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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"I'm proud of you Raiven, you've grown to be a strong young woman. Now that you're the new queen of hell, I can say with pride that you'll rule it with passion. Before I go, at least let me talk to Fern, she needs to know this." Arlane returns to the jar and Darius closes it. He gives the soul to Raiven so that she can find Fern and have him pass on the message. But before he sent her on her way, he holds out another jar. "I got another soul too. This time it's from Mihkail, you know, the one we had killed off? What do you want to do with it? Do you want to destroy it, or do you want to make him your slave, maybe show him how it feels to be on the other end of the rifle?"

Ruby hugged Luna back, feeling incredibly bad for not being there for her when she needed her. "I'm sorry Luna. If I had known, I could have done something sooner. I promise I'll make it up to you...somehow." "Well, you can start by helping me train her on how to use her magic...and how to make portals." "I guess it's a start, so, ready to train Luna?"


@Eternal Dragonchild
Raiven raises an eyebrow"Let the bastard out. It's time I practised destroying someone's soul. It's a pity that it's not the real thing" She was fuming that the demon who had killed her father was still roaming. Malzahn had been listening to Arlane talk and rested himself against Raiven's leg, waiting for Darius to open the jar

"Because of that bastard, I didn't act on my feelings towards Arcus for at least a yea. Plus i still remember the scent of his semen. He's had this coming for a long time"

She wrapped the jar containing her father's soul safely in her coat before setting it aside.

Darius smiles and releases Mihkail's soul, when it took form it was bound by chains, rendering it unable to escape. "I'm gonna go, have fun you two." Darius walks out and closes the door behind him. As he walks around the field, he starts to remember all the good times he's had with the old Elites. The parties, the fame, being in the top 10 for all of their four years. 'Good times, good times...damn I'm old, too bad Homecoming's not a thing anymore.' 

 @Eternal Dragonchild


Luna Lotus

Luna just looked at her big sister" it's okay its not your fault it's alright yeah i'm ready to train" she say as she just looked at her" i'm ready to train with you guys thanks for training me" she say as she just looked at her big sister" uh where do we train the gym" she asked as she just looked at her sisters she say sounding excited about the training" oh ruby i forgot to tell you i found out my dream job i want to be a potion master Ms. Liliana is teaching me how to make potions too" she say as she just looked at her sister as she just smiled as she was ready to go and train with her big sister she just started to giggle" hey ruby do you think you can maybe heal my scars a bit i mean i want to look more pretty for ray" she say blushing a bit @ShadowSaber331
Raiven smiled, approaching Mikhail "Hello you little bastard." She cast a seat from storm clouds as she sat opposite Mikhail. "I got a friend here, his name is Malzahn. He's a hellhound, he likes souls" She leant back in the chair, lightning crackling around her "But I'm not going to use him." Raiven stood up, taking a look into his eyes before unleashing a lightning bolt through him, causing Mikhail to glow with the power of lightning.

Once his ashes hit the floor, Raiven picked up her coat and the jar before heading outside.

She pulled out her phone to text Fern

"Hey, Plants. I need to speak to you urgently. meet me in the academy garden ASAP"  Hitting send she approached Darius

"It is done"

Fern's phone buzzed with the message from Raiven "I'm sorry Isacc, i need to meet my cousin urgently, it seems like something has happened. Can you direct me to the academy gardens.... in fact I would like you to come with me, just in case" She put her jacket on, buttoning it up as she waited for Isaac 


@Leo Radomir


Hazel Valarie 

Hazel had a bad feeling about something she just sighed as she sat up' hey i think i have to go i have a bad feeling about something i don't know what it is i have to go and invisgate' she signed to her girlfriend' i'm sorry wanna come we can still have a good date' she signed as she just smiled she wanted to have a adventure she just giggled she wanted to go she just hold her hand as she got up' so when can i meet your mom i like to meet her someday' she signed as she just looked around as she smiled she just wore her ring that was given to defend herself with bullies she had lighting powers for some reason she just smiled' if bullies bug us i get them a smack down' she signed smiling @Eternal Dragonchild
"Good, since his soul is destroyed, it'll be like he never was born," Darius explains. "Of course, expect a severe headache from those memories being destroyed. Also, everything he did will be erased as well, meaning, you're gonna have a hard time standing everytime you and Arcus...well, you know."

Ruby nods and uses some of her powers to heal the wounds Luna inflicted onto herself. They started to heal quickly and return her skin to it's normal tone. "There, now that that's taken care of," she said. "Let's get training...also, I'm glad you want to be a potions master, it'll be of great important at times." "But, sometimes you gotta learn how to be in the field and not just in the nosebleed seats bud," chimed Xena. "When we're done with you, it'll be your stepmother that should be afraid of you."


@Eternal Dragonchild
Luna just looked at her sister as she just smiled" i know but darius said i shouldn't go on fail" she say as she just looked at her" but i i'll do it i will prove to him i can be strong i'm not afraid of doing it i'll be strong so help me train" she say as she just looked at her hands as she took off her hoddie as she saw her scars was gone the ones from her step mother she just smiled" thank rub" she say as she just smiled she just smiled" i won't be scared of my mother i'm not going to be a coward anymore i have a fighting chance" she say as she looked at her sister as she had lighting powers now since she had new powers as she smilied it was kinda cool for her" coooool i have lighting powers now thanks to the curse i had" she say as she smiled @ShadowSaber331
Raiven smiled, approaching Mikhail "Hello you little bastard." She cast a seat from storm clouds as she sat opposite Mikhail. "I got a friend here, his name is Malzahn. He's a hellhound, he likes souls" She leant back in the chair, lightning crackling around her "But I'm not going to use him." Raiven stood up, taking a look into his eyes before unleashing a lightning bolt through him, causing Mikhail to glow with the power of lightning.

Once his ashes hit the floor, Raiven picked up her coat and the jar before heading outside.

She pulled out her phone to text Fern

"Hey, Plants. I need to speak to you urgently. meet me in the academy garden ASAP"  Hitting send she approached Darius

"It is done"

Fern's phone buzzed with the message from Raiven "I'm sorry Isacc, i need to meet my cousin urgently, it seems like something has happened. Can you direct me to the academy gardens.... in fact I would like you to come with me, just in case" She put her jacket on, buttoning it up as she waited for Isaac 


@Leo Radomir

Issac sighed then gets up and walks to the door then opens it and waits and says" it can't be helped but in exchange for not coming out of your shell for this week i want a bento box and to use you as a human pillow".

Ruby pauses for a minute then says" Oh before i forget if you do something really selfish and almost get yourself killed after learning how do make a portal i'll have a spirit fork ready to shove up your bum and turn it like they do spag bog don't worry about the scars there a part of you and ray will accept you for you". " Back to work though can't have you get distracted before you even start we can talk about everything else later and before i forget i'll have my girlfriend make us some refreshments so you don't drop like a rock". 

Ruby changes luna's clothes with spirit magic to gym clothes then gets out her phone and text' hey han chan would you mind being a babe and preparing some snacks and drinks for us, i'll take you to dinner somewhere really nice and there's another place i want you to see as well'. 
"Hmm, lightning magic...I think I'll give Reno a text too, you know how he is with training," said Xena. She pulls out her phone and sends her little brother a message. 'Hey, little bro, mind meeting me back at the academy? I need you to do something with me.'  Reno felt his phone buzz and took it out. It was a message from Xena telling him to meet him at the academy for...some reason. "On second thought, hold that thought, I gotta head back to school, see ya." Reno creates a portal and finds Xena a short distance away from it. HE walks through and closes it behind him before turning to meet his older sister's gaze. "So, what is it you need me for again?" "We are going to train Luna on how to use magic." Reno did a double take at his sister's answer and started laughing. "Oh my god, she's been in this school up to now and she doesn't know how to use magic? OH LORD!!!" Xena slapped the back of his head, but it wasn't enough to make him stop. "Cut her some slack with you? She skipped a bunch of classes out of fear of her own stepmother." That helped him stop laughing, and he got serious when he heard why. "Dude, not cool, I get that you was still suffering from Post Traumatic Stress, but that's no reason to ditch class." "See, even he agrees that you're a spineless wimp." said Metatron as he was trying hard not to burst into laughter himself. "I swear, why couldn't I be HIS familiar, he looks like he go plenty of balls to spare."

@Leo Radomir


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Luna Lotus 

Luna just looked at her sister and her clothes" awesome wait girlfriend thats awesome" she say as she just nodded" okay i understand" she say as she smiled as she just nodded" yay lets go and train" she say" SHUT UP" she yelled as she was angry with she just calmed down ' stop calling me a wimp yeah i ditch class but i'm going to learn how to use it' she thought" just stop making me feel bad i know what i did was wrong but i'm going to go to my classes now would all you of to stupid making fun of me" she say as she had a serious look on her face" do you think i'm a spineless wimp" she asked as she just sighed" you know what your a jerk reno just leave me alone" she say as she just punched she was really angry with him @ShadowSaber331
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(Bear with me for this turbo post)

Fern stepped outside with Isacc, walking through the school until the came upon the gardens, Raiven arriving at the same time as them from the opposite direction with Malzahn in tow. She had her father's soul still safely contained within the jar.

