[Official] Transformers: Battle for Earth RPG

Hot Shot groaned as he finished fixing the panel in the Ark.

"This sucks! How come all the other Autobots get to go out there and battle Decepticon slime while I'm stuck here doing repairs just because I'm new! This is totally unfair!!!"

He started stomping around in the hallway having his temper tantrum to himself.


Optimus looked to Crosshair very seriously as she came busting in while other Autobots immediately raised their weapons at her.

"Lower your weapons, she is not here as an enemy."

The Autobots lowered their weapons as Optimus looked Crosshair over.

"As I understand from your sister you wish to switch sides. While I am glad you wish to help us and have decided to abandon Megatron this is not a decision you can enter into so lightly and simply swap symbols so easily. Megatron does not take deserters lightly and will try to hunt you down for your actions, further more he will have no issue with destroying for siding with us if he sees you again as will his Decepticon warriors.

I am always glad to have a new ally on our team, but Megatron's deceit runs deep and I simply cannot allow you into our ranks so easily as Megatron has been known to take our generosity to his advantage to gain intel and attack us from within. I want to trust you, but you must understand it will take time before we can fully put our faith in you. You will need to prove you are truly with the Autobot side and wish to fight for justice!"

Optimus hated having to be so untrusting, but too many times Megatron had taken advantages of his belief in good in all Cybertonians which had led to vital information being stolen, attacks from within, sneak attacks, losing and heart break...
"Grim...Ratchet fired his rockets at close range, the explosion sent you flying this way, and some dragon robot dragged you here," Siren replied, "Ratchet went flying the other way." She transformed into her police car form. "Let's not keep Optimus waiting," she added before driving toward the Ark.// "I'm completely aware of that," Crosshair said, "But with my skills I'll be fine." The roguish new, not-yet-fully-trusted, Autobot glanced around and noticed Hot Shot, before returning her gaze at Optimus. "Anyway...you may be surprised to know the Dinobot, I believe he goes by Grimlock, is really a damaged Ratchet. No lie, Siren will back me up."
"I got you." Thundershock replied as he transformed into his tank mode.

Speeding along side of Siren he thought to himself.
Optimus was definitely surprised by the revelation Crosshair told him off. He had heard of Grimlock as some powerful and very wild and confused Transformer the others were very weary of who seemed extremely violent and dangerous. Now he was told it was Rachet, not only one of his own... but... He had always known Rachet as one of the kindest Autobots he had ever met, Rachet hated fighting and was the ships best medic and an amazing engineer. He hated to fight and would always prefer to find another way. He had always been kind to every Autobot he met.

What could have happened to him to have made him this monster the others had reported about, what had happened to their friend.

Maybe it was a good thing Crosshair was there, if their best medic was out her skills would fill the void. However he couldn't stop worrying of the cause of such a change to an Autobot.

However his true worries had only just begun, he was trying to believe it wasn't true. It couldn't be possible that he was here, on this planet which they had accidentally crash-landed. I mean it was just legend after all, wasn't it. Of course it wasn't, as a Prime he knew the truth.
"If you'll excuse me, I have a symbol to replace," Crosshair said to Optimus, before walking away. She gave Hot Shot a roguish wink as she walked by him. Once she found Autobot symbols she torched off her Decepticon symbols and replaced them with her new faction's symbol.// Siren drove into the ark and transformed into robot form. "We're back," she said. She walked over to Optimus, "You wanted to see us?" she asked, "I figure Crosshair already told you about Ratchet."
Hot Shot saw Crosshair's Decepticon mark and was ready to blast her when he realized no one was reacting. He thought something was going on, but anyone who was a Decepticon was bad news... He should definitely follo-

Hot Shot didn't even finish the thought when Siren and Thundershock walked in and he completely lost his train of thought.

Optimus nodded to Siren.

"Yes... she t-"

Hot Shot burst in front of Optimus.

"You guys are finally back! Did you kick some Decepticon butt! Man you guys always have such awesome missions, fighting bad guys, saving the world while I'm stuck here with boring stuff. Come on, I can take down Decepticon scum with the best of them, beat down some gears, rattle some circuits!!!"

He yelled out as he took out his blasters pretending to shoot as he spun them around trying to look cool when one suddenly went off and shot to side, just missing someone's head and blasting a small mark in the wall.

"Fighting cons isn't necessarily fun," Siren said to Hot Shot. "Especially since I had to fight my own sister...till now." "Did someone mention me?" Crosshair asked with a coy, roguish grin. Her new Autobot symbols nicely polished and easy to see. Siren turned to Optimus, "Anyway...what did you want to tell us?" she asked.
“Hot shot, my man. How is it going? Yea we fought some decepticons, fought things bigger. We won some, i lost one.” Thundershock replied to Hot Shot.

Thundershock placed his hand upon Hot shot’s shoulder and spoke out to him.

“Maybe next time I can take you with me on a scouting mission.” Thundershock said before switching his gaze to Optimus Prime.
Hot Shot eyes went huge as Thundershock said those six magical words.

'-I can take you with me-' They echoed in his mind as he suddenly grabbed Thundershock in a hug.

"That would be... AWESOME!!!! Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you...."

"Yes I did."

Optimus replied, in truth the main reason he had called them was to get them as far away from 'him' as possible, so that they didn't do anything stupid. He thought quickly and already knew what to say now.

"I need you to de-brief me on what you have learnt about the inhabitants of this world and then I have a new mission for you."

He led them to the Mission room as Hot Shot follow only for Optimus to close the door on him.

"Oh come on! Let me help! I'm not too young!!!"

Inside the Mission room Optimus looked to Siren, Thundershock and Crosshair.

"So tell me, what have you discovered so far?"

"Primitive tech, but they have a good sense of style with their rides," Crosshair replied, "And they're tiny." "They also happen to be fragile on run on a life source called blood," Siren said, "They have a set of rules called laws, but not every native fallows them. They also don't seem aware of our presence." She looked at Thundershock, "Anything you'd link to add?"
"That pretty much covers it." Thundershock spoke out as he placed his hands upon the table in the middle of the room.

His mind wandered for a moment as he looked at the table.
"Very well, then let us move on."

He moved over to a screen which soon lit up.

"After numerous scans Teletraan has picked up some new data waves relating to Vector Sigma. We have found a small signal, very small located in what appears to set of caves within a large mountain. The caves are too complex and deep for scans to give us proper details.

However during the scans, a larger issue was discovered. We have detected several Decepticon signals in the area. It seems they have already found the area. Therefore I'm sending you three to go investigate. This mission will be made more dangerous by the Decepticons, they will also be looking for source of the signal. As much as I would prefer not to, confrontation may in unavoidable in these circumstances."
"We can handle a few cons," Crosshair said, "Don't worry about a thing." "Should we bring one more Autobot along?" Siren asked, "It may even things up a little." She looked at Thundershock. "What do you think?"
Snapping back to reality, Thundershock looked over at Siren.

"Yea, sure. That sounds good." Thundershock replied to Siren.
"Very well Siren, if you wish to bring another Autobot of appropriate skill you may. You will be given the Axalon to help you get there at top speed. Dismissed"

He dismissed the group and headed off to deal with other matters, they had been shown a map of the mountain as well as been given co-ordinates to it's location.
Siren and Crosshair walked out of the room with Thundershock. "Hot Shot," Siren called out, "How would you like to join us on a mission?" "I really don't think asking is necessary," Crosshair said, as she looked Hot Shot over. She smirked roguishly, "I can already tell he's going to say 'yes.'"
Hotshot's face lit up as he was about to practically vibrate with excitement.


"No!" Optimus interrupted, as he stepped out with a stern look.

"I said some with adequate experience. Hotshot is just out of the academy and has no battle experience and minimal training. He may have enthusiasm but his lack of previous engagement and habit of over-eager need to jump into battle is a problem."

"But Optimuuuuuussssssss....."
"We'll keep a good eye on him," Crosshair said to Optimus, "Besides..how else will he learn that war isn't pretty and something to be taken seriously?" she asked, flashing a roguish smile. "I understand it is your call but...I agree with my sister," Siren said. She glanced at Thundershock to see if he would add anything.
Thundershock stopped and looked upon Optimus.

"I agree with Optimus on this one. Hotshot needs to stay here. There is just too much risk and i would hate to see him injured or killed in this mission." Thundershock spoke out as he looked towards Hotshot.

"But i promise to come back and take him upon a recon mission to build his field skills up so maybe he can join us on the next mission." Thundershock spoke out as he wanted to cheer Hotshot up.
Optimus looked to Thundershock and agreed.

"Yes, a mission of this magnitude not to mention the chance of having to intercept Decepticons is way to dangerous for a first mission"

Hot Shot completely drooped down as he sulked off, a dark cloud above his head.

(I'll let you guys use your Decepticons for this battle at the mountain, it's about time we had a good brawl with Grimlock)
"You're the boss," Siren said to Optimus, before turning to Crosshair and Thundershock. "We should roll out," she added, before transforming into her vehicle mode. Cross hair did the same. She and her sister turned on their holoprojector so it would look like a human was driving them, before they drove off toward the mountain with Thundershock.// Roadblock was with the Decepticons. "Are you sure there is something interesting in this mountain? All I see are rocks." "There's a reason Megatron sent us here," Huntress remarked, as she removed some rubble. "Get back to work."
"All right." Thundershock replied to Siren.

Transforming into his tank, he followed behind Siren and Crosshair. He was not quite as fast as they were, but he pushed his form to the limit and stayed with them.
The Axalon had been prepared with supplies and re-fueled. It was a small travel ship aboard the Ark and was perfect for this mission. Once Crosshair, Thundershock and Siren had all finished preparing themselves and boarded. The final launching procedures were completed and they were off.

It was only in about 20 minutes into the flight they heard strange noises coming from the cargo bay.
"I don't like the sound of that," Siren said, "Sounds like something exploded or we have a hitchhiker." "Maybe it's Hot Shot," Crosshair suggested with a roguish smirk, "If not a friendly we can blast it." The roguish Autobot stood up and opened the cargo bay door. "Is someone in here?" she asked.
Turning to face the noise, thundershock aimed his sniper rifle at the door.

"i'm itching for a fight right now. I hope its a deception. I'm going to annihilate this thing." Thundershock spoke out to siren.

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