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Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

She just continued staring at him, trying and failing to look anywhere but down there and eventually snapped out of it when he turned to face the other way. “What are you doing here?! This is Jolly’s place. I swear to god if you mention to any single person that I’m here I’ll gut you.” She warned him.

He smirked. “I think you know. Either you do as I say…. Or you don’t…. And we know which way is going to be easier. Or do I have to blindfold you again?” He questioned her
Max looked at him terrified and quickly shook her head "No....no please don't, I'll be good." She said quietly as she let him do what he wanted.

Noah frowned more and shook his head "I live here! Jolly is my roommate!" He said before giving a dramatic sigh "Fine...look I'm going to take my shower now alright?"
“Since when?! I’ve never seen you here before!” She pointed out. “Make sure it’s hot. Wouldn’t want that shrinking anymore than it has.” She spat at him, lashing out at anything or anyone around her right now, going to sit down to watch tv.

He shoved her off once he was done and went to take a leak in the bathroom, finally coming back to bed and fell asleep, worn out enough now
Noah frowned deeply "Since 9 months ago!" He yelled before storming off himself and heading to the shower

Max got up slowly after he was done and made her way to the bathroom to clean up. By the next morning she was alone again in the house with Kalf out on business. She sat on her phone, her finger hovering over the call button before finally pressing it. She gave a small sigh of relief when Carmen answered and smiled "Hey...how are you?"
She rolled her eyes, eventually getting bored and got up to make her way upstairs, heading the shower running and opened the bathroom door slowly. She was pissed and needed a way to let her frustrations out. She stripped off silently and finally opened the shower curtain. “Mind if I join?” She asked him, batting her lashes at him.

Leif was stood in her kitchen, getting the dog some food and had answered the phone. “Hey, sorry max, she’s not here. You want me to get her to give you a call back?” He asked her. “Hee cell is switched off too… she uh, she’s run off again.” He chuckled. “Anything I can help you with?” He asked her, pressing the phone between his shoulder and ear while he refilled the water bowl
Noah yelped when she pulled the curtain back and tried to cover up again. He went to speak but the words were lost when he took in her body. He gulped and gave a small nod "As long as you promise I won't get fired for it..." he said letting his hands fall and bit his lip hard while she stepped in.

Max frowned deeply when she heard Lief and shook her head "Oh it was nothing really, just wanted to talk to her. Just uh, let her know I called when you find her." She said before hanging up and letting a few tears fall.
She smirked a little. “That depends how good you are.” She teased a little … she stepped out a while later and grabbed a towel off the radiator, got dried off and re clothes, going back down to find Jolly there with Ubbe. “You little snitch.” She muttered, shaking her head.

Leif frowned as she hung up, messaging Ivar to let him know what had just happened, figuring even if Carmen wasn’t available Ivar could help.

He called her soon as he got the message from Leif, in the back of the car on his way home from the office. “What’s wrong?” He asked.
Noah panted and dried off as well but stayed behind in the bathroom trying to wrap his head around what just happened. Ubbe frowned deeply at her and shook his head a bit "Carmen come on, we're going to mine. Torvi would like to see you." He said sternly.

Max took a deep breath when she saw Ivar's name flash across her screen. She almost didn't answer but decided against ignoring him "Huh? Everything is fine. I was just wanting to talk with your sister." She said quietly
He scoffed a little. “You keep lying to me little bird and I’ll have to do something about it. I won’t push right now but I know when you’re not alright…. Didn’t want to talk to me then?” He smiled some.

Carmen rolled her eyes and shook her head. “No. I’m leaving…. Alone.” She muttered, “you want me to have people around then put that Sebastian kid on 24 hour watch. At least he gives me space.” She muttered, walking out towards her car
Ubbe frowned deeply as he watched her and sighed heavily "Whatever....you're just as troublesome as Ivar." He muttered watching as she scoffed and left without another word

Max gave a small smile "No no, of course I want to talk with you." She said softly glancing at the time to make sure Kalf wouldn't be home soon "Why did you not fight harder for me?" She asked quietly letting more tears fall. She knew it was her father who had told him no, she knew there was nothing he could have done but she was so terrified right now that she asked questions to think about what could have been.
He frowned and sat back a bit more. “Because there was nothing I could say to your father that would make him change his mind. The targaryens are a force.” He muttered. “You think I had any kind of choice in the matter?” He asked her.

Carmen went straight to hee car and drove herself home, going up and locking herself in her room once she was there, trying to keep it together.

Jolly sighed when Noah finally came down. “Bad news. You’re back in for the job. Sounds like you’re gonna be living with her now. Ubbes just left but head on down to the office, he’ll explain once you get there…. Try not to give her a hard time… I know she’s difficult … but you should know her when she’s settled.” He sighed a bit.
Max took a deep breath as she listened to him "No, no I know you did everything you could. I just....nevermind." she said quietly frowning when she heard a car pull up "I have to go, I love you." She said quickly before hanging up and putting her phone away.