When the two girls got close enough they hugged, briefly and gently before Raiven spoke.

"Fathers dead Fern, he died protecting me" She held out the jar with both hands "He cloned his soul to allow him to speak to us after his death, he asked me to find you"  

Fern's eyes widened in shock, Arlane was dead. What would happen to her attendance here? It was no secret her father wanted her to go to the rival academy, just to spite Arlane.

She nodded, signalling Raiven to open the jar as she held onto Isaac for support.

@Leo Radomir


Luka nodded, standing up to follow Hazel "Let's go on our magical adventure together" She signed before picking up her ever faithful rounders bat and putting her trainers on. She bounded to the door, waiting for Hazel to follow her with a bright grin on her cheery face.


Hanako smiled, drying off her hair as she stepped out of the bathroom. She picked up her phone to reply to Ruby "Of course, I have some ready. I'll bring them down" She changed into a tracksuit and picked up the trays of snacks to carry them to where Ruby was waiting. In total there were several trays of assorted Japanese snacks such as mochi and sushi. Hanako pushed the door open and waltzed into the room, setting the trays down on a nearby table she created from light 

@Leo Radomir
Reno was pushed back from Luna's punch and skidded on the floor. "Ugh, well, that hurt," he groaned. Xena stepped forward and tried to calm Luna down. "Luna, stop, I get that my brother can be blunt at times, but that doesn't mean you get to try and kill him." "Wow, you know, I've seen some punches before, by that was WEEEAAAKKKK!!!" said Metatron. "You know, you're not helping!" Reno gets up and prepares himself for another possible attack, all while hoping Xena could save him. "Anyway, you just got your powers, it'll take time for you to use them effectively. Reno's here to help you learn how to control your lightning abilities, same with me." "Wow, show more of that 'Take no bullshit' side Luna. Sure as hell suits you better." "You're just saying that because you got a crush on Ruby. So, did you two do it yet?" Reno blushed from Xena's straight-forward question. "W-w-why the hell are you asking me that!?" "Oh, just curious."

Arlane came out of the jar and tells Fern, "Fern, I'm glad that you're going to Sakura Academy. At least you'll have Raiven with you...but know this, eventually, she'll need you to be there for her. Learn all you can, and tell your father...I'll see him in hell." With a smirk, he turns over to Raiven. "One more thing, I'll need you to take me with you so I can attend my own funeral. If your mother shows up, I'll do the one thing I should have done a long time ago...rupture her soul."

@Eternal Dragonchild


@Leo Radomir


Hazel Valire 

Hazel just smiled looking at her girl as she just smiled going with her as she just giggled a bit as she just was excited about going on an adventure' this is going to be so much fun' she signed to luka as she held her hand' i kinda wish there was more deaf people like us' she signed as she just went to her she was having a bad feeling as she just looked around she just bit herl ip she just went to the library trying to incisgate she didn't know where they were heading to she looked around she just sighed" lets go to the guarden maybe something there" she signed to her @Eternal Dragonchild


Luna just calmed down" sorry i don't know what came over me the soul in me the ghost is saying i'm weak and i believe him i don't think i'm worth anything" she say as she sighed as she just looked at reno" okay you can help me learn about my new abilities i'm sorry i punched you it was a weak punch i want to be strong i don't want to be a coward everyone been saying i am a coward" she say as she just looked at him" so you like my sister" she say as she just smiled as she just looked at her powers crackling a bit she couldn't control it yet" is there anyway i can help i'm afraid if i lose control of my power i lose myself" she say as she looked at him" i'm going to class i going to be someone better someone is strong someone that protect my friends and family" she say" why would you say that hell would treat me better" she just start to tear up as she just calmed down she just sit on the bleachers as she tried to calm down  @ShadowSaber331
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Reno was pushed back from Luna's punch and skidded on the floor. "Ugh, well, that hurt," he groaned. Xena stepped forward and tried to calm Luna down. "Luna, stop, I get that my brother can be blunt at times, but that doesn't mean you get to try and kill him." "Wow, you know, I've seen some punches before, by that was WEEEAAAKKKK!!!" said Metatron. "You know, you're not helping!" Reno gets up and prepares himself for another possible attack, all while hoping Xena could save him. "Anyway, you just got your powers, it'll take time for you to use them effectively. Reno's here to help you learn how to control your lightning abilities, same with me." "Wow, show more of that 'Take no bullshit' side Luna. Sure as hell suits you better." "You're just saying that because you got a crush on Ruby. So, did you two do it yet?" Reno blushed from Xena's straight-forward question. "W-w-why the hell are you asking me that!?" "Oh, just curious."

Arlane came out of the jar and tells Fern, "Fern, I'm glad that you're going to Sakura Academy. At least you'll have Raiven with you...but know this, eventually, she'll need you to be there for her. Learn all you can, and tell your father...I'll see him in hell." With a smirk, he turns over to Raiven. "One more thing, I'll need you to take me with you so I can attend my own funeral. If your mother shows up, I'll do the one thing I should have done a long time ago...rupture her soul."

@Eternal Dragonchild


@Leo Radomir

Ray mother that looks far younger than she is and ray come in and sigh and then ray's mother says" Sorry to cut in and boy does it feel great to be among the living again i'll explain things later as for your powers i'll put a limiter on you till you get used to things".


Ruby smirked as she sees reno squirm but doesn't say anything to him and then says" I agree with that idea and thxs sweetheart they all look so good, but before i get distracted my self why not start reno off with how to arch and basic chain lightning abilities it would help him be able to do more in mixed situations". " As for luna we need to build up her concentration and energy at the same time we should set a time limit for her as well so she doesn't get mana backlash".

Isaac watches this in silence for a while then says" Sorry to but in but since i can help with that end of things i thought i can help with the other side of things and take fern on as a alchemist trainee so she can still be here and study, as for the other stuff well i'll help if i can but i'll leave that in your hands".
Luna just walked back to her sister as she looks at ruby "rubs can we start and do reno have to train me he been quite mean to me is she your girlfriend" she just listen to her sister to what she had to say she was ready to start training her lighting powers as she look at her sister mad at reno for making her cry for his his comment about she belong to hell her powers was cracking everywhere she can't control it yet @Leo Radomir
"It's a figure of speech, it means that it's a better look for you." Reno heard Ruby mention mana backlash and nearly screamed in frustration. "Ugh, mana backlash," he groaned, having remembered what that was like. "Trust me when I say, it is NOT fun, you know how a gun tends to have a bit of blowback, well imagine if the blowback was enough to blast you a good couple yards away and leaves you tired enough to sleep longer than Rip Van Winkle." "Well, that was oddly specific," Xena responded, a look of either confusion or concern shows on her face. "Besides, you gotta know when someone uses an expression Luna, otherwise it'll lead to some pretty bad misunderstandings, and I sure as hell do not want to clean up another mess."

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Luna just nod"yes ma'am  I'm sorry can we train please hehe sorry i thought he was being serious forgive me reno for punching you the voice in my head won't shut he keep saying I'm weak i gonna prove him wrong  I'm  gonna be strong  like you and big sisters and big brother i have people to protect i won't give up never cause my family name don't give up"she say ready to train with them she just smiled looking at them she hope reno would forgive her" i won't be a cowed no more i'll fight  my own fights" she say sounding confident about herself she just smiled looking at them @ShadowSaber331
"You sure those voices aren't caused by a familiar," Reno asked. Metatron, as if on cue, pops up out of Luna's tattoo. "Hello ladies and gentleman, name's Metatron, and unfortunately, I'm this little string bean's familiar." "So your the one constantly taunting and insulting Luna, why?" Metatron shrugs off the question and looks towards Reno. "I gotta hand it to you kid, you sure got balls of steel...and maybe a skull made of concrete. Seriously, you're so blunt and straight-forward, it's a miracle that you're still alive." "Aren't you supposed to be a guardian angel or something?" "No, I'm the tooth fairy, of course I'm a guardian angel. If it wasn't for me, this kid coulda died from that lousy curse mark." Xena and Reno looked at him with distain, but Metatron laughed a bit ans said, "Ah don't give me that look, I tell it like it is. Like I always say, if you don't like reality, then kick rocks." Reno calmed down and basically agrees with him. "Eh, can't argue with that." "Exactly, finally, someone with a good head on his shoulders, though we need to change the mouth, it's been set to 'kill me everytime I start talking,' and that ain't good. "


@Leo Radomir
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Luna just looked at him as she shrugged" i'm mont that little" she say as she just smiled looking as she just smiled looking at metaron when he came out of her tatoo it hurt as she rubbed her tatoo she just smiled" yeah thats the voices i been hearing reno" she say as she just looked at him" can ya go i'm gonna train so just go back okay" she say as she just looked at him with the serious look she just had her gym clothes on she just wanted to train as she just smiled  as she just watch theier convesation as she just watched her friends as she just giggled she was ready to learn how to use her lighting powers" reno can we you know train" she say as she smiled @ShadowSaber331
Hanako smiled, brushing her hair back "Thank you, I hope they taste good" She bowed before kissing Ruby on the lips "May i stay and watch your sister train" She asked, hands on Ruby's side, "I don't have anything else to do"

@Leo Radomir

Fern turned to Isaac and wiped some tears from her face "Is it me, or does Raiven look much more grown up right now" She asked Isaac, pointing to her sister who was letting Arlane back into the jar, waited on by Malzahn. Raiven waved at the two of them "I'll be up in the kitchens, I want to make a cake" She screwed the lid onto the jar and carried it with her towards the kitchen where she sat it on the side.

