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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Darius notices the clones coming towards Homura and fired a salvo of anti-magic spheres. The spheres were able to track down the clones and destroy them. He creates a portal underneath Homura and a portal above him, the one below him leading to the nurses office where he last saw Liliana in. Darius creates a third portal and uses it to push Homura into the other one. "Now that we are alone, I got a proposition for you, one that I'm sure you'll love," he said. "Show me the truth behind Arlane's actions, and I'll make you one of my finest assassins in the circle of Treachery. That circle is home to the best, and they're very powerful demons indeed...hold your end of the bargin, and I'll hold mine, and unlike Arlane, I always hold my end of the deal. Obviously, otherwise you could have came to kill me a long time ago."

@Leo Radomir

He smirks and says" As tempting as that is i'm going to have to say no, i'm giving you a bone as is most demon would just go for the kill". " When you find all ten book on the events of my rage because of the rulers of hell then and what they did then correct it then and only then will I leave you and the young ones alone". " If the young fool trys to comes looking for a fight with me i'll crush him but for now i'll with draw so your only fighting the angels". 
"Wait, ten books? Where are the other nine located?" he asks. Darius wants to prevent a much larger threat from attacking the students, he needed to know where the other nine are located. Even if he didn't get the answer, he at least was given information about the first book, but the forgotten forest is a pretty treacherous place, for once any fool enters, they can never come back. Only a few have survived it's obstacles and lived to tell the tale, but he wonders if anybody can do the same. As he waited for his answer, he thought about how he was going to get all ten books."

@Leo Radomir
Isaac grins and kisses fern neck then starts walking towards the lab and says" I'm going to enjoy spending my time with you and little by little corrupting you till you can't forget me". After about twenty minutes of walking they get to the lab and he utters some words and the barrier quickly starts to fade away.
10 minutes ago, Leo Radomir said:

Isaac grins and kisses fern neck then starts walking towards the lab and says" I'm going to enjoy spending my time with you and little by little corrupting you till you can't forget me". After about twenty minutes of walking they get to the lab and he utters some words and the barrier quickly starts to fade away.



"Are you hitting on me?" Fern asked, puzzled by Isaac's behaviour. Once she was inside the lab, Fern took off her jacket, placing it on  the back of a chair neatly. Looking around the lab, she smiled softly "Have you seen my uncle lately, I ought to thank him for getting me into the academy" Taking a seat on the chair Fern waited for Isaac.

A trash can rolled into the hospital wing. Shortly after it came to a stop, Hanako popped out from inside, holding her head. "I folded myself up inside and rolled till I found you guys. I got some serious air on the turns" she gave a victory symbol before sitting down on top of the can 

"What did I miss?"

Luka smiled and put the disc in the dvd player "Secret Life of Pets" she signed, jumping onto her bed. Reaching into a carrier bag, Luka pulled out some popcorn and fizzy cola before patting next to her.

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"Are you hitting on me?" Fern asked, puzzled by Isaac's behaviour. Once she was inside the lab, Fern took off her jacket, placing it on  the back of a chair neatly. Looking around the lab, she smiled softly "Have you seen my uncle lately, I ought to thank him for getting me into the academy" Taking a seat on the chair Fern waited for Isaac

Isaac paused for a minute or so then says" No I haven't but he's probably just busy as for what you asked before her who knows but one could ask are you the one that wants to be closer to me after all you using me as a pillow before". Isaac takes a seat then taps the table and some odd looking items can be seen on the table.

Ruby sighs and then says" a demon attack but has backed off I don't know why and I don't really want to think about anymore for now and you need a shower you stink".
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He looked around. He was expecting. . .Maybe more people? Ingo was a new human at the school. He clutched his books and looked around. The place seemed a bit empty. He wondered what was going on?
"I don't know why, but a demon attacking Arlane doesn't usually happen for no reason," said Reno as he walked around. "Dad should be able to figure out the big picture, he's pretty good at that." After a bit of time, he stops and thinks about something, then a thought hit him. "Raiven, know any family members in this school? We may want them to know what happened to Arlane," he stated. "Also, if his soul is gone, it's probably in the spirit realm somewhere. Might as well stop by and get some closure."

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Leo Radomir
10 hours ago, Leo Radomir said:

Isaac paused for a minute or so then says" No I haven't but he's probably just busy as for what you asked before her who knows but one could ask are you the one that wants to be closer to me after all you using me as a pillow before". Isaac takes a seat then taps the table and some odd looking items can be seen on the table.

Ruby sighs and then says" a demon attack but has backed off I don't know why and I don't really want to think about anymore for now and you need a shower you stink".



Fern blushed again, reaching out in curiosity for one of the items "What do these do anyway" She asked, looking at the item she'd picked up. Her other hand was playing nervously with a strand of loose hair that had escaped from her ponytail, pulling it down and letting it go before repeating the action,

Hanako smiled "But I'm alive at least" She looked forlorn for a second "Unlike so many out there" HAnako looked around, taking a seat on an unoccupied chair, brushing off her clothes as she did so. Her hair had come out of it's lovely smart bun, the flowers she had  used were stained with muck,

Raiven nodded "My cousin, Fern is here. She never really knew daddy. I'll give her a call, she can help me arrange his burial" Raiven wiped her eyes again "I don't think he'd be there, after all his soul was ruptured, I tried to find it so I could take him to Hell, he always said he'd end up there" Raiven suddenly noticed the state of most of her clothes "Arcuuuuuuus, can I borrow your jacket" She tugged on his sleeve, covering herself with one arm as her dress was pretty ripped up. 

"The main funeral will probably be a big event as he is well known and the burial, private"


@Anyone Online
Arcus saw the state of Raiven's clothes. He blushed really bad, and took off his jacket and handed it to Raiven. Arcus still blushing rubbed where he got stabbed by the demon. The pain was still their, but the would was fully healed. He winced a little, but he kept quiet as he continued to stare at Raiven as she put the jacket on over her scantily ripped dress.
"Stupid demons" Raiven muttered, buttoning it up "Didn't even realise they got me" She kissed Arcus gently on the cheek "Thank you Arcy" She leant against her boyfriend, playing with her bracelet until her phone rang

She pulled it out and looked at the caller ID before sighing. 

"Hello mother, what in the name of hell do you want" The conversation continued for several minutes until Raiven ended the call with an abrupt "Fuck off brother" and a stab at the button.

@Anyone Online


@Leo Radomir
Fern blushed again, reaching out in curiosity for one of the items "What do these do anyway" She asked, looking at the item she'd picked up. Her other hand was playing nervously with a strand of loose hair that had escaped from her ponytail, pulling it down and letting it go before repeating the action,

Hanako smiled "But I'm alive at least" She looked forlorn for a second "Unlike so many out there" HAnako looked around, taking a seat on an unoccupied chair, brushing off her clothes as she did so. Her hair had come out of it's lovely smart bun, the flowers she had  used were stained with muck,

Raiven nodded "My cousin, Fern is here. She never really knew daddy. I'll give her a call, she can help me arrange his burial" Raiven wiped her eyes again "I don't think he'd be there, after all his soul was ruptured, I tried to find it so I could take him to Hell, he always said he'd end up there" Raiven suddenly noticed the state of most of her clothes "Arcuuuuuuus, can I borrow your jacket" She tugged on his sleeve, covering herself with one arm as her dress was pretty ripped up. 

"The main funeral will probably be a big event as he is well known and the burial, private"


@Anyone Online

Ruby gently smiles and then says" that's true but I don't want to have fun time with a dustbin women and for now the demon energy has gone and i'll redo your hair after we should try a different style to mix it up".

Isaac speaks up and says" That's a mana enhancer it can be used to heal sick people plants and so on but if used wrongly you can get mana burns and sometimes they can't be healed properly".

Ray sees this then quickly turns around and then says" He might be in the lab he's tinker at times and makes things for groups like mine and rubys for a price that is" " a place like that is normaly covered by a barrier so it would be best to call her as rav said before".
"Actually, anti-magic doesn't really do much in terms of soul rupturing, unless combined with spiritual power," he explains. "I felt his soul somewhere, we just need to find it and catch it." Reno knew about how soul rupturing works from his dad, and he mentioned that anti-magic can't really do a lot only separate the soul from the body. "If he really had his soul ruptured, then I couldn't be able to sense him...he's still in the material plain, but he's probably in a different area."

@Eternal Dragonchild
Luna just looked around she didn;t know where her boyfriend ray was she just panicked a bit" where is ray ms Liliana" she say as she felt her scars burning a bit as she saw blood dripping down her shirt she felt pain like no other it was probably from the curse but she felt fine she was fine she just looked for her boyfriend" ray" she asked as she didn't know where he was" where are you" she asked as she was really confused where he was she wrapped up her arm and pulled down her sleeve she didn't like when people look at her scars she was emberressed by them as she just smiled looking for her boyfriend as she got her phone as she sighed she wanted to be trained by her sister but she don't think she had time for her anymore she just sighed she just went to find her other big sister" um xena if your not busy do you think you can train me i mean ruby never have time for me anymore" she say as she was pouting a bit" i don't even know how to make a portal yet i have to learn on my own so can you help me somehow" she say giving her the puppy pout @ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
Arcus just wrapped his arms around Raiven. "My Queen why don't we just go off by ourselves??" Arcus asked with a pleading look in his eyes. His eyes said she really didn't have a choice in the matter. Arcus took hold of Raiven, and flashed them to her room. "Now that we are alone I can do this." Arcus said as he kissed Raiven's lipps and pulled her close to his body.
Hazel just snuggled against her girlfriend as she was smiling as she was watching the movie with her girlfriend as she held her girl hand as she smiled as she just giggled' what is your mother is like i mean nevermind' she signed as she lay back down in her heart she felt loniness she felt bad she missed her mom tears came rolling down her face but she hid it she was being a bit shy around her girlfriend she just was looking at the subtitles as she forgot to give luka the necklace that she bought' i miss my mom so much i can't beilive she's gone all i have is raiven and her dad and luka and my other friends' she thought as she just yawned a bit rubbing her eyes @Eternal Dragonchild
"Hmm, I don't know Luna," said Xena. She knows how long it took her to learn how to create portals and how much practice is needed for them to work properly. Feeling like she should be the big sister to Luna as she was to Reno, she tell her, "Portals are tricky to master at times. To some, all they gotta do is think about their destination and just walk through it. It's how it works yes, but you also need to make sure of three things: First is stability, if it's not stable, it'll end up closing on you unexpectedly, meaning you won't be able to take as many people as you want through it. Second is size, not to big or not to small, unless you're going to a new destination on a class-S carrier, then it'll have to be pretty big. Lastly, Endurance, keeping a portal open burns off mana, so unless you got the endurance of a marathon runner, I wouldn't bother with it yet. With all that I've told you now, you still want to learn to create portals?"



Luna Louts

Luna just looked at her big sister as she just smiled" i know i'm weak but i want to be strong like you and everyone and big sister i'm just the weak sister i always had cause of my fear over stepmother now she's gone i can get back to learning about magic i want to learn how to create portal i want to learn how to use my new powers please help me yeah i still learning about potions and stuff but i can make time please help me learn ruby is always busy so i don't have anyone to turn to" she say as she just looked at her big sister as she just smiled" i determined to learn how to us mana so please help me big sister xena" she say as she just smiled giving her a cute look as she giggled 
Xena thought long and hard for a moment. True Luna has never learned how to use magic, but she's determined to be strong, and that's enough to train her. "Alright. But if you really want to b strong, you'll need to have that fighting spirit," she explains. "Fighting, not only is it used for survival, but also to protect the people you love. If I'm going to teach you how to make portals, then you'll need to increase your endurance. Best way to do that is by learning how to be in the field and not just in the sidelines. Understand?"

Homura was about to dodge and strike at the angel but he suddenly appeared in a room with a woman standing healing some injured students. He finally realized that they were in the infirmary "Hello I'm sorry to bother you but how did I get here. I was just outside and now I'm here in the school infirmary" he said quite confused "I have to get back out there the academy is in danger and I have some demons to burn" he said remembering he feeling of his friends energy and the injuries they could have gotten. He started to leave the room when he remembered feeling this aura before "You're Renos mom. Sorry it's been a couple years I think since we last met. Back then I was still just a regular course student" he said as a memory he didn't know he had sparked up. He couldn't remember why he knew but he just knew that the memory was real "I have to be going but it was nice to see you. Alright guys those demons and angels are screwed" he said before running out to the schools courtyard again. When he arrived he rushed the first demon he saw and took it out with great ease. With every demon and angel he took out he felt like he was really himself. He made his way through the pack of them until he found Reno and a few others he didn't quite recognize "Hey Reno where do you think you're off to. We still have clean up here" after saying that he activated his lightning dragon abilities and zipped all around the area taking out demons and angels until he stopped again next to Reno. He had taken out 15 of them with some difficulty but he didn't feel to overwhelmed "Come on Prince of Hell, shall we do away with these trespassers?" He asked with a mischievous grin on his face.

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"Well, I was looking for a wandering soul, but since you insist," he said with a grin. Reno felt rested and ready to go, so he summoned Equinox and Raziel and commanded them to assist with repelling the demons. "Let's send these sons of bitches back to hell!" Raziel and Equinox started attacking the angels in the sky while Reno attacks the demons on the ground. He creates three ice javelins and and fires them at three demons, two were hit in the head, and one in the chest. Reno spots a few more and slams his fist into the ground, causing a pillar of flames to erupt from it and killing a few other demons. "Got a few kills here," he said. "Try to keep up Homura."

"You really want to challenge me to this game? Fine let's turn up the heat" he closed his eyes and focused on his flames getting hotter and hotter. Homura's hair changed from his usual red to jet black and the jet black bangs turned the opposite red. His eyes hat done something similar changing Black but with a red ring around his pupils "Shall we" his voice sounded similar to the distorted voice he had when he stopped Clair from destroying the school. He shot forward on black flames and blasted demon and angel, one after another. He kept going until the area was mostly cleared up "Sorry about that. But you can have the last few" he said having taken out most of the enemies in the area. Most had been burned away by the black flames but some of them had only gotten injured. Homura felt his energy draining and knew he couldn't stay in that form for very long and decided to change back "You got this don't worry" he said with a tired smile on his face.

"Pfft, show off," he muttered. As much as he hated having the spotlight taken from him, he at least knows he got his powers back. "Nice to see you two finally got along," he shouts are his comrade. "I'm not sure if you noticed, but I'm getting the feeling your body, powers, and skills aren't the only things you two share." He took notice to the other demons and figured hand-to-hand ought to soften them up. One demon he approached with his lightning speed and finished him off with he favorite combination. He jabs it in the abdomen, then uppercuts it, after which he lands three hits to the chest, two haymakers, and finally a heel kick to the jaw. When the creature was on the ground, he walks up to it and stomps on it's head, ending it's life. He looks over to the last one and uses his ice powers to freeze it completely. "You should chill out," he says with a smile while picking up the corpse of a demon he recently killed. "Otherwise, the stress will shatter you." Reno throws the corpse at the frozen body with enough force to break it. "Done and done. Now to find that soul." 'I swear, I can sense Arlane's soul somewhere, he must still be wandering around trying to find his cadaver. He needs to be at peace so he can be in hell as Raiven's advisor...hopefully.'

Homura looked at his friend confused "Who am I sharing my body with?" He asked as he scratched his head "It's just me in here last I checked" he said as he followed Reno around hoping he could help. "So what are we looking for exactly?" He asked as he started searching frantically underneath things he came across trying to be helpful "Not quite sure what you're doing" he said as he continued trying to help. 'Why did he say I am getting along with someone else in my body?' He asked himself still very confused.

"I take it you forgot all the events that happened before all this, right?" Reno stopped and turned to face his friend, a look of seriousness in his face. "Well, grab a chair buddy, 'cause this is gonna be a while. Starting from the beginