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Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

He smirked a little. “Darling you won’t need to divorce him by the time we’ve found him.” He told her. “Plus filing for that would just put you in the spotlight and then in more danger. So no.” He told her.

She relaxed a little while they made their way to the restaurant, wanting to ask Noah a few things but not in front of Leif. Even she knew it was a bit far.
Max gave a small nod and took his hand in hers "Well, alright then." She said giving his hand a squeeze "Do you ever wonder what we'd be doing right now if we had been together all this time?" She asked quietly.

Once they were home after lunch Noah made his way up to his room to get some painkillers. He glanced behind him when he heard the creak of his door and smiled a bit seeing Carmen "Hey, everything alright?"
He frowned a little. “I’ve dreamt about it for years. I’m sure we’d have our own little family by now if it’s possible.” He told her quietly

She smiled a little and went to sit on his bed, handing him the bottle of water off the nightstand when she saw him opening the pill bottle, “I thought that I would offer my room for tonight. No funny business…. Just… thought maybe I could help with those nightmares.” She told him
Max gave a small nod and smiled a bit "Yeah I think we would too." She said softly before kissing his cheek "Come on, lets go." She murmured as they pulled up to the restaurant.

Noah frowned deeply and bit his lip hard "Oh....you uh....you've heard me?" He said quietly before taking the pain killers.
She frowned and looked up at him. “I mean… I was just coming up with an excuse but… if it’s genuinely helpful then I won’t complain” she told him quietly.

He got out with her and headed inside, slipping the host some cash to not say a word about them being there and followed her through fo the back,
Noah gave her a soft smile and nodded "Yeah, I'd like that a lot." He said softly before going over to her "I'm gonna hop in the shower, then I'll be in there." He murmured before kissing her cheek gently.

Max sat down with him and gave a soft smile "Ya know, I haven't told you thank you yet for taking me away." She said quietly
She smiled a little and pulled him back, kissing him a little more forcefully, smirking as she felt him pull her right up against him... She smiled at him a little tiredly as he got up to finally go takethat shower "Mmm... At least you actually need the shower now," She winked at him, glancing over when she heard Leif's voice at the door 'uh... Ragnar is here.' She got up after that to get re dressed and headed downstairs to find out what her father wanted.

He smiled and watched her a little "You know that I didn't do anything... You left on your own... I know that he has spent years telling you that you are useless.... But you managed that all on your own." He told her, reaching across to hold her hand, gently rubbing her knuckles while he glanced over the wine menu. "The best part about not being able to drive... I'm never the designated." He chuckled a little.
Ragnar turned to look at his daughter as she came downstairs and gave a small smile "Hello Carmen, listen I just want to thank you for handling those club dealings today. How is the other guard holding up? I heard he was shot." He said in his gentle voice.

Max gave a small smile and sighed softly "You took me in though and you didn't have to after hiding everything from you for so long." She murmured squeezing his hand gently.
She nodded a little "They're the ones I'm in charge of.... It's my job." She muttered "He was, he's alright. Just very sore." She told him, not realising there were marks all over her neck and she was assuming he'd only been there for a minute or two when it had really been a bit longer. "One of the security personnel at the docks was a new hire... we think he took the job after finding out that's also under my domain." She told him, going to get a drink. "How is modir?" She asked him.

He snorted a little and shook his head "I asked you to come home with me because I love you the same as I always have.... and you have not been hiding anything... I just was waiting for you to say the word so that I could do something about it." He told her, "You cannot hide things from me."
Ragnar smirked softly at her and chuckled noting the marks on her neck. He didn't much care if she was having fun with the guard, as long as he kept doing his job right. He followed her to the kitchen and groaned at the mention of his wife "She is fine, was worried about Ivar when he was hurt. Now she is just going about her days being house wife." He explained chuckling a bit.

Max nodded and laughed lightly "Could never get anything past you." She said softly while she looked over the menu.
She turned to Leif and rolled her eyes. “And that is code for I haven’t actually spoken to hee in a week.” She muttered, “she misses you.” She told him, pulling out some snacks from the fridge. “What time do I need to be there for the Targaryen meeting on Friday?” She asked him

“And yet you continue to try.” He smiled a little, setting the menu down and leaned back, just watching her. “My sister wants to take you for a pamper day… I told her she can have the staff come to her house for this if she insists. I don’t trust her guards enough. They were reckless and one got shot… but if you do not want to go with her then I will refuse for you.” He told her quietly.
Ragnar chuckled again and gave a small shrug "I will be home tonight with her, things have just been busy." He murmured before smirking when she asked about the meeting "Its at ten. Make sure your marks are gone or covered by then." He said before going and kissing her cheek "Love you darling." He murmured before leaving her to it.

