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Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

Noah was shaking in the waiting room when Ubbe finally arrived. He looked over at him and took a deep breath "She.....she stopped breathing for a few minutes....its fuck if I had just been there with her." He said quietly to him just trying to get himself together but it was proving hard.

Max gave a small nod and let a hand fall to her stomach "You have a point, maybe getting a house nurse would be best." She said softly before giving a small smile when asked about the baby "They're good, growing in perfect time. I'll be able to learn the gender at my next appointment."
Ubbe shook his head and sighed “it wouldn’t have made a difference. Not when it’s Leif that took her.” He told him frowning. “We got him though. Taking him to my fathers as we speak.” He told him, sitting there for a couple hours until hee name was called, standing to talk with the doctor but nodded to Noah when they said only one person could go in at a time. “Go, I’ll tell everyone how she’s doing.” He sighed.

She was coming around slowly as Noah was allowed into the room, not saying a word but reached for him weakly

She smiled “that’s exciting. Are you gonna do a shower?” She asked, heading inside and checked her phone. “Because I have a list of things I want to get this baby.” She told her happily. “Carmen does as well.” She smiled.
Noah took her hand into his as he got into the room tears freely falling down his cheeks "I am so sorry Carmen. I'm so sorry you got hurt." He murmured before kissing her knuckles repeatedly.

Max smiled widely and nodded "Yes, I'm so excited. Of course you guys will be invited." She said happily before pulling her phone out and getting a few photos out that she had saved for inspiration.
She frowned a little and just gripped at him, trying to pull him closer with what energy she had before passing out again, hee nurse stepping in and frowning a little. “She needs rest. Lots of it.” She told him. “As long as you keep hee calm you can stay in here though.”

Amma looked over everything with her happily. “Oh I can’t wait. I know we already have torvi and ubbes children and bjorn has kids lord knows in how many cities across the world but a new child for the family is always exciting.” She smiked.
Noah gave a small nod and wiped his eyes "There won't be any stress. Please do not let anyone in this room without permission from me." He said quietly before turning his attention back to Carmen.

Max nodded happily and got out of the car once they arrived at the restaurant "Yes it is, do you and Hvitserk ever want any?" She asked quietly
She slept through most of the afternoon until waking up as the sun was setting, looking over to find Noah eating some kind of takeout while he watched tv, frowning a little and just watching him in silence

She shrugged. “We have chosen to go the way of what happens happens.” She told her smiling. “We have more than enough nieces and nephews to enjoy.” She told her, glancing as her phone pinged. “They have her. Noah is with her now but she won’t want visitors for a bit.” She muttered frowning while max asked for their table.
Noah looked over to her when he heard her moving in the bed a bit. He gave a small smile and muted the TV before putting his food on the table and moving to her "Hey, I'm right here. You're safe." He said quietly

Max let out a sigh of relief and gave a small nod "Oh thank goodness. We'll have to go see her once she is okay for visitors." She said as they walked to the table "Did they say if they got Leif?"
She frowned and still said nothing, gripping at his arm tightly, trying to pull him closer, just needing him to be right there.

She shook her head. “If they hadn’t hvitserk would have told me to get my ass home. So I will assume we are all safe.” She told her as they sat down, frowning as maxs own phone started pinging off the hook.
Noah moved to sit on the edge of the bed with her "I'm afraid this is the best I can do love. I don't want to hurt you." He said softly before kissing her forehead gently.

Max nodded in agreement before frowning as her phone went off. She gave a small sigh "Give me just a minute." She said softly before dialing Ivar "Hey, everything okay?"
He frowned as he sat up by his desk. “Where the fuck are you?” He questioned her. “I’ve been calling your name and no answer. Thomas said you left with amma.” He muttered.

She frowned and just tugged on him again, giving him a desperate plea with just her eyes, still not talking but needing him closer, a lot more shaken up than she cared to admit
Max frowned deeply and pinched the bridge of her nose "I told you I was going to lunch with Amma, and that if you needed anything to call Thomas." She said as nicely as possible not wanting to bite bacm at him.

Noah frowned deeply as he saw the desperate look in her eyes and gave a small nod "Okay, okay hold on." He said gently before slipping his shoes off and taking his wallet and keys off of him. He placed those on the side table and gently moved to lay with her "I'm right here, I'm not leaving you again."
She lay there in silence with him for a long while before falling asleep again before her nurse popped in. “She still not talking?” She asked him. “There’s nothing physically wrong with her that would stop her from speaking. My guess is the events that transpired. She’s in shock.” She told him and made notes before leaving them to it.

