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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Raiven squeaked in fear, two demons appearing either side of her. It was the usual of Sizach and Cilaran. One stood in front of her and the other cradled her in a cuddle. She breathed in their scent of Sulphur and brimstone, takng reassurance from it.

"It's ok guys, you don't immediatly need to protect me just because I'm new, Back to hell with you"

They two demons looked into her eyes, judging her intentions " Move IT" she growled. In a rumble of the earth, they disappeared and Raiven approached Arcus 

"Stop... please. Calm down. I need my boyfriend, now more than ever" Hopefully Magnus would notice that she controlled two powerful demons now


@Anyone Online
"Well, nice to see you here Luna," said Metatron. "I'm gonna be honest here, I figured you'd be able to at least try to not be scared of your own shadow, but your impulsiveness is why I'm always hard on you." Metatron started to flutter around while Luna's electricity started to go wild inside. "Now, I think it's time I ramped up the difficulty in this test. You've shown that you have some impressive power, but if you can't control your emotions, you'll end up doing more harm than good. Why do you think a lot of elementals meditate, they can't let their emotions be a conduit for their abilities."

"Uh, Arcus, her cousin's existence has been erased," he explains. "How do I know this...well, one of the side effects would be that all memory of said being would be purged, and it'll leave you in pain for a few minutes in the form of severe headache. Also, any significant impact said person has made will be like it has never happened, meaning whatever happened to Raiven years ago will have been erased from the timeline." Reno turns and looks over to Raiven, who looked scared for her boyfriend. "So in other words, because of that, you Raiven, thanks to the timeline being reworked, have given Arcus your virginity, though your headaches will happen soon, unfortunately. By the way...QUEEN OF HELL GOT AN UPGRADE!!!"

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Anyone Online




Luna just looked at him floating around her" alright your right about that about the emotions" she say as she just open her eyes as she watch him float around" and i'm glad you hard on me so i can learn about this new poweers so thanks" she say as she just smiled looking at him as she felt the electercity was going insine as she chaneled her emotions off as she just smiled looking as she smiled as she just started to meditate' i don't feel my emotions are coming' she thought as she just tried to control her emotions" okay ramp it up so i can get better controlling this magic" she say as she was understand him more" i'm sorry i goot offended thinking i was weak which i was weak i understand that now" she told him her powers was going out of control she shot off her emotions she was serious about learning about her new powers she feelt like she been in the speriet relm for years she felt her phone buzzing @ShadowSaber331
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Raphael Moreau


Once more, I have been ignored. Even though I kinda just got back from my homeland, since my presense kinda pissed people off here, I was kinda expecting a cold shoulder. But hey, the responces of the people arround me aren't bad for me, are they? So I'd do the most senseable thing, and make my presence known. I would slowly clap as I would then say, "Congratulations, and just a heads up, I'm back from being missing in action for like, a REALLY long time!" I'd say with some enthusiasm. I myself have been doing some training of my own, and expanding my influence on a world scale. However, I am not one for flaunting my talents... Alright I lied. But hey, I was more restrained. I would then just wait for their responces etc. etc.

@A long list of people who I don't really want to list.
Homura turned to Reno with his eyes glowing brightly "I can remember everything about my child hood and even the last couple schools years before this one. I can't for he life of me remember what had been happening since I left the school last year up till now!" He said with a raging tone. He took a few breaths and let go of his anger "So what now? I'm guessing you explain how I ended up like this, right uncle?" He asked as he walked back to join Arc and Clair.

