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Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Please try to reply with Einar soon, and captaindanger captaindanger with your beans even though I know Ricky is technically waiting for Clara.

Oh my goodness, this question made me scratch my head! But after careful consideration, I think Vasu's wedding squad would be Clara as his best man cuz she's one of the boys, Theo as flower boy just for kicks, Gavy as ring bearer cuz even though she and Vasu have known each other for like five minutes she came off as cool people to him, and Chitrita would be performing the ceremony, because if she's performing the ceremony, then he can't be marrying her, eh? ;) No offense to her, of course.

Cha-Cha perpetually claims that he is too young to get married, but if he had to, Kaz would be his best man cuz that's his homeboy from school right there, Ricky as flower boy and Lis as ring bearer cuz go team go, and Amity would perform the ceremony, cuz she would do it with gusto and maybe throw in an in-depth astrological compatibility reading for free and perhaps actually be the one to object to the wedding if she finds the couple incompatible but hey that's part of the package

Also if anyone want to interact with Mal or Angel soon let me know!

Angel is also about to be hella mad about what’s going on with Bellamy’s walking stick. How dare the students make such a ruckus especially one of her own students.
Wolfiee Wolfiee Excellent! Thank you so much, and can't wait to see Angelique throw down. She's got the magic stats of a mack truck.

Since I think we're nearing the end of tonight in the RP, as for classes tomorrow I'm thinking two profs can teach and we split our student charries up into their classes fifty-fifty? Y'all are also welcome to play Ilvermorny NPCs since it wouldn't just be our tourney competitors in the classes, but it's not mandatory of course. And then after classes the first clue of the upcoming challenge will be dropped! Does this sound good to y'all?
I’m also waiting for one of the students or other professors to really test her. Then bam they are hit with one of her spells cause those stats are the best for her 🤣
Would anyone like to volunteer their professor to teach a class for tomorrow in the RP? Need two of them. Or would y'all prefer to do random selections?

irregular-neptune irregular-neptune pearjuice pearjuice Please post with Ramona and Amity + the twins over the weekend!
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They are teaching separately right? If so I already have plans for what Angel will go over. 😈
Wolfiee Wolfiee Yes, separate classes!

Now, would you guys like to choose which class your student goes to (options are Care of Magical Creatures and History of Magic), or would y'all prefer for them to be assigned? Roughly half should be in each class if choosing, please!
Einar will be up tomorrow! No one told me there were duties the maid of honor had to perform the day after the wedding haha! But good news is that I didn’t fall going down or up the isle, I gave a speech that made people cry (I got super stressed and blacked out so I don’t really know what I said), and I somehow knew how to swing dance without being taught and am now concerned I may be some sort of swing dancing sleeper agent.
I have a suggestion.

Since I’m not sure what the free professors will be up to. Might it be best if they assisted the professors who are currently doing the lessons? That way everyone can have an interaction and not be off by themselves. Or having them sitting in just to watch. I know Angel’s lessons are about to be very thrilling as she’s bringing in something rather large and something that goes along with said large creature.
Wolfiee Wolfiee I was kinda thinking the same thing! I was gonna have Cha-Cha crash Einar’s class, get every question he answers wrong, smoke 3 cigarettes, and leave halfway through the class with some pocket change and bubblegum wrappers left on the desk. XD Okay maybe not quite all of that, but yuh. We can have the other profs sit in on or even participate in other classes for sure. Maybe they're assigned to evaluate each of the other profs?
Wolfiee Wolfiee I was kinda thinking the same thing! I was gonna have Cha-Cha crash Einar’s class, get every question he answers wrong, smoke 3 cigarettes, and leave halfway through the class with some pocket change and bubblegum wrappers left on the desk. XD Okay maybe not quite all of that, but yuh. We can have the other profs sit in on or even participate in other classes for sure. Maybe they're assigned to evaluate each of the other profs?
Well that all sounds about right 🤣

We aren’t time skipping yet right? Piper and Naomi each need about one more post so crimes can be committed…
Aviator Aviator I am not gonna lie to you, this is the entire vibe I get from Einar and Cha Cha when they are left unsupervised…

Here, have some things that have been living rent free in my head…

Cha Cha, with a headache: Advil me up, daddy.
Bellamy: I will short out the language center of your brain if you say anything like that ever again.

Vasu: Could Chitrita kill me? Absolutely, and quite frankly, I'd let her.

Raph: Fun fact! You're only considered a pyromaniac after your second fire, which means that everyone gets 1 freebie.
Gavy: And if you never get caught it is infinite freebies until you do.

Random Person: Awww Mal, your friend Gavy is so cute and she seems so shy. How did you manage to break her out of her shell?
Malaika: Oh, she isn’t shy. She just bit into a jolly rancher and now her teeth are stuck together but she doesn’t want anyone to know.

Naomi watching two frogs hop around in the mud
Naomi: The war for amphibian supremacy has begun.
Cosmo: Ya know, that was not the first thing I was thinking I’d hear this morning but I’m also not disappointed. Good morning to you too Naomi.
Wolfiee Wolfiee Please post with Angelique in the next day or two! And honeycoves honeycoves please try your best to reply with two of your babes before you head out for your trip next week cuz the suspense will kill me if I have to keep waiting WAAAAHH!

If your character was in an anime, what color hair would they have and what would be the genre of their show???
Wolfiee Wolfiee Please post with Angelique in the next day or two! And honeycoves honeycoves please try your best to reply with two of your babes before you head out for your trip next week cuz the suspense will kill me if I have to keep waiting WAAAAHH!

If your character was in an anime, what color hair would they have and what would be the genre of their show???
i will, i will, no worries!! i have to get ahead on my summer coursework since I’ll be gone during finals week ;-; i’ll def have piper up soon since naomi is already up and I have a vision(hehe) for a post for him already. i have like 20 assignments left but at least half of them should be fairly easy, and then i’ll be grinding out posts as i can before i’m gone. PROMISE i won’t leave y’all hanging c:<
Gavy: Man I feel like hers would still change colors but its main color would be probably white since she is naturally a platinum blonde. Something between Fairytail and Madoka Magica.

Naomi: A soft cherry blossom pink color for sure! I could see her in a Fruits Basket type show!

Einar: SILVER like not just grey but the mans hair would be a glorious silver color! MANS WOULD BE A GREAT PROFESSOR TO HAVE IN SOUL EATER!

Auri: Hear me out…majority black but with streaks of gold in it. Like several locks/braids would be good to stand out against her beautiful black hair! This may seem like a surprise but honestly I could see her in something like Akame Ga Kill!
Sorry Einar’s post wasn’t edited last night. My head decided it wanted to feel like a jackhammer was tearing through it. Editing him tonight! 💕

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