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Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

She smiled and watched him a little, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. “I love you.” She mumbled, starting to drift off again, managing to sleep through til morning, waking up and seeing Noah having some breakfast frowning some. “Everytime I wake up you’re eating without me.” She mumbled, pouting a little.

Ivar had woken up to silence in the house, managing to get himself up and sorted, heading downstairs and rolling his eyes a little at the lack of food on the table, sitting down and waiting for max to get up. It was only after a couple hours when Thomas came in that he was beginning to truly wonder about where she was.
Noah looked over with a face full of pancake and gave a small smile. He quickly swallowed his food and took her hand in his "Morning love, I gotta eat, or else you'll get mad at me. I can't help that it so happens you wake up every time I'm eating."

Thomas came into the house that morning and gave a small frown "Sir, she left this for you. Cameras show she left after you had gone to bed." He explained before handing him the letter Max had written for him. It explained her leaving and the reasoning for it. She also explained that this wasn't permanent and she would be back, once he got his shit together with how he acted towards her.
She frowned and watched him for a minute. “Maybe if you didn’t chew so loud.” She muttered, making a face at him and just lay back frowning. “You wanna help me up? They’re gonna make me walk around before I can leave.” She mumbled, “you didn’t yell at Ben too much did you?” She asked.

Ivar frowned and read through it, immediately ripping the paper to shreds and got up, stumbling a little but brushed off Thomas’s help. “Get out.” He told him frowning, going to find his phone “I said get out!” He screamed at him
Noah gave a small sigh when she mentioned Ben and helped her up "At time it happened I layed into him....Ubbe did as well." He said softly while he went as slow as he needed to.

Max frowned deeply when she saw Ivar's name flash across her phone screen. She was honestly hesitant to answer, knowing it would just be screaming on the other end. After a few rings she finally answered and put it on speaker so she didn't have to hold the phone to her ear "Hello Ivar.."
"Where the fuck are you?! You want to continue to play this stupid game?! See where it leads you huh?" He yelled down the line, "I will not tolerate this behaviour Maxine!" He yelled, unaware Hvitserk was sat not far from her and listening to the whole thing "I do you a favour by allowing another man's child into my home and this is how you repay me?!" He yelled again

She smiled tiredly at him, leaning heavily on his arms for her balance for the first thirty seconds before just holding him for support in case. Most of the beatings had taken place on her upper body but still her legs were bruised and sore. "It wasn't his fault.... You too would have thought going with him was safe." She mumbled "I will make sure he gets some time off.... He does keep talking about going on holiday with his girlfriend." She was rambling a little now and let him help her do a circuit around the room before sitting back down as her doctor was coming in for one last check before she could sign her discharge papers.
Max took a deep breath and gave a small nod "Yes Ivar, because right now you're treating me the same as Kalf...and I won't put up with it anymore." She said quietly before hanging up the phone looking at Hvitserk with sad eyes "Thats not the Ivar I know. He would have never talked to me like that."

Noah gave a small nod as he helped her around "Yeah I think that'll be good for him." He murmured before he got her to sit back down. He looked over when he saw the doctor come in "Hello sir, how is she looking?"
-2 months-
Carmen stood shaking while she let Noah help her in the shower. The weight of the day along with how they had used water to torture her had caused extra problems for now but at the very least she knew he was there to help her. She was quiet as she got ready for the day after that, getting dressed in her more traditional attire, having had some bought for Noah as well. “We should get going.” She told him quietly once she was done. “I will never ask this again but you cannot look away. It will be difficult but this is ritual. Not for fun.” She told him

Ivar had had every intention to join his family for the ceremony today. They were finally getting rid of Leif after getting every scrap of information out of him but for the past few days Ivar had been slipping back again and to add to that the fact max still hadn’t come home was allowing his fury to fester. He’d vecome quite the recluse over the past couple months, only allowing his mother and hvitserk to visit and only when he would give in to their pleas of making sure he was okay. Today though he had agreed to join them all. Hee made it downstairs to wait for Thomas to get the car ready, feeling worse and worse as the time wore on.

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