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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Homura went with Clair when she mentioned his uncle wanting to see him which threw up red flags because the last time he had seen his uncle was during the break. He hadn't seen his uncle since before the last school year. They first had to go and retrieve Arcus but hat would be nearly impossible since he would most likely be stalking his crush Raiven. Homura took out his phone and texted Arc *Hey Bolts I need you to get back to me it's an emergency!* he hit send and then proceeded to check his friends dorm room. He started knocking on the door "Hey Arc, hurry up get out here! Please come on dude open up!" He yelled as he tried to get his friends attention.

@Anyone Online @Mr Swiftshots
Arcus opened the door have dressed because he was taking a nap. His hair was like he just woke up, and his clothes were wrinkled. "Hey man what is so important that you had to wake me from my nap??" Arcus asked with a slight glare to his eyes. Though in reality Arcus didn't really care that he was woken up. Arcus took off his shirt and invited Homura in. Arcus proceeded to find a shirt and throw it on. Which so happened to be a school cut off.
Raiven was bored waiting outside Zenith's office so she pulled out her phone to send a selfie of her sucking on her lollipop to Arcus.

Hopefully, it would cheer him up. if not, the caption should "Thinking of you sweetheart"

She hit send, tucking her phone back in her pocket with a Cheshire cat grin for the first time in ages.

She turned to HAzel

"It's all okay love" and patted hair gently. 

@Anyone Online (Maybe Rai could have left something like her dressing gown behind)

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Hazel just looked at raiven as she smiled a bit her head was getting pat' man i be alone for winter break i don't know what i do' she thought as she just looked" thanks rav um are you okay" she asked" sorry my speaking isn't good yet i'm still learning" she say as she just looked around" um what do you want for christmas i want to buy your something or make you something" she say as she just smiled" you been kind to me" she say as she smiled' i'm kinda scared to stay with my brother and sister since they kinda crazy after they hit their head they used to be nice' she thought as she looked at raiven" i uh gonna stay at mom house for spring break if not i'll stay at school alone" she say as she just bite her lip" i need to get few stuff from the house anyways before they destroy the house i grew up in" she told her @Eternal Dragonchild
1 minute ago, Zeldafangirl said:

Hazel just looked at raiven as she smiled a bit her head was getting pat' man i be alone for winter break i don't know what i do' she thought as she just looked" thanks rav um are you okay" she asked" sorry my speaking isn't good yet i'm still learning" she say as she just looked around" um what do you want for christmas i want to buy your something or make you something" she say as she just smiled" you been kind to me" she say as she smiled' i'm kinda scared to stay with my brother and sister since they kinda crazy after they hit their head they used to be nice' she thought as she looked at raiven" i uh gonna stay at mom house for spring break if not i'll stay at school alone" she say as she just bite her lip" i need to get few stuff from the house anyways before they destroy the house i grew up in" she told her @Eternal Dragonchild


"You'll stay with Arcus and I for winter break, just allow me to arrange the funeral and burial" Raiven reassured Hazel with a hand on her shoulder "You know how much I love candy, you make some really good ones. Perhaps we should open a sweet shop together" 
Homura walked in and turned back to his friends "So the school is attacked by demons and angels while I'm gone and you're here taking a nap" he said slightly annoyed "I get that I was gone for a while but I seriously don't understand why everyone is so different oh and on top of that I find out that Kat and Adrian transferred" he said getting some of the things that surprised and noted him off his chest. He just wanted to know why his uncle called him Arc and Clair to the training arena "Arc it's important because my genius uncle showed up out of nowhere and wants you myself and Clair to meet him for a chat" he said explaining what Clair had told him. "Anyway If you're not still stalking Raiven we have to go now" he said remembering Arc always glancing at Raiven with a bewitched look in his eyes.

