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Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

Max gave an excited gasp and clapped her hands quietly "Really?! Oh thats so good to hear." She said happily before sitting at the island "Oh just some water please." She said softly giving a small smile to her best friend.

Herald frowned deeply as he looked over the photos shaking his head a bit "You do know that you are the reason this happened? Kalf was a good man and had you not made her love you this would not have happened."
Ivar paused and grit his teeth. “I don’t think you understand what he did.and if this is you understanding then I’m sure I can find reason enough for us to not have contact again. But to be clear, if you had allowed us to marry in the first place, this never would have happened either.” He muttered, standing carefully to leave. “Join the meeting tomorrow. Or don’t. It is up to you.” He told him, heading out with Thomas and keeping it together until they were in the car. “Home. Immediately.” He muttered. The pain had started the moment he’d sat down but he refused to show it in front of him.

She smiled some and went to get them a drink each. “He even likes it when I bully him.” She laughed some, glancing over when Noah walked through. “Take the cooler out to the front with you. Put a few bits in there for you and Leif. That way you don’t have to keep leaving your post.” She told him, walking back with max to go sit with her nail techs
Max laughed lightly at Noah gave her a small salute and grabbed the cooler for the two of them 'Ladies, you have fun.' She heard him say as he left and she started to follow carmen to the nail techs "He seems goofy, but in a good way." She said happily as she sat down.

Thomas helped Ivar down and nodded "Would you like me to message Ms. Maxine?" He asked quietly as he started up the car.
He shook his head. “No. Not until she’s done. Needs a day… to herself.” He told him, feeling his ribs starting to ache as well. “Just.. get me home.” He muttered.

She smiled and shook her head. “He’s like a puppy.” She told her, settling in to get pampered.
Thomas nodded and got him home as fast as possible. He helped him up to bed and grabbed a few painkillers plus a glass of water as well. "Need anything else sir?"

Max giggled quietly and nodded "Ivar can be like that too sometimes, but you didn't hear that from me." She said happily "Do you know what this big meeting tomorrow is about? Ivar says Kalf's family will be there."
She shook her head and frowned. “Probably to stop war happening. But we will see.” She told her sighing a little, “I don’t even know who of the family will be there.”

He frowned and shook his head, taking the painkillers and trying to rest back to get some sleep. He didn’t wake up again until later into the evening when he opened his eyes to find max standing over him looking concerned. “Did you… have a nice… time?” He asked her quietly.
She gave a small nod and frowned "I'm not sure either, but none of them are really friendly." She murmured giving a small shrug. By the time she was finally home she was a little concerned when Thomas told her Ivar had been in the room all afternoon. She gave him a small nod and frowned deeply seeing how bright his eyes were "I did.....Ivar your eyes....they're the brightest I've seen them in a long time."

Noah came in to see Carmen and smiled a bit "Hey there, you have a good time with Max?" He asked her while grabbing himself a snack.
He frowned and looked up at her. “I’m not… surprised.” He panted out to her. “But we aren’t… talking… about… me.” He muttered, “I spoke… with your… father.”

She nodded and smiled, stepping over to him, now in her pjs and pulled his face down to her. “Mmm your cheeks are all red from the cold.” She smiled, kissing him gently.
Max frowned deeply and gave him a confused look "Oh? What did he have to say?" She asked softly as she took his hand in hers.

Noah kissed her back and gave a small chuckle "I know, you kick me just like a dog, I'm starting to think you're taking this Puppy nickname too seriously." He teased.
She shook her head. “Don’t tempt me. No it’s cause I didn’t want her uncomfortable with strange men after the last few years…. I think I know how to warm you up though.” She murmured, “but you gotta go back outside first. The shed out in the front, bring back some logs.” She told him.

He hissed in pain the moment she touched him and pulled back, his whole body feeling like he’d been put through a meat grinder. “Not much…. Not happy.” He mumbled, starting to pass out again.
Noah gave a small smile and nodded "I understand, I'm only teasing." He said softly before pecking her lips "I'll be right back then." He murmured before getting up and going to grab a few logs for a fire.

Max nodded and quickly pulled away from him "Rest my love, I'll be here." She said softly as he started to pass out. She gave a small sigh and called Hvitserk just wanting to make sure she wouldn't need to take him to the hospital. While she used to be good at taking care of him, being gone for so long she knew his condition had only worsened and she wanted him to be okay.
she opened the log burner when he came back, already having put the stuff near it to light it, going to the kitchen to make some dinner, “Leif is taking a hot shower. I thought I would make some beef and rice…. So where are you from by the way?” She asked him. “Your accent isn’t Norwegian.”

He answered on the third ring and sighed. “Make it quick, Ammas gone to refill our drinks but I’m on a night off.” He told her, frowning when she started explaining. “I would take him in, he might have re damaged something from that crash.” He pointed out frownjnf
Noah frowned some when she asked about where he was from. He knew it would have come up eventually "The states, Virginia to be exact. Moved to California when I was 15." He explained quietly "Then I came here about 5 years ago."

Max gave a small sigh and nodded "Alright thank you Hvitty, sorry to interupt your day off. I'll talk with you later." She said before hanging up and calling for their private doctor to give an assessment of him before she called for an ambulance.
He woke up to her gently touching his face but it felt like a smack, groaning and looked over at her. “I think…. Maybe… maybe I should… get some help.” He mumbled. He hadn’t been this bad in forever and it was starting to worry him.

