[Official] Transformers: Battle for Earth RPG

Hot Shot came rolling out of the cargo bay exactly as Crosshair expected, he rolled past them as he hopped up right to lean on the pilot's seat with his hands over the head rest a big smile on his face.

"So when do we get there, I'm ready to kick some Decepticon mother boards! I can't wait for this, I can't believe I'm finally going to get to see some action! This is AWESOME!!!"

He smiled looking to the other three Transformers as he was shaking with an anticipation.
Crosshair smirked when she noticed she was right about Hot Shot being stowed away in the cargo bay. She looked at Siren, who was frowning. "We should tell Optimus, you're not supposed to be here," Siren said. "Do we really need to contact him? Now Hot Shot can learn what war really is. Maybe he'll stop being so eager for a fight," she added with a roguish smile. "If you truly want to gain Optimus' trust, we need to report this in." Cross hair put a hand on her chin, "Gain trust or do the roguish thing...." the Autobot with a few Decepticon tendencies mulled her options over.
As hot shot came rolling out of the cargo bay, all of the autobots could hear a single round get loaded into Thundershock's rifle.

"I thought that we came to a conclusion that you were to stay at the base. Since you snuck onto this ship, you made too much noise just being in the cargo bay, that if a decepticon was actually in the place that we are in, they would have shot at you with no questions asked. " Thundershock spoke out as he had the rifle pointed upon Hot shot.

Anger could be seen upon the face of Thundershock as he stared upon Hot shot.
Hot Shot jumped up and wrapped his arms around Siren's legs as his hands locked, throwing himself upon her mercy.

"Oh please let me come with, please! I promise I won't cause trouble, I'll listen to everything you say, I won't jump into trouble and stay down when necessary. Just oh please, please let me come with you and help out the Autobots, please!!! PLEASE!!!! OH PLEASE, OH PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PPPPLLLLEEEAAASSSEEE-"

The final please trailed on infinitely as he begged with his jaws big and his eyes all large and sappy like a puppy dog as he pleaded for his one chance.
Siren sighed. "Fine...it's too late to turn back anyway," she replied. "We don't want the Decepticons to get what they want." Crosshair sat back down in her seat. "We're almost at the mountain," she said to the others.// "Remind me what we're looking for again?" Roadblock asked. "That's the fifth time you ask, you'll know it when you see it," Huntress replied, clearly irritated.
"I guess we will let him join us. But under one condition." Thundershock spoke out as he put his sniper rifles away.

Walking towards the front and looking out the window, Thundershock awaited the arrival at the mountain.
"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you..."

Hot Shot kept repeating as he clutched onto Siren gratefully, not even caring about the condition or being wise enough to ask what it was.

The Axalon had finally reached the mountain at the co-ordinates that Optimus had sent them. It was a large moutain with greenery growing across it and many caves leading through it.
"Be stealthy everyone, we're going to fight only if we have too," Siren said, as the Axalon silently landed near the mountain. "Crosshair will take point, Thundershock, you'll watch out flanks. Any questions?" Crosshair got a couple grenades from the cargo hold, just in case, before walking out of the space ship. Once closer to the mountain, she could hear the sound of drilling. "The cons are in there all right," Crosshair said to the others.

Hot Shot yelled out, but then immediately covered his mouth realizing he was too loud as he smiled in awkwardness.

"What about me, what should I do?" Hot Shot asked Siren with big bright eyes in anticipation, he couldn't wait to be of use and take down some cons. she would probably want him to take his guns and go blazing in taking down every worthless con he could find.
"I want you to fallow orders and fallow behind me," Siren replied. "I suggest we gear up, but only bring what we need," Crosshair said. "We should see what the cons are up too before they find what they're looking for," she added.
Hot Shot nodded as he dove back into the cargo bay as a lot of loud clanging and scuffling was heard as he came suddenly covered in guns, ammunition and so many other supplies he would never need. He was completely covered in it as well as having a huge pile on his back that rose past his head and seemed to be double his size.

"I'm ready!"

Hot Shot said enthusiastically as the weight from all the supplies began to get to him and he tipped over and went crashing to the ground.
"The Decepticons will see you coming a mile away with all that," Crosshair said, "You don't need all those weapons, you only have two hands after all." "Leave some of the equipment for other missions," Siren added, "Right now we have a job to do and we should start sooner than later." She turned to look at Thundershock. "Time to roll out."
"Understood." Thundershock replied to Siren.

Walking to the ships cargo door, Thundershock looked back at Hotshot.

"You better be quiet. I am not wanting to have to save your life. You will be placed on a strict surveillance task." Thundershock roared out in a mean tone.