@Anyone Online @Mr Swiftshots



Hazel just looked very confused" what funeral what yoo talking about" she say looking confused what she was talking about" okay i make yoo some candy for christmas" she say as she smiled" thanks for letting me stay with yoo " she say" i know yoo muv candy yeah lets open up a sweets shop lets do it someday when i learn how to speak propaly" she say as she just looked at her as she was struggling to say love she just sighed as she looked at her friends as she giggled as she just held onto her" did someone died" she felt tears coming down her face as she didn't like death it reminded of her mother she just hiccup" i'm okay sorry are yoo okay i don't like when my friends are sad" she say as she just looked at her as she held onto her arm as she felt safe when she was around her she was a sister to her luka was her girlfriend she started to blush thinking about luka she should probably see her later @Eternal Dragonchild 
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Hey in my defense I was stabbed by a demon with little to no power and almost lost my life. I deserved a nap. And no I do not stalk Raiven." Arcus said blushing before he pulled out his phone. He saw the picture, and blushed, but when he read the caption he blushed more. "L... Lets just go to the arena." Arcus said as he flashed to the arena, and looked around. He hadn't been here since he lost control.
Homura rolled his eyes when Arc zapped out of the room "Every time! Why can't he just walk like a normal person?!" He said out loud before turning back out the door and gesturing to Clair in the direction hey were headed. As they walked he tried to think about all the holes in his memories that he was noticing. He knew all of the recent pieces of information and all of the things about he new teachers that he had learned for the current school year but he didn't understand not being able to remember anything that could have happened between him and his friends this year. His most recent memory hat he could recall was the one from the last day of school the year before when he and the other Elites, other than the two that left half way through that year, made a promise to stick together. He couldn't remember anything resembling friend bonding or even conversing that had taken place with him since the new year started. All he could remember was waking up in the cave with the dragons that he just knew were his familiars. After a bit of walking he and the class president had finally made it to the arena doors "Alright well it's now or never..." he said hesitantly as he began to open the door to see Arc standing there in the center and his uncle Magnus sitting up in the bleachers on the other side working on his computer like a mad man while eating a donut.

@Mr Swiftshots @Anyone Online
Figuring that waiting around was pointless, he goes back to the arena. As he was walking, he thought about why Myuki was around, and her aura felt less hostile. He figured that it could be because she saw her real brother and not his false self, but that was to be decided. After some time, he mentally facepalmed himself, for he forgot to ask Myuki about her uncle Makoto. 'Oh well, there's always next time...unless she somehow was not interested in our affairs.' When Reno returned, he noticed Xena...and Homura and Arcus? "Hey, Homura, Arcus," he shouts. "What's going on over there, I thought you two had important business to attend too." Xena, noticing her brother's return, texts Ruby a message, as promised. 'Hey Ruby, just thought I'd ask how things are going between you and Hanako, and to tell you that Reno's here, and he looks like he hasn't been in a fight...yet. Which is odd since I normally tend to find him out of breath and covered in dirt.'


@Anyone Online

@Leo Radomir
Homura looked over at Reno "Yea well you sort of just left me hanging when you zapped off to where ever, which by the way is new. I didn't know you could use lightning magic" he said referring back to his most recent memories "Anyway my uncle called me Clair and Arc here but I'm not quite sure who she is or what she's doing here" he said referring the the girl sending something on her phone while also looking at Reno. "Dude anyway what's up? Do you need something?" He asked wondering about his friends sudden arrival.

