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Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

Noah turned to him and frowned deeply in a bit of shock as well "You're willing to hurt her again? You realize that she was miserable and scarred because of what she has been through, and for once she is happy. She's happy with someone, not causing problems, and you're willing to take that from her?" He questioned with a shake of his head "There has been word that Aemond is insane by the way, that he would be no better to her then Kalf was to Maxine. And you claim to love her." He muttered before taking a deep breath "We're leaving, whether you like it or not and I'll die getting her away from this family if thats what it takes to make sure her happieness is kept."

Hvitserk went a bit wide eyed and smiled happily "What?! Congratulations brother! A mini Ivar running around should be interesting." He said with a small laugh before sitting beside him.
Ragnar smirked a bit and nodded. “You’ll do. Gods be good she will put you through the wringer… so you best be ready. Because if you ruin her, I will ruin you. And trust when I tell you there are dates worse than death.” He told him, reaching for the cheque. “You won’t need that, she’s on a steady flow of money as it is.”

He nodded slowly. “Not a mini Ivar… a mini Kalf.” He told him. “What time is the other guy getting here?” He asked him, not wanting to linger on the topic of Kalf for longer than he had to.
Noah felt a massive weight lift off of him when he heard him but stayed tall. He handed over the cheque with a small chuckle and nodded "Thank you sir." He said quietly before leaving him finally and making his way back to Carmen, stopping by a flower shop to grab her a bouqet and also got some snacks for her as well.

Hvitserk frowned a bit but gave a small nod not commenting on it further. "He should be her in about 15 minutes, I camr early to make sure we were on the same page with everything."
She had been a bundle of nerves the last half hour considering how long it had taken him but she jumped up from the couch when she heard the car in the drive, going to meet him out there even though she was only in a tshirt and shorts with it being warm indoors but freezing outside, “so?” She asked, starting to shiver already.

He nodded and got up carefully to get to his study so he would be ready when the guy arrived.
Noah steped out of the car and sighed softly "Well.....not sure if you're ready for marriage right this second, but if you'll have me....what are you doing for the rest of your life?" He asked with a cheesy smile and taking the flowers from behind his back "I know you aren't a flowers type of woman, but I thought they'd be appropriate for this."

Max called a few hours later smiling some "Hey love, I just got my dress ordered. The meeting go okay?" She asked softly while she sat in the car as Tomas drove them home.
He answered and sighed a little "Not really but it's fixable still." He muttered, rubbing at his face "Alyssa has told me dinner can be ready for eight." He told her, "I'll see you when you get home." He told her, hanging up, not in the best of moods now with how horribly that meeting had gone.

She frowned a little and watched him, slipping her arms around his neck after a moment, "Well... at least you'll be the one looking after them." She told him, starting to smile, kissing him gently, "I get to keep you? For real?" She asked, starting to cry out of relief
Max frowned softly at the sound of his voice. She could tell he was pissed and she hoped her news from the doctors wouldn't upset him more.

Noah smiled widely and kissed her lovingly "For real, I'm here to stay." He said happily before taking her inside "Come on before you get too cold." He said kissing the top of her head "I love you."
She smiled and nodded, following him, over the moon that her father had finally caved, hoping that Ubbe had talked with him. "You go sort those out, I need to go get ready to go out.... Noah... I'm gonna have to fire you now." She giggled, heading off upstairs to go start getting ready for her friends party.

Ivar glanced over once she got back and sighed a little "How did it all go?" He asked her, turning the TV off and got up to go see her, making sure he kept moving throughout the day to stop from feeling too stiff
Noah gave a dramatic gasp when she said she would fire him but chuckled as well. He made his way to the kitchen and got the flowers sorted then putting the drinks he'd gotten for her in the fridge. He smiled wide when she came down a bit later and gave a wolf whistle "Goddamn, look at you." He said happily pulling her into him "By the way, I got you some drinks and snacks as well."

Max made her way over to him and gave a small smile handing him the ultrasound "Well, most definitely pregnant. I'm around 10 weeks, so they decided to do an ultrasound." She explained quietly watching his reaction a bit.
She nodded and smiled, “Mmm, good. Go get changed.” She told him, smacking his ass as he walked past her, going to pick at a few bits in the kitchen so she had at least something in her stomach before a night of drinking. She watched him come downstairs and shook her head. “Nope. Try again.” She told him, making a spinning motion with her finger, smirking at him. “Go on.”

He nodded and looked over the sonogram, “I don’t know what I’m looking at darling… what else?” He asked her, kissing her palm while he held her hand. “Are you alright?”
Noah frowned a bit when she told him to go change again "What? I thought this matched well!" He said before giving a huff and turning back around to change into something else.

Max nodded some "Yes I am, a little shocked but I'll be alright." She said softly before taking the sonogram from him "Look, see this is their head, and their little nub arms and legs. They're like a little gingerbread man." She said with a small laugh.
“No. try again.” She told him, waiting til he came back down again and smiled at him with a glint in her eyes. “Hmmm… change the shirt. You’re almost there.” She told him, sending him back up one more time then nodded when he came down the third time. “Perfect. We should get going… don’t wanna be late.” She winked at him, planning on having her fun.

He nodded and pulled her in close. “And you’re 100% you want to keep it?” He asked her just checking with her. “I will be there whatever decision you make.” He promised.
Noah gave a small chuckle as he followed her out "Why do I feel like after the second change you were just fucking with me?" He asked as he led her to the car and opened the door for her.

Max bit her lip and gave a small nod "I....I don't know honestly. I was going to think it over tonight." She admitted before looking back at the sonogram.
"I don't know what would give you that impression." She told him, batting her lashes and hearing Leif grumbling about feeling nauseous with them. She got in and sighed a little, looking forward to when they found someone to replace him so that she could have him sit in the back with her and feel more like a couple and less like she was just sleeping with him.

He nodded and watched her face for a moment "I won't tell you what to do with this one love.... it has to be your decision." He told her gently, "But you have a couple weeks to decide still." He pointed out, kissing her cheek, "Mmm you smell nice." He murmured, trhying to change the subject to cheer her up a little.
Noah gave a small smile and sent her a wink before getting in the passenger's seat. Once they had arrived he quickly got out to get the door for Carmen "Ready dear?" He asked with a small laugh as he watched her "You know you look stunning tonight righ?"

Max smiled some "Mmm so do you. You want a bath later? Might help your muscles." She said sweetly before pecking his lips and getting up to make herself some water to drink.
Carmen rolled her eyes a little and took his hand, "That's a stupid question." She told him "You think I'd leave the house if I looked less than perfect? I'm a socialite darling." She pointed out, walking straight in with him past the line, waving to the bouncer that she had hired a couple years ago for the club, going to find her friend's group, sending Noah to get her a drink with the business card, "They won't charge you if you put down the one with Ragnar's name on it." She told him, watching him go while she caught up for a minute with her friends for the first time in a while, gesturing to Noah and explaining who he was to her, finally getting up to dance once he got back, pressing her backside up against him and grinding, "Mmm... You look a little shell shocked love, not used to the club scene?" She asked him.

He smiled and nodded "I think that would be a great idea." He told her happily, glancing at his phone as the photos started coming through from Leif, complaining to his old friend about having to be out at the clubs "Oh dear... I really am glad that you would rather be at home by the fire. I couldn't think of anything worse these days than people everywhere, shitty music and darkness." He muttered. "Did you get a chance to talk to your uncle today?" he asked her
Noah was feeling very out of place when she dragged him to the dance floor. He gave a small nervous laugh and kept his eyes watching everyone around "Yeah.....its uh....been a long time and I can't dance." He admits while he let his hands fall gently to her hips.

Max laughed lightly as she came to sit back down again "Yeah I did, he wants to have lunch with me in a few days once he is back in town." She said giving a small smile "I'm excited to see him."
She smiled and nodded, “you don’t have to do anything baby. Just stand there and behave.” She told him, making it hee mission to torture him the whole night and leave him needy.

He nodded and smiled. “That will be good for you. Take Tomas to drive you.” He told her yawning a little and moving to stone stop go use the restroom, just lightly tapping her hand away when she went to help him. “I can do it myself.” He muttered
Noah let out a small grunt and did his best to stay as straight faced as possible. He was doing his best to also keep himself from getting a tent in his pants. "You're trying to kill me aren't you?"

Max gave a small frown when he tapped her away "I'll be in the dining room for dinner." She murmured before heading off to let him go do what he needed.
She shook her head and smiled a little. “No, just a little light torture.” She winked at him, enjoying most of the night until Leif came over to them and told them that a couple of guys from the Targaryen family had walked in and they needed to leave. She sighed a little but agreed and walked out to the car with them both, “so much for being free again.” She muttered as she sat back with her arms crossed.

He joined her for dinner but soon disappeared into his study again until gone midnight when he finally made his way to bed.
Noah sighed some as they got out to the car "I'm sorry love, hopefully soon this won't have to happen." He said quietly before kissing her cheek and getting her into the car. Once they were back home he was leading her upstairs and doing a quick check of the inside while Leif looked at the outside.

Max was fast asleep by the time he got up there. She stirred a bit when she heard the door open giving a small frown "Ivar? Its late, everything okay?" She asked quietly when she saw the time flashing on her nightstand clock.
She leaned on him the whole way up there, attaching herself to him while he looked around, giving him her best puppy dog eyes when he looked down at her finally. “Can you hurry up? I want you to stuff me like a build a bear.” She told him, batting her lashes.

He nodded and frowned, getting changed. “It’s fine. Go back to sleep. I’m just getting in bed.” He told her quietly, getting situated and eventually leaned over, pecking her cheek. “Goodnight darling.”
Noah groaned quietly and gave a small smirk "Mmmm you better be careful what you wish for." He growled into her ear before checking the last room and going straight to hers.

Max gave a small nod and blew him a kiss "Goodnight love." She whispered before falling back to sleep.
By the time they were done she was curled up into him and slowly catching her breath, humming quietly. “I can’t believe I get to keep you.” She murmured, holding both their hands up above them and staring at his tattoos. “But we should go to the office tomorrow. Need to find your replacement.” She mumbled startin to fall asleep. “I love you.” She mumbled.

He sighed quietly as he woke up, feeling finally fully back to himself even if that still meant discomfort and stiffness, getting up early to get ready to go into work and glanced over at her when she finally started waking up. “Do you want to join me at the hog five? We could go for a nice lunch?”
Noah took deep breaths to calm himself and gave a small nod "Sounds like a plan." He murmured before bringing her hand to his lips "I love you too." He whispered before falling asleep with her.

Max rubbed at her eyes as she woke up and nodded some "Yeah that sounds nice." She murmured before stretching out and getting up slowly "Just let me get ready real quick."

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