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Fandom Of Blood and Wine (a GoT AU RP).

Ethaniel watched Krosses control over his men and began to pray that, if there was to be a fight, that he would somehow be spared.

Not the day for light armour...

Viserys walked over to inspect one of Krosses four personal guard. They seemed able soldiers and were clearly well trained, but for what? The Reach was hardly at war or anywhere near it, so why the sudden militarization?

''They seem very...'' Viserys was taken back by Krosses face. It was most certainly not what he'd come to expect from the Tyrells, but then again, neither was a sudden interest in their military. ''...capable. I have scarcely seen such fine warriors.''

Viserys quickly returned to his Whiteshields. He was all too aware of how quickly a warrior as capable as these could cut him down.

Now only the Storm King remained. Viserys lifted his head and peered over at him with an air of expectancy about him.

@Vengeance Spirit
Mifel gave Viserys a half-smile, it was chilling and clearly not friendly. He looked at him in the eyes and said "Viserys Targaryen...Of the Targaryen house. The one who went mad...I believe it's time for me to ask you, why should the people trust you as King after your family had done such harsh things to their people." He clearly was serious now, his half-smile had broken and his eyes were showing serious flames. He looked at his army of men and said "How can we trust a king from the Targaryen family...You do have a history." Mifel had tossed all of his cards on the table here, he truly wanted to see how Viserys would handle it. He thought to himself Now...Let's see him walk out of this trap. Trying to get Viserys to say something that would defame himself, Mifel had hope that the Targaryen blood that ran in him would turn him aggressive.
''You dare? Oh, this is rich!'' VIserys laughed at Mifel before cutting it off. His eyes returned to the so called King of the Stormlands, fire filling his veins.

''We are the only kings this land has ever know and we have been just in our rulings. So, yes, we have a history. A rich history about how we created a paradise on this planet for the likes of you, all of you. But if you wish to wake the dragon, go ahead and show your ignorance. You stand in my den now and think you can play with my fire.

And what ''harsh things'' have I done to my people?

You babble like an old midwife. I urge you to think before responding or perhaps just leaving. If you're not here to pledge allegiance to me then I have no need of you...'' Viserys raised his hand and aimed it at Mifel hoping his surrounding forces would understand the gesture. The Targaryen men unsheathed their swords and those with crossbows took aim at Mifel and his men. The remaining Kingsguard moved towards their king in case he needed protection.

''Now Storm King, we needn't be at war. I understand a days ride can make a man giddy and hunger can make a man stupid. Perhaps a feast to celebrate your renewed alligences is in order?'' Viserys kept his hand aimed at Mifel and returned his chilling smile.

Ethaniel unsheathed his sword and,grabbing Nymeria by the arm, pulled her away from the group of men.

''My lady, stand behind me. I swear that I will keep you safe.'' Ethaniel wasn't sure how true that would prove to be but it was the least he could try and do. He began to mutter a prayer.
Mifel laughed as he said "It was a simple question, my liege." He took a pause looking at the crossbows before saying "Yes...I can see the resemblance." Referring to the ways of the mad king before thinking He has shown his flames... He continued by saying "Alright then. Are you going to shoot me? You know that'll start a large war...One you don't want. But down your crossbows." He signaled his hands as his troops armed themselves as well "And I'll put down mine." He didn't want to start a war just yet. He first wanted Viserys to show himself a bit more, to show the flames of the dragon may never be tamed. He wanted everyone to see how a dragon cannot be a good house pet.
The Ironborn fleet arrived at the mouth of Blackwater Bay near Dragonstone. Drevyn looked outwards across the northern horizon to see Dragonstone, a darkened island complimented with a dormant volcano. He studied the architecture while the island was still in his view, and felt that the architecture was still brilliant, even today. "Make sure the banners of House Greyjoy and House Blacktyde are raised high. If we're to make an impression to that shit city King's Landing that ironborn are to be feared, then we must show them." The Greyjoy captain commanded in a blunt voice.