Magnus finally cracked the file encryption after minutes of constant typing and calculations "EURIKA!!!" He yelled from his seat in the bleachers as he jumped up dropping the donut from his mouths clutches. "Ah you're all finally here, with some added company I see" he said to the gathered group of people "Now hat I have cracked the generals encryptions, which were child's play by the way, I have some interesting news for some of you and maybe also quite devistating" he says closing his computer and jumping down from the bleachers. Magnus walked over to the group and grabbed Homura's necklace "Now I can show you all something amazing but first I must ask Homura how long have you been able to channel the power of four dragons?" He said to his nephew as he waited for the answer. Homura looked confused not just by his uncles question but also by his inability to give an answer "I actually don't know how to answer that one. I woke up in a cave and just knew" he said to his uncle. Magnus gave a look he usually gave when ever he got information he already expected "Well my great nephew that is not your fault. I'm actually proud for both myself and your parents that you gained such great skills but I can explain the memory gaps you must be noticing" he paused for a moment before tinkering with he necklace and then pushing a button on the back. What happened next looked like something out of a sci-fi novel or movie. What looked like a holographic video appeared in mid air extending from the necklace crystal with two different Homura's stood side by side. "Hello everyone. This will be my last words before disappearing for good. I realize now that I'm not the Homura you guys all knew. I may have had some of his memories but I realize now that I didn't have some of the more important ones that really make up the Homura you guys knew. Don't tell me you are going to be this boring for your, sorry I mean our last message. Okay guys I'll skip all the dramatic crap and jump straight to he good bye. I wish we could have been together for a while longer but it just isn't right to keep the real us from coming back to the real world. What he says is true. He may have been the one with more of the memories but either way it still didn't mean he was the original and I was the only fake. We were both fakes and both real at the same time. We are pieces of the same person and because of our split we haven't been the same for a long time. Anyway what we are here to say is good bye. I also want to apologize to me for keeping him asleep all this time. I also want to apologize to Clair for having to leave when we were getting so close. I can't guarantee that the guy who is there with you has the same feelings but I can only hope. Clair I am sorry for not being able to convey what I feel for you until I apparently had to disappear. I like you, a lot and I can only hope that the true Homura feels the same. And to me, I hope you can forgive us for leaving you with none of our memories. I don't know how you'll fair without them but I know that you'll be fine with all of your friends to help fill in the gaps." As if on que, both the black haired and red haired Homura bowed to Homura as he watched the video and spoke in unison "Please forgive us and please have a great life/Please forgive us and please have a great life!" After that last message the video ended and disappeared "What the hell was that?! Who the hell were they? How the hell did I end up like this!" Homura started walking forward yelling as he approached his uncle. He grabbed his uncles collar and lifted him a couple centimetres off the ground "Explain right now before I do something you'll regret!" He yelled as his hair and eyes began to glow the red and black colour of his flames.

@ShadowSaber331 @Anyone Online @Mr Swiftshots
Reno rushes over to both Homura and Magnus and prys them apart. "Dude, calm down for starters, and to answer the question of the day, those two people are you," he stated. "Weel, technically they're both versions of you. One that holds your powers and memories, and one that holds your emotions and morals. You originally made that message knowing full well that you was not going to be the Homura you were today." Reno started to pace around and figured something out. "The reason for this memory gap was because both of them merged into who you are now, you're like a phoenix that's been reborn with no memory of it's past life, though I'm concerned on whether this is permanent or not."

Jinx look up at him and nodded "ahahahahhaah! alright Mr. Handsome" she said with a laugh and she hug him thight "aaawww why do u look scared is there something i can do to make u keep calm and smile ahahahahahah!" she said as she made a wide smile and and gently touch his cheeks  as she look deeply into his eyes 'dont worry im not gonna kill u mr. handsome and ill make sure of that' she thought as she look at him and she made a demonic glare on the girl "im Electric AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! and what element r u" she said as she laugh and sniffs the air "i can smell a prey!" she said with a grin

@Leo Radomir  @Eternal Dragonchild

jak laugh "just tell me their names and i think she will be over here in a jippy cuz i got no idea were she go~ aahahahahaa!" he said as he look around and made a wide demonic grin "unless..." he pause and look around once more "im glad to see u lil sister and sorry about mom" he said as he look at her and laugh "also u got nothing to fear dad and your real father is now dead" he said with a laugh "and ive got a gift for you too" he said as he gave her a half white and black doll "heree is your dads" he said with a grin and there were stitches inside and was still beating

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Jinx look up at him and nodded "ahahahahhaah! alright Mr. Handsome" she said with a laugh and she hug him thight "aaawww why do u look scared is there something i can do to make u keep calm and smile ahahahahahah!" she said as she made a wide smile and and gently touch his cheeks  as she look deeply into his eyes 'dont worry im not gonna kill u mr. handsome and ill make sure of that' she thought as she look at him and she made a demonic glare on the girl "im Electric AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! and what element r u" she said as she laugh and sniffs the air "i can smell a prey!" she said with a grin

@Leo Radomir  @Eternal Dragonchild

jak laugh "just tell me their names and i think she will be over here in a jippy cuz i got no idea were she go~ aahahahahaa!" he said as he look around and made a wide demonic grin "unless..." he pause and look around once more "im glad to see u lil sister and sorry about mom" he said as he look at her and laugh "also u got nothing to fear dad and your real father is now dead" he said with a laugh "and ive got a gift for you too" he said as he gave her a half white and black doll "heree is your dads" he said with a grin and there were stitches inside and was still beating


