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Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

He frowned a little "What proof do you have?" He asked her. They weren't close siblings by any means but like all of his siblings with the exception of Sigurd he cared about her a lot and wouldn't want to see her end up with someone like Max had.

She eventually calmed down, leaning up against him and just holding onto him tightly, her free hand tangled in Iskald's fur. "I'm uh... I think I'm just gonna go in sweats this evening, I can't keep changing into nice clothes that get tear stains." She told him quietly, kissing him once before getting up to go get changed
Max frowned and gave a heavy sigh "He burned his fucking cousin alive. Also, when I was with Kalf he asked about her and made me not say anything. He said all horses will eventually break in." She explained quietly shakimg her head.

Noah gave a small nod holding her to him. "What about the birthday party? I think maybe it'll be good for you to get out and let yourself go a bit." He said softly as he rubbed soothing circles on her back.
She smiked a little and shook her head. “That’s tomorrow, I want to go but I will work out an outfit then.” She mumbled “let Jack know we’ll be heading out in about twenty minutes.” She told him quietly.

He frowned and shook his head. “Ragnar is losing his touch with how well he reads people.” He muttered, shaking his head, “what do you want for dinner?” He asked her quietly
Noah gave a nod and kissed her cheek "Alright, I'll see you down there." She murmured before heading down to talk with Jack.

Max gave a nod and cuddled him gently "Pizza? Does that sound good?" She asked gently watching as she turned her attention back to the TV
He nodded "Yeah, we should get an extra in case she's hungry, don't want her eating our dinner." He chuckled a little, "Order whenever you're ready and get what you like, I'm not fussed what we have." He told her, trailing patterns on her back while they sat there

Carmen headed out with them both once she was ready and sat quietly in the car, rolling her eyes a little at the tension permeating off of the two of them in the front, aa little amused by it considering Noah was always so calm and collected.
Max gave a small laugh and nodded getting her phone out to place the order. "Should be here in about 40 minutes." She murmured before kissing his cheek gently.

Noah drove them to Ivar's giving a heavy sigh. Jack yet again, making a remark on Carmen and he was about to loose it. He helped Carmen out when they got to the house smiling gently at her "Alright come on."
She nodded, walking in with the two of them, thanking Tomas as he let them in, "Hello?! I'm looking for a dumbass who keeps trying to die and his wonderful girlfriend!" She called through the house

Ivar was about to answer when he heard her and just rolled his eyes "Welp, there goes our nice quiet evening." He mumbled, resting his head back against the couch cushions "We're in the living room." He called back, slightly adjusting himself to be a bit more sat up.
Max smiled widely anf got up to go lead her in "Hey! How are you doing?" She asked happily as she hugged Carmen and waved at Noah "Hi Noah, good to see you." She said sweetly before taking them to the living room "Pizza is on the way if you'd like to join us for dinner."

Noah gave a small smile to Max and waved as well but stayed quiet. He followed them to the lounge and stayed outside of the doorway to let them have their time together.
She smiled a little and nodded "That sounds good actually... I'm sure you're waiting to hear about what happened yesterday as I'm sure you knew what was coming, just like everyone else except myself." She muttered as she turned to her brother "He won't listen that I have finally found someone either." She muttered, shaking her head some

Ivar watched his sister carefully, taking Max's hand once she sat back down with him "You'll forgive me if I don't get up to greet you right now." He chuckled as neither of them had ever bene the hugging kind least of all with each other. "I was told by Hvitserk the morning before. Right after he found out. As far as I'm aware father told everybody last minute though it still doesn't change that he didn't give you any warning." He sighed, "I don't like the sound of this guy though and if the rumors from those who work with him are true then it's the last person we want as part of the family, certainly not as your husband." He muttered, looking to Max, "Darling is there any chance you could do me an oatmeal sack?" He asked her, his back starting to ache again
Max gave a heavy sigh and shook her head "I had no idea about that." She said truthfully before getting back to Ivar. She nodded happily and kissed his cheek "Yeah I can do that." She murmured kissing his cheek before heading to the kitchen "Noah, can you come with me a moment?" She asked while leaving. She got the pack for Ivar quickly and turned to give her attention to Noah "Listen, I have never heard Carmen saying she loves someone. The situation you're in now is exactly what happened to Ivar and I, but my father wouldn't budge when he tried to fight for me." She explained before giving a heavy sigh "You need to fight for her Noah. Talk to Ragnar and tell him you want her." She explained quietly hoping he would understand.

