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Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

Noah poured himself some coffee and gave a small nod "She doesn't trust me fully....I partially think she's just wanting this as just a fun fling." He admitted before running a hand through his hair.

Max gave a small nod "Well good thing I made a little extra, knowing him he'll try to eat all our food." She said with a small laugh as she sat across from him.
He frowned a little and shook his head. “Shit…. You don’t know do you?” He asked him. “Did no one tell you what happened?” He asked him frowning. He wasn’t naive enough to think the siblings saw him as a friend but he’d been working with them for so long he’d been there for everything.

He chuckled a little and leaned back watching her. “I was thinking that once everything calms down that we should take a holiday. Somewhere warm to fix these winter blues. Wherever you’d like to go.” He smiled.
Noah frowned deeply and shook his head "No? All I was told was that she needed a body guard because of threats made against her." He explained before taking another sip of his drink "She hasn't said anything either."

Max smiled happily and nodded some "I think that would be great." She murmured kissing his hand gently before starting to eat.
He got up towards the end when he heard the doorbell go, chuckling to himself while he went to answer it. “I had the locks changed.” He told his brother as he stepped inside. “We’re in the kitchen. Max even made extra if you want some.” He told him.

Leif shook his head. “Yeah this isn’t the first set of threats she’s had. Anyone tries to target Ragnar they tend to target her first…. But uh, first time round they got this guy in who’d worked with the family for years. Ragnar asked me to be the second person after a week and I got here, place was trashed, Brian had a knife in his side and she was locked in the bathroom upstairs…. He tried to tell us someone had come to the house, turned out later on that he’d forced himself on her thinking he could get away with it.” He told him. “So no if she’s letting you get close like that… it’s not a fun little fling.” He told him frowning.
Hvitserk smiled widely at the mention of food and immediately made his way to the kitchen "Oh its so good to have you back Maxine! Freydis never cooked." He said completely unaware that neither Ivar or Max had talked about her other than knowing she was gone.

Noah took a deep breath feeling his anger bubble a bit "I trust he was dealt with accordingly?" He questioned and nodded when Leif told him he had. He glanced over at the entrance to the kitchen when he heard footsteps and smiled some seeing Carmen "Hey, good shower?"
She nodded and yawned a little. “Yeah… yeah it was good. “Uhm I got some people coming to the house tomorrow. Plus max. I’ve sent both of you their details so we know who is supposed to be here just in case.” She told them both, grabbing some coffee and heading up to her office to go do some online shopping.

Ivar nodded a little. “Because we had a chef. Do not pretend she was lazy brother.” He snapped a little and went to sit back down, thanking max when she handed him a fresh glass of water.
Noah nodded and gave her a small salute "We'll be sure to look through them." He said before turning his attention back to Leif once he was gone "You think I should tell her I know? I don't want to upset her."

Max frowned a bit at the statement and gave Ivar the glass of water "Hvitserk don't speak ill of the dead." She scolded quietly before kissing Ivar's cheek "What news do you bring?" She asked as she began to make him a plate.
He shook his head and frowned. “That one is up to you man. I never know how she’ll react to anything though.” He pointed out.

He chuckled and shook his head. “It’s like you never left.” He teased her. “Kalf has gone on the run. The family is not happy with what he did and they have leant us a couple people to look for him. But you should be safer now. He’s in hiding. Doesn’t have any of his men or resources anymore.” He told them both.
Noah sighed and gave a nod "Right." He muttered before going to get ready and look over the information Carmen had sent them.

Max felt relief wash over her and gave a nod as she handed him the plate "Thats great news. I'm glad they are working with us." She said softly watching Ivar and noting how tense he had become ever since the mention of Freydis.
She wandered out to go find him later on and slipped herself into his lap. “We have a problem.” She sighed a little, tilting her head back against his shoulder.

He nodded. “It’s very good, do you want anyone to go get any of your things from the house now that it’s safe to do so?” He asked her knowing she’d left in a hurry.
Noah instinctively wrapped his good arm around her and frowned softly "Whats wrong?" He asked quietly while rubbing her back in big slow circles

Max frowned a bit and shook her head "No, I took what I wanted. Everything else can be sold and Ivar has been nice enough to let me shop for new clothes." She said quietly as she sat beside Ivar taking his hand in hers
Ivar gently ran his thumb over her knuckles, “if that is all brother we’d like some peace and quiet today.” He told him, standing to walk him out but immediately sat back down, trying to cover that he’d fallen back into his seat. “You know where the door is.” He told him a little curtly, relieved when he didn’t fight Ivar on it, watching him walk out and he just leaned back, closing his eyes for a minute.

