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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"Raiven, calm yourself. Threatening to shock her worse than the bullies in question is not going to make it any better," he shouted. "Besides, classes will be off soon now that winter vacation's around the corner." He looks to Hazel with a smile on his face. He didn't want her to leave, but sometimes having time away from the issues at hand is a good way to relieve yourself from stress. When she mentions about being inside the dorm, he chimes in and says, "You're gonna have to get used to Arcus visiting every now and then. Those two tend to go at it like rabbits more times than me and Ruby have." Upon looking closely at Hazel, he noticed that she has that same band Nathaniel had on, which helped him remember that he asked Homura for it to help Hazel fend off the bullies. "Oh, I completely forgot, how are you doing with your training, learned any new skills with that bracelet?"

"Don't worry, I won't tell him," said Xena. "Besides, it'll ruin the surprised, and I never liked spoilers." Xena was curious to know how things will work out between her brother and Ruby's teacher, considering that those two are on opposite side of one coin, it'll be interesting to see how this plays out. "In fact, I think I'll come with you to see how Reno is able to handle the extensive and rigorous training he'll put him through."

@Leo Radomir


@Eternal Dragonchild
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Raphael Moreau


Once more I had slipped away in the darkness, as if I merged with it, as if I was it. A lot had happend. It may have seem I have been inactive, but I merely just blended in with the crowd, staying silent. After all, paitence is required to execute one's plans. I also had some stuff back at France to do. Perhaps I did flee. Or maybe not that I wanted to leave... or perhaps it was...I had to leave. No matter, I was back in action. However, my "eyes and ears" that I love to call them, are never out of business. So perhaps it was convient that I learned about what happend in general of course. So playing my cards right and popping in at very plot convienient time. However, I didn't want to be rude so I didn't exactly want to teleport to whever they are. However, perhaps this... was a way for the others to tell them that I am here and alive and well.

(Herro! I'm back and ready to interact with people!)
Raiven calmly approached the door "I'm going for a walk and I do not want to be followed" She pushed past the infirmary doors and out into the main school. Once she was free of the group, she walked amongst the corridors until she found herself at Zenith's office. She stopped outside and raised her fist to knock on the door. She gave three loud, pointed knocks and waited for a response. Seeing Raphael she gave him a wave.


@Leo Radomir
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Hazel just looked at him as she start to pout" raiven is mad at me i won't have anywhere to go for winter break this is the first christmas i'll be alone i want to get someting for raiven for being a good friend but she seems angry with me man i feel bad for what i said" she say trying not to cry as she just sighed" i don't want her to be mad at me i just been stressed with the bullies i just don't understand myself right now i lost myself when i lost my mother i won't have a christmas though" she say as she looked at the boy as she sighed looking around" do you think she's mad at me Reno" she say pouting as she looked out the window and looked back at the boy" hey big brother where's big sister" she say to the boy she knew was her big brother she just smiled as she hugged him @Astaroth Suzumiya* @ShadowSaber331

Raphael Moreau


I'd see Raiven knock on someone's door, unexpeced to me, she waved. I'd wave back as I would then say, "Hey-o!" I would then walk towards her, however keeping my distance. "Perhaps intution may already explain, but I have been gone for a while. I would tell but... I dunno, I really forgot why I left in the first place. No matter." As I would continue to speak with a refreshed attitude, as my disappearance had changed me. "So, what did I miss?" I'd ask.

@Eternal Dragonchild
"The death of my father, angelic pieces of shit attacking. Demons attacking...gotta sort that little issue out. Place basically going to the dogs" She leant against the wall next to Zenith's office "I suppose it is up to me as the next generation of Hell's monarchy to make amends for my father's behaviour towards yours and to set aside old differences for the sake of the world"

She extended a hand to him, offering it to him for a formal handshake

Luna just closed her eyes as she sat on the platform as she was told she was blushing a bit as she was trying to make a connection with her magic and her jerk of a familar the one that gave her the new magaic as she just smiled" yes mizmo" she say as she just sat there trying to find her lighting magic she was trying to do what she said to her as she smiled slightly' okay i could do this' she thought she kept on thinking what she said to her she just sighed trying to find herslef trying to find her magic finding her ki her sister told her it took her few months to find it she just sat there she had her hoodie on with her hod on trying to concetrate @Leo Radomir