Noah frowned a bit as he listened to Max and nodded some "Right......thanks for the advice." He said quietly before leaving with her once she was ready to leave the kitchen.
She stayed there for dinner with them until Ivar was starting to struggle a little and quickly left them so he could get to bed, heading out with her men and straight home, cleaning up on her own while they did their last checks and finally smiled over at the door when Noah stepped in "Hey.." She mumbled, reaching for him. "You know the biggest problem is that there is not a hope in hell that I could take you with me... Aemond wouldn't allow it." She muttered.

Ivar grunted a little as he leaned on Max to get to the guest room downstairs, "if this… continues… then I’ll allow…. It that you … can take me back.” He wheezed, managing to get laid down with a lot of help bud smiled tiredly at her. “I love you…. So very much.” He murmured
Noah came up to her room afyer his last checks and frowned a bit "I'm not letting him take you away....I'm not loosing you." He said seriously as he pulled her into him "I'm going to talk to your father once Jack is gone." He said softly.

Max nodded as she helped him into bed and kissed him gently "I love you too." She said softly adjusting the frame a bit for him so he was more comfortable. She was glad he had these adjustable beds in all bedrooms of the house, it made things so much easier when he was like this.
She frowned a little and slipped her arms around his neck, "Just... be careful please... Cause if something happens to you then who am I gonna bully into getting me water at 3am?" She asked him, pouting a little but moved to lay with him, resting her head against his chest but not falling asleep yet, just taking in every litttle bit of him she could, scared to death she would forget. "If i have to let you go, will you at least tell me what's with your nightmares?" She asked him quietly, moving to interlace her fingers with his, staring at her bedroom wall.

By the morning he'd improved again at least enough that he felt alright being up and about in the house, sitting at the kitchen table to answer emails and take phone calls from clients as he worked on the yachting side of the business, making sure it all stayed up to date and it allowed them to run the shady side of things without question as to where their money came from. "Good morning love, you sleep okay?" he asked, reaching for her to come over to him. She'd still been asleep when he'd gotten up for the day so he'd left her to it, knowing she needed the rest
Noah tensed at her question but nodded some "Long story, but they uh started when I was a kid. I lost my parents when I was ten. It was a terrible car crash, I was stuck in the car and watched them burn while the firemen did everything to get me out." He explained quietly before taking a deep breath "I got sent to California after that to be raised by an uncle. Grew up, started doing odd jobs and ended up a bouncer at a club, club was ran by a gang and I made good with them. They brought me on as a bodyguard for them, kinda like Jolly does now. Anyways, but I uh, I was incharge of this kid.....one of the guys sixteen year old son. Had a good head on his shoulders, so many dreams. Wanted to get out of the gang life, go to college, get a mechanical engineer degree, really make a name for himself. We were walking to the car after he'd done some after school program and they came out of nowhere. I tackled him until they left....but when I got up it was too late, his blood was all over me and he.....he was just staring up at me with these lifeless eyes....." he said before taking a deep breath letting a few tears fall "He was just a kid....he wanted to do better.."

Max gave a small smile as she came down the next morning and yawned "Good morning darling, I slept alright. How did you sleep?" She asked as she made her way to make a cup of juice for herself "I have that doctor's appointment today, do you want to come?"
She frowned, moving to lay next to him when he was done so she could look at him better. “I’m sorry.” She murmured, rubbing circles on his chest. “My dad really just wanted us to have a better life. Well… for Bjorn and Gyda that is… he just wanted to be able to afford them things. He never meant to run an empire. Never wanted it, my mother came into the picture not long after my sister died. Gave him more children until Ivar obviously but we were all raised in this, it’s all we’ve ever known, when that guard…. Did Leif ever tell you what they did to him? Knut. After he tried to blame an intruder?”

He smiled and shook his head. “I’m afraid not, I have meetings with hvitserk. They’re coming here though so I’m glad your appointment is when it is. Tomas will bring you back when it’s all cleared and I thought maybe I could ask Alyssa to come down and make us some nice dinner.” He suggested
Noah gave a small frown and shook his head "No, he just said he was dealt with." He said quietly while he ran a hand gently through her hair.

Max nodded as she sat across from him "That sounds like a plan. I'll make sure to call you after everything is done." She murmured while she took her hand in his "I love you Ivar, very very much."
He winked over at her. “Has your father contacted you since you’ve been back yet?” He asked. “Not to dampen the mood but he said he was going to call you.”