Magnus looked delighted at his nephews question "Yes but I must also ask Clair if she remembers very clearly what had happened during that time between the end of last school year and the beginning of this one" he asked the group in a sort of general manner. He then walked over to his table and then grabbed what looked like a messed up projector and plugged his computer into it. He placed it on the ground "Well either way the answer to all these questions can be answered now thanks to the very carefully organized files of the UK army general. He has some very interesting reports on some very special missions that were executed by two agents code named 'Void Witch' and oh will you look at that, 'Flame Lord'. And the nature of these missions has very many wide ranges going between espionage all the way down to direct demolition" he said as he showed off the reports he had found in the copy of Arlanes computer "What I was surprised by the most was the video files that had been saved as well. He made sure to keep every piece of data on the pair as they progressed" he said to his audience as he opened a video file with an especially interesting thumbnail. When he opened he file it started off with two individuals, both male and female, in what looked like a training facility practicing with their abilities. When the male turned around it showed the black haired Homura with a smirk on his face before speaking to another bigger gentleman as he walked closer. The other man in the video was wearing military clothing and and was also very heavily covered in medals of all kinds. With no audio the video didn't really say much else but it was still quite eye opening. "Homura with this I can only hope that you can finally understand what had happened to you and hopefully use this to your advantage. The general had used. Spirit elemental to split your soul in two and generate a more obedient and also more aggressive version of you. Clair I think the only reason you don't remember would be because the same elemental that split Homura probably removed all those memories or tampered with them so you wouldn't reveal anything to the kinder version of Homura that took control just before the school year started." He said giving a very in depth explanation to the situation. "I think the general has been planning something big and maybe the angels and demons are a smaller part of it" he gave his theory by still felt like it was missing something. He remembered why he called Arcus here as well "Ah my boy I also found some information on you under the code name Uranus. Arcus I think that the powers you have been noticing and the control issues you are experiencing are all part of the generals experiments to see just how strong you are with his two primary agents to knock you out before you got too out of hand" he said telling Arcus about the reason his recent power jump.

@ShadowSaber331 @Anyone Online @Mr Swiftshots

Clair was silent during the whole journey back to Magnus as her silence continued through out the majority of his speech, her thoughts somewhere far from the events that were currently taking place. You see Clair look at the general as if he was a parental figure in her life and to be quite frank he was ! The general had been more than kind to Clair after her parents passing and while yes he was strict at times this was to be expected. He was of course to take every precaution necessary to ensure Clair's powers didn't wipe Britain from the map, let alone Europe as a whole. None the less the general had always been there for Clair and even to this day he'd give an arm or a leg to help her. Or so she thought.

As Magnus went on to explain that he had taken secret files , then further more went into detail on them, Clair felt her consciousness slowly slipping away. And in the second her code name was mentioned everything went black.

What then followed was a sudden spike in Clair's power and the collar that was situated around her neck began to pump electricity into her at an alarming rate. However what was more alarming was that even though the collar was keeping her body numb and motionless her first barrier was visible and was slowly beginning to crack. With every crack that formed the electricity built and eventually Clair's body began to spasm violently, her power on the verge of breaking it's first barrier once again.

@GreyGremory @ShadowSaber331 @Anyone Online
Emilie had just settled into her new... office.. when the work phone went off. It was buzzing psychotically  on the dark desk that she'd been provided with and looked as if it would fall off the end if allowed to continue its tantrum. Her blue eyes rolled as she strode over to pick it up. Apparently, her work was going to start immediately. A teacher was sending a student her way.

She quickly tidied everything up, but made sure there was still plenty of room for illusions if need be. Since she was the new counselor, she'd been given a bit of leniency on how the office would look. 

After an hour, a box of crackers, some tissues, and a broken picture frame- The student had been sent on their way. Emilie had a smile on. She was perched against the front of her desk with arms folded. "Well, One down." She smiled and moved to close the door. 

"Siri-" She spoke, and Siri responded with that little 'listening tone'.

"Siri- Take a Note please." She continued.

"Okay, What would you like the note to say?" The modified Male British Siri voice asked from her open laptop. Emilie nodded to herself. She was glad she updated her laptop after all.

"Today, *Insert the date* from *time the student came in* to," She glanced at a clock, "*current time*, I have successfully helped the first student at this school.."

She went on telling the computer the events that had happened in the session while pacing the room with hands behind her back. It helped her think more creatively. Once done, she sealed the note, put it under a special sub heading, and encrypted it for her eyed only. "Patient confidentiality after all.." She said while finishing up. 

((Thinking one of these for an Office.... But I cant Decide!!!!))




((Alright, Now open for any interactions...))