Raphael Moreau


"Heh, diplomacy at its best." I'd then shake her hand as ammends were made. "Interesting, I must say. I have some views about religion. I don't exactly like it to meddle with my affairs. After all, I'm not that demonic, but I can't really be labeled pious can I?" I'd ask. "...I also have a distaste in monarchies, however, I must concede that investing power in one individual is an efficent way of running a government," I'd note.

@Eternal Dragonchild
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"I don't think she's mad," he said. "I'd give her some time to cool off, she'll be back to her happy-go-lucky self in no time." Reno sighed for he thought about what had happened a while ago. "Of course, a lot of things happened that she wasn't happy about," he somberly explained. "I guess she didn't like the idea of losing someone close again. It's a long story, something Raiven should tell you about herself." Reno gives Hazel a hug and walks out of the nurses room, feeling the need to walk around himself. He figured he should get some fresh air and proceeds to walk outside. As he exits the building, he felt a very strong aura...though it was a bit different then usual. Rushing to the source, he sees Myuki, along with the bodies of a few angels and demons, though it appears that they are of a different group then from the recent attacks. "Myuki," he shouts. "What the hell are you doing here, and where's Mihkail? Normally he's with you, isn't he?"


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samantha sighed softly as she walked into the courtyard of the school alone. Looking around at others as she listened to them chat. She wished she had some one to relate to about things but sadly no one here seemed to love cars like she did. God how she missed her cars. How she missed the screaming engines as they went flying around the track and down road. But she was here now. They didn't let her have her cars mostly because there aren't really any roads. Letting out another small sigh she continued to walk towards the dorm rooms not paying attention to where she was going

(I'm open ^-^)
View attachment 245322

samantha sighed softly as she walked into the courtyard of the school alone. Looking around at others as she listened to them chat. She wished she had some one to relate to about things but sadly no one here seemed to love cars like she did. God how she missed her cars. How she missed the screaming engines as they went flying around the track and down road. But she was here now. They didn't let her have her cars mostly because there aren't really any roads. Letting out another small sigh she continued to walk towards the dorm rooms not paying attention to where she was going

(I'm open ^-^)

Isaac is heading towards the dorm when he senses and energy and pauses before he walks into the girl ad says" You must be new here because i know most of the students i'm isaac by the way and i hope you enjoy your time here". ' she's pretty i wounder what her personality is like i like fern but i'm not sure if i want to commit to her at this stage maybe i should slow it down'.
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Isaac is heading towards the dorm when he senses and energy and pauses before he walks into the girl ad says" You must be new here because i know most of the students i'm isaac by the way and i hope you enjoy your time here". ' she's pretty i wounder what her personality is like i like fern but i'm not sure if i want to commit to her at this stage maybe i should slow it down'.

Samantha hadn't been paying attention when she bumped into a guy. Staggering back a little because he was bigger than her and dropping her car magazine without noticing she immediately looked to him. Seeing his straight forwardness and seemingly robotic like words she gave him a shy look. "I-I'm sorry I b-bumped into you." She mumbled to him as she glanced to his face then away out of embarrassment as she squeezed the few books she had in her arms to her chest.

@Leo Radomir
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Myuki gave Reno an annoyed glance "Oh so not only angels and demons but students too" she started a fire in her hand "Don't get involved loser or I will burn you to ash. I can do that, don't test me!" She said kind of hoping he would attack her. She hated when people brought up her newly destroyed pet "Mhikail it seems, has gotten himself disintegrated" she had only just realized when she felt his heat go cold. "Now I have to go and waste a perfectly good power source just to resurrect him" she said holding up the sunhounds core "Well I best be off, you have a lot to clean up now don't you" she gave her sarcastic remark and then shot up in the direction she last felt Mhikails energy.