She frowned a little. “They took him out to the hill on ragnars land. You might see it one day, it’s been used as a prayer site for years. Long before my father was born even. Tied him to a post and carved his lungs out of his back…. Everyone always thinks it was the act that changed me. And it did. But seeing that done to a person…. You can’t unsee it.” She told him quietly, already half asleep.
Max gave a half laugh and shook her head "That would be a no. He hasn't called me once. My father stopped caring about me when he gave me away." She said before standing up to make them some breakfast "You want some eggs and toast?"

Noah frowned deeply and gulped quietly "Well that would scar anyone." He said quietly before kissing the top of her head "I love you Carmen, I'll do anything to protect you." He said quietly before he drifted off to sleep as well.
He frowned and sighed a little "I already ate love... Have you thought about reaching out to your uncle? I know he's away but I know he cares for you... Probably more than your father does." He pointed out, turning back to his laptop to continue e-mails. "We have a convention to go to here soon by the way... Not the comic kind though, they yachting kind. There's a conference and a dinner... Maybe after your appointment take Tomas, he has the credit card, and have him take you to wherever you like, it's a black tie event. Three weeks time so the sooner the better in case you need alterations... But go pick something out." He winked at her

She got up early in the morning to find the bed already empty and headed downstairs to grab some juice, raising an eyebrow when she found Leif back in position and Noah looking more cleaned up than usual and in a suit, "Well damn... I might just have to give you boys a uniform... Noah... Be careful. Above all else be careful." She told him, kissing him quickly but nodded as he left, sighing quietly and looking to Leif "Has he filled you in on everything you missed?" She asked him, shaking her head a little
Max gave a nod and sighed heavily "I've been messaging him here and there but I should call him soon." She said before making a bowl of cereal for herself instead. She smiled happily at the mention of getting a dress "Do you have a certain color you'd like for me to pick?"

Leif gave a nod and shook his head some "I leave for a weekend and everything goes to shit." He teased before giving a small smile "It'll be alright, I think he'll get it worked out."

Noah showed up to Ragnar's office taking a deep breath while he straightened out his suit. He entered after knocking and stood as tall as he could "Thank you for seeing me today Mr. Lothbrock."
He shook his head and looked back over at her "Surprise me.... And when I say pick a dress I mean pick an outfit, go crazy, fresh hair and whatever else you need too." He told her, coughing a little and clenching his fist in pain but soon relaxed and shook his head "Thank the gods we have time until this thing because I need to be there and I can't go like this." He muttered in annoyance.

Ragnar glanced over at the sound of his door opening and frowned "Hmm... Take a seat Noah." He muttered, crossing his arms over his chest and staring the boy down. "I thought it might be you... Putting two and two together with how my daughter's behaviour has changed and how long youo have lasted in her employment... So what do you want? Money? Cars? A plethora of women we have under our employment who would happily be your ever loving wife and partner... Name your price to leave so that I may run my business in a way that won't cost lives and we can be done here." He muttered.
Max gave a small smile and nodded "Yeah hopefully by then you'll be up to your usual strength." She murmured before going over and kissing his cheek happily "I'm going to get dressed alright?"

Noah sat down and frowned deeply as he listened to his propositions. He gave a small chuckle and shook his head "With all due respect sir, all I want is to be with your daughter. I'll give up my job if need be, I love her. I don't want your money, I don't give a shit if I need to kill the bastard myself. I just want to live my life with her." He explained
He nodded and watched her go, smiling to himself a little before getting on with work again, just about paying attention when she was heading out for the day but really only snapped out of his zone when he heard his brothers voice in the house

Ragnar frowned and watched him, pulling out a chequebook and writing one out to him for 20 million, sliding it over. “Carmen is not an option for you son. She never was.”
Noah gave the cheque a pleased look and nodded "This will do nicely to fund our trip thank you." He said before standing up getting ready to leave. He only stopped though when he heard Ragnar question what he meant "Huh? Oh we're leaving, I came to do this properly and ask for her hand, you've denied it so we're leaving. This'll fund it nicely." He said giving a small shrug before heading towards the door again.

Hvitserk looked at Ivar as he came in and raised an eyebrow "Brother! Do you not answer your phone now?" He asked with a small chuckle seeing the consentration on his face.
He sighed and shook his head. “Get back over here. Now. I don’t know how much clearer I can be that you need to leave. Alone. Get out of the country. Never contact this family again.” He muttered. “You go within ten miles of her and you’re dead. Do I make myself clear?”

He glanced over and nodded. “Only when it’s you calling…, we think max is pregnant.” He told him. “I’ve been working to find out what I can for what we need to be doing for her.” He explained.

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