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Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

Max gave a small laugh and followed to the cafeteria with him "How is your fianceé?" She asked softly

Noah frowned deeply as he held the towel to his wound "Carmen, hey calm down its going to be alright." He told her calmly before taking her hand in his squeezing it gently "I'll be okay beautiful."
She shook her head and frowned. “That’s not what I’m worried about.” She snapped, trying to push him away a little, trying to protect herself.

He smiled some and shook his head. “She is good if not a little upset about the move to the city…. But we will manage.” He told her, getting her something to eat before taking her back to the room.
Noah frowned a bit and gave a small sigh just letting her go while he sat there. He took deep breaths to get through the pain while the doctor and Lief came through the front door "Uh hey...." he muttered

Max gave a small nod and chatted with him quietly all the way back to the room. She smiled a bit as they got back in the room seeing Ivar still resting.
Carmen came back with a bowl of water and a bottle of vodka, setting it down for them, standing back and watching him frowning. She didn’t like how pale he’d gone or how he was swaying even while sat, having to turn away while they took the bullet out for him, Leif holding him down. She ended up walking away after that until they had patched him up, grabbing her cheque book out of her bag and taking it back to him.

Hvitserk managed to get their mother to go home a little while later and Ivar was finally waking up looking a little more with it. “Hey… you stayed?” He murmured. “I thought maybe you were just telling me what I wanted to hear.” He murmured, watching her.
Noah gave her a small smile when she came back down still swaying a bit "See? I'm fine." He murmured quietly as the doctor gave him some pain meds and antibiotics before seeing himself out.

Max smiled softly at Ivar as he woke up and nodded some "I'm here darling. I left him, I'm done." She said quietly before kissing his knuckles gently
She frowned a little and nodded, writing out a cheque while Leif helped him get the sling tied, handing it to him when it was done. “You’re fired. Take that. Should cover you til you’re healed enough to get a new job but you’re done here.” She told him, trying to keep being cold with him but now it really was just a facade as Leif left the room sensing it wasn’t his place right now.

He smiled tiredly at her. “I missed you.” He whispered to her, reaching up to stroke her cheek gently. “I’m sure you will be sick of me before you know it though.” He smiled a little at her. He’d always told her she would get tired of him one day. Even though that day still hadn’t come
Noah looked at the cheque then back at her for a minute. He was utterly confused now "What? No I'm staying here. I'm going to get a drink and then rest while Lief takes guard down here. Here take this back." He told her firmly as he handing the cheque back.

Max shook her head gently stroking his cheek "Never my love." She murmured as she watched him. He drove every single person he met mad, even her too at times she wouldn't lie, but never had he driven her away. Even when he tried to after her engagement she wouldn't do it.
She frowned and watched him. “What do you mean no?! I said you’re fired. You’re not working for me anymore.” She told him. “I said you’re fired! Get out! Go home!” She yelled at him but frowned more when he didn’t budge. “Noah! Leave before you get shot again!” She kept yelling.

Ivar smiled as he watched her. “Go stay with Hvitserk love. They won’t let you stay here… but when I get you home, I’m spoiling you rotten.” He murmured.
Noah frowned deeply as he stood his ground and shook his head "I'm not leaving you. Don't care what you say I'm stayimg my ass right here." He told her seriously not raising voice at her but getting an octive louder than he normally was "You want to shoot me again? Fine, be my guest but I'm not leaving unless I'm dragged out in a body bag."

Max gave a nod and smiled at him "I'll see you later alright? I love you." She murmured before standing up and kissing him gently. She stayed there for only a moment longer when a nurse walked in to inform them visiting hours had ended. She said goodbye one last time before heading out with Hvitserk to go home.
“That’s not what I meant! You stay and you’re gonna get hurt!” She told him starting to cry. “That’s the point Noah! I don’t want you to end up in a body bag and if you stay… people that I care about always get hurt!” She yelled,

Ivar smiled and waved to her, drifting off to sleep once she was gone. They let him leave after a week and as he had promised, frkm the moment he was home he was making sure max was waited on hand and foot whether by himself or one of his PAs that he’d made it clear to that they were to treat her just the same as him. He woke up early and glanced over at her, reaching gently to pull her in a little closer, kissing hee head. “Shh shh, go back to sleep.” He whispered.
Noah took a deep breath and watched as she crumbled that wall she had built around herself "And I couldn't live with myself if I left now and you got hurt. So I'm staying alright?" He said in a more gentle voice this time. By the next week he was still there after her numerous tries to get him to leave. He sat in the kitchen, arm still in a sling, watching as she cooked herself some eggs for breakfast "Ya know, not to brag, but I'm a pretty good cook." He said proudly with a smug smile on his face.

Max mumbled quietly as she felt Ivar pull her into him but smiled and soon relaxed against him. She hadn't been this happy in years, even with the uncertainty of what Kalf was up to. She had done her best to make sure Ivar was taken care of as well in his recovery from the accident.
She frowned a little and glanced over at him, not saying anything. She had barely spoken a word to him since that night but she’d let him slowly get closer and not been pushing him away so much. She jumped a little when she felt his good arm go round her from behind but relaxed and leaned back just a little. “You can prove it once you can hold a pot of water.” She mumbled. They hadn’t yet put a label on what they had going between them but she wasn’t in a rush.