Zenith gently removes her hand as he grown tired  of nonsense and he he makes the air in the school very hot through his sheer mana and says" Stop wasting my time with nonsense if you students want to talk about practical stuff or stuff you need help with something then i don't mind taking my time spend extra time and you girl if you continue you to pick pointless less fights i'll through you in a cold fire cage and you can reflect on your thoughts and stop treating me like i'm a toy or pet my name is zenith". He then stops the heat and takes a schedule and room assignments and then opens her hand. Then he turns her around gently and boots her out of the office and steps out and looks over at the other students hoping they took heed to that waning because having to get rough with a student didn't sit well with him.

Figuring that waiting around was pointless, he goes back to the arena. As he was walking, he thought about why Myuki was around, and her aura felt less hostile. He figured that it could be because she saw her real brother and not his false self, but that was to be decided. After some time, he mentally facepalmed himself, for he forgot to ask Myuki about her uncle Makoto. 'Oh well, there's always next time...unless she somehow was not interested in our affairs.' When Reno returned, he noticed Xena...and Homura and Arcus? "Hey, Homura, Arcus," he shouts. "What's going on over there, I thought you two had important business to attend too." Xena, noticing her brother's return, texts Ruby a message, as promised. 'Hey Ruby, just thought I'd ask how things are going between you and Hanako, and to tell you that Reno's here, and he looks like he hasn't been in a fight...yet. Which is odd since I normally tend to find him out of breath and covered in dirt.

Ruby feels her phone buzz and takes it reads the texts then replys His dad made me and ray the new leaders of the elite but given my real with them and how they often are and how i do things so often i'm not sure how this is going to work, when on missions with the senior hunters they allowed me some breathing room but if i screwed up really badly i was put in an anti mana and ki holding cell for days on end and even though i was angry at first but then accepted i was in the wrong.  I'm used to being called a bitch and so on so at some point i became more like that it's hard for me to be soft like other girls and women so with that said will you be the adviser for them to aid me and ray through this awkward time. As for men and han chan it's great she's one of the few i don't have to worry about doing something really stupid i might even make her number in the ranks because she's earned it unlike so many of them. ruby then hits send and slumps against the wall feeling tired after thinking about all the stuff that had recently happened.

Isaac smiles softly and fans his shirt to cool of and you can see his muscles from training if you look close enough and he says" Well samanthia can i call you sam for short and you can i-kun after all were both different to what most would expect of us and i don't have many friends my scary face and sometimes robot ways tend to scare people away".

Zenith gently removes her hand as he grown tired  of nonsense and he he makes the air in the school very hot through his sheer mana and says" Stop wasting my time with nonsense if you students want to talk about practical stuff or stuff you need help with something then i don't mind taking my time spend extra time and you girl if you continue you to pick pointless less fights i'll through you in a cold fire cage and you can reflect on your thoughts and stop treating me like i'm a toy or pet my name is zenith". He then stops the heat and takes a schedule and room assignments and then opens her hand. Then he turns her around gently and boots her out of the office and steps out and looks over at the other students hoping they took heed to that waning because having to get rough with a student didn't sit well with him.

Figuring that waiting around was pointless, he goes back to the arena. As he was walking, he thought about why Myuki was around, and her aura felt less hostile. He figured that it could be because she saw her real brother and not his false self, but that was to be decided. After some time, he mentally facepalmed himself, for he forgot to ask Myuki about her uncle Makoto. 'Oh well, there's always next time...unless she somehow was not interested in our affairs.' When Reno returned, he noticed Xena...and Homura and Arcus? "Hey, Homura, Arcus," he shouts. "What's going on over there, I thought you two had important business to attend too." Xena, noticing her brother's return, texts Ruby a message, as promised. 'Hey Ruby, just thought I'd ask how things are going between you and Hanako, and to tell you that Reno's here, and he looks like he hasn't been in a fight...yet. Which is odd since I normally tend to find him out of breath and covered in dirt.

