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Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

She frowned a little and took her drink back to the other room, going to take a seat with the dog, shaking her head some. “I have better hearing than you would like me to.” She called out to the two of them, glancing through messages and responding to a couple of them before heading up to start getting rowdy for bed

Kalf returned in the early hours of the morning, stripping down to his boxers and crawling into bed, stinking of booze and perfume as he pulled max in close to him before passing out for the night
By the next morning Noah was sat at the front door catching a little bit of sleep while he could. He jolted awake though when he heard the dog's nails hitting the ground as it came downstairs with Carmen "Mornin." He said quietly to her.

Max woke up the next morning and got up quietly to go get ready for the day. She was excited to see her family for thr first time in years and even more so to see Carmen and Ivar. She had seen Carmen a few times, but Ivar was normally not at functions for whatever reason he had, so the last time she'd actually seen him properly was her wedding nearly 9 years ago.
She yawned a little, letting Iskald out of the side door, shaking her head at Noah. “Leif will be finished in the shower soon. There is enough in there to wash up if you want it. We need to be at the offices by ten. So leaving in half an hour.” She told him, going to get a drink from the kitchen, making herself a quick breakfast.

Kalf got up in a much worse mood than he’d gone to bed in, a headache nagging at him as he got ready for this meeting. “I want to be out of there as soon as possible. Get back home by the end of day if we are lucky.” He muttered.
Max frowned deeply as she braided her hair and listened to him "Oh...back home by the end of day?" She asked softly feeling saddness wash over her. She knew they were only there for the meeting, but she had been hoping for a bit more time there.

Noah stood up and gave her a small nod "I'll be ready by then." He said as he glanced at the time on his watch and noting it. He went up once Lief came down and quickly washed his body off making sure to keep his hair as dry as possible since he didn't have time to wash it at this point.
“That’s what I said isn’t it?! Do not make me repeat myself when you know how much I hate doing it!” He snapped at her as he got dressed.

Carmen sat and waited a little impatiently until they were both ready and allowed Leif to drive them there, responding to anything she needed to.
Max flinched as he yelled but nodded and stayed silent for the rest of their time. Once they arrived at the building she followed him up the elevator and bit her lip as they got to the offices "I'm going to get something from the kitchen area. I need a drink." She said softly before going in the opposite direction as him. She knew he wouldn't want her in the actual meeting, she didn't need to worry herself with business as not only Kalf but her father had tols her as well.

Noah stayed quiet for most of the ride over just taking in all the area that surrounded the building. As they finally got up to the conference room area he took post outside the door with the other guards while Carmen made her way inside to greet her family.
She headed inside, finding hvitserk who she hadn’t seen in several months with him being posted overseas, hugging him tightly. “You got paler Hvitty.” She smiled, glancing around the room and frowned at the absence of Ivar. “I thought he was joining us today?” She asked, frowning a little. Like the rest of them hee relationship with Ivar was complicated. She adored her brother and at the same time would happily tear his face off if given the chance but she understood a lot of it was because of her parents ways of raising him.

Ivar made his way through the building carefully having woken up to a not great day in terms of his pain levels, struggling to keep himself level. He’d been slow getting ready that morning but also because he knew who would be there. Any other day he would have blown off the meeting feeling this way but knowing max was going to be there for the first time in far too long, he wouldn’t miss her for the world.
Max quietly made herself some coffee in the kitchen humming quietly to herself. Her ears perked up though when she heard a familar crutch thud come into the room. She placed her coffee down and turned around smiling widely as her eyes landed on the man she loved. Her body had a mind of its own as she rushed over and gently wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him to her. She pulled away only a bit and stared at him for a moment before pressing her lips to his not even thinking completely straight for the moment.

Hvitserk chuckled and gave a small shrug "Well the weather was shit, clouds all day." He said before hugging her close to him. As he pulled back he gave a sigh "I called him on the way over, he said he was making his way here. Sounded like he was in pain, but I know he wouldn't give up the chance to see Max." He said quietly frowning when he noticed Kalf talking with Herald in the corner of the room "So father tells me you've had more threats come in."
She sighed but nodded. “Always threats. Never action. He’s given me babysitters.” She muttered, rolling her eyes. “I’be managed to get rid of five so far.” She smiled as he rolled his eyes at her. “Iskald almost ate another last night.” She told him, taking her seat once she saw Ivar get into the room.

He finally found her in the kitchen, his free arm going around her once she was close but tensed when she kissed him. “Darling…. You can’t.” He told her quietly. “If anybody saw.” He started but shook his head. “I have missed you…. So very much.” He murmured, “I need to get to the meeting but I’ll see you after, promise.” He told her quietly, gently brushing his thumb over her lips before making his way to the conference room.
Max pulled away slowly and gave a small nod to him "I've missed you too." She whispered before letting go of him completely and watching him leave to the conference room. It was hours later before they were finally finished and all walking out going their seperate ways. She had been in the children's area watching TV with Ubbe's two children when she heard their voices. Quickly she got up to go find them and smiled widely as she saw Carmen first "Carmen!" She exclaimed happily giving her friend a big hug.

Noah started to follow behind Carmen as she made her way out of the building. He stopped though when another woman ran up and hugged her happily. He was guessing that she was a friend by the expression on both of their faces.
Carmen turned at the sound of hee voice and hugged her tightly, “oh it’s good for you to be home! I forgot to message you last night but why don’t we go get lunch? I’m starving after all of that.” She smiled, wanting time with her and time not thinking about being watched 24/7.

Kalf frowned as he stepped out and heard the two women talking, walking towards them. “I’m afraid we won’t be able to do that today, I’ve got important meetings to get back to.” He told Carmen firmly

She scoffed at that, shaking her head. “Okay? You weren’t invited anyway Kalf… I’ll sort out getting her home safe to you I promise.” She smiled a little, “you aren’t going to win this one so I suggest you let your wife decide.” She told him.

He grit his teeth, a fury flashing in his eyes as he started walking over to her, “don’t you dare talk to me like that. You may be a child of Ragnar but you are not a son and I won’t be spoken to like tha-“ he was right up in her face and going at her when suddenly he was three feet back again and staring straight ahead at a man he didn’t know instead of down at her
Noah frowned deeply as he noticed Kalf go towards them. Something about that guy had given him a bad taste in his mouth since he went into the room. While the other men had intimidation to them he didn't feel that anger and rage that Kalf produced, well Ivar had anger but not this. He quickly lep into actiom when he saw him get close to Carmen and shoved him back a good three feet as he got between them "I don't know where you think you are, but here we respect women. Especially those that are children on Ragnar and their friends." He said in a harsh tone not moving an inch until he eventually stormed off.

Max watched the two men terrified and took a deep breath when she felt Carmen's hand on her shoulder "Kalf...I am going to have lunch with my friends. I will be home by tomorrow." She said in the strongest voice she could muster watching as he finally stormed off and out of the building.
Carmen hadn’t moved an inch, hearing her mothers boice in her head scolding her for being too brazen sometimes but she didn’t care. She was eyeing up the handsome man who had stood up for her. Right now she didn’t care that it was his job. She thought it was a little sexy.

Ivar watched as he finally got out of the meeting room in time to see Kalf storming out and his sister leaving with max, groaning some, ending up texting max to tell her that he would see her later and that was a promise.
Max noticed Ivar coming out as Carmen tugged her along to towards the exit and sighed softly. She glanced at her phone as it pinged when they got into the car and smiled some seeing it was Ivar.

Noah helped the girls down to the car and frowned some "You two alright?" He asked both Carmen and Max. He knew Carmen could probably more than handle herself, but he wasn't about to let what happened just slide.
“We’re fine.” She muttered, turning to max once they were in the car. “What the fuck is his problem? I know he’s always had a bit of a stank about him but the ego on that.” She muttered, shaking her head. “And next time Noah I can handle that myself.” She muttered,

Ivar texted his sister after that to tell her he wanted time with max as well today so he would meet them at her place afterwards whether she liked it or not, bumping into hvitserk on the way out “What happened there? With Kalf and Carmen?” He asked frowning, leaning against the building while he waited for his driver
Max frowned a bit and shrugged some "He's just been in a mood recently." She said lying straight through her teeth hoping Carmen wouldn't press it any further. She looked over to Noah and smiled softly "Thank you though, I know we can handle ourselves, but thank you." She said sweetly to him.

Noah gave them both a small nod before going silent again as they sat in the car. He watched the world go by and kept eyes on the cars around them wanting to make sure Kalf hadn't followed.

