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Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

Noah held her to him and nodded "Alright, where would we go?" He asked softly while he traced lazy circles on his back.

Max gave a small nod and smiled softly "Well I love you too Ivar, more than anything." She murmured
She frowned and shrugged. “Somewhere that isn’t here.” She told him quietly, “I’m gonna shower in the morning.. too tired now.” She mumbled frowning a little, “but you gotta let me fall asleep first cause you snore.” She grumbled.

He smiled and gave her hand a squeeze. “You feeling okay?” He asked her frowning a little and seeing her going a little Green again.
Noah chuckled quietly and gave a small nod "Alright you sleep good okay? I love you." He said quietly while he gently ran his fingers through her hair falling asleep once she was out.

Max shook her head and got up quickly rushing to the bathroom that was in the room to be sick. After a few minutes she came back out and took a deep breath "Sorry about that." She said softly
He frowned and pulled his phone off the side, making a phone call while he reached for her hand. “Hello, I’d like to book an appointment for my partner. This is Ivar Lothbrok… yes… yes thank you…. That would be perfect.” He winked at her a little. “Amazing. See you then.” He said and hung up. “You have a doctors appointment tomorrow afternoon. This is silly you being sick like this all the time.” He told her quietly.

She got up early to go shower, sighing as she heard both Noah and Jack bickering already and looking forward to when Leif would be back instead, eventually makinf her way back down to them. “Morning, it’s Anyas birthday today, so we are going to the club to celebrate. I don’t care whether I’m supposed to be out in public like that or not, I’m going.”
Max gave a small sigh but smiled some "Well alright, I'll make sure to be there. I'm sure its nothing though, probably just stress." She said softly as she squeezed his hand gently "Are you feeling okay?"

Noah frowned a bit and gave a small nod "Fine, but we're sticking close by alright?" He told her seriously. He had learned to not argue but find compromise with her, it was best for everyone when she was determined.
He nodded. “I’m getting there.” He told her quietly. “Just wanting to get home. I don’t like being here.” He muttered.

She winked at him a little. “Oh is that a challenge?” She asked with a glint in her eye.
Max nodded and kissed his knuckles gently "I know love, you'll be home soon enough." She said quietly before turning her attention to the door as it opened revealing his mother.

Noah chuckled some and shook his head "No not a challenge, but I have a feeling you'll make it one." He said before handing her a cup of coffee.
She smiled and shook her head, "I don't know what you're talking about." She teased a little, taking the coffee and going to get some work done in her study.

Jack rolled his eyes at the two of them and shook his head "Are you aware that to her we are toys? You'll get thrown away when she's bored again and with that you get chased outta town or stuck working for the family the rest of your life." He muttered

He glanced over and smiled a little "You've wasted a trip, they're going to send me home this afternoon.' He told her, "But really mother you need to start calling before you show up." He muttered, shaking his head.
Noah shot a glare to Jack and poured himself a cup of coffee "If that should be the case then so be it, but I don't think it is." He muttered before leaving the room himself to go do a perimeter check.

Aslaug frowned deeply as she got into the room "Well I just wanted to make sure you were alright." She murmured before turning her attention to Max. She stared for a moment before going a bit wide eyed "Stand up Maxine. Up! Up!" She said hurriedly taking in her posture immediately as she stood.
He frowned a little and shook his head "Mother stop. Have you even been to see your daughter after everything yesterday?" He questioned her but rolled his eyes as it was ignored straight awaywhil she continued to yell at Max, "Mother!" He snapped

Carmen glanced up a couple hours later when someone was knocking on her study door, frowning until she saw it was Noah "And who said you were allowed in here?" She asked him, still reaching for him to come closer anyway. "I won't complain if you wanna bash some sense into Jack y'know." She told him as she'd heard them bickering on and off all morning "My father should be here shortly, it may get explosive but both of you need to be out of the room." She told him
Aslaug frowned deeply and shook her head "Your sister is fine, she is a grown woman and will be fine." She muttered before turning her attention back to Max "When was your last period? Quick answer damn it!" She said in a shrill voice.

Max frowned deeply as she watched the two of them "I....six weeks ago?" She said having think hard. She stopped in her tracks though when Aslaug scoffed and said she was pregnant. She looked to Ivar and gulped quietly. They'd spoken on it years ago, but now she had no idea if he still wanted a child especially if the chance is there for them to get his disease.

Noah gave a small nod and kissed the top of her head "Alright, should I come in if it gets too out of hand?" He asked quietly while he moved to lean against her desk so he could look at her better.
Carmen shook her head "No, I can handle him.... It's just going to be confirming whether I can get out of this or not." she muttered, rubbing at her face. "I love you... Whatever happens.... I don't want the Targaryen." She muttered, her usual coldness melting away a little as she took a shaky breath, scared that she would lose the first actually good thing she had in her life with him.

He frowned and watched them both "Get out.... Mother get out!" He snapped, furious with her for the way she was acting "Six weeks.... do the math love... I think that may be Kalf's." He told Max gently, reaching for her to come closer, a little worried about her
Noah gave a small nod and frowned deeply. He moved to kneel infront of her and took a deep breath "I will do everything I can as well okay? Even if that means talking to your father myself." He said quietly cupping her face "I won't loose you."

Max frowned deeply as she thought about it all and quickly rushed to the restroom feeling sick again. She took a deep breath as she came back in and held his hand "Right well....I guess the doctor will be able to verify it all."
She frowned a little, her resolve from yesterday having crumbled. She gently pulled him up off the floor and just wrapped her arms around him, “we will see.” She murmured, resting her head against his chest. “I uh, I should go see Ivar tonight. Check how he’s doing after yesterday.” She told him quietly.