Placing his hand upon the control next to the door, he pulled down upon the switch and opened the door. As the door opened, Thundershock took a step outside and he looked upon the mountain. Rotating his shoulders, Thundershock prepared himself for a fight. Turning his head slightly to the side, a smile could be seen upon Thundershock's face.

Hot Shot said dropping all the equipment and just grabbing his usual artillery. He pulled out his blaster and prepared it as he held it to the side of his face and followed after Siren and Thundershock going deeper into the endless caverns of the mountain.
Siren looked through Cybertronian binoculars. "There's our entrance," Siren said. Pointing at the mountain's cave. "Remind me what we're looking for again" Crosshair said. "A Cybertronian artifact," Siren replied, "Lets get moving, we don't want the cons to find it and use it."
"Let's hurry!"

Hot Shot grabbed Thundershock and pulled him along.

"So when do we get to take down some Cons, when do we get to show em some Autobot style? Huh? When?!"

Hot Shot asked Siren excitedly.
Thundershock got pulled slightly by the overly excited Hotshot and he sighed. Removing his hand from Hotshot's grip, he placed it upon Hotshot's head.

"We are not here for a fight. You must learn there is a time and a place for that. We are on a recon snatch and grab. We are not here to just light up our weapons." Thundershock spoke out as he kind of pressed down upon Hotshot.

Walking past all of them, Thundershock took the lead for he was the heaviest armored of them all and since all of the decepticons were already inside.

"I will take point, strictly for defense." Thundershock spoke quietly over the comm.
Crosshair walked by Hotshot and quickly winked at him, before walking behind Thundershock. As a former Decepticon scout, she thought it would be best for her to be near the front to use her recon skills. "Keep your optics open, we need to be alert for this mission," Siren said over the com. "We don't know what the artifact looks like." Once inside the cave Siren switched her optics to night vision because it was really dark inside the cave.
Hot Shot followed the others through the cave as they went deeper and deeper, as Hot Shot followed he noticed the primitive markings on the walls. Drawn by the natives of this planet, however by the age of the markings this was drawn many many years ago. He saw small creatures, strange animals, large creatures and very strange objects. He wondered what it all meant.

He continued to keep his optics and audio sensors open for any cons, he knew it was suppose to recon as they said but he was hoping they would run into some and he would get to kick some gear!
Thundershock was passed up by the ex-con but he knew he was not built for recon, he was made to take hits, and deliver a beating. As he walked behind Crosshair, one of his sniper rifle barrels extended from his arm. He was not wanting to be caught off guard without some sort of offense. As they continued into the cave, it got super dark and he had to revert to an alternate vision. Switching his vision to night vision, he continued to follow Crosshair.
Siren also noticed the cave drawings and stopped to inspect one of them; the image depicted early humans surrounding what she recognized as a Cybertronian device. She took a picture of it. "This must be what we're looking for...can't tell what it does from the picture though...," she said quietly over the com, as she sent the image to the other Autobots. Crosshair crouched, sniper rifle pointed up, before looking around the corner. She raised an arm and waved 'all clear,' before being the first to continue.
"Hey do you hear that?"

Hot Shot looked around as he suddenly put his audio receptors to the wall.

"Yes, I can hear it. It's in the walls..."

Suddenly the tunnel they walked in began to tremble as small rock particles on the floor shook as suddenly the cave paintings and the wall Hot Shot was listening to broke apart as a giant spinning drill began ripping through towards Hot Shot and the other Autobots.
"Looks like we have company," Siren said over the com. "We may need to fight off the cons, take them out quietly." Crosshair turned around and got on one knee. She aimed her sniper rifle where the drill was creating a hole in the wall. 'Finally some action,' the roguish Autobot thought.
Thundershock was slightly shocked at the drill coming through the wall and as he turned, he grabbed Hot shot and dragged him back from the tip of the drill.

“All right son, You ready for a battle? You need to be ready for anything, even if it means putting those guns away and taking these cons out silently.” Thundershock spoke out in a quite tone.

Stepping back from the drill, he stood behind the other three autobots. He brought out his sniper rifles from his right hand and aimed it upon the drill as he awaited the occupant.
Hot Shot smirked big as he opportunity for a battle came about. He immediately pulled out his guns.

The drill burst through the wall as the large drill tank emerged and jumbled a bit on the rocks.

"Hey isn't that an automated driller. They use to be used on Cybertron to dig mines and shafts, they are unmanned and have extremely thick shells so they can even dig through magma."

Hot Shot said scratching his head with his gun still in hand.

Suddenly the drill tank began moving towards them, the drill still spinning making it's danger well known.

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