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Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

He frowned and paused. “Then get out of there and get to Ubbes…. I’ll send a message ahead to him to expect you…. We can’t interfere right now. Because there is no definitive proof it was him. I’m sorry.” He told her

She shook her head and poured some more wine, going to sit down and rubbed at her face. “Ivar pisses people off like that’s his job. Like he’s invincible. When it’s really the opposite.” She sighed.
Max took a shaky breath but gave a small nod "I'll do my best to leave.." she whispered before hanging up and going to pack one of her big purses with some clothes and pictures that were irreplaceable. She got out of the room and hid the bag before Kalf could notice hoping she could sneak out when he was asleep.

Noah gave a small nod "I see, sounds like a real handful. I'm guessing though you still love your brothers?" He said quietly when going to sit down next to her.
She frowned and sighed a little, pulling away and going back up to her room to be alone for now, slamming the door behind her.

He smirked as he made his way out of the kitchen with a glass of whiskey, going to sit in the lounge. “Why don’t you come celebrate with me?” He asked her smiling a little.
Noah sighed a bit but grabbing himself a bottle of water and went to take his seat by the front door.

Max frowned deeply as she heard him once she entered the lounge "Why would I want to celebrate?" She spat shaking her head a bit as she went to leave and find somewhere to lay low that wasn't their room.
He just chuckled, in too good of a mood right now to care. It was a couple hours before he had fallen asleep but with his celebrating he’d done so in his chair in the lounge, an empty bottle of whiskey at his feet.

Carmen stayed up most of the night, worrying and overthinking everything. She liked Noah a lot and her rational side knew there could be something there for them that was more than sex. But she was too used to the defences she relied on now and she didn’t want to let anyone in. Too scared that it would start going wrong the moment she did
Once she knew he was out for good she grabbed her bag and went to the side door that led to their detached garage. Normally it wasn't guarded so she prayed that was the case today as well. She grabbed the key to the quietest car he had and quickly started it to start her escape.

Noah sat there thinking for most of the night. Something was drawing him towards her, normally he'd be professional and not even try to make conversation, but with her he wanted to know more. He wanted to get to know her and be there for her.
Ubbes men let her through the gates as soon as she pulled up and he met her at the front door. “He’s stable and in recovery. I’ll take you to see him tomorrow… what happened?” He asked her, taking her inside and went to sit with her and torvi

Carmen ended up falling asleep with the dog once she’d got the text to say he was gonna be alright, snuggled up under her covers.
Max thanked him repeatedly as he led her inside. She took a deep breath as she sat down clutching her bag close to her "Ivar said some rude remarks at the meeting earlier. I guess Kalf had finally had enough and put the hit out. He was 'celebrating' by drinking a bottle of his good whiskey." She explained before shaking her head "He......he abuses me....mentally...verbally...and physically." She said quietly before breaking down in tears "I tried to tell my father when it first happened....he told me that I was probably being a bad wife. That I needed to just know my place and it would stop....but it never did. He couldn't stand the fact that my heart was always with Ivar."
He nodded as he listened. “Let me take you to your room. Get some rest and I’ll take you to see him tomorrow.” He told her, getting up and taking her up to one of the guest rooms.
By the next morning Max had her phone turned off and sim card removed. She gave a small smile when she heard Torvi knock on the door "Come in." She said gently "Good morning Torvi, thank you again for letting me stay the night here."
She nodded and smiled gently at hee. “Here. I brought you some towels if you wanted to get cleaned up. Ubbe will be ready to take you shortly. He’s just taking g the kids to school.” She smiked a little.

Carmen got up early and sighed a little as she made her way downstairs to make some tea, glancing up when Noah walked in. “We need to go run a couple errands today.” She told him frowning some.
Max gave a small nod "Oh thank you, that would be great." She said softly before taking the towels and heading towards the bathroom when Torvi left her.

Noah looked over at her as he came down and gave a small nod "Alright, where to?" He asked quietly while making himself a glass of water.
She frowned a little. “I need to pick up some packages for work. The first stop is the docks.” She told him quietly, “I don’t just sit around looking pretty. Sometimes I do my job.” She smiked a little.

Ubbe walked in right as she was coming down and frowned a little. “I’m ready when you are.” He told her.
Noah gave a nod and chuckled softly "Oh really?" He teased just watching her a bit "Do you want to see your brother at all?"

Max nodded quickly and grabbed her shoes before heading out with him "They said he is stable right?" She asked quietly as he drove.
She shook her head. “No. My mother will likely be there… i don’t need to be there when she’s… when Ivar is hurt…. Hee precious baby.” She muttered, turning to go and get dressed.