He frowned and pat the space next to him. “We’ll get this figured out okay?” He tried to reassure her. “We’ll be home soon enough anyway. They’re sorting out the papers now.” He told her quietly. “I love you no matter what though.”
Noah nodded and kissed the top of her head repeatedly as he held her "I'll make sure to take you to see him after." He murmured staying close to her before he heard the front door ring "I'll go get him; you want him in here?"

Max nodded and gave his hand a small squeeze "If I am.....would you be okay if I kept it?" She asked quietly. She knew there was a lot to talk about but she felt this question needed to be answered now.
He sighed quietly but soon regret it as it started up his coughing again, taking a moment before answering "Whatever you choose is the right decision... Though we should be mindful of the fact that if the Targaryens choose not to deal with Kalf for a while that it could put you at more risk." He pointed out, signing the papers when his nurse walked back in

Carmen frowned and nodded, "Yeah, I'm gonna go touch up a minute but bring him in here and let him know I'll only be a minute." She mumbled, standing and kissing him gently, a hint of desperation to it, before going to freshen up in her room for just a moment.
Max got him some water and gave a small nod "You're right, I just hope they'll leave us be." She said quietly before kissing him gently as the nurse left with his papers.

Noah frowned deeply when he saw Aemond with Ragnar as he opened the door. He took a deep breath and let them in "Ragnar, Aemond, follow me." He muttered before taking them to the study.
He nodded a little, getting up to start getting dressed slowly, closing his eyes in pain as he first started moving again but eventually managed to be dressed and sat down, catching his breath before they could leave "Just... give me a minute." He mumbled, holding her hand the whole time though

Carmen headed down to her study once she was ready enough to talk to her father, tensing as she opened the door and found Aemond there with him. "I don't remember agreeing to letting a stranger into my home." She muttered, "I've already made my decision clear enough and you won't be changing my mind. Either of you." She snapped, feeling backed into a corner with him bringing Aemond here.
Max held his hand and waited with him "Don't worry, take all the time you need." She murmured. Once they were home she sat with him in the spare bedroom having had Thomas make it up for them to sleep in for the time being since Ivar was in no shape to get up the stairs.

Ragnar frowned a bit and shook his head "Carmen this is ridiculous. You have had an ample amount of time to find a husband and you have yet to do so. Aemond is a good man and this joining of families will be good for both." He said as he sat down.
She shook her head again and glared at them both "No... I have found someone but you'll excuse me if I don't name them right now with the man who wants me as a wife sitting right here. A man with more than enough funds and men in his back pocket to have them taken out to get them out of the way." She spat "I will not go with you." She spat. "Call me spoilt or whatever you like father but I will not go."

He frowned a little as he glanced over at her from the TV, "You know I love you don't you?" He murmured, "I'm sorry we don't get to spend much time going out and enjoying friends and activities." He toldher quietly, "But I would not be upset if you chose to go do that." He promised.
Ragnar frowned deeply and stood up glaring at her "You will know your place Carmen, this is a deal that is already done! Do not make me have to hurt an innocent man." He said in a dangerous tone knowing exactly who she was talking about.

Max gave a small smile and nodded "I know, and I love you too. I don't need to go out all the time, as long as I'm with you I'm good." She murmured happily
It was making her more nervous the way Aemond sat quiet and watching, half wishing he would just lose his cool off the bat, sure he had it in him. "I do know my place. And it is not next to him." she spat "Get out. Both of you. I won't hear anymore and you will not change my mind!" She yelled at them, going to push her father out of the room but drawing her knife when he went to force her out with him "You forget your own self Ragnar. You aren't a young man anymore." She spat, "And considering you taught me how to use this thing you should know better than to try and force me out of my own home." She told him, pressing it to his neck until he gave in and she watched them both leave, finally dropping to the floor once they were gone, sobbing in a heap with Iskald having come in and trying to climb all over her

He smiled a little, stroking her cheek "No, you never did like that." He chuckled quietly. When they were still teenagers and before he had really started to struggle he had dragged her along to every house party he could find, living it up every night until she would tell him that she was ready to leave, one look and he would agree, take her straight home and promise to pick her up the following evening to start all over again
Noah frowned deeply at the icy glare that Ragnar gave him when they left. He took a deep breath and quickly made his way up to check on her. "Carmen? Hey, you alright?" He asked worriedly when he found her on the floor. He pulled her in close letting Iskald lay his head in her lap.

Max smiled softly and nodded "I always went with you as teens, but I just wanted to spend time with you." She murmured kissing him gently sighing happily
She just held onto him, burying her face into his neck "It feels like... some cruel fucking joke... That just as... I find you..." She couldn't finish her sentence as she kept sobbing, starting to get the hiccups as well as the sobbing turned into a panic attack. She'd never had one before though so didn't understand what was happening.

He frowned and shook his head "Mmm... At least we get to make up for lost time again." He told her, kissing her back. "My sister plans to come over this evening I hear. she sent me a text that she's gonna come check that I'm alive... Probably wants to hear my take on how they handled this marriage arrangment."
Noah frowned deeply as he listened to her. He rubbed at her back and sighed heavily "Darling take deep breaths alright? Hey, hey look at me. Deep breaths." He said softly all too familiar with the signs of a panic attack "Follow my breathing."

Max frowned a bit at the mention of Carmen "Its not good. I was telling Hvitserk that Aemond is a psycho. He's just reserved and quiet about it, but he's insane." She explained giving a small sigh

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