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Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

Max frowned deeply and gave his hand a small squeeze "Oh Ivar.....I'm so sorry." She said softly to him. She was happy when he had told her about Freydis, to hear that he was happy with someone in his life meant a lot to her. She always wanted his happieness.

Noah gave a nod "Right." He muttered before going to take post by the front door again.
He frowned a little and shrugged. “It’s been a while now…. It’s getting better.” He told her quietly. “I don’t want to talk about sad things though. I have one night with you before you have to go back.” He pointed out as they pulled up to his house.

Leif went to sit with him after his replacement arrived. “I’ll come relieve you tomorrow night. Jackson is a workaholic. Don’t complain to him. He will grass on you.” He told him. “But I will see you tomorrow night.” He told him, clapping his shoulder before heading home himself.
Max nodded and smiled at him as they pulled up to his house "How is your health doing?" She asked as she helped him out of the car and walked with him up the drive to his front door.

Noah gave a nod to Leif and said his goodbyes before getting up and doing an indoor check just for safe measure and to give himself something to do.
He smiled a little. “It’s better than I’ve been expecting.” He told her, “Would you like a drink? I’ve got anything you could possibly desire.” He smiled at her as they got inside.

Carmens room was empty bar the dog and she wasn’t in any other room in the house either, having left quietly to make Noah think something had happened, wanting to entertain herself a little.
Max smiled some and nodded as she walked in with him "A nice red wine would be lovely." She said softly as she looked up at him. Even with his health problems Ivar was still a very big man, especially in comparison to her.

Noah frowned deeply when he saw her door open and only Iskald in there. He went wide eyed and quickly started checking all over the house not findimg her anywhere. "SHIT!" He said to himself while he pulled out his phone going to dial Ragnar immediately.
Jackson appeared from a doorway and frowned, grabbing his wrist before he could press dial. “Don’t. She’s around somewhere.” He told him frowning. “I noticed the door earlier. She’s hiding. She does this on purpose.” He muttered, shaking his head. He’d worked with Carmen on and off for years, the only guard she hadn’t managed to shake simply because he’d known her so long. “You check the cars, I’ll check the garden.” He muttered, shaking his head and whistling for Iskald to follow him.

He nodded in agreement and went to pull out a bottle, handing her a glass once it had been filled, eyeing her gently. “We cannot have our fun anymore though.” He told her quietly. For a long while after she was married they were still fooling around whenever she was up there to visit with Carmen but Ivar had grown up now and he knew better now than to risk being caught
Noah gave a small nod and went out to the cars looking over each of them. He frowned deeply when he found her hiding in the garage "Really? Hide and seek?" He asked as he watched her.

Max sipped her drink and frowned softly giving a small nod "Right...." she said quietly before taking a deep breath "What have you been up to in the business? Have things been well?" She asked wanting to get the subject away from them for the time being.
She rolled her eyes and shrugged. “It was worth a shot. Should’ve done it while Leif was around though.” She muttered, walking back up to her room, shutting the door behind her to go to bed finally.

He nodded. “It’s been going as well as it can with the Targaryens blocking as many of our moves as possible.” He sighed some. “But my father plans to try and end that feud soon.” He told her quietly, moving them to the couch in his living room and watched her.
Noah sighed heavily and went back to his post ordering some food for himself while he got ready for what he felt would be a long night.

Max sat with him and hummed quietly "Yes, I hear Kalf come home saying how your family makes things difficult." She said with a small shrug "I know its probably a lie though. The Targaryens are never easy to do business with." She said quietly before sipping her drink again staring ahead of herself as she got lost in thought for a moment.
He frowned as he watched her carefully "Maybe not tonight, but soon, you're going to tell me what's going on Maxine... Because whilst I know we haven't been close recently, I know you.. and you are not yourself." He told her frowning some.

Jolly glanced up the following afternoon when he heard the door go to the house he shared with Noah and chuckled, "You survived the first shift with her then?" He asked. He hadn't exactly been forthcoming with how difficult she could be when he'd told Noah about the job
Max looked over at him with saddened eyes feeling a single tear fall "I.....I miss home Ivar." She whispered as she moved closer to him and cuddled into him "I miss you, Carmen, Hvitserk, even your mother at times. I just want to be home."

Noah collapsed into the recliner they had in the living room the next morning and shot a glare to Jolly "Yeah I fucking made it. She's trying to get me killed." He said as he ran his hand over his face. He wasn't sure if he could really take all this, he signed up to be a bodyguard not a legit babysitter. "She says she doesn't want babysitters, yet she acts like that. Its no wonder no one fucking stays."
Jolly frowned a little "Don't be too quick to judge... Ragnar worries for her. He's already lost one daughter, years ago. Doesn't want to lose another especially when they aren't sure where the threats are coming from." He told him "Plus, you didn't hear this from me but there's going to be some turmoil coming. We have another family coming to visit.... Rumors are that this could be the start of either great days or some of the worst the family has seen in a decade."