She sighed quietly, breathing in what was fast becoming a familiar, comforting smell. “I really really planned on using you… I just wanted to have fun…. But shit…. There isn’t a way for this to not sound corny. But I find myself falling hard and fast for you.” She frowned up at him.
Max noticed him fall back and quickly got up to show Hvitserk out. She went back to Ivar and stood by his side "Would you like some help to your office?" She asked gently while running her fingers through his hair.

Noah kissed the top of her head and inhaled the smell of her shampoo smiling some "I see....I figured your plan was for it to be a fling....but I care for you too, a lot more than I thought I would." He admits quietly still rubbing her back "Leif told me what happened." He said softly frowning as she tensed "I will never ask about it or bring it up again, but I wanted you to know that I know."
She just nodded, sitting in the quiet for a minute. “I want you to start staying in my room at night.” She told him. “I can keep an eye on your nightmares… we both sleep better I reckon. “ she told him quietly, leaning up to kiss him gently.

He nodded slowly, letting her help him “thank you…. Love… you know that I love you don’t you?” He asked her once he was sat down in his armchair.
Noah gave a small nod and kissed her back "Okay....I think that could work." He said softly before stroking her cheek gently with his thumb "So when are these people coming tomorrow?"

Max helped him to the study and gave a small nod "Yes of course I do." She murmured before kissing him gently "And I love you as well, with my entire heart."
“It should’ve said in the email but they’re spread out.” She told him quietly “I think ive got the two nail ladies at eleven.” She told him yawning a little and looked up at him. “And Noah… I’m not telling you to stay in my room as your boss… I’m telling you as someone falling for you.” She told him quietly.

He smiled and reached for her. “Good. I do not want you thinking you are just a replacement for Freydis, not was she a replacement for you.” He told her frowning some. As much his brothers hadn’t cared much for her, Ivar had but he knew ut was his own fault what has happened.”
Noah gave a small nod and smirked when she mentioned nail techs "Getting your nails done huh? You gonna get them sharp enough to continue leaving marks?" He asked quietly while nipping at her ear playfully.

Max gave a small frown and shook her head "I would never think that Ivar." she said gently as she took his hand in hers "If you....if you ever want to talk about her I am here to listen." She said before smiling some at him.
She rolled her eyes and turned to straddle his waist, shaking her head some. “If you keep asking for it I’ll do it. But just remember you asked.” She told him, “go lock the door.” She told him quietly as they were in the kitchen and the last thing she wanted was Leif to walk in on them.

He shook his head and pulled away a little. “If you want to go out, just let me know and I can either join you or I’ll send Thomas with you.” He told her quietly, pulling up the papers he needed to get through.
Noah groaned happily and kissed her deeply before he got up to lock the door. He got back to her and picked her up with ease even with his bad arm placing her on the table "You are going to drive me crazy."

Max frowned deeply and gave a small nod "Alright, I might get Thomas." She murmured kissing his temple gently before she left the office to get dressed and ready.
He called the guy into his office to let him know to keep a close eye on her for her safety but it was just a precaution.

She bat hee lashes at him and shook her head. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.” She told him, reaching down to get his belt undone, just wanting to make it a quickie
Max frowned a bit as she went out with Thomas just going through a few stores to grab some clothes and then to the grocery store to get food they would need.

Noah smirked and shook his head before starting to go at it with her. It was only about 15 minutes later when they finished and he was tucking himself back into his pants "Here stay right there." He said quietly going over to the island to grab a papertowel and also ran it under some water to get it damp. He smiled as he gently cleaned her up before kissing her gently "You good?" He asked gently seeing she hadn't made an effort to move.
She nodded and just smiled at him some, “uh huh.” She murmured, kissing him back and eventually moved to stand up, slipping her arms around his neck and pecking his lips one more time. “I think I might love you.” She told him quietly, moving away to go unlock the kitchen door and left him to go up to her room for a nap.

He carried her bags back to the car from the groceries and got in, glancing back at hee. “Anywhere else before home?” He asked her, starting the car.
Noah stood there with a stupid smile on his face as she walked out. Soon enough he was getting a snack glancing at Leif as he came in "Have you seen the email? Got a packed day coming up."

Max thought for a moment before shaking her head "No, I don't think I need to go anywhere else." She said quietly before they took off back to Ivar's place.
He nodded and chuckled. “Not as packed as she was a little bit ago,”
He muttered, shaking his head. “But yeah I have, I’m guessing she’ll want us both on the doors while max is here.” He told him.

Ivar was in the kitchen getting a drink when they walked back in and smiled at her. “Hey there, successful trip?” He asked hee, pecking her lips and started heading out to the lounge
Noah chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck "Right, right, alright I'll make sure to be at the door." He said before going off to walk around and check everything.

Max nodded and smiled some "Yup, got grocery shopping done too." She said happily before pecking his lips. She got the food put up and soon came back to the lounge with him "You get everything done for work?"

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