Seeing lssac be so lovingly hugged kinda dampened Samantha's spirits as she watched the two. Of course the first guy she met that seemed nice and cute would have a girlfriend. Glancing away quickly she let out a tiny little sigh and just stood there quietly watching the two from her spot thinking to much about it to hear issacs words

@Leo Radomir
Homura looked to the president as her powers seemed to jump up and manifest physically "What do we do? How are we supposed to stop her? She had been top ranked in the school since her first year" he said remembering her being a part of the Elites until she quit "If we even attempt to get close she can literally decimate us" he said trying to think of a way out of he situation. He needed some kind of solution. All of a sudden he got a flash of memory showing him flying down before kissing her and knocking her unconscious "What did those idiots do while in my body? What ever I hope it will work" he said as he began to approach the barrier. He looked back at the others "Reno I need you to get Arc out of here and restrain him. Raiven go help them" he said giving orders to his friends "Ill handle Clair just get the bolts somewhere spacious enough to restrain him by force if you have to!" He didn't want to let Clair get her hands on Arc but he also didn't really understand why kissing her is something that will stop her. "Clair it's me Homura! I'm coming over there!" He said before walking closer and closer. He could feel the pressure rise all around him almost squishing him until he raised a heat field around his body. It lessened the weight but it still felt heavy "I don't know what the hell is happening but I know that what ever he had you doing wasn't right. What he had us doing wasn't right! I dont know how you feel about this but I know that for some reason you are important to me! I won't let you go until I know why" he said as he struggled to walk farther. Homura looked at Clair and noticed the pain she was feeling "Don't worry I'm coming" he started to feel pain as he walked closer and closer, each jolting pain more and more intense than the last. "Go guys I'll catch up just get him out of here!!" He yelled back to his friends one more time before continuing his advance.

@Anyone Online @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild @Mr Swiftshots

Solace and Ebalon Hernia +

~ Boredom... So why not explore ~

With nothing to do, Solace and Ebalon just explored the school. Though how they did it was pretty different. Ebalon decided to walk around the school. She walked in the areas that the students would call usual. Basically she was just wandering around using the paths that the other students use. She wasn't sure if there were any areas she wasn't supposed to be at. Since no one really gave her or Solace a tour of the school. All they were given was just a map. Ebalon and Solace had replicated a map on their cell phones which they used throughout their exploration. Ebalon soon found herself right next to the door where high ranking elementals go to. She decided to quickly pass it because she might get caught by one of the elementals and if chances were bad, she could get bullied or harassed. So she decided to avoid that area now. 

Solace on the other hand, was going for a more parkour style. She was jumping from roof to roof and climbing up walls and being in places she wasn't supposed to be in. But as she did this, she made sure she wasn't caught. A few eyes might have caught her, but it probably wasn't enough to alert staff. Or perhaps it was enough, but she had already fled from the area before the staff could act. Or the staff could've acted, but she would already be gone. She soon found herself near a room where it seemed to be used for meetings. Was it the Elites' meeting place? She wasn't sure. All she knew, that she was sort of hanging from the window ledge. Yeah, she could pull herself up to see what was inside, but maybe it was the teachers lounge, and the teachers would catch her. So she just decided to hang on the window ledge with her hand. Soon, she let one hand go free while keeping a hand on the window ledge and looking out towards the view. She wanted to say it's a nice view, but she never really thought if anyone was looking up at her enjoying the view up her skirt. She soon looked down and realized she was wearing a skirt. She blushed a bit before shaking the thought off as she examined what she was seeing.


Solace and Ebalon Hernia +

~ Boredom... So why not explore ~

With nothing to do, Solace and Ebalon just explored the school. Though how they did it was pretty different. Ebalon decided to walk around the school. She walked in the areas that the students would call usual. Basically she was just wandering around using the paths that the other students use. She wasn't sure if there were any areas she wasn't supposed to be at. Since no one really gave her or Solace a tour of the school. All they were given was just a map. Ebalon and Solace had replicated a map on their cell phones which they used throughout their exploration. Ebalon soon found herself right next to the door where high ranking elementals go to. She decided to quickly pass it because she might get caught by one of the elementals and if chances were bad, she could get bullied or harassed. So she decided to avoid that area now. 

