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Pyroclast Pyroclast OMG I just saw all the sims renditions and I loveeeee them!!! I can tell how much time and effort you put into each one that's so so so awesome.

I am working on Lyssa today (by the way - I finally closed on my house yesterday!) but I also have to worry about getting all the utilities transferred into our names today so there's no interruption in service for gas/ electric/ water. I appreciate you guys bearing with me as I navigate this all. Such a headache.
Good luck with it all!! You can do it! And I'm excited to read Lyssa, whenever you can write it 🥰
Angelique’s mom or dad would be Scarlet Witch, Punisher

Malaika’s mom or dad would be Cat Woman, Iron man

Sebastian’s mom or dad would be Loki, Black Canary
Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Pyroclast Pyroclast TobiornotTobi TobiornotTobi Please reply with Gavy, Deianira, and Altair in the next few days!

In a DC and Marvel mashup, which superhero/villain would be your character's parent? or in Einar's case which super would be his kid
Theo would be the son of the Winter Soldier

Lyssa would probably be the AU daughter of Captain America and Peggy

and Kiara is hands down without a doubt a carbon copy of Yelena from black widow... not even a daughter, but perhaps a younger sister or something
Theo would be the son of the Winter Soldier

Lyssa would probably be the AU daughter of Captain America and Peggy

and Kiara is hands down without a doubt a carbon copy of Yelena from black widow... not even a daughter, but perhaps a younger sister or something
Would Theo like a mother 🥵
Stellan I think would have been raised by Ant-Man, on a diet of silly goose juice. Cheerful, playful, social, but doesn't have a very strong innate sense of risk or consequence.

Auguste probably was raised by Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes. Doesn't have much control over his life, always gets roped into shit, has to be brave even though he just wants to live a simple life. Brooding, sarcastic, sensitive, but dutiful and tough because he has to be. Struggles to let people get too close to him, hollow dating life, more attached to his animal bestie than he is to most people.

Deianira probably Black Widow. Curious, brave, strong sense of justice. Always ready to suit up and face the music. But beneath the tough exterior, she has a gentle, caring, sensitive side that she extends to those she cares about, such as her students.
Gavriel - Mystique and Deadpool (I will not be answering any questions, thank you.)

Aurelia - Storm and Vixen are her moms, Black Panther the donor (I couldn’t decide so I had my cake and ate it too!)

Naomi - Psylocke and Venom (Thank you for attending my TEDtalk)

Azura - Dr. Manhattan and Scarlet Witch (Blade is her godfather, he was not too thrilled at her wedding.)

Einar - Thor and Wonder Woman are his kiddos (my first instinct to answer this question was to say “his kids are SUPER dead” but that felt in poor taste)
Man, I'm such a fool. I totally thought Beauxbatons was located in Paris for some reason - I must have misread the wiki page or stored the information wrong in my janky adhd brain. Anyway, I have to go back and alter Auguste's previous posts and his backstory! A fool!
Man, I'm such a fool. I totally thought Beauxbatons was located in Paris for some reason - I must have misread the wiki page or stored the information wrong in my janky adhd brain. Anyway, I have to go back and alter Auguste's previous posts and his backstory! A fool!
Not a fool, just geographically challenged like me lol!
Not a fool, just geographically challenged like me lol!
For REAL lmao. What a great phrase. I have absolutely zero sense of direction, I could call that geographically challenged too 😂 The silly thing is though that Beauxbatons is in the Pyrenees (though which part, who knows) and Auguste's hometown is also in the Pyrenees so you would have thought I would have stored that info correctly!! so silly
For REAL lmao. What a great phrase. I have absolutely zero sense of direction, I could call that geographically challenged too 😂 The silly thing is though that Beauxbatons is in the Pyrenees (though which part, who knows) and Auguste's hometown is also in the Pyrenees so you would have thought I would have stored that info correctly!! so silly
Lmao! I am the same tho! It is awful! And it is even worse in video games! My friends never let me go off by myself because I will NEVER find my way home! The moment I lose sight of the homestead I NO LONGER EXIST!
Lmao! I am the same tho! It is awful! And it is even worse in video games! My friends never let me go off by myself because I will NEVER find my way home! The moment I lose sight of the homestead I NO LONGER EXIST!
omg I would definitely be the same 😂 someone once asked me for directions in the village that I grew up in and I couldn't even help them LOL it's soooo bad. just absolutely hopeless. I walk down a street and then can't find my way back bc everything is now backwards 😂
omg I would definitely be the same 😂 someone once asked me for directions in the village that I grew up in and I couldn't even help them LOL it's soooo bad. just absolutely hopeless. I walk down a street and then can't find my way back bc everything is now backwards 😂
Pyro I am starting to think you and I are just the same person lol! Last week I got lost coming home from the bar I hangout at every week for trivia with my friends! I HADNT EVEN DRANK ANYTHING! I just have no sense of directions! I LEFT THE ENTIRE CITY TRYING TO GET HOME 😂

Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Is that a... Furby?
I think the demonized Furby inspired my answer to the superhero question.

Cha-Cha's parents would be Quicksilver (cool guy Evan Peters from X-Men, not the edgy boi that was in Avengers for five minutes I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL) and Blink, whose actress Fan Bingbing is exactly how I imagine Cha-Cha would look like as a woman don't ask me why I've thought about this Totally coincidentally, Cha-Cha has really high stats for both Speed and Apparition, so maybe he's inherited his AU parents' powers a lil bit.


Vasu stumped me for so long, but little shit that he is, I knew immediately that he has to have two villain parents. Really unlikely couple, but I gotta go with the Penguin and Amanda Waller. Naturally, in this AU, Vasu's ability to speak with snakes has shifted to penguins. It was a combination of the jealousy complex, the criminal entrepreneurship, and Robin Lord Taylor's signature smirk that sold me on Vasu's daddy. And then Amanda Waller because of her soulless-government vibes that will justify any wicked deed or screw over any individual for the greater good.

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I think the demonized Furby inspired my answer to the superhero question.

Cha-Cha's parents would be Quicksilver (cool guy Evan Peters from X-Men, not the edgy boi that was in Avengers for five minutes I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL) and Blink, whose actress Fan Bingbing is exactly how I imagine Cha-Cha would look like as a woman don't ask me why I've thought about this Totally coincidentally, Cha-Cha has really high stats for both Speed and Apparition, so maybe he's inherited his AU parents' powers a lil bit.


Vasu stumped me for so long, but little shit that he is, I knew immediately that he has to have two villain parents. Really unlikely couple, but I gotta go with the Penguin and Amanda Waller. Naturally, in this AU, Vasu's ability to speak with snakes has shifted to penguins. It was a combination of the jealousy complex, the criminal entrepreneurship, and Robin Lord Taylor's signature smirk that sold me on Vasu's daddy. And then Amanda Waller because of her soulless-government vibes that will justify any wicked deed or screw over any individual for the greater good.

No joke I almost chose Fan Bingbing as Blink for Naomi’s mom! It was such a close race between her and Psylocke!!!
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Working on Gavy’s post and I’ll have it up tomorrow! 🥰

Just want y’all to know your loved and I live for this rp and all our babes! Thanks for making this such an amazing world!
This is a monthly Einar appreciation post! Love that 6'4 frost giant like you wouldn't believe!
*insert me dressed as Einar*

Nah for real this meant so much to me. Thank you for loving the big ol’ softy! You always make me feel so wonderful about him and I cannot express my gratitude enough! 💕🥹
"working on Deianira" otherwise known as, I have lined up everything I need to refer to in her post and am having a breakdown bc all my faith in myself has gone down the drain !! My pen has run out of ink. I need a new cartridge. Not a single word has been typed. I'm sorry for holding up the scene! As soon as the crippling self-doubt has finished doing it's thing I'll see what I can do about crawling out of this dumbass pit of despair and deliver to you a post of some unpredictable quality!
"working on Deianira" otherwise known as, I have lined up everything I need to refer to in her post and am having a breakdown bc all my faith in myself has gone down the drain !! My pen has run out of ink. I need a new cartridge. Not a single word has been typed. I'm sorry for holding up the scene! As soon as the crippling self-doubt has finished doing it's thing I'll see what I can do about crawling out of this dumbass pit of despair and deliver to you a post of some unpredictable quality!

“YOU GOT THIS PYRO!” - Said by Pyrrha in her best Sebastian Stan voice

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