Ruby feels her phone buzz and takes it reads the texts then replys His dad made me and ray the new leaders of the elite but given my real with them and how they often are and how i do things so often i'm not sure how this is going to work, when on missions with the senior hunters they allowed me some breathing room but if i screwed up really badly i was put in an anti mana and ki holding cell for days on end and even though i was angry at first but then accepted i was in the wrong.  I'm used to being called a bitch and so on so at some point i became more like that it's hard for me to be soft like other girls and women so with that said will you be the adviser for them to aid me and ray through this awkward time. As for men and han chan it's great she's one of the few i don't have to worry about doing something really stupid i might even make her number in the ranks because she's earned it unlike so many of them. ruby then hits send and slumps against the wall feeling tired after thinking about all the stuff that had recently happened.

Isaac smiles softly and fans his shirt to cool of and you can see his muscles from training if you look close enough and he says" Well samanthia can i call you sam for short and you can i-kun after all were both different to what most would expect of us and i don't have many friends my scary face and sometimes robot ways tend to scare people away".



When she got a glance at his chest her cheeks flushed red once more at the sight and she looked away. "A-a-alright... Isaac." She said embrassed completely forgetting about what he just said she could call him

Xena felt her phone vibrate and pulls it out of her pocket, and she was surprised that she was enlisted as her advisor. Not only that, but Hanako was consider for the Elite rank as well, but she also feels like she needs to explain something to her. 'Well, here's what I think. The reason why dad made you two leaders is because you two need to learn how to work with the Elites, to accept their quirks and look at the bigger picture. True, some of them act like they don't take their jobs serious, but they do. Hell, I've seen them try to protect the school and the students inside it, and boy did my little brother show how much he's grown over his years of training. I'm sure dad and Reno have told you by now not to judge a book by it's cover.' Xena thought for a moment and remembered something her father told her as a child. 'My dad told me that the best leaders don't need experience or impressive skills, they need to learn how to work with others and not be so reserved. Meaning, if you're going to be the better leader, learn to open up, and, as I've stated before, accept their quirks.'

Darius returns to the school, having successfully obtained the first book, though with some difficulties. 'Never again am I going in there...I think I need to change my pants, dear god that was terrifying.' He places the book somewhere where nobody else could find it and sits down on a nearby chair, taking in deep breaths in the process. 'I'm getting too old for this.'  Darius takes out his phone and texts both Ruby and Ray. 'Ruby, Ray, I'm sure you've gotten used to being leaders by now. I want you two to know that since you're now leaders...accept the Elites for who they are, not for how they act, which I think is stupid. If you're wondering who made the system that you think is ridiculous, well, that would be me. I made those requirements so that everyone has a shot, though the only thing they need to show is their willingness to help out humans and elementals, I.E. no discrimination of any kind. Ray, I'll need you to be the right hemisphere of the brain, since Reno's the left with his logic and reasoning, Ruby, as the main leader, you'll have to learn to get along with everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, I don't care if they rub you the wrong way, you're not going to be an effective leader if you can't be fair as well as firm. I'll be monitoring you two and how you lead the group, if it's not satisfactory, well, then you know why you weren't considered for the title.'

@Leo Radomir
Raiven straightened up "I'm one of a handful of multi-elemental students at this school. Tri-elemental to be precise"  She walked past Jinx and into Zenith's office 

"I need to talk to you urgently now about two matters" She shut the door with a quick push, leaving them alone in the office.

She took a deep breath and retrieved a sheet of paper from her pocket. "Here is the list of students taking part in the Winter Parade from the band" She held it out to him.

"I also need to have time off for a funeral, as will some others"


Hanako smiled as she held Ruby's hand "Shall we get going. I have my data pad so I can record what we find" She held out a thin white tablet in her spare hand. It had a decorated case on it. The case was covered in cute decorations such as icecreams and strawberries  "My friend back home made this for me so it's super special. She's sending me a crafts package soon. I have a photo of the two of us back in my room"

Hanako had a bright happy smile on her face.


Fern had once again, taken up residence under her bed. She was wondering where Isaac was so she crawled out, covered in dust again. She started to walk down the corridors looking for him, until she came across Isaac talking to another girl. For some reason she was deeply upset, seeing him talking to another girl, it felt strange to her. "Isaaaaac" She called out as she ran towards him, arms outstretched for a hug

@Leo Radomir
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When she got a glance at his chest her cheeks flushed red once more at the sight and she looked away. "A-a-alright... Isaac." She said embrassed completely forgetting about what he just said she could call him

Isaac still has his wet shirt now and says" did i say something strange by chance i know every so often i do with out meaning too". Then turned around and sees fern and blinks as she stretches her arms out for a hug and then looks to his top show that now isn't the best time for that. 