Noah frowned more and gave a heavy sigh "I don't give her a hard time, I leave her be. All I tried to do was make conversation." He said before going to grab a drink for himself "How is she normally though?"
He chuckled. “No but you complained about her to me.” He pointed out. “She cares. A lot. Used to try and please everyone. All the time…. I let her come down here when she needs space cause she used to hang out here all the time anyway.” He told him and went to go get changed out of work stuff.

Ivar scoffed a bit as she hung up, rolling his eyes. He knew there was something going on but he couldn’t work out what the problem was.
Noah gave a small nod and sighed softly "Alright then." He muttered before sipping his drink and glancing at his phone as it started to ring. He answered and bit his lip hard "Yes? We have a fun trist and you don't even say goodbye? I see, I'm just man meat huh?" He teased as he heard Carmen's voice come through. He was a bit more relaxed now and something in him just thought it would be a bit funny to mess with her.

Max looked over at Kalf as he came in and forced a smile "You're home early, everything alright?" She asked biting her lip hard when she saw Aemond walk in behind him "Oh, hello Aemond. Can I get you a drink?"
She smirked. “At least you’re getting paid well. You need to get to my house to relieve Jackson. I’ve fired him. Bring what you need for several days… you and Leif will be staying here.” She told him. “Maybe if youre good enough it’ll happen again.” She told him, hanging up. It felt like a breath of fresh air to not be treated like a child.

He smiled at her a little. “Whiskey. On the rocks please darling…. I’ve asked Kalf to bring me down…. I have some questions for you.” He told her.
Noah gave a small chuckle and nodded "Alright alright, I'll be there in an hour." He said before she hung up and made his way up to get his things packed "Welp, looks like I'm out of here for a while." He said to Jolly as he came into his room.

Max nodded and got up quickly to make his drink "For me? What about?" She asked sweetly while she poured him a glass.
He smiled a little at her, the scheming plain as day on his face. “What can you tell me about Carmen Lothbrok?” He asked her, taking the drink and following them to sit in the living room.

Leif let him in once he arrived, showing him to the room he’d be staying in. “She’s asked to speak to you once you’re sorted.” He told him frowning. “I don’t know what you did to get her on side but I’m glad you did it.” He told him.
Max frowned a bit as she followed them "Oh um....well Carmen is very independent. She is not a woman to be controlled but she loves fiercely." She explained to him as she sat down.

Noah gave a nod to him "Uh yeah....guess I just warmed her up or something." He said with a small shrug. Once he was settled in he went to her room and knocked gently "Carmen?"
He smirked a little and shared a look with Kalf. “Welll … all good horses start off bucking…. Til you break em.” He told her. “Thank you. That is uh… short but useful.” He told her and stood, heading out after he finished his drink.

She glanced over at the door and smiled a little. “Mmm there’s the eye candy…. I just wanted to let you know that I need to go shopping on Thursday… we’ll be leaving early.” She told him. “Leif will stay to watch the house.”
Max frowned deeply not liking the sound of that at all. She said her goodbyes to him once he left and turned to Kalf "Do you need anything from me right now?" She asked quietly wincing as he grabbed at her bruised jaw.

Noah nodded and watched her some images of their earlier fling playing in his head "Yeah uh, sounds good. You need anything else right now?" He asked ready to go back to his room if she didn't need anything.
She shook her head. “Not now. I’ll call if I do.” She told him, watching him go and smirked to herself a little, going to get herself ready for bed.

“No. Just making sure that that little conversation isn’t going to make it back to your friend… are we clear?” He asked her.
Noah gave a nod and said goodbye before he went off to his room. By the end of the night he was relaxed and unpacked fully into the room he would be staying in.

Max gave a small nod and sighed quietly "Yes I'll keep it to myself." She said softly before turning to go off and basically hide from him.
Carmen spent all of the following day and Thursday morning wandering around the house ‘busy’. Really she was just walking past Noah a lot and brushing past him on purpose, getting a little close for comfort each time but she had him in the car now while he drove them to the shopping mall she’d told him to in her car, leaning back and watching out the window. She’d gone right back to her cold self and was barely responding to him again.

Kalf had woken her up at the butt crack of dawn that morning to take her up to see the lothbroks for another meeting but this time he had brought one of his own men with him to escort her the whole time. Not willing to risk her running off again.
Noah had been uncomfortable to say the least the past two days. He was paranoid with Carmen's constant brushing up on him that Lief might catch on to what had happened between them. Now thay he was alone with her in the car he was hopeful that they could talk, but her cold demenor had overtaken the atmosphere as soon as they left and he knew it would be best to stay quiet.

Max gave a heavy sigh as they got to the offices "Where do I need to stay?" She asked quietly knowing she couldn't pull what she did last time again. She was terrified that he was even more of a ticking time bomb than normal right now.
He frowned. “Somewhere out of the way. And if you even think of pulling that shit again you’ll be sorry for it.” He spat at her, heading into the elevator to take them to the meeting rooms.

She frowned a little, somewhat anxious about what the outcome of todays meeting would be and how it was going to affect her life. Knowing full well it could be an issue for her. She frowned when he pulled into the parking area. “All the way at the end is reserved parking. They’ll have w space for me.” She told him.

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