"M'lord, when we arrive at King's Landing we'd like to request some time at the local brothels." A crew member pleaded Drevyn. Drevyn's eyes had a dead look in them as he stared intensely at the man who made the foolish request. Drevyn then began to walk towards him, moving faster with each step. He stopped directly in front of him as his stare turned into a death glare. "You wanna get your cocks sucked in that shit city King's Landing by some shit city whores?" The man tried to back away, but in his fear could only drag his heel ever so slightly backwards. "I'm sorry m'lord, honestly I don't know what I was think-"

"Enough." Drevyn blurted out interrupting him. Drevyn's eyes widened a little as a small grin appeared on his face. "I was only fucking with you lad." The silence on the ship was broken out with a sudden laughter as the men believed it to be a joke. The laughter abruptly stopped as quick as it started as Drevyn threw a wild punch across the mans face, knocking him down. Drevyn began to repeat this motion with his fist again and again across the mans face. He tried to defend himself from Drevyn's punches but it was no use as he was already overwhelmed. The punches continued to swing back and fourth as the mans face turned bloodied. Before any of the crew attempted to stop Drevyn from killing the man, he suddenly stopped and quickly stretched down to his ear. "If you ever ask to pay for a whore in that shit city King's Landing again, I'm going to cut off your cock and feed it to the fish." Drevyn whispered into the unconscious man's ear.
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Viserys stared at Mifel.

Idiot, he just saw the other houses swear loyalty to me and yet he thinks that some would still stand against me...

Viserys lowered his hand and those who had prepared themselves for battle slowly relaxed. Many didn't reaseheath their blades or uncock their arrow, but the tension in the air dispersed.

''I apologise, that wasn't...kingly. I'm sure you understand that, in times like these, it pays for a king to be on his guard.'' Viserys looked over the other houses and tried to relax himself.

''Well, now that thats done how about that feast?' Viserys clapped his hands together and looked around for some servants to order. After he found some, he pointed to them.

''Prepare a feast for all our friends tonight.'' he commanded. ''Take time to freshen up in your quarters.'' Viserys nodded to the houses before walking back up the stairs.

''I look forward to tonight.'' he added as he walked back into the Red Keep and out of danger.

That went well.

The thought was shared between Visarys and Ethaniel. Ethaniel re-sheathed his blade and, turning to Nymeria, bowed low.

''My apologies, I thought things were going to turn ugly...''
Theon shifted in the saddle so he was sitting on Ash properly as Kings landing came into sight. By the time they were led to The red keep by the city guards his family had caught up to him his parents taking the lead with their guards and his siblings flanking them leaving Theon in the back. Are we trying to show off our power or loyalty? Theon thought in regards to the showy formation. Resisting the urge to scrawl or snort, depending on if his humor or irritation won out, he kept his face blank as they arrived at the red keep passing a singing man. Dismounting their horses as they waited to be accepted into the red keep Theon wondered how this trip would work out. I truly hope war is not on the horizon yet, if it shall come I hope it ends quickly.
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Almost as soon as Ethaniel finished his sentence, Elia jammed the butt of her spear into the Lannister's chest, then pulled her cousin away from him.

Surprised by her cousin's response and the Baratheon bastard's foolishness in so quickly letting his play for power show, Nymeria was silent for a few moments, then immediately composed herself. "Lord Lannister, I am terribly sorry. My dearest cousin is very protective." Turning to Elia, her tone changed to one of deadly seriousness. "Elia, we must find Daemon. Now."

Nodding, Elia walked out of the Red Keep, with Nymeria close behind. Within the hour, they heard a lyre and Elia grabbed the bard by the arm and yanked him to his feet. "Daemon, we no longer have time for you to explore King's Landing."

"The wine here tastes horrible anyway." Daemon shrugged. "What happened? Who offended the Second-Son King?"

"The Baratheon bastard." Nymeria answered, more than a bit of agitation in her tone. "He saw fit to challenge Viserys's rule in a court full of Targaryen guards and Tyrell men."

"I suppose he's dead now, then?" Daemon rolled his eyes.

"No, but it may not remain that way." Nymeria clarified. "The Lannisters seem to be the Targaryens' lapdogs. The Tyrell host does not seem to have any intention of rebellion, yet. And you were correct about the Baratheons lacking intelligence."

"Shocker." The word dripped with sarcasm. Then, Daemon pointed out"So...you do remember that I got myself kicked out, right? Does belligerence ring any bells?"

"We will say that I felt it was necessary after that court meeting. Buckwell cannot deny that tensions have ran high." Nymeria pointed out. "Did you have any luck with that other project of yours in King's Landing?"

"No, she said it was too soon for-"

"NOT...that one...Daemon." Nymeria exclaimed the first word, but her voice lowered with each following one.

"Ah, the mercenary issue? Yes, I have found a few." Daemon put his lyre away. "Any thoughts on marriage alliances? I suppose Baratheons are out of the question."

"The Lannister seems fond of you, Nym." Elia pointed out before Nymeria could answer.

"And I did as you asked." Daemon added. "I spoke with Kross Tyrell, and he does not seem wholly anti-Dorne. If not for your mummer's farce on the King's Road for the sake of Viserys's spies, he may never have had any hatred for us at all."