Ruby crushes her phone with her other hands and turns it to dust and then turns and says" Sorry i didn't hear what you said and you had to see that outburst but something that was said but darius really has put in the last text really has made me angry and i'd like to talk you in the room and i'll talk to xena later about her input, sure we can go but i want to cool down a little first otherwise i look like a hot head and that's not what i want to be known as".

Zenith took the paper then looks over the paper and says" Sure i'll make sure they get approved but in the meantime you should get changed i don't mean to be a perv but i guess i kinda lost a little of my temper it was just before joining this place i had a mass funeral and tomorrow is the day i have to go out of town for a little to go the graves and help out as an undertaker and some other jobs i hope to be back with in a week or so tops". Zenith signs the paper and stays silent for  couple of minutes then says" I'm really sorry for you lose i hope your able to recover quickly from it".  

Incus found darius sitting in a chair and could smell the putrid mud and says" Sorry to come at such and awkward time but before i forget there's two things you should know the first is whatever your plan is for ruby be careful how hard you push her she, even though she is loyal i know first hand what she can be like when she's had enough you could lose a valuable hunter there aren't many have her skill level or understanding of the outworlds and so on".  Incus pauses for a minute then says" The other thing i wish to talk about is the meeting with the kurena council want to hold a meeting for you and a few others in about three months". " Oh last thing you should change your pants before the mold sets in i'm sure you don't want the side effects". 

@Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
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Homura turned to Reno with his eyes glowing brightly "I can remember everything about my child hood and even the last couple schools years before this one. I can't for he life of me remember what had been happening since I left the school last year up till now!" He said with a raging tone. He took a few breaths and let go of his anger "So what now? I'm guessing you explain how I ended up like this, right uncle?" He asked as he walked back to join Arc and Clair.

Magnus looked delighted at his nephews question "Yes but I must also ask Clair if she remembers very clearly what had happened during that time between the end of last school year and the beginning of this one" he asked the group in a sort of general manner. He then walked over to his table and then grabbed what looked like a messed up projector and plugged his computer into it. He placed it on the ground "Well either way the answer to all these questions can be answered now thanks to the very carefully organized files of the UK army general. He has some very interesting reports on some very special missions that were executed by two agents code named 'Void Witch' and oh will you look at that, 'Flame Lord'. And the nature of these missions has very many wide ranges going between espionage all the way down to direct demolition" he said as he showed off the reports he had found in the copy of Arlanes computer "What I was surprised by the most was the video files that had been saved as well. He made sure to keep every piece of data on the pair as they progressed" he said to his audience as he opened a video file with an especially interesting thumbnail. When he opened he file it started off with two individuals, both male and female, in what looked like a training facility practicing with their abilities. When the male turned around it showed the black haired Homura with a smirk on his face before speaking to another bigger gentleman as he walked closer. The other man in the video was wearing military clothing and and was also very heavily covered in medals of all kinds. With no audio the video didn't really say much else but it was still quite eye opening. "Homura with this I can only hope that you can finally understand what had happened to you and hopefully use this to your advantage. The general had used. Spirit elemental to split your soul in two and generate a more obedient and also more aggressive version of you. Clair I think the only reason you don't remember would be because the same elemental that split Homura probably removed all those memories or tampered with them so you wouldn't reveal anything to the kinder version of Homura that took control just before the school year started." He said giving a very in depth explanation to the situation. "I think the general has been planning something big and maybe the angels and demons are a smaller part of it" he gave his theory by still felt like it was missing something. He remembered why he called Arcus here as well "Ah my boy I also found some information on you under the code name Uranus. Arcus I think that the powers you have been noticing and the control issues you are experiencing are all part of the generals experiments to see just how strong you are with his two primary agents to knock you out before you got too out of hand" he said telling Arcus about the reason his recent power jump.