He frowned. “I’m not going to ask Thomas to help. He’s busy. Get your ass home as soon as you can.” He told her and hung up.
Noah gave a small nod and kept Carmen close to him "Its alright, I know she'll talk when she is ready." He said softly before glancing at his phone when it went off. He sighed heavily seeing Ragnar's name and answered "Hey, she is asleep right now. No sir she hasn't said anything yet."

Max frowned deeply and took a deep breath before dialing his mother to ask for some help at this moment. She looked at Amma once she was done talking to Aslaug "Don't look at me like that....I need a break and I can't get a nurse in a day. She's the only person that'll get there quickest."
She woke up a little later on a watched Noah finishing his dinner, watching him. “I should have waited.” She mumbled finally, watching him.

She shook her head and sighed. “That woman hardly needs more ammunition against any of the wives… we saw her last week, hvitserk asked if she’d been to see Carmen yet since the whole arranged marriage thing, not once.” She muttered. “Definition of boy mom that woman.”
Noah looked over at her giving a small frown while he cleaned up his little mess from dinner "What do you mean?" He asked gently as he made his way to sit beside her again.

Max rolled her eyes some and gave a nod "Very very true." She murmured before getting on with lunch. She ended up coming home a few hours later after some light shopping as well and took a deep breath before going inside to Ivar. She just prayed that the tongue lashing she would most likely receive wouldn't be too painful.
“I should have waited til you got home.” She mumbled, closing her eyes. “I was so angry.” She frowned, “you promised.” She let him pick up her hand in his much larger ones, squeezing his fingers a little.

Ivar was sat downstairs with a plate of food in front of him and frowning as he scrolled through emails. “What fucking time do you call this?” He questioned her, never looking up from his phone
Noah gave a heavy sigh as he took her hand in his "I know love, Ubbe and I were doing everything we coild to get out on time." He said softly while watching her letting a few tears fall as he watched her "You don't know how badly either of us are kicking ourselves."

Max sighed as she sat her bags down "I call this the time I arrived home." She said giving a small frown while she watched him "I'm sorry Ivar, but I just....I needed a day to myself."
She frowned as she watched him, just holding on tightly. “I wanna go home.” She mumbled, frowning. “Take me home Noah.” She told him quietly.

He rolled his eyes. “Oh poor little Maxine.” He bit back, shaking his head. “Maybe my my mother was right about you.” He muttered, still not looking at her.
Noah gave a heavy sigh and nodded a bit "As soon as I can I will. I'll talk with the doctors okay?" He said quietly before kissing the top of her head repeatedly.

"And what has she said about me now?" She bit back while she placed her purse near the door like she always did.
She shook her head. “I’ll be good, I’ll stay on bed rest I promise but take me home.” She begged him, not wanting to be here in the open anymore.

He shook his head. “Did you use me to get away from Kalf? Are you hiding your time until it’s a good time for you to leave? Waiting for an excuse?” He muttered.
Noah gave a small nod and sighed "I'll do everything I can okay? You want me to go ask now?" He asked gently not wanting to leave her.

Max looked at him in shock shaking her head "Are you kidding me?! Ivar I have been in love with you since we were children. Do you know how many times I tried to escape Kalf to come find you?! No I didn't use you to get away and leave. I escaped when I was able to and came to you." She said seriously
She nodded and frowned. “Not asking though. Telling them.” She mumbled, squeezing his hand before he stepped out.

He scoffed a bit and shook his head. “Whatever you say.” He muttered, getting up and starting to make his way slowly up to bed.
Noah gave a small nod and left to go talk with the doctors. He gave a heavy sigh as he came back into the room "Hey, so I talked with the doctors. They said it would be best you stay here atleast until the morning. I'm going to work out getting you a home nurse just for the recovery time physically alright?" He explained quietly to her.

Max frowned deeply and shook her head a bit. She got up to bed but frowned finding the door locked "Ivar, Ivar open the door please."
She frowned and nodded. “Fine. But tomorrow I’m going home.” She told him frowning, reaching for his hand. “You not gonna be my nurse Noah then?” She teased a little, a tiny glimpse of her normal self poking through for a moment.

He frowned and shook his head, ignoring hee completely whike he got himself in bed, trying to find a way to get comfortable
Noah laughed lightly and gave a small nod "Oh I'll be your nurse, you got me at your every beckoning call." He said sweetly before kissing her forehead "Shit I'll even wear a butler suit if you want."

Max frowned deeply and left after he didn't answer for a couple more minutes. She gave a heavy sigh and went to try and make herself comfortable in the guest room. As she lay in there contemplating everything she finally sent Hvitserk a text asking him if his offer for the guest room at his place was still open.

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