Hvitserk gave a small shrug and sighed "Dunno, Carmen wanted to take Max shopping and then Kalf was in her face." He explained while watching him "You good? You sounded in pain earlier."
She rolled her eyes a little and shook her head. “He’s been in a mood every day that I have met him Maxine.” She told her frowning. “I told you when you married him that I don’t trust him and I stand by that.” She told her. “My brother wants to see you. He’s going to be at mine when we get back there. And tomorrow I can get Leif to drive you home.” She told her.

He shook his head. “My back is killing me. But that’s not important right now.” He muttered. “I’m surprised he walked. Has our dear sister gone soft under all these threats?” He muttered, shaking his head. “I’ll see you later Hvitserk. I’m going to catch up with mother for a while.” He told him once he’d spotted their mother walking through the front door of the building.
Max sighed heavily and nodded some "Well my father thought it be best I go with him. We both know who I'd be married to if I had it my way." She said quietly before perking up at the mention of Ivar "We saw eachother in the break room earlier, I'm excited to be able to properly talk to him." She said happily before switching the subject "How've you been though?"

Hvitserk chuckled some and shook his head "Nah her new body guard stepped in before she had a chance to strike." He said glancing when he saw their Mother and waved "I need to go get Ama anyways, tell mother I say hello." He said before parting ways.
She shrugged. “Suffocated.” She muttered. “After the third letter my father is taking these threats seriously. So I have babysitters now.” She muttered “Ofher than that, not much, doing as little work as I can.” She told her smiling. “I’ve made myself a little competition though, how many security guys can I get through in the time I have them?” She laughed

Ivar was true to his word and showed up at his sisters house, waiting patiently for her to bring max back there so he could see her, not quite expecting to wait the hours that he did in the end.
Max laughed a bit and shook her head "Oh goodness I feel for him then." She said motioning towards Noah. By the time they got back it was almost the evening time and she was getting more excited to see Ivar. Once they were at Carmen's place she rushed inside smiling widely when she found him in the lounge watching TV "Ivar." She said happily going to him and hugging him.gently.

Noah chuckled a bit as they got home seeing Max rushing in "She seems very excited." He said quietly as he walked with Carmen up the drive.
She nodded and glanced up at him. “They were together for a long time… she only married Kalf for politics.” She told him. “And when the time comes it’s likely I will have to do the same.” She muttered, heading up to hee room.

Ivar smiled and held her to him. “I thought maybe you would come back to mine? Leave my sister in peace? We have a lot of catching up to do.” He smiled softly at her. He had missed hee from the moment he’d seen Kalf walk through haralds front door, knowing he was going to lose her
Max cupped his face and nodded softly "Yes, yes I'd like that a lot." She said softly and smiled some. She knew Carmen would cover for them, out of everyone in the family she knew Carmen would cover for them and let them be. Hvitserk would have too, but the boy had a big mouth and would eventually blab to someone.

Noah gave a small nod and frowned "A bit archaic though yeah?" He said softly feeling for the women honestly. He didn't think arranged marriages were the way to go. This wasn't the old days anymore, shouldn't they choose?
He nodded to his sister as they walked out to his car, looking around in case anyone was watching, looking hee over once they were finally in the back of the car and frowning. “What’s wrong?” He asked her gently. She didn’t look like herself. He knew it had been a few years but this was beyond normal.

She frowned and shook her head. “My brothers mostly deal with the same. It’s not because we are women. It’s to protect our backsides.” She told him a little defensively. “If we find someone first then luck is on our side. But if not then we help the family by creating alliances… or if you are like my brother Bjorn you make the alliance but you still have your own fun.” She muttered, shaking her head a little and went to pour herself some wine.
Max looked at him as they got in the car and shook her head some "I'm just tired Ivar." She said quietly before taking his hand in hers "Its been over a year since we last spoke, what happened?" She asked quietly as she squeezed his hand. They used to talk atleast once a week through social apps so that Kalf never had record of it, but Ivar went radio silent one day and she hadn't heard from him since.

Noah listened intently to her and gave a small nod "I see." He murmured before grabbing himself a cup and making some water for himself "How old is he?" He asked as he saw Iskald come trotting into the room and sitting by her feet.
He frowned. “You didn’t hear?” He asked her. “Freydis and I got engaged…. And then she was in an accident…. She is gone.” He told her quietly and shrugged. “I’m at least leaving the house these days.” He would never love anyone the way he did max but he had certainly loved his fiancée and losing her had been harder than he’d expecte d

She frowned and rolled her eyes a little. “This wasn’t an invitation for conversation.” She muttered, walking out and going up to her room to be alone.

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