Ivar hummed quietly to hee to help her go back to sleep, just watching her. He’d seen the bruises the first night that he had been taken home, furious that she hadn’t said anything sooner but at the same time he was just glad she was safe now. He finally felt her stirring an hour later and smiled at her. “Good morning beautiful.” He murmured.
Noah held her to him and gave a nod "Deal." He murmures swaying gently with her. He too wasn't in so much of a rush to put a full label on what was going on between them. He felt it was more than just a fuck buddy situation, but he knew he wasn't going to push her either.

Max smiled softly as she woke up seeing Ivar already awake "Good morning, how long have you been up?" She asked quietly while reaching up to cup his cheek "Did you sleep well?"
She frowned a little and nodded, heading Leif coming in. “Morning. Coffee is on the side.” She told him quietly, not attempting to move away from Noah. “I have some checks to do today at the clubs Leif. We should be heading out at around 11.” She told him.

He smiled and pressed his face into hee touch more. “I slept alright. You snore a lot more than you used to.” He chuckled quietly, just enjoying the bliss that was having the only person he’d ever truly loved in his arms again.
Noah stayed in his place as well just watching her cook quietly. He knew Lief could give a shit less about their relationship unless it started to affect his job. He eventually moved away once she had the stove off and went to make himself a coffee as well.

Max gave a dramatic gasp "I do not!" She exclaimed before giving a small laugh "Well I'm sorry my little snores kept you up." She murmured before pecking his lips gently "You want to take a shower together?"
She got the plate out and went to sit down, scrolling through her socials on her computer for a minute while she ate then glanced at the time. “Do you need anymore painkillers while we’re out?” She asked him.

He nodded and kissed her head. “Give me a minute though.” He murmured. “Would you come to the office with me today?” He asked gently. “It would be good for you to talk to Hvitserk about some details he needs.”
Noah gave a small nod "Yeah I could probably do with some." He murmured as he sipped his coffee and made his way upstairs to get the last few things he needed to get ready.

Max gave a small nod and smiled softly "Yes of course, whatever he needs." She said quietly before kissing him gently again.
She got dressed and ready, by the door ready to go at eleven and frowned when Noah started following. “Where do you think you’re going? Uh uh. Not safe right now for you.” She told him frowning.

He hummed quietly, managing to get up after another ten minutes and made his way to the bathroom. “I’ll take you to lunch after. Nice Italian place. They’ll give us a booth at the back. Real private.” He promised hee
Noah frowned a bit and gave a heavy sigh "Fine....keep me cooped up." He muttered walking her to the door "See you in a few hours yeah?"

Max gave a small smile and nodded "Okay that sounds nice." She murmured before stripping down and getting into the shower with him helping him sit down on the bench "I love you." She said happily
He smiled and watched her a little. “You know I never let her do this.” He murmured. “Not once… you are the only person I have ever allowed to shower with me.” He told her.

She smiled and shook her head. “Come on then. You look like a sad puppy when you do that.” She told him, reaching for his hand to get in the car.
Max sat beside him and gave a small frown as she listened to him "Really?" She asked gently while running her fingers gently through his hair "I dunno what makes me so special, but I'm thankful to have you trust me enough to let me see you like this." She murmured to him

Noah perked up a bit when she said he could go taking her hand quickly and followed her to the car. Once they were at the first club he stayed in back to watch the car while Lief took her inside to pick up what was needed.
She winked at him a little as they got out. “See you in a minute… puppy.” She teased him some for the face he’d made. She headed inside and into the office with the manager they had working the place, doing the same with all four that she was in charge of and finally finished around 1:30. “You boys wanna go grab lunch?”

Ivar shrugged. “You just are special.” He murmured, kissing her gently. He got cleaned up with her and ready to go into the office in much more relaxed clothes than what he would have on for an actual working day but he got his stuff done in time for lunch and took maxs hand as they made their way out to the car. “Did you get what you needed done with my brother?” He asked her.
Noah nodded as he sat beside her keeping his eye on the surroundings "Yeah lunch sounds good, what do you want?" He asked quietly just trying to keep his eye on things.

Max gave a small smile and nodded kissing him gently "Yeah I did, he got all the information I could give him." She murmured watching him a bit "Did you get everything you needed to done?"
He nodded and opened the door for her to slide in, getting in after and leaned back. “You should know that the targaryens are going to be coming up for a talk in a couple days. Not Kalf. But I do not want you to be blindsided.” He told her quietly. “And your father knows that you have left him.”

She shrugged a little. “There’s a Korean place near my house. That way we are close to home at least.” She told Leif, glancing over at Noah and frowned a little as she watched him, still struggling to let him in even though she knew she was falling hard and fast for him.
Max frowned a bit and gave a small nod "Thank you for letting me know. I'm sure my father is enraged about it, I'll probably get a phone call later." She muttered before buckling up "I want to divorce him.....but I know he won't do it."

Noah gave a nod watching Lief agree as well "Sounds good to me, lets go." He murmured letting his hand fall to the middle seat and gently take hers while he looked out the window.

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