Solace on the other hand, was going for a more parkour style. She was jumping from roof to roof and climbing up walls and being in places she wasn't supposed to be in. But as she did this, she made sure she wasn't caught. A few eyes might have caught her, but it probably wasn't enough to alert staff. Or perhaps it was enough, but she had already fled from the area before the staff could act. Or the staff could've acted, but she would already be gone. She soon found herself near a room where it seemed to be used for meetings. Was it the Elites' meeting place? She wasn't sure. All she knew, that she was sort of hanging from the window ledge. Yeah, she could pull herself up to see what was inside, but maybe it was the teachers lounge, and the teachers would catch her. So she just decided to hang on the window ledge with her hand. Soon, she let one hand go free while keeping a hand on the window ledge and looking out towards the view. She wanted to say it's a nice view, but she never really thought if anyone was looking up at her enjoying the view up her skirt. She soon looked down and realized she was wearing a skirt. She blushed a bit before shaking the thought off as she examined what she was seeing.

She nearly jumped out of her skin at a soft sound. "Jeahs." She said aloud then looked around.... Her eyebrows rose and she blinked. Was someone hanging... from her window ledge?.. 

She crossed to the window and sure enough. She smiled and gave a few soft and seemingly polite knocks in hopes of not startling the.. what she guess was a student.
She nearly jumped out of her skin at a soft sound. "Jeahs." She said aloud then looked around.... Her eyebrows rose and she blinked. Was someone hanging... from her window ledge?.. 

She crossed to the window and sure enough. She smiled and gave a few soft and seemingly polite knocks in hopes of not startling the.. what she guess was a student.

Solace Hernia +

~ Room for Meeting ~

Solace heard the knocks from the window suddenly in which it startled her a little which she slightly lost her grip. She soon put her other hand on the window ledge and pulled herself up before putting a knee on it and looked up at a teacher inside what appeared to be an office. She looked at the teacher nervously since first off, she was hanging on a window ledge. The teacher's window ledge. Secondly, they were pretty high. Now that the person inside is a teacher would scold her for risking her life like that. And Solace could barely talk back to the teacher for it would give a bad reputation She just smiled nervously before waving a little. Laughing nervously as a slight blush appears on her face. "Heya teach..."

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Solace Hernia +

~ Room for Meeting ~

Solace heard the knocks from the window suddenly in which it startled her a little which she slightly lost her grip. She soon put her other hand on the window ledge and pulled herself up before putting a knee on it and looked up at a teacher inside what appeared to be an office. She looked at the teacher nervously since first off, she was hanging on a window ledge. The teacher's window ledge. Secondly, they were pretty high. Now that the person inside is a teacher would scold her for risking her life like that. And Solace could barely talk back to the teacher for it would give a bad reputation She just smiled nervously before waving a little. Laughing nervously as a slight blush appears on her face. "Heya teach..."


Emilie unlocked the window and slid it open. "I'm not a teacher. Would you care to come in? Does look a bit high." She asked, all the while keeping her easy-going smile. She didn't seem angry or demeaning, just curious and a bit concerned if anything. 
Emilie unlocked the window and slid it open. "I'm not a teacher. Would you care to come in? Does look a bit high." She asked, all the while keeping her easy-going smile. She didn't seem angry or demeaning, just curious and a bit concerned if anything. 

