then launched his shoulder mounted machine guns without realizing. He didn't even know he had those, let alone that he could that. Whether it was done purposefully or not, is unknown. The bullets went straight for Siren as Grimlock completed his jump-roll.
Siren fell onto the ground and rolled into some bushes. "Ratchet, try to remember us, we're your friends!" Siren said. She looked at Thundershock. "S...should we use force?" she asked, a little shook up. "I vote yes," Crosshair said. "Crosshair...this is Ratchet, a friend we're talking about." "You may recall I wasn't much of a friend to him, I was a Decepticon then remember?" "Of course I do...I've been trying to forget!"
“Force?” Thundershock repeated as he snapped back into reality.

Hearing the gun shots coming from Ratchet, Thundershock unleashed all of his weapons and charged at Ratchet. Thundershock was hoping that he wasn’t any faster then he was before, but he was unsure.

“I got this!” Thundershock roared out as he dove at Ratchet for a tackle while having his sniper rifle barrels pointed upon Ratchets chest plate.
Grimlock preoccupied with the girls didn't notice Thundershock as he was hit by all the shots as he was blasted back and then tackled by Thundershock, one of the few Autobots big and strong enough to do so. He fell to the ground, still growling as suddenly his chest plates opened up and fired rockets out. However at such a close range it would be as damaging to him as Thundershock, but still not understand this new form it was a completely automatic reaction for the Dinobot as the rockets shot towards Thundershock.
"Thundershock! Look out!" Siren yelled. "Thundershock!" Siren was about to rush toward her friend when Crosshair grabbed her and lead her into cover.
As the chest plate opened on Ratchet, Thundershock’s eyes opened wide. Bracing for impact, Thundershock soon closed his eyes and a mask appeared covering his mouth. As the rockets hit his chestplate, the explosion from the rockets were impressive. They sent the large autobot flying from ratchet’s position. He flew through the air and landed a half mile away. Laying upon the ground, all of Thundershock’s systems were offline and if anyone had a tag on him, would think that he was dead.

Walking through the forest was a bot of extreme curiosity. This bot was not an autobot, nor was it a decepticon. It walked over to Thundershock’s body and walked around it, studying it.
Likewise Grimlock being so close to Thundershock also got caught in the blast as he went flying back smashing through some trees on his way and came with an impressive crash due to his weight as he smashed into the ground, leaving his little crater. He immediately reverted to his dino form as he lay barely conscious... He could barely open his eyes as he just groaned.
The bot stopped at the head of Thundershock and knelt down beside him. Reaching his hand out and covering the face of the autobot, he grabbed him below the jaw and dragged him away. Large drag marks carved through the ground as the bot continued to drag Thundershock through the dirt.
Seeing this as her change to finally repair the big Dinobot, Crosshair transformed and motored over to Grimock/Ratchet. "How many fingers am I holding up?" she asked the Dinobot with a roguish smirk on her face. She began to repair Ratchet's head wound with her welder's torch.// "Thundershock!" Siren shouted as she saw him fly through the air. She fallowed the smoke trail and found her friend being dragged away. She turned her hands into pistols. "Hold up, who are you, and what are you up to?"
Grimlock stayed still trying to move as Crosshair came closer, but it seemed no use. As she climbed on him he growled to get her off in vain. Then when she took out the torch his eyes suddenly went small again as he suddenly burst up with some unknown strength sending Crosshair off him. He then ran off into the jungle smashing into pretty much every tree he tried to avoid as he seemed barely able to walk straight as he tripped over every step, but still rushing as fast as he could to get out there as his noise was heard bursting through the forest. It was amazing despite his size and damage he was still able to get out of there so fast.
The bot stodd moving and with a simple twist of his body, his free hand transformed into a large cannon. Aiming it upon Siren, he aimed down the sight straight at her.

”You think that your guns will do anything to me? Call off your search of this bot and we will have no problem.” The large bot said in a demanding tone of voice.

His body flexed and moaned as his gears changed and turned. The cape upon his back was not a cape but wings.

(( http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs7/i/2005/231/7/a/Transmetal_2_Megatron_by_REX_203.jpg ))
Crosshair shrugged her shoulders. "Fine, don't be fixed," she said toward the trail the Dinobot left behind. She transformed into a motorcycle and turned on her holo-projector to project a realistic roguish female biker. She headed back toward the Ark.// "Who are you?" Siren demanded, "What do you want with Thundershock?" Siren demanded. She still had her guns aimed at the Transformers. "You don't scare me," she thought to herself.
“Thundershock as you call him is now my prisoner till I see fit.” The bot said as his canon reverted back into a dragon’s head.

The bot turned slightly towards Siren and looked at her.

“Do you plan on stopping me with those little pea shooters of yours?” The bot asked out as he dropped the grip upon Thundershock’s face.

Taking a step closer to her, he analyzed her body frame, her weapons, even her stance. His tactics were near flawless and his strategy was also near perfect.
Siren turned her hands back to normal, then turned her right hand into her pulse rifle. She began to amp up the voltage. "Would you prefer me blast you with this?" she asked. "What's your interest with my friend?" she demanded.
"I am an old bot and you would really attack me with that? What would optimus think of you attacking a prime." The bot said as he stopped moving.

His gears clanked and clattered one more time before turning into a large dragon and launched himself into the air.

"Tell prime that I will be back. For now he needs to get the autobots into hiding." The bot said as he took off into the air and away from that location.

With a grunt, Thundershock rolled to his side.

"Feels like i was just man handled. What happened to the other bot?" Thundershock asked as he looked over at Siren.
"He flew away," Siren replied, transforming her gun hand back into a hand. "Optimus, this is Siren," she said over the com. "Some dragon robot tried to drag Thundershock off somewhere, but I'm with Thundershock now. The robot flew away, he said he was a prime and that...we need to go into hiding." "Oh, almost forgot," she quickly added, "If you see my sister Crosshair, she's changed sides to ours."
"This is Optimus, I'm listening..."

Optimus listened as Siren explained about the dragon robot as he suddenly froze in the medical bay where his repairs were being performed.

"No... that's impossible. I can't be him..."

Optimus whispered to himself in shock.

"He can't be back..."

He clutched his fist as he returned to his senses with a shake of his head.

"Siren, return with Thundershock to the Ark. He may need medical attention and I think we need to regroup."
"We'll be back as quickly as we can," Siren said. She looked at Thundershock. "We're needed back at the Ark," she said to her friend, "Are you ready to move out?"// Crosshair drove into the Ark and transformed back into her robot form. "Hiya everybody, your favorite former con has returned," she said before looking for Optimus. Once she found him she walked up to him. "Hey Optimus, where do I get the Autobot symbol around here?"
"I am ready to move out." Thundershock replied as he stood up and looked around.

Looking around at the landscape, he seen some drag marks.

"What happened?" Thundershock asked out as he looked back at Siren.

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