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Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Totally at your discretion, but if you wanna remove his post and re-post it now that the plot has moved along somewhat, be my guest! But don't feel like you have to if that's gonna be a lot of extra work.
Gonna work on Angel. Just wasn’t sure where to toss her as I don’t want to start up a big interaction if we will be skipping soon. Lol
So I’m working on Sebastian’s history which leads me to having two questions. Aviator Aviator

1.Is a werewolf position still available to take.

2.Which school should I put him in? With us losing several characters lately I want to help fill in some gaps.
Wolfiee Wolfiee All special positions are taken. I forgot to update the roster, so my bad, but we now have a full-time Obscurial and seer (Naomi and Piper) on our hands. I'm going to give our inactive friends until midnight to reply, but assuming they don't by then, you can place Sebastian in any school you like, because they will all have openings. Please make him a secondary though, because I'd still like to uphold the one champion per RPer rule in hopes that we eventually recruit some others in our cast.
Okayy so I’m torn between Hogwarts and Durmstrang for Sebastian.
i am almost done with a piper post, i was falling asleep while writing it last night lol. will hopefully get it up late tonight and then hopefully i can shortly follow with chitrita c:
If anyone would like to plot with me let me know! I know with the loss of some of the characters I’m sure some people have lost plots. So please feel free to dm me on here or just message me in this chat thread. 😈🖤
So, since we are nearing the end of the night in the RP and we've edited our character cast somewhat, I've updated the dorms accordingly!

Boys' Dorm 1: Sebastian, Theo, Piper

Boys' Dorm 2: Vasu, Lisandro

Girls' Dorm 1: Mey, Gavy, Malaika

Girls' Dorm 2: Kiara, Ramona, Naomi

Girls' Dorm 3: Chitrita, Auri

Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 I know last time you wanted to split up Gavy and Naomi when they were placed in the same dorm, so feel free to do so again! I leave it at your discretion who you want to swap with.
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Mal can switch with Naomi that way all of Pyrrs characters are split up.

Also Angel post coming tonight
I FINALLY GOT THIS TO LOAD!!!!! Working on Auri now! I’m so sorry! I haven’t been able to get this site to load all day! I was crying to Nat about it over discord!
WanderLust. WanderLust. Please reply with Kiara in the next few days! From their stats Cha-Cha and Einar apparently both snoozed through classes on magical healing lol, so their attempts to mitigate the venom will likely make it worse and lead to some childish, somewhat incoherent squabbling. So she gonna have to step up to the plate. And then once she touches Cha-Cha, I'll post with him doing his mind-reading thing for the last time mwahahaha
Whoever I need to post next (Naomi I think) shall be posted in the next day or two provided this storm doesn’t drown me or blow me away or send me to the alligator gods to atone for my sins.
Sorry for delay Angel will be up tonight. I had a couple job interviews the other day and then cut my fingers on glass so that’s been fun trying to type. 🤣😅

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