She suddenly had a thought and text Darius "Do souls need to eat?" It was a simple question but a good one.

Luka followed after Hazel, dragging her bat along with her "Let's go see what'sout there"

Hanako smiled, brushing her hair back "Thank you, I hope they taste good" She bowed before kissing Ruby on the lips "May i stay and watch your sister train" She asked, hands on Ruby's side, "I don't have anything else to do"

@Leo Radomir

Fern turned to Isaac and wiped some tears from her face "Is it me, or does Raiven look much more grown up right now" She asked Isaac, pointing to her sister who was letting Arlane back into the jar, waited on by Malzahn. Raiven waved at the two of them "I'll be up in the kitchens, I want to make a cake" She screwed the lid onto the jar and carried it with her towards the kitchen where she sat it on the side.

She suddenly had a thought and text Darius "Do souls need to eat?" It was a simple question but a good one.

Luka followed after Hazel, dragging her bat along with her "Let's go see what'sout there"


Ruby smiled softly and says" sure but before we jump the gun and start lighting training we should work on increasing her mana and concertation otherwise it will be a lot harder to use ability and cast spells if she shows enough progress and can cope with this training then we can start with the lightning training basics this is not up for debate".

Isaac smiles and says" Yes she has can't say i like her bf that much but as long as he helps her it's what ever with in reason i need help with my lab work and when i head back to hq i'll take you with me"

Rays mum giggles then says" she seems like a sweet girl but enough of that are you ready for me to the limiter on dear".
Luna just looked at the girl as she just smiled looking at her" um hi i'm Luna Lotus and whats your name" she say as she just smiled" are you gonna watch me train with my big sister" she say as she just smiled" and you miss" she say as she just looked at her as she was happy she was staying as she just looked at her big sister" how do i increass my mana ruby can we start now" she say" and yes ma'am" she say she respected her big sister about the training she always was respecful to her sister she just looked around as she was curious about the girl @Leo Radomir @Eternal Dragonchild

Hazel just smiled at her girlfriend as she walked out as she just saw her girfriend holding her bat as she felt someone shocking her one of the bullies she was so close getting to her friends" big sister raiven" she say as she was screaming in pain it was hurting so much as the bullies was shocking her like crazy she tried to get free she screamed so loud she couldn't get free from the bullies as she tried to break free" luka help me" she screamed in pain she couldn't do anything right now she just passed out her body was crackling from the electricty she just cried out in pain no one couldn't get close to her at the moment since her body was crackling with electricty @Eternal Dragonchild
Homura was once again just left alone thanks to Reno leaving all of a sudden 'I miss when we all had just one element' he thought to himself as he walked back to his dorm. He knew something was a little strange when Reno mentioned there being two People inside his body. Homura only remembered himself being in his body and that was it. He didn't know about any other version of himself sitting around in his subconscious 'Ifrit, you know what he was talking about?' He asked the god in his body to see what he had to say 'As if I knew any such information. I honestly can't say but I know this, you are the only Homura here' said the god in response. That set Homura a but at ease but at the same time he felt off about everything. He decided he would go and find his uncle and see what he had to say.

Magnus had been watching Clairs training while tinkering around with a new tool and working on his computer all at the same time. "Clair keep going. That collar isn't putting a severe limit on what you can use like the one the general gave you and will instead shock you if you start to show sociopathic tendencies" he said redescribing the band around her neck "This one here is faulty and could have gotten you killed so I changed it. You can thank me later" he said holding the old collar before putting it in his pocket and the going back to his multitasking. He started seeing some interesting information in the files that Arlane had that the general had sent in from various reports. "So this is what you were working on. Now I know why Homura was acting so differently from before. You will have some explaining to do you sly bastard" he mumbled to himself as he scrolled through all of he files he copied. He found that some weren't accessible and were heavily encrypted "Well this will take a while but maybe I can use that finally" he said thinking about his new decryption tech he had been saving. "Clair you can take a break. Actually I want you to find Homura and bring him here. It's important. I have found information that concerns the both of you and also bring Arcus as well" he said calling out to Clair before going back to his computer work.

@Mr Swiftshots

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