@ShadowSaber331 @Anyone Online @Mr Swiftshots
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Darius looks over at Incus with a stern look in his face. "Well, that's the reality of things. For someone who's always being realistic, she doesn't like it when reality hits her just as hard. I say it's hypocritical and ironic." Darius gets up and creates a changing room with his shadow abilities. He enters the room, closes the door, and puts on something he hasn't worn since becoming the head of the Hunters, a black trench coat, a pair of white tuxedo gloves, khakis, and dress shoes. When he was finished, he snaps his fingers and the changing room disappears. "As for the council, what is it about, and why do they need me?"

" 'Void Witch' and 'Flame Lord?' Did they run out of names for Clair and Homura or something?" Reno started to pay attention to Magnus's explaination, and was by far a very shocking experience. "So, what you're saying is that the general was trying to make the ultimate weapon that's able to kill everybody and everything without question," he asked. "Also, why would he hide all this information in the first place? I don't know why but something's fishy about all of this."

@Leo Radomir

Hanako smiled "I can show you those photographs. She was always blowing her experiments up. Once she came to my lab with bright turquoise hair" She giggled slightly, covering her mouth as she did so "Or we could sneak off back to Japan via the spirit world and you could meet them in person"

She seemed very happy now she was going to spend time alone with Ruby, although she was blushing quite a bit

@Leo Radomir

Fern huffed, hugging him anyway "Shall we go and make some potions together, I want to learn a lot about alchemy, so my father can't take me outta school" When she recieved the text from Raiven she sniffed and rubbed her eyes before showing Isaac the text "Will you come with me? So I'm not alone?" She asked, looking at him hopefully with big round eyes.

Raiven nodded, pulling out her phone to text the others

"To inform you guys, daddy's funeral is two days from now. He'd prearranged everything for it, I just needed to book it. The dress code will be formal suits for the men and sensible dresses for the women, please also try to include either some dark red or silver in your outfit as those are the family colours (His asking, not mine).

Let me know if you're coming"

She hit send to inform the others before teleporting to the arena and pressing against Arcus with a sly grin.

@Leo Radomir




@Anyone Online

@Mr Swiftshots@Any other members who will attend 

Hazel valire 


Hazel just screamed a bit as she just dropped the gift she was scared as she was having a panic attack as she just was breathing in and out like her doctor told her" no dad is in jail he was supposed to be in jail raiven told me he was in jail" she say trying to breath she was scared of the doll" no no no" she say as she just was having a panic attack she just ran as she covering her ears as she was hidding in the library as she was scared of her brother she was under the table of the library as she heard thunder as she was scared she felt her phone buzz' you know i'm coming eeeeek thunder' she text as she was rocking back and forth trying not to panic as she looked at her panic attack medicine her hand was shaking as she looked around' i hate thunder' she text' are you okay rav' she text' um i don't have money to buy a dress i spent it for my girlfriend' she text emberressed @Eternal Dragonchild
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Darius looks over at Incus with a stern look in his face. "Well, that's the reality of things. For someone who's always being realistic, she doesn't like it when reality hits her just as hard. I say it's hypocritical and ironic." Darius gets up and creates a changing room with his shadow abilities. He enters the room, closes the door, and puts on something he hasn't worn since becoming the head of the Hunters, a black trench coat, a pair of white tuxedo gloves, khakis, and dress shoes. When he was finished, he snaps his fingers and the changing room disappears. "As for the council, what is it about, and why do they need me?"

" 'Void Witch' and 'Flame Lord?' Did they run out of names for Clair and Homura or something?" Reno started to pay attention to Magnus's explaination, and was by far a very shocking experience. "So, what you're saying is that the general was trying to make the ultimate weapon that's able to kill everybody and everything without question," he asked. "Also, why would he hide all this information in the first place? I don't know why but something's fishy about all of this."

@Leo Radomir


Incus grins widely and says" part of it's the school set of ranks and they also want to known about demon and angel attacks and other factors i can't say here, oh speaking of reality frankly you're asking something that is extremely hard for her given how she's raised, i could of sent you lots more hunters but i didn't why because i saw that many were ticking time bombs because of their unstable emotions and other factors but we both would of had to live with their deaths had i not given a crap about the hunter's reputation".

 Incus pauses for a minute or so then says" I'm not saying she's perfect and yes she has own quirks and stuff she needs to work and she will that's a guarantee, but it's how one handles their quirks and what not as i said before that can bring your team home or dead". " I get your intentions are good but let's be honest half if not more should of had their rank taken away ages ago for one reason or another but what's done is done but the system is broken isn't fair and people hate it for good reasons as you know, as for leaders a mix is required yes on one hand they need to understand the people around them and their quirks and work with them to a point".