Ivar sighed quietly and just held her the whole evening, having to remind her that there wasn't anything he could do to bring her home unless her and Kalf were no longer married. He couldn't start a war. Not right now. He let her leave reluctantly in the morning when Carmen's driver arrived to take her home
Noah frowned more as he listened to him and sighed heavily "What have you gotten me into here Jolly?" He asked his friend as he stood up "I'm gonna go take a nap, lord knows I need it." He muttered

Max held Ivar close to her as she got ready to leave. By the time she got back to Kalf she was miserable just wanting to be back home. She gave a small smile to him hoping he was in a good mood "Hello darling, how are you?" She asked softly as she got on her tip toes to kiss his cheek gently.
"You needed a job and I got you in on good money." He told him with a shrug, waving him off as he left, going to get ready to go in to speak with Ragnar.

Carmen had got to the offices first thing and walked into her father's room, going to sit down on the couch, stretching out "Before you say anything, I'm sure Jackson snitched on me about last night and giving them the run around... I need some kind of entertainment, I'll go stir crazy otherwise." she muttered.

Kalf frowned and glanced back at her, "Go wait in our room." He told her, dangerously calm while he stood in his study, not about to lose it in front of a couple of his men but he was furious with her after yesterday
Ragnar gave a heavy sigh and ran a hand over his face "I understand, but Carmen I beg of you, especially right now, please use caution. We are working on things, but it could end good or badly and I don't want you hurt." He explained truthfully to her as he leant forward on his desk.

Max gave a soft frown but nodded and quickly went off to their room. It was another 30 minutes before he arrived in the room looking at her with rageful eyes "Kalf please...I can explain.." she said carefully but soon fell to the floor when his hand struck her.
She scoffed at that. “You’ve never treated my brothers like children. Not even Ivar who by all accounts is the most childish of all of us… but this is suffocating. I can’t breathe without someone around me.” She snapped a bit, getting up and leaving the room.

He glared at her. “Get up. You want to be an embarrassment?! You want to allow them to treat me like an idiot?! Get up!” He screamed at her.
Jolly followed her out and gave a small sigh "Hey, you alright?" He asked quietly coming to her as a friend and not worker for her father.

Max took a deep breath wanting to bite back at him but she knew it would only lead to a worse fate. She got up slowly and stood back infront of him "I'm sorry Kalf....I just...I wanted to spend time with my family. Its been so long since I -"
She frowned and shook her head. “Jolly if I was fine I wouldn’t be here right now.” She muttered, waving him off and headed out to hee car, groaning when Jackson had caught up with her and was already waiting there, just desperate to have some time alone for once.

“I don’t care how long it’s been!” He yelled, grabbing her face and squeezing her cheeks between one hand tightly, not caring if he was practically crushing her jaw. “You ever do it again and there will be worse consequences…. You’ll wish I was putting you out of your misery.” He spat at her, shoving her away from him to the floor and walked out, locking the bedroom door behind him.
Jackson opened the door for her and sighed a bit "Ubbe wanted to talk to you, said he's call later." He murmured while he keot his eyes on everything around her.

Max got up slowly and went wide eyed when she heard the door lock. She made her way over and tried opening the door "Kalf please! Don't keep me in here please!" She cried knowimg he was gone by now and no one would be able to hear her through the thick wood of the door. She went to their bed and layed down sobbing just wanting to be away from it all.
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She rolled her eyes but got in, immediately locking the doors and clambered over into the drivers seat, ignoring him banging on the window while she pulled the spare key out of her handbag, waving it in his face and started the car to drive off, not going home either, making sure to turn off her phone so she couldn't be followed for once.

He left her in there for hours and headed out for the evening, leaving his men with strict instructions to leave her there, not coming back til the early hours of the morning and he finally walked back into their room, stripping down
Jackson beat on the door and soon tried to chase after her. He frowned deeply shaking his head before running inside to get Ragnar.

Max layed in bed thinking most of the night. She flinched a bit when she heard the door open and Kalf come into the room later that night hoping he'd just go to sleep.
He got to Ragnar's office within two minutes, a little out of breath after taking the stairs two at a time, "She took off. Locked me out the car and took off, I can't track her, her phone's turned off." He told him.

He got into bed and pulled the covers over to him, ignoring her completely while he lay there, reading through some e-mails
Ragnar shot his head up when he heard Jackson and gave an icy glare "Get others and start looking over the city. I doubt she has left it. Call in her brothers as well." He said quickly before grabbing his coat and keys.

Max did her best to try and sleep while he lay beside her. She did her absolute best to try and make it seem like she wasn't even there.
Carmen had driven to where jolly lived, pulling into his driveway and making sure her car was out of sight before using the key he kept under the mat to let herself in, sighing a little in relief at finally being on her own but went to get a drink. She stopped dead in hee tracks though when she stepped out of the hallway and found moah, stark naked heading out of the kitchen.

“Don’t even try it. I know you’re awake. I know you’re too scared to sleep…. I got a couple options for you.” He smirked to himself, trailing his fingers down her spine as he watched her, finally putting his phone away.
Noah was getting ready for a shower when he decided on a snack before hand. He decided no clothes because why not? No one was home. He went wide eyed though when he saw a figure as he exited and quickly grabbed the closest thing next to him which was a banana from the fruit bowl "Don't move!" He yelled but quickly went to cover himself instead when he saw it was Carmen "What the hell are you doing here?!"

Max tensed as soon as she felt his hands on her again but turned to face him "What are the options?" She asked quietly doing her best to not flinch away from him as he cupped her face.

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