He nodded and sighed a little. “Last I heard he was swearing at the nurses again.” He chuckled. “Put the hoodie on please. I don’t need Kalf to know that I am helping you right now. I’m sure he will work it out soon enough but let’s not draw attention to it. L” he told her, parking around the back of the hospital and taking her in.
Noah gave a small nod as he watched her "I see, she definitely has a favorite?" He asked quietly while he grabbed a protein bar to eat.

Max put the hoodie on quickly and kept her head down as they went inside. She gave a small frown as she heard Aslaug's voice when they got to their destination just praying that she'd let her in to see Ivar.
She just hummed quietly, coming back once she was ready, not entirely with it right now. A little worried about Ivar, a lot just torn in general about what she wanted.

Ivar sighed quietly as they checked him over again and his mother was still hovering. “Please. I am okay… the more you stress the worse it is so just…. Maxine.” He mumbled as he saw her in the doorway, “how did… you’re here?” He asked her hopeful
Noah kept quiet on their drive sensing she probably would just want some space at the moment. Once at the docks he got out and opened the back door for her with a small smile "I'll wait outside the office alright?"

Max smiled weakly at him and nodded "I heard what happened and got away." She said quietly as she made her way to sit beside him "I'm so sorry this happened Ivar..." she whispered quickly wiping her eyes before taking his hand in hers.
He smiled a little. “You did tell me…. That my big mouth…. Would get me …. In trouble.” He winked slowly at her, giving her hand a squeeze. “Come home…. For good.” He said quietly, just wanting her back home with him where he knew she would be loved and safe.

She frowned and shook her head “you should come in for this one. They can be a little sneaky if they think it’s just me…. I don’t want to deal with the hassle of proving myself today.” She muttered, walking with him towards the offices, nodding to the man stood outside the door who knocked to signal she was coming, stepping inside with Noah and over to the port masters office.
Max gave a small nod as she watched him "Okay, okay I will." She whispered before kissing his knuckles gently "How are you feeling?"

Noah gave a nod "Alright then I'll follow you." He said before going into the office with her. He frowned noticing how the men kept their eyes on the two of them and he immediately started to get ready to go in case anything happened.
Carmen sat down to discuss the deal she'd been making with this guy for the past month, going over every finite detail but still unable to shake her feeling of uneasiness that she had had since the call from her brother. They weren't long but she finally had the package in hand and they were heading back to the car a half hour later, nudging Noah to hurry up a little "Something feels off." She muttered. They were almost to the car when she felt him shove her in front of him, now shielded both by him and the car, a loud bang following a fraction of a second later

He frowned a little and paused to catch his breath before answering "Like someone drove into the side of me." He wheezed, Hvitserk stepping over to suggest he get some more rest and he would watch Max himself to make sure she stayed safe. Eventually Ivar agreed and was soon passed out with Hvitserk guiding her out of the room for a minute to give their mother some space. "They think he's going to be okay... as okay as Ivar will ever be," Hetold her
Noah was quick when he heard the sound of footsteps behind them. He grunted as he felt a bullet hit his shoulder quickly pulling his gun after and firing behind him "You okay?!" He asked quickly as he got Carmen into the car and sped off as quickly as possible.

Max gave a small nod as she walked with Hvitserk putting her hood up again "It was Kalf, he put the hit on him." She said quietly as she stayed close to him.
He frowned a little and sighed "I believe you, I do but we gotta be real careful how we go about this.... Cause if it's just Kalf acting on his own then we can deal with that no problem... if it's Kalf by invitation of the rest of his family... Then we have a problem." He told her.

Carmen nodded, a little flustered, "I'm okay... I.... Shit! Noah you're bleeding." She muttered, getting her phone out and calling Ubbe immediately to ask for Leif to come back and bring one of their on call doctors with him, "Noah keep talking to me, you're losing a lot of blood here." She told him worriedly, the realisation that she cared a lot about him hitting her like a slap in the face.
Max nodded and took a deep breath "I doubt he did this with the approval of his family, but I completely understand why you have to be careful." She said quietly "You mind me getting some food?"

Noah groaned some and took a deep breath "Shit, hey I'm good alright. Get back until we're clear." He said while she made the call and he continued speeding to the house.
“No I was gonna make you starve.” He told her frowning before laughing a bit as they were already heading to the cafeteria.

She frowned, explaining quickly what was going on, staying on the line until they got back to hers and she was getting out to help him inside. “Sit down. Just sit still. Shit… here hold this to it tight” she told him, handing him a tea towel while she rushed around trying to grab something to help.

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