" Being fair and kind plays it's part as well and i blame my self for making her almost numb and starting her on the wrong track but by no means does that mean people should be allowed to join the ranks based on what some call enough by their standers lots of people do good for their team but does that mean they are special"?

" Also just a heads up i'd prefer not to but should any prove to be more danger than good including my sisters i'll just have to hurt them just enough so their not a threat any more, also i hate most heros my cousin was a diamond and she should of lived but a cocky hero and his dumbass team stormed a demon lair with out much of a plan and even though they killed half of them some of the kills by sheer luck". " the demon lord and the demons launched a surprise attack a few days later and killed most of the people bar me and a few others".  Incus cliched his fist for a few moments then calms down and looks at his watch and sighs and then says" I need to get going bastards sure know how to work me but before i go i'll be joining in with helping them and because i don't trust leaving it to you and the others and i need to fix this mess i created". He then opens a portal and smiles calmly and steps in and it starts to close".

Hanako smiled "I can show you those photographs. She was always blowing her experiments up. Once she came to my lab with bright turquoise hair" She giggled slightly, covering her mouth as she did so "Or we could sneak off back to Japan via the spirit world and you could meet them in person"

She seemed very happy now she was going to spend time alone with Ruby, although she was blushing quite a bit

@Leo Radomir

Fern huffed, hugging him anyway "Shall we go and make some potions together, I want to learn a lot about alchemy, so my father can't take me outta school" When she recieved the text from Raiven she sniffed and rubbed her eyes before showing Isaac the text "Will you come with me? So I'm not alone?" She asked, looking at him hopefully with big round eyes.

Isaac looks at the text and then gently sighs and says" Tell you what after i get sam checked in with the teachers and what not then i promise we can go back to the lab and take other things as well, i promise this isn't to ditch you but i don't want to come over a rude since she's also new to this place". 

Ruby gently smiled and says" i'd love to see them but for now i can't skip off to japan as the new elite 1st leader there's many things i need to sort out i can't say it's not going to be hard but i've come this far and after what was said i want to make him choke on his words but here is not the place to talk about such things in a couple of hours we can head their with reno and his sister and i'm sorry i'm being a bit of a downer but if i don't get this off my my mind then i'll be a mess and unfit to lead and that's not how a leader should act". Ruby gently pulls han chan along to her room silently then lets go so she can open the door and so they can walk in and smiles softly as she has already got a little of the anger out of her system.

@Eternal Dragonchild
Arcus twitched with anger. His form flickered and he started loosing control. Metal started floating, and lightning started randomly striking the area. "So you're saying that I had to sit and watch as my girlfriend got raped, and abused by her cousin. Cause my power was fluctuating. I had to watch as countless people I love get hurt become of some general I don't even know. I can't remember what happened last year at school because of my power." At this point Arcus was screaming and his greek battle armor and crown adorned his body. Arcus' voice held a commanding tone of a king or warrior. Lightning started striking all around him things exploded from the electrons becoming unstable. Arcus hovered in the air, and let his body get surrounded by lightning. "The worst part is I had to watch the man I though of as a father the man that gave me permission to marry his daughter, the man that took care of my precious Raiven die. Arlane DarkTower the only man I trust die before my eyes." Arcus' voice at this point was quiet but echoed across the whole arena. His rage filled gaze locked onto the man that told him of his power.

@GreyGremory @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild



Luna just was still sitting on the platform as she was trying to find her magic as she had her eyes closed she was listening to what they were saying she wanted to find her magic she wanted to protect her friends and family and also her boyfriend she felt some electecity was coming out of her body she didn't want to hurt her friends from her magic she didn't have any control over her magic she was losing control of it she couldn't do it she was scared she hurt her boyfriend' can't control it i can't do it' she thought as she was in the spirit relem' how did big sister do this' she thought as she just open her eyes she just sighed' no i won't give up i don't care how long it will take i won't give up' she thought as she closed her eyes again trying to feel her magic her spirit ki as she saw it saw her annoying ghost' found you' she thought @ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir

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