"Oh. You're not? Then... Who are you?" She said as she climbed into the room. She looked much more calmer now knowing that she wasn't a teacher. But is she part of staff? She wasn't sure. Solace looked like a delinquent. She also wasn't sure if anyone caught her fighting with the Rank 3 Elite Reno. She knows that she had beaten him and all. But did it go viral? She wasn't sure. But if it did go viral, it would probably put her in an awkward spot with the teachers and other elementals.
Reno did as he was told and opened a portal, though in the heat of the moment, he didn't see where it lead to, for he was in a rush to get Raiven and Arcus out of there before things go downhill really fast. He pushes them into the portal dives in after them before closing it, his breathing was rapid from seeing Clair like that. 'Oh man, this is the second time. What the hell am I going to do now.' When he regained his composure, he looks around to see that he's in Raiven's room, along with Ruby and Hanako as well. He gets up and dusts himself off while he was getting his thoughts together. "Sorry to barge into...whatever it was you two were doing," he said.  He was about to explain the situation to Ruby, until he noticed Ruby's hand bleeding. "Okay, first off, why is your hand bleeding? Secondly, your aura's spiking, which shows that you're angry somehow. Thirdly...I'm gonna be honest here, you need help. Not only is your aura spiking from anger, but it's also from a bunch of other bottled up emotions, bad idea." Reno walks around, trying to come up with some way to help Ruby get out of her shell. When he found out another way, he tells her, "Ruby, there's something you're not telling us, or me...I'm your best friend, don't you trust that I can help you?"

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild
"Oh. You're not? Then... Who are you?" She said as she climbed into the room. She looked much more calmer now knowing that she wasn't a teacher. But is she part of staff? She wasn't sure. Solace looked like a delinquent. She also wasn't sure if anyone caught her fighting with the Rank 3 Elite Reno. She knows that she had beaten him and all. But did it go viral? She wasn't sure. But if it did go viral, it would probably put her in an awkward spot with the teachers and other elementals.

The kid was.. apprehensive? Emilie could feel some unease from.. something flowing off the student. Her head titled and she wandered to her chair. Before sitting, she gestured to the other.

"I'm actually the new counselor." She told the girl with a bit of a laugh. Her accent made her seem like a more easy going child-like adult than anything. "I only technically started work today."

((If you've seen Once Upon A Time.. she's basically the actress who plays Belle.))
The kid was.. apprehensive? Emilie could feel some unease from.. something flowing off the student. Her head titled and she wandered to her chair. Before sitting, she gestured to the other.

"I'm actually the new counselor." She told the girl with a bit of a laugh. Her accent made her seem like a more easy going child-like adult than anything. "I only technically started work today."

((If you've seen Once Upon A Time.. she's basically the actress who plays Belle.))

"Oh... Counselor huh?" She said before going to the chair Emilie had gestured her over to. She wondered why Emilie just hadn't sent her out yet. Did she want to talk or something? "Sooo... You're new here at the academy too then... Right?"
"Oh... Counselor huh?" She said before going to the chair Emilie had gestured her over to. She wondered why Emilie just hadn't sent her out yet. Did she want to talk or something? "Sooo... You're new here at the academy too then... Right?"

She nodded and sat back comfortably in her chair. "Yep. I haven't even been outside to look at the campus. Bet you a $20 that I'll get lost in the first ten minutes." She light-heartedly joked. She hoped she could get this kid to not feel so uneasy. 
She nodded and sat back comfortably in her chair. "Yep. I haven't even been outside to look at the campus. Bet you a $20 that I'll get lost in the first ten minutes." She light-heartedly joked. She hoped she could get this kid to not feel so uneasy. 

Solace scoffed a bit before relaxing into her chair, crossing a leg over the other. As if she was talking to someone she would call familiar. It was he type of manner that teens would use to sort of show off to their friends. "Well, that's why I was on that ledge a while ago. I was exploring the school trying to get familiar with it. For some reason I just started to climb the wall and hang off a window ledge."
Solace scoffed a bit before relaxing into her chair, crossing a leg over the other. As if she was talking to someone she would call familiar. It was he type of manner that teens would use to sort of show off to their friends. "Well, that's why I was on that ledge a while ago. I was exploring the school trying to get familiar with it. For some reason I just started to climb the wall and hang off a window ledge."

Emilie chuckled and arched an eyebrow. "Is that normal for you? Climbing things and hanging off of them?" This was good. The kid was relaxing. Maybe eventually she'll be able to make a friend out of some students.. 
Emilie chuckled and arched an eyebrow. "Is that normal for you? Climbing things and hanging off of them?" This was good. The kid was relaxing. Maybe eventually she'll be able to make a friend out of some students.. 