Max shook her head some and smiled "No it would be good to see her, I'll be okay." She said quietly while playing with his fingers gently "Plus a pamper day sounds very nice too."
She smiled a little and rolled her eyes. “Love you too,” she called as he left, shaking her head a little and went to sit on the couch with the dog, watching a movie until she heard Noah coming downstairs.

He nodded and smiled a little, just enjoying her being there and punching himself a little that this wasn’t a dream. He sat up a little straighter once the waiter came by to take their order
Noah came down a little bit later and smiled some as he sat across from her "You really like leaving marks don't you?" He said with a small laugh.

Max gave a small smile as they gave their orders. Once they were done and home again she was cuddled into him on the couch yawning some "You're still so cuddly; even if you've bulked up a lot."
He frowned and pulled back a bit to look at her offended. “Did you just call me fat?” He asked her. “It was just a big lunch.” He told her, looking upset.

Carmen smiled and glanced over at him again. “What part of me made you think it would be any other way?” She pointed out. “God you really do look like a lost little puppy.” She told him.
Max sat up a bit and shook her head "No not at all! I meant in your muscle mass, you've gotten bigger muscles." She said smiling some before kissing him gently "I'd never call you fat."

Noah chuckled softly and shook his head a bit "A puppy huh? What makes you say that?" He murmured as he leant forward watching her intently.
She shook her head a little. “The sad face you have. Plus you got like boba eyes. Proper puppy dog eyes.” She smiled, shaking her head a little. “Iskald has warmed to you as well… come over here.” She smiked.

He shook his head and pulled her in closer. “I’ll believe you this time. I’m watching g you though.” He teased hee, kissing her gently. He wasn’t a gentle person by any means but with max everything was different for him.
Noah chuckled and moved to sit beside her "You are beautiful ya know that?" He murmured quietly to her letting his good hand fall to scratch behind Iskald's ears.

Max gave a small laugh and cupped his face gently just staring at him "I am the luckiest woman to have you." She murmured before kissing all over his face.
She tensed a little and frowned, not answering but just tried to relax against him a little while she watched tv. She knew she should feel like she could trust him by this point but it was proving harder than she’d envisioned.

He smiled a little and held her close, “I think you are the only one who feels that way but I will take what I can get.” He chuckled, reaching up to place one hand over hers.
Noah noticed her change in demeanor and just stayed quiet as he started to watch the TV with her. He didn't want to push his luck and have her hating him again.

Max shrugged a bit and continued to smile at him. She stayed by his side the rest of the night and soon enough they were in bed cuddled up close trying to get to sleep.
She didn't say another word to him the rest of the night but did go and stay in his room as promised, sleeping better than she often did, feeling safer in his arms than she had anticipated too. That night she did hear it though. His whimpers had woken her up at one point and she just reached over, rubbing his chest gently to soothe him while she drifted back to sleep, laid close.

He barely slept that night, still struggling with the pain in his back and ribs from the crash but he was content enough to watch her, eventually drifting off around two in the morning and stayed that way.
Noah woke up the next morning and groaned softly "Mornin'." He murmured seeing Carmen already up "You sleep good?" He asked quietly as he rolled over to pull her close to him.

Max woke up the next morning and smiled seeing Ivar still asleep beside her. She got up slowly making sure not to wake him and made her way downstairs to start on some breakfast for the two of them, wanting to surprise him.
She nodded and glanced over at him. “What nightmare did you have?” She asked him quietly, moving to rest up against him some more, holding his arm to her

He woke up to a. Empty bed but could hear her downstairs, just using the few minutes to go through his emails from work before putting the phone down when he heard her coming back up the stairs. “Morning, you’ve been up early.”
Noah tensed a bit and frowned deeply when she asked about his nightmare "I um....I'm in a burning car..." he muttered hiding his face in her neck "I don't really want to talk any further about it right now..." he told her truthfully.

Max smiled and nodded kissing him gently "I got breakfast made for us." She said happily as she watched him "Your sclera is pretty blue today, take it easy okay?" She murmured softly to him.
He nodded and let her help him get up so he could get downstairs for the breakfast she’d made. “Hvitserk is on his way over. Apparently has some news for us.” He told her, yawning a little as he sat down in the kitchen with hee.

She frowned but nodded, “I’m gonna go shower, but I wanna go shopping today.” She told him, getting up and went to get cleaned up.

Leif glanced over as Noah came downstairs and nodded to him. “Coffee is ready… she’s staying in your bed huh? I don’t know what you did to gain hee trust but I’m kinda glad you did it.” He told him.

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