She nodded and smiled at him some. “I like California. Hvitserk and I went a few years ago.” She told him quietly, waiting til he was sat with her and got one of her thick blankets around them and snuggled up to him some more. “Mmm you’re like an ice block.” She mumbled.
Max nodded softly at she watched him "The doctor is on his way to look you over, then depending on what he says we'll get an ambulance." She said softly

Noah chuckled softly and stayed close to her "Mmm I'm alright, I run hot." He murmured kissing her gently "You know you're really beautiful?"
She paused and frowned a little. “Don’t.” She muttered, moving to kiss him to shut him up and just slipped her arms around his neck. “Don’t ruin a nice moment.” She warned him

He frowned and just hummed in acknowledgement. “Did you… have a nice… time?” He panted, trying to find some way to be a little more comfortable but by the time his doctor had arrived he still hadn’t managed it, just watching max a little
Noah gave a small frown and nodded as he held her "Sorry." He said softly before kissing the top of her head and cuddling into her further "Let me see the nails, how sharp did you get them?"

Max gave a small nod "Yes I did." She said quietly before going down to let the doctor in. She gave a heavy sigh as they got into the room and stepped out of the way so he could look Ivar over with no problem.
She leaned away from him so she could show him her nails, “oh, so obviously you got that check up tomorrow. So don’t freak out but Jack is coming back with me instead of Leif as he has the weekend off. Next week you get the weekend off as well. But you’ll be back here before us o think anyway.” She told him, moving back up to him again.

He stepped out with max once he was done and left Ivar to rest a minute. “He needs X-rays. It’s not an emergency but I am calling an ambulance. They’ll move him carefully, it sounds like he’s getting a chest infection which obviously is gonna make everything feel worse but I’m more concerned about strong coughing causing a broken rib or something” he explained to hee.
Noah inspected her nails and smiled "Ooo I like them." He said softly before listening to her about the guy who would be replacing Leif for the weekend "Alright that works. Hopefully they tell me I'm at 100%." He murmured as he cuddled up close to her

Max gave a heavy sigh and gave a small nod "Right, thank you for coming by and looking him over." She said softly before escorting him to the door and going back to Ivar.
He groaned a little when she came back in and watched her. “What were you whispering about?” He muttered, getting to the point he couldn’t hold back the bitter tone in his voice.

She nodded and smiled a little. “Fingers crossed. You warming up?” She asked him quietly, yawning a little and already starting to fall asleep curled up to him with Iskald laying as close to the fire as he could get without setting his tail alight
Max gave a small frown and sighed softly at his bitter tone "We're getting an ambulance, he thinks you may have a chest infection and wants you to have some x-rays done." She explained to him.

Noah nodded happily and kissed her cheek "Yeah I am actually, this is nice." He murmured before he started to drift off to sleep with her.
She hummed quietly and rest her head back, ending up asleep within a couple minutes for the rest of the night, cosied up on the couch. She woke up to Leif gently shaking them both in the morning to let them know they’d overslept and needed to get going soon, jumping up and rushing to get washed up and ready for the day, kissing Noah’s cheek on her way out the door as well and got in the car with Leif. “I don’t have a good feeling about this.” She muttered.

He frowned but nodded and closed his eyes, “it would be nice to have one single week where I feel good.” He grumbled. They were waiting a couple hours before the ambulance finally arrived by which point he’d gone really downhill and was laying there struggling to breathe a little, burning up something fierce and in and out of consciousness

Hvitserk was stood just outside the conference room while he called max and frowned some. “Hey, I got your voicemail just now, what’s going on?” He asked her worried.
Max sat at the hospital the next morning sighing quietly as she watched Ivar sleep. It had been a rough night to say the least. He'd been up and down and was not on antibiotics and had a breathing tube down his throat. She stepped out when she was Hvitserk's name pop up on her phone "Hey, he's got a chest infection and looks like some fractures from his coughing and from previous damage. They've got him on antibiotics and have a breathimg tube on him, but he won't be at the meeting." She explained quietly to him.

Ubbe looked over at Carmen as she came in and gave a small smile "Hey how are you?" He asked as he gave her a hug glancing back when he heard Aemond clear his throat "Carmen, this is Aemond Targaryen, not sure if you've met before." He said as he stepped out of the way of Aemond.
She nodded a little. “Once, good to see you.” She told him and headed into the meeting room to take a seat, a little confused by the way everyone else seemed to know what was going on but she’d not been given any information herself.

He frowned and shook his head. “No of course not, I’ll see if I can get down there after the meeting, either of you need anything?” He asked her, “text me if you do I gotta go.” He told her and stepped inside.

He woke up not long after the phone call ended and just watched her for a minute, reaching for her hand.
Max walked back into the room and gave him a small smile "Hey there." She murmured kissing his cheek gently and takimg his hand in hers "They gave me a pen and paper for you if you want to talk okay?"

Ragnar was the last to walk in taking his seat at the head of the table. He gave his signature smirk as his crystal blue eyes landed on Aemond and the others who had joined him "I first want to say welcome to our Targaryen guests to start off the meeting."

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