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Futuristic ↱OASIS↲ ooc

[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]That, of course, is running of Irish Gaelic, which is fairly cool that you studied that much.
And it isn't dumb at all, I only asked becaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuusssssseeeeeeee of Keir, the Scottish derivative with it's Scots Gaelic root meaning, dun dun duuuunnnnn, 'Black' or 'Dark'.

I was just interested because I recognised Ciar's sister name of Keir due to the fact that Scots and Irish Gaelic, while both different languages in their own rights, are largely similar and it drew my eye =P

I approve xD

lol thank u and yea I always study the meanings behind names when picking them cuz I love symbolism (and it helps me pick a name too so win-win)

funny enough i was almost going to use keir and give him a more Scottish last name but then decided ton Ciar :P

*Also side note I realized that I just casually forgot to explain the scarf in his history so that has been sorta fixed
And there, Connor's finally going to talk to somebody. I can't for the life of me who the bar tender's name is or who made her. So terribly sorry for that.
So going back on earlier question, anyone on oasis doing any research on the mist or talented?

Ana will offer them cookies in exchange for information.

I use the terms 'offer' and 'cookies' loosely here but thats not important
sorry guys, i was going to post today after i got accepted but due to chemistry labs, stress and unforeseen drama, i will not be able to until later :c
Giyari said:
As she spoke her face plate lit up with a few animated pictures, a cartoon character from ages past playfully knocking themselves on the side of their head with a wink, and sticking their tongue out in a sort of "Oh, silly me" gesture
a robot that uses reaction images/gifs in irl conversation

this is honestly such an amazing idea and i love this so much, thank u for this giy
Giy, you're a goddamn inspiration.
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She also makes use of smilies, punctuation marks, colours, she can show up things she's looking for like "Hey have you seen that tool thingy I was using?" *Shows a pic of a wrench*, show pictures from her memory banks, maps, Alice could even plug herself into the net and stream videos to it like a TV if she needed to xD

She can also, show a "live" life like video rendering of her own face to converse via if she wants to, but she doesn't... she can, but kinda wont.

Her faceplate is literally just a screen (A kinda 2-way mirror like screen mind you) with a sensor bank behind it. She can do whatever she needs to do with it.
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Giyari said:
She also makes use of smilies, punctuation marks, colours, she can show up things she's looking for like "Hey have you seen that tool thingy I was using?" *Shows a pic of a wrench*, show pictures from her memory banks, maps, radar.
She can also, show a "live" life like video rendering of her own face to converse via if she wants to, but she doesn't... she can, but kinda wont.
we need this character in an irl movie or a short film at least i want to see this in a live action
Sorry no post yet. Have it all planned out to the T, but I'm drunk and it's thanksgiving so I'm going to drink more.

-does that-

I'll post soon I proooomis
Posted. second half was a little rushed.

Wanted to state as well that if your character is outside, they probably saw/heard Anastasia's ship flying overhead. #divaentrance
That feel when you accidentally unfollow one of your threads.
Something tells me Amy (Mainframe) and Alice are now sitting with a jump-jet full of Omega folks between themselves and Oasis. Fantastic.

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