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Fandom Of Blood and Wine (a GoT AU RP).

"There is no head?" Nymeria asked, keeping her smile despite the path of the conversation. "Especially considering the issues earlier today between Buckwell and Dayne, my sworn sword has requested a moment with you, in regards to Rhaegar. Do you not even have his head or sword somewhere in the Red Keep? I understand that you would throw the body in the water, but the head?" Turning to the subject of marriage, Nymeria added, "Oh, I understand your desire to keep the royal bloodline pure, then." Putting on a face of someone spurned at the rejection, Nymeria sighed, "What a shame. With Your Grace as the father, the eldest son could be a great heir and the eldest daughter would be the next Lady Paramount of Dorne. A perfect alliance, and the children would have the beauty of a Dragonlord and of the Rhoyne...."
Edmure nodded and he and his wife took their leave. For the journey they had dressed in simple clothes and both wished to change into outfits more befitting for their station. Not to mention show off the outfits that are traditional of RiverRun.

Theon soon grew bored of exploring Kings landing. He found it blain in It's extravagance and paled in comparison to winterfell where mysterious were around every corner. So after he finished the mission he set for himself he headed back to the red keep. Heading back into the red keep he nodded at the guards maning their stations and held in the smirk of satisfaction when he noticed a red mark on ones forehead barely covered by his helmet. Bullseye.

Deciding to explore the castle a little he began heading down a random hall which seemed to lead off to a room where two voices spoke. Curiosity overcoming common sense Theon ducked near the opening after catching a glimpse of who could only be the king and Nymeria he believed it was. After listening to the brief conversation, which he knew might come in handy later, he took his leave and headed up to his room. He had some thinking to do. Leaning by the large window within his room he stared sightlessly out at the garden as he thought. If Nymeria somehow managed to make an alliance with the Targaryen's threw marriage then that would prove daunting for any future rebellions against the king that might spring up. I only hope either no compromis is made or there will be no rebellion in which the Tullys are brought into. It could prove fateful for the house.
It was time for Jyana to get back to prepare Kalista for her public appearance, but lulled by the perfumed warmth of her garden-bed the young lady has dozed off and when the youngest Targaryen rose to her feet and looked around for her handmaid she was nowhere to be seen. Uncertainty flickered briefly across her face, but she knew better than to cross the dragon. "Of course uncle," she began, but then he was gone. "Brother?" She laid her hand on Aerion's arm and looked sternly at his clothing. "I need to find Jyana and get to the lunch feast. And you need to get changed. I don't mind a sweat stain or two from morning training, but you know what he's going to say." She tilted her head to one side and put a caricature of a stern expression on her face. "The Dragon must always look its finest! The Dragon must show no weakness, no uncertainty. The Dragon must be swift, lethal... and spotless!" A swift shadow of a smile, and then they abandon their belated breakfast table and make their way into the corridor.
Aerion laughed at Kalistas words but remained silent for the rest of their return to her room. He opened the door for her only to find the room empty.

''Here, start to get yourself ready, I'll go ad find your handmaiden.'' he said before turning and beginning his search. It took a few minutes of questioning guards as to Jya's whereabouts, but he soon found her lying in the garden.

He leant against a nearby pillar and watched her for a few seconds. Surrounded by flowers, this Jya seemed almost ethereal in her appearance, as if someone had dreamed her up. Still, she was nowhere near high-born enough for him to even consider...

''Jya...JYA....JYA?'' Aerion hoped she would wake to his words.

Viserys thought for a second and, deciding this to be the easier of two routs, lied.

''Actually, I do posses a few of his weapons and garbs. Would you care for them? As for your sword, I suppose he may. When he is ready send him into the main hall and I'll meet him there.'' Viserys began towards his room then, weary of his damn duties.

Maybe he shouldn't have dismissed Nymeria as a posible queen so quickly but he would think more on that after he was rested.

''I'm expecting company. Have at least two dozen other men in here by then...'' Viserys commanded the main halls Kingsguard before almost running to his room.

Ehtaniel had been examining his purchases when he entered the Red Keep but a large movement of men caught his eye.

What are the Tyrell men doing?

''Kross, where are you off to?'' he called over the clumping and clashing of armoured men.

''Been here to do what I needed t'a do. No sense stayen. Until next time.'' Kross responded as he rode out the gates with his men to return to the Reach.

Ethaniel watched as they left, relived that at least now he would feel a little safer.

He made his way to his room and undressed before laying out his purchases on the bed. These books had been impossible to track down, yet here they were.