Reno just watched as Myuki leftHe the area, wondering how Mihkail got destroyed somehow. He started to make his way towards the school when he suddenly felt a massive headache. He groaned and grunted as the pain increased in intensity, like someone put a motorized vice on his head and turned on the power. He later keels over, gripping his head out of pain. 'God DAMN IT!!! My head is killing me...What the HELL is HAPPENING!?!?' Just then, the pain stops, and his mind felt less...uncomfortable. He gets up and texts Raiven and Homura, 'I just saw Myuki, and apparently she's upset about...someone. She said something about...Mihkail, whoever he is, anybody no something about him? Also, I just experienced a very, very bad headache, and I think it has something to do with someone having their soul erased from existence...or at least that's what I've read in a few books back in junior year.'

Darius went back to the school and saw that his son was experiencing the severe headache he told Raiven about. 'Hmm, seems he went through he effects of someone being erased from existence. If all goes as planned, my fake base will be infiltrated by his partner in crime.' He pulls out a note he wrote to himself before Mikhail's soul was destroyed, laughing to himself as he knew it would come in handle for when it happens. He already experienced it so he's good, but what about Raiven. The only ones that remember him were him, his son, Raiven, Homura, and Arcus, and anyone who's met him during his life. Now the only thing left to do was head to the forgotten forest and find book number one, but even he knows it's not going to be easy. He creates a portal to the middle of the forest, and enters it. This will be the start of his long quest to search for the books and rectify what had happened so many years ago.


@Eternal Dragonchild
jinc laugh  "okey mr. Handsome lets get to your office!" she said as she hug his arms pulling him and biting her lips as electricity flown from her eyes in heed of warning 'at first i thought i get bored in this school... but looks like im gonna have fun' she thought as she giggle and pull him once more "come on sir Handsome" she said with a grin and taking a gentle step back 

@Leo Radomir

jak look at her "ah! shes my sister" he said as he made a wide grin and she hug her "aye its you little sister its been long time no see" he said as he patted her head gently "bullys? whats their name?" he ask her with a smile 'so i can torment them more than what u have face' he thought with a grin as he sat on the bed "dont worry little sister ahahahhahahahhaha! im here to protect you"


Hazel Valire 


Hazel just shake her head" it's okay it been dealt with she smiled to her big brother as she smiled" can we go see big sister i want to see her" she say as she looked at her big brother " where stepdad is he gone" she say as she just wimper a little bit she got raped twice one with her real father and one with her stepdad she just sighed" and the bullies been dealt with my friend raiven protects me she gave me a home and everything" she say" after mom died i lost myself" she say as she just sighed" so raiven been taking care of me ever since mom died" she say as she just smiled" i'm not lonely anymore i have friends and a girlfriend" she say as she smiled to her" can we go find big sister i haven't seen you both since we were kids" she say as she just smiled @Astaroth Suzumiya*
jinc laugh  "okey mr. Handsome lets get to your office!" she said as she hug his arms pulling him and biting her lips as electricity flown from her eyes in heed of warning 'at first i thought i get bored in this school... but looks like im gonna have fun' she thought as she giggle and pull him once more "come on sir Handsome" she said with a grin and taking a gentle step back 

@Leo Radomir

jak look at her "ah! shes my sister" he said as he made a wide grin and she hug her "aye its you little sister its been long time no see" he said as he patted her head gently "bullys? whats their name?" he ask her with a smile 'so i can torment them more than what u have face' he thought with a grin as he sat on the bed "dont worry little sister ahahahhahahahhaha! im here to protect you"


zenith gets to his office and sees ralph and ravine and says" I'll be with you in ten minutes i've got to help the clinger first and sorry for the wait in advance, also get off my arm your putting me in a difficult position and i could get fired from a misunderstanding spread by rumours". He opens the door with his free hand and then drags her through the door and hopes she gets the message this time.

isaac gently sighs and picks up her mag and says in a calm and kind voice" I'm not going to have a go at you for a mistake but please be more careful from now on there's still some issues with bullies going on with in the school but i don't want to bore you so if you need i'll take you to the teachers office so he can help you with things".

Ruby gently laughs and says" Sure i'll take you and are you sure there's no a bit of a saddist side to you i kinda get the feeling you want to see your brother get a beating, that aside when we come back with the food and so on your on cooking duty after all after all making reno cook will probly end badly since not many men can cook. Ruby paused for a minute or so then says" Well i'm heading back to my room with han chan i promised i'd spend some time with her but i got to admit having you around should make things interesting".  

Mizmo sighs and says" maybe i was expecting to much ray do you have the mana crystal to help the flow of a persons mana and ki flow better, it might come over as a little mean but she's been here hours and not even the slightest shift the weird thing is she's in pretty good shape i've seen far worst people take this test".

Ray sighs and says"  yeah i figured we might bump into trouble so i brought them along i hope your right and it's just a question of a quick assist other wise she's get really bumbed out with her self and that's never a good thing". Ray walks over and puts the crystals round luna and then gently moves away so she can get on with the training she is tasked with and smiles gently.  
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Luna Louts 



Luna just been there for hours as she felt her ki kicking in as she just smiled a little she wanted to pass the test she had to she was getting distracted by ray being there she just sighed a bit but was trying to stay focus as she had her powers flying over the place as she felt a connection between her and her magic she had her eyes closed the whole time she was having a good teacher she just smiled as her hair was changing to a diffrent hair color as she didn't know it would make her hair change  elecity was forming around her body as she open her eyes her eyes had lighting in them as she felt it" huh my hair is white why" she asked @Leo Radomir
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"Okay Ruby, I'll text you when I see my brother." Xena stayed inside the training arena and decided to walk around for a bit. She started remembering her time there, rising through the ranks as someone who's not even an Elite. She blissfully sighs and sits down on one of the bleachers and waits for her brother, wondering what he's been doing for the past forty-five minutes.

@Leo Radomir
zenith gets to his office and sees ralph and ravine and says" I'll be with you in ten minutes i've got to help the clinger first and sorry for the wait in advance, also get off my arm your putting me in a difficult position and i could get fired from a misunderstanding spread by rumours". He opens the door with his free hand and then drags her through the door and hopes she gets the message this time.

isaac gently sighs and picks up her mag and says in a calm and kind voice" I'm not going to have a go at you for a mistake but please be more careful from now on there's still some issues with bullies going on with in the school but i don't want to bore you so if you need i'll take you to the teachers office so he can help you with things".

Ruby gently laughs and says" Sure i'll take you and are you sure there's no a bit of a saddist side to you i kinda get the feeling you want to see your brother get a beating, that aside when we come back with the food and so on your on cooking duty after all after all making reno cook will probly end badly since not many men can cook. Ruby paused for a minute or so then says" Well i'm heading back to my room with han chan i promised i'd spend some time with her but i got to admit having you around should make things interesting".  

Mizmo sighs and says" maybe i was expecting to much ray do you have the mana crystal to help the flow of a persons mana and ki flow better, it might come over as a little mean but she's been here hours and not even the slightest shift the weird thing is she's in pretty good shape i've seen far worst people take this test".

Ray sighs and says"  yeah i figured we might bump into trouble so i brought them along i hope your right and it's just a question of a quick assist other wise she's get really bumbed out with her self and that's never a good thing". Ray walks over and puts the crystals round luna and then gently moves away so she can get on with the training she is tasked with and smiles gently.  


giving him a confused look she started to speak before she noticed the magazine and went bright red as she snatched it quickly. "D-don't worry about that that's nothing hehe just a beauty mag!" She spoke quickly her cheeks still bright red. She always tried to hide her true passion because people just naturally liked her better this way so to find out he had found her car mag embarrassed her greatly
View attachment 245756

giving him a confused look she started to speak before she noticed the magazine and went bright red as she snatched it quickly. "D-don't worry about that that's nothing hehe just a beauty mag!" She spoke quickly her cheeks still bright red. She always tried to hide her true passion because people just naturally liked her better this way so to find out he had found her car mag embarrassed her greatly

Isaac gently grins and says" Everyone has a hobby and as long as their not shoving that hobby down my throat who i'm i to judge i'm an alchemist some people think i'm weird and i guess it's not your normal hobby but i like it so i don't care what others think but enough about me its gonna be akward if i don't know the name of the women i'm talking to since at somepoint we'll have class and so on together".
Isaac gently grins and says" Everyone has a hobby and as long as their not shoving that hobby down my throat who i'm i to judge i'm an alchemist some people think i'm weird and i guess it's not your normal hobby but i like it so i don't care what others think but enough about me its gonna be akward if i don't know the name of the women i'm talking to since at somepoint we'll have class and so on together".


samantha blushed some more as she looked down but kept her eyes on his almost getting lost in them as she spoke softly. "S-Samantha." She said softly to him as she glanced away then back. She had to admit he was a really cute guy, plus he didn't seem to see her as weird for her love of cars which made her almost instantly start to have a tiny crush on him

@Leo Radomir
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Raiven brushed her hair out of her eyes, fixing the new student with one of her famous ice-cold glares. This time she set the dial to Ice Age level.

"I believe a matter regarding national security takes precedence over an induction. I'm sure you don't want this getting out to the papers.... it could be the end of the academy" She tossed her hair backwards from her face and took a fresh lollipop out from the depths of her bag 

"What element are you anyway?" She addressed the girl with a slight scowl, she could already feel the electricity in the air around the girl, she wanted to make sure.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

@Leo Radomir

+ Solace and Ebalon Hernia +

~ Hernia Sisters ~

When the Hernia sisters found some free time, Solace would just be somewhere around school in a secluded spot practicing her moves. By moves, they were punches, kicks, rolls, basically anything physical. From her last fight, with the Rank 3 Elite Reno, she found out that there will be challenging fights. And not anyone could feed her power like electricity or plasma. It was only 2 elements out of whatever how many they were. She also was practicing her breathing, something she picked up from the kids who play in school bands, Breathing Gym. It is meant to expand your lungs and increase your maximum air storage. As well as managing it wisely. She was only in shorts and in a tank top. As well as wearing some crew socks and sneakers. Practicing her agility and technique is a sort of daily for her. "Jeez... Wonder if this school has a gym?"

Ebalon would either be near Solace meditating or studying. But since Ebalon needed more materials to study, she asked around for directions to the library which she was given. She was planning on developing a new tech seeing how the Elites fought. Shadow Elements? And she guessed mimicry? She wanted to try a new tech that puts her in control of the battlefield. She came across the space books and read all about em and researched the formulas. But they were to complex and complicated for her to understand. She couldn't even comprehend what she was reading. So there she was at a table alone with a laptop, a few books, and a tablet with a utensil. She tried to perfect the formula, but space was much more complicated than plasma and electricity. Damn near impossible to figure out space manipulation and travel. She let out a groan before she laid her head on the table holding her head. "This isn't possible... It's cool and all but it's way too complicated..."

(I'm free. Also, just a bit bored since no one interacted with me in a long time so... Every once in awhile I'm gonna do just small little solo posts. Feel free to interact in whatever way possible~)


Hazel valire 


Hazel just looked at her brother as she smiled taking him to see her sister she looked around  the hall as she saw raiven and jinx as she smiled" hey raivn so you meet my stepsister" she say as she smiled all she hope her big sister and her big brother knew sign language she read lips but sometimes she couldn't understand it she just yawned a bit as she was streatching" how you been Jinx don't you remember me you know little hazel" she say as she just looked at raiven" and you i'm sorry about earlier i was just stressed i just didn't understnad why bullies always pick on me and luka" she say as she frowned a little bit" do you forgive me reno said i had to ask you something about losing someone what did he meant" she say as she tilt her head all confosed she still couldn't say i love you she just looked at raiven and her friends" i wuv moo" she say as she looked at them she missed her mother as she looked at raiven she knew something was wrong with her friend" wat wong" she say @Astaroth Suzumiya* @Eternal Dragonchild
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