"And that fool bastard of Baratheon was the only problem from that. Such a shame that Tyrell did not come first, then we'd be meeting with the loyal vassal and Daemon would have insulted the idiot." Elia shook her head.

"Well, you win some, you lose some." Daemon shrugged. "Anyway, I have those new guards of yours searching King's Landing, currently. I am sure of where there loyalties lie. But I am less sure of their loyalties towards us."

"Elia, immediately go to Buckwell and say that I need my old guard back." Nymeria commanded. "I will remain with Daemon until you return."

As Elia ran back into the Red Keep in search of Buckwell, Daemon sat back down against a building and picked at his lyre.

Nymeria sat next to him. "When we return, you must seek an audience with Viserys. Elia will hint towards you being the son of Rhaegar-"

"Doubt it." Daemon interrupted.

"But she can still hint at it." Nymeria glared at Daemon. "And it would not be a horrible idea for you to seek a marriage alliance also. If you've forgotten, you stand to inherit all the lands and vassals of House Dayne, one of the highest four houses in Dorne. See if any sister or daugher or aunt or cousin or whatever of a Lord or Lady would marry into that. Maybe even Kalista, if the gods are good."
The whole Keep turned tenser than newly-shapen steel, and the Tyrell guests noticed it. They sensed it in the air like the flow of a wave coming over all of them. However, little was done in repercussion. We're not the one at risk. The though went through Kross and his men, and it did not need to be communicated by anything more than a few solid nods in each other's directions. What an absolute fool - the both of them. Kross thought, somewhat enraged by the ordeal. First for him to have charged into the dragon's den with the intent of summoning up its flames - but furthermore for the King to let himself be so easily swayed.

Kross simply shook his head left and right at the notion, but was more than happy to see that the tension was tuning down. The dinner aside, Kross would stand in his place, practically waiting to be approached more than anything. Perhaps it will be best to approach him after his feast. After all, Kross had plans. Great plans.
Mifel let out a hearty laugh to lower the tension and said "It's alright. It is." He went on, realizing that no one asked him to swear his loyalty to the king after such a brave step forward. Mifel raised his hand as his men lowered their weapons. He knew the others would see it idiotically, but this was only the first step of his move...The defaming would be a process, an in-depth one. He wasn't too sure if this was the right move or the wrong one, but to him it didn't matter. It was the necessary one in his mind, it was clear Mifel wasn't the brightest. He was no Petyr Baelish nor could he match the wits of the Lannisters. He had something else, likability. Mifel's people truly loved him.
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Mifel may truly be loved in the Stormlands, among the bannermen and smallfolk who followed him out of love rather than duty - but this was the Red Keep, and it wasn't the respect of his own that the 'Storm King' required here. When Viserys returned inside, Harys relaxed part-way but there was still the problem of a powerful and insolent Lord in the Red Keep's courtyard with a hundred men at his back. When he made to follow the King inside, the Lord Commander stepped across into his path.

"His Grace has welcomed you to the Red Keep, Lord Mifel; but he has said nothing of your men and I am in no way minded to permit a full company of armed soldiers within these walls." He smiled thinly, then stepped aside once more with a formal half-bow and a gesture of invitation. "Welcome to the Red Keep, Lord Mifel. Your quarters are above the banquet hall in the guest wing. Your men will be barracked with my Lord Tyrell's in the city." From that stand he would not be moved, though at least he would be easy for Elia to find - or the Tullys, once this momentary crisis was past.

With all the potential for violence, the pageantry in the courtyard somehow became less appealing to many of the courtiers; Jyana among them. With so many of the great nobles here, she knew Kalista was going to require her services long before lunch. If she wanted to have any time to herself beforehand, she needed to make herself scarce and quickly. Slipping through the crowd, she made her way down a servants' corridor and into the bustling kitchens. Someone clearly ordered quite the banquet for lunch, and the handmaiden narrowly avoided splashes of meat juices and gravy before she escaped into the palace gardens. There she burrowed into the heart of her favorite place, the beds of blue roses. There she can lay back and day dream in perfumed tranquility, safe from view from anyone else wandering the gardens.
Elia approached Harys, and with an authoritative tone, she said, "Following the issues earlier, Princess Nymeria seeks to have her sworn sword by her side at all times. If you would like to challenge this proclamation by Lady Nymeria Martell, I would advise that you do so now; otherwise, Lady Paramount Nymeria Martell may leave King's Landing earlier than expected, which could cause more trouble than the alternative."
"If that is the Lady's request, then of course I will accept her, ahh... 'proclamation'. Her sworn sword will be granted provisional entry to the Red Keep on the understanding that he will control his temper and his courtesies while a guest of the King or suffer the consequences." Harys spared Elia a glance, but most of his attention was clearly on the Lord before him.