Kings Landing...you have your uses. He began to pick through one of the books before a knock on the door and a voice informed him that the lunch feast would start soon and to dress himself.
The Dornish trio entered the main hall an hour later, with Nymeria in the front and middle. Daemon stood to her left with his sword and shield. Elia stood at Nymeria's right with her spear. Daemon and Elia looked around the room, keeping close track of the locations of each guard. "Where is King Viserys?" Nymeria asked. "I was told that we would meet him here."

His hand on the hilt of Dawn, Daemon moved in closer to Nymeria. "I get the strangest sense of death right now." He whispered to Nym.
A guard went to fetch Viserys from his chamber. His rest had lifted his mood to the point where he didn't want to have the guard executed for waking him. As the guard informed him of the current situation, Viserys got dressed with some of his finer armour and weapons, each a combination of black and red.

When he finally reached the main hall he went straight to the Iron Throne before acknowledging the Dornish trio.

They seemed heavily armed for a talk, but they were almost out numbered 4-1 by the current guards in the hall. Even if that wasn't enough, more could be called.

Viserys relaxed then, safe in the knowledge that he was guarded well.

''So, Daemon, you wished to speak to me about Rhaegar. Speak then.''
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Daemon dropped to a knee. "King Viserys. By right of Conquest and Combat, you are the rightful king of the Iron Throne. Had I been in the Red Keep during your rebellion, I would have died with my sword in my hand or would have seen the death of every enemy of the Iron Throne. I proclaim you as the king by these rights. I will fulfill my duties as your indirect vassal, but I will never betray Rhaegar. In word or deed. If he did give into lunacy at some point in life, it makes the most sense that I would overlook it. If he killed the rest of your family, I give my greatest apology for never realizing any flaws he may have had. Either way, you slayed him honorably in combat."
Viserys sank into the throne.

Yet another one of these...

Daemon hadn't been the first person to respectfully tell him that they prefered his brother, but at least these ones said it to his face. For that, Viserys was thankful.

''Well, thank you for your honesty. It was brave of you to tell me but I hope that, in time, you may come to appreciate the change. If thats all?''

The guard knocked again, louder than before.

''I'll be on my way soon enough!'' shouted Ethaniel as he read.

By the gods I do love a good twist.

He ignored the guards orders and decided it was best he finish this book whilst he still could. Kings Landing was great, but death did lurk behind every corner.
"No, that's all. Just figured that I would tell you that you are not one of the people that I will see dead in King's Landing. I've no desire for the death of any dragon." Daemon said bluntly as he stood. "I assumed you'd know this, as I was practically raised by Rhaegar. I've little doubt that he will be forgotten by most soon enough."
''...Well, as much as I appreciate that, I hope you wouldn't ''see'' anyone dead here.'' and if you do I'll be sure to have you join them.

''Right, well, that was fun.'' he rose from the chair, ready to return to his slumber.''I look forward to seeing you later.''

Viserys returned to his chambers and lay down once more.

He wondered why Daemon thought Rhaegar was so great. The man spent all of a few months in Dorne before returning and, eventually, ruling.

Still, Viserys decided to forget and move on. He'd spent enough time thinking about Rhaegar, now it was time to think about and for himself.

Then the knock came.

''My lord, the feast has been set out in the garden.''

Viserys groaned before rising and beginning towards the garden and the feast.

The tables had been set out in a triangular formation with a space between them for acts and the like to pass through. As for the food, most of it was still far too hot for consumption, so Viserys slumped in his chair and began to doze off whilst he waited for the houses to arrive.
Dressed in their finest garbs Edmure his wife and eldest children made their way to the feast, the adults in the lead and guards around them. They wanted to make an impression that the Tully's stood together. Ironically they forgot about their youngest. Not that he minded. Theon was up to his own things.

Patting Ash on the neck one last time Theon guided him back to the stables. He better get to the feast, after all it's the perfect opportunity to scope out the other families opinions on their new king. Once Ash was securely in his stable Theon headed toward where the feast was being held. He had made his decision. He would sit back and watch the events pass by, biding until his time until he had all the information.
Approaching from the northern roads down to King's Landing was yet another entourage of a noble house. Banners were raised high, bearing a grey direwolf against a snow-white field. The Lord of Winterfell had come to the seat of the king. Lord Marrok Stark sighed as his company entered into the city, begrudging the fact he had to make his way here to kneel to a Targaryen. The dragons had robbed Winterfell and House Stark of a good man, the late Ned Stark. However, he knew how unwise it was for the North to openly rebel against the seated house of King's Landing. The goods traded from down south of Winterfell were too vital to survival in the frigid North. The Old Stark would bite his tongue and tolerate the cruel whimsy of King Viserys for a few days before going back northward to home.

God of the forest. Please get us through this day without incident. He thought, knowing that the times of present made it easy for tensions between houses.

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