"Well... It's just this..." She said before she stared at Emilie, her true nature peeking out. It was almost gangster-like. Her eyes glowed a dark purple as electricity sparks from her left eye when she blinks. You can't see her right eye because of her bangs, so the only eye you can see was the odd one. "The rules set up by society, I'd like to break them. If an elemental say that us humans are much lower than they are, then I wouldn't mind breaking a few bones and beating em down." She soon closed her eyes and giggled a bit. "But that Elite, Reno. He's the first Elemental I've fought just for fun. And I never would see the day I would consider an Elemental to be my friend." She looked up and realized she had said all those things that could've gotten her in trouble. "Oh shit, was that too much?"
"Well... It's just this..." She said before she stared at Emilie, her true nature peeking out. It was almost gangster-like. Her eyes glowed a dark purple as electricity sparks from her left eye when she blinks. You can't see her right eye because of her bangs, so the only eye you can see was the odd one. "The rules set up by society, I'd like to break them. If an elemental say that us humans are much lower than they are, then I wouldn't mind breaking a few bones and beating em down." She soon closed her eyes and giggled a bit. "But that Elite, Reno. He's the first Elemental I've fought just for fun. And I never would see the day I would consider an Elemental to be my friend." She looked up and realized she had said all those things that could've gotten her in trouble. "Oh shit, was that too much?"

Aha. So thats what was she was apprehensive about. Emilie just nodded as the girl talked and listened. "Is there perhaps more to your story, or, do you just feel like the Elementals are... how do you put it... Assholes?" She grinned. 

"Also, breaking bones.. that might be a bit more trouble than its worth. Humans don't have  particularly good reputation about them as it stands. If word were to get out that a human was threatening the Elietest with such violence... would that not make matters worse? Certainly if not for the stereotype, then for you?" 

Emilie's magic was slowly probing what emotions and memories the girl was giving her by talking. If need be, she was ready to re-create the girls' battle scene. She could watch for herself as a bystander to see how her actions affected the rest of the crowds. ((haven't actually read anything so.. sorry if I'm getting things wrong xD))
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Aha. So thats what was she was apprehensive about. Emilie just nodded as the girl talked and listened. "Is there perhaps more to your story, or, do you just feel like the Elementals are... how do you put it... Assholes?" She grinned. 

"Also, breaking bones.. that might be a bit more trouble than its worth. Humans don't have  particularly good reputation about them as it stands. If word were to get out that a human was threatening the Elietest with such violence... would that not make matters worse? Certainly if not for the stereotype, then for you?" 

Emilie's magic was slowly probing what emotions and memories the girl was giving her by talking. If need be, she was ready to re-create the girls' battle scene. She could watch for herself as a bystander to see how.. her actions affected the rest of the crowds. ((haven't actually read anything so.. sorry if I'm getting things wrong xD))

"Actually, I never threatened Reno. He just offered to fight because of my disappointment of the requirements of being an Elite. He wanted to test if I had some of the requirements down. I think..." She said as Emilie could now see the very start from Solace and her sister's entry, to unknown hidden fight between a Freshman Human and an Elite Elemental. 
"Actually, I never threatened Reno. He just offered to fight because of my disappointment of the requirements of being an Elite. He wanted to test if I had some of the requirements down. I think..." She said as Emilie could now see the very start from Solace and her sister's entry, to unknown hidden fight between a Freshman Human and an Elite Elemental. 

Emilie quickly flitted through what she had been secretly given. With a nod she smiled and sat up. "Well, just keep in mind that, now you may have a reputation. And well.." She smirked, "With reputation.. comes certain responsibilities. Try to.. keep your fighting spirit.. and give humans the recognition they deserve."
Emilie quickly flitted through what she had been secretly given. With a nod she smiled and sat up. "Well, just keep in mind that, now you may have a reputation. And well.." She smirked, "With reputation.. comes certain responsibilities. Try to.. keep your fighting spirit.. and give humans the recognition they deserve."

"Got it!" Solace said as she smiled and looked at the window as she was hearing wind blowing in. Soon a gust of wind rushed her blowing up her skirt a bit. She held her skirt down to prevent it from being seen. "Gah... What was that wind just now..."

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