"I appreciate it was neither your nor your Lady's idea, but you may wish to warn young Daemon that if he insults any man or lady like that again during his stay here, then he will be thrown out of the Keep. If he threatens the King or makes treasonous remark, he will be locked up at His Grace's pleasure. Should he be fool enough to draw sword in the King's presence however, he will be cut down where he stands." He inclined his head to Elia, then returned to his polite attitude and awaited the Baratheon's response.
The guards, noticing the new arrivals and quickly ushered them inside.

Ethaniel held his chest. The spear hadn't hurt him much but it had been more than he had expected. He turned and began towards his room.

As he arrived he stopped once more on the passageway overlooking the courtyard.

Damn warriors and soldiers and idiots.

He leant against the railing and watched. He wondered how long those swords would stay sheathed. He hoped that the answer would take a while to find.

Viserys returned to the main hall and Aerion jumped out of his seat.

''Sit boy...'' Viseyrs commanded, walking past the table and towards his quarters.

After trotting up the stairs he stopped and turned towards the table.

''The guests are here, get ready. Both of you.'' and then he was gone.

Aerion rose and grabbed a final pastry.

''Duty calls.'' he said, waiting for his sister so that they could return together.
Seems we are late for the party. Theon thought dryly as they were permitted entrance and their horses taken to the stables. Following a few feet after his family as they headed inside he noticed the tension that lingered in the air. I do wonder what happened. Though it seems the stormking may be responsible from his position.

Theons father approached Harys and patiently began to wait for him to finish his conversation with the beretheon. Theon took this time to observe his surroundings as he leant against a nearby piller unnoticed. I see Elia sand is here and by the looks of it has already renewed the alliance with the king though that still doesn't mean She won't revolt. Most likely she is waiting until she is sure She will win. Either way I shall need to speak with her and maybe the stormking if he proves to be a reliable ally. Nodding he knew he shall have many plans to make but the question is shall he keep his father in the know or risk going behind his back. Planning with nearly no real answers is tiring.
Elia returned, with Nymeria and Daemon behind her. Daemon was still in his brown cloak, plucking his lyre's strings and singing. "The Dornishman's wife was as fair as the sun, and her kisses were warmer than spring. But the Dornishman's blade was made of black steel, and its kiss was a terrible thing. The Dornishman's wife would sing as she bathed, in a voice that was sweet as a peach. But the Dornishman's blade had a song of its own, and a bite sharp and cold as a leech. As he lay on the ground with the darkness around, and the taste of his blood on his tongue. His brothers knelt by him and prayed him a prayer, and he smiled and he laughed and he sung. Brothers, oh brothers, my days here are done, the Dornishman's taken my life. But what does it matter, for all men must die, and I've tasted the Dornishman's wife."
He understood and nodded saying "Fine. But, I want to keep one guard beside me...After all, this is King's Landing." He didn't seem too angry about this, he understood the reason behind it. His men had made people uneasy after the conflict. Mifel wasn't the type to be abruptly rude without reasoning so he signaled his men to follow him to the barracks.
"Very well, one sworn sword may stay by your side - for security or for such errands as you may need during your time here. Naturally you will be responsible for their behavior." Harys bowed courteously and then turned toward the newest arrivals. He strode across the courtyard with his white cloak billowing out behind him and then swept into another bow of greeting. "My Lord Tully and company; welcome to the Red Keep. Quarters have been set aside for your company in the guest wing, overlooking the palace gardens. I trust your journey was peaceful and uninterrupted?"
Edmure bowed his head in a show of respect to the Knight. His reputation was well known. "We are glad to be here. The journey was as peaceful and uninterrupted as one can expect Sir Knight Harys and the destination as beautiful as always. Now while my company heads off to their rooms to prepare for the feast I ask of you to take my wife and I to the young king? I would like to assure him of our alliance as quickly as possible. If only so our stay here is a pleasent one. "

So father plans on renewing the alliance. Theon thought in speculation, body tense as he prepares to explore this unknown land the moment permission is given. So be it. If it turns out to be the wrong move I shall just need to start plan B. I just hope nothing goes wrong.
Some tension faded from Harys' face and he gave Edmure a smile of wry appreciation, "Of course my Lord Tully, I have no doubt that His Grace will be delighted to speak with you both so soon after your arrival." Particularly if this conversation was less heated than the last. He looked about the courtyard, but everything seemed under control as the Tyrell and Baratheon companies filed out of the courtyard under the eyes of the dragon-shielded guards. Two of the Kingsguard had already followed Viserys into the Keep, while Ser Selwyn joined the guards at the outer gate to greet the trio of Dornish on their return. "Ser Anders, you have charge of the courtyard. Ensure any other new guests are welcomed appropriately, while I escort Lord Tully to his meeting." His head bared, the Lord Commander escorted Lord and Lady Tully to meet with the King before formal lunch; his guardsmen would be available to guide the rest of the party to their quarters.
A smile of respect formed on Edmures face at the agreement. Soon he shall meet the young king and get this alliance foolishness dealt with. He was a lord and had to be home soon to run RiverRun so he hoped this meeting didn't run past a few days otherwise he may gave to send a member of his family home to watch over RiverRun. Nodding toward his comrades to head to their rooms he motioned toward the entrance to the castle as he spoke. "Please, lead the way."

Theon was moving before his father finished nodding. He has never been to Kings landing before so wished to explore it. Purely to learn it's weakpoints of course. Motioning for his guard to keep his distance and act discreet he headed out of the red keep and began to explore Kings landing.
''My lord, the Tullies have arrived.'' a guard spoke loudly, his words catching Viserys just before he rendered his chambers.

A moment of rest, thats all I ask...

Viserys sighed and turned back towards the courtyard. As he was about to leave the main hall he saw Harys leading a company who harden't been in the courtyard earlier.

House Tully.

''My lords and ladies, I beg your pardon for not receiving you in the courtyard. It had become an...undesirable environment. As nice as it is to see you I feel that it might be better for us all if we talk more later, in private or otherwise. Ser Buckwell, if you could have a Kingsguard escort the to their quarters to freshen up.

Well, if theres nothing else you need...'' Viserys waited to see if he would be allowed some damn peace before the storm that was sure to take place that evening.

Ethaniel watched the Tullys enter the Keep with little conflict.

At least I'm not the only sane one.

He returned to his room and began to relax, but the city called to him through his balcony, so he decided to go and venture through it.

He started towards the markets and, once there, kept an eye not the sun so that he could return to the Keep with ample time to prepare for tonights feast.
Edmure resisted the urge to frown in disappointment at the Kings response to their arrival, and Instead smiled at the king bowing his head respectively. I dearly hope this will not be postponed to long. I have other business to attend to. "Of course my king. Please go rest and we shall speak later. Perhaps after the feast?"

Theon whistled a merry tune as he leaned against the brick wall of a shop ever so innocently throwing and catching a small rock. Beside the shop mere feet away from him sat a small road that led to the next street. A road in which a small group of guards were coming up in fact. Lessening the volume of the whistling as the guards passed without noticing him he smirked and ducked into the ally throwing the rock behind him as he left and listening to the shout one of the guards let out as it hit him, with glee. Well, now at least I'm beginning to have a general layout of the patrols. Hopefully soon not an inch of this place shall be a mystery to me.
Daemon continued picking at his lyre as he followed Nymeria and Elia to the room they would be staying in. Deviating from the path, Nymeria walked to where Viserys was. "Your Grace, may I ask a few requests of you?" she asked. "I believe it would be best for met to view the body of Rhaegar Targaryen. I would also like for my cousin Elia Martell to be legally set to be legitimized upon my death if I do not have an heir by that time. In exchange, I would be open to give fair time to the idea marrying outside of Dorne to a possible suitor that you propose for peace between our two nations. As I would rather Dorne never have whispers of rebellion among the smallfolk, I would very much like to make a public cementing of our alliance."
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''Most certainly, I look forward to later at the feast...'' if I ever get a chance to get there!

Viserys bowed his head and quickly tried to return to his room via the main hall but was called to before he could get close to it. He realised that, unfortunately, the Dorne woman was calling him to her. He thought of ignoring her, but then again, he did value his life.

''...As kind as an offer as that is, if you were suggesting that I take you as m-...I'm sorry, did you ask to see Rhaegars body?'' Viserys smirked.''Do you know what I did to my dear brother? We fought on one of the towers, his blade clashing with my own. A battle to the death does not have a happy or non-violent ending my dear. I threw him into the waves below to rot for killing my family. Now there are only three dragons left. He does not deserve the gaze of such lovely eyes.'' Viserys had learnt how to hide his lies well. Rhaegar had to die so that Viserys could be cleared of all the blame for killing the other Targaryens. One evil deed for the purity of his bloodline. It seemed fair.

''As for Elia consider it done, I'll set whoever has to do that on it straight away. Now, anything else?'' Viserys asked, his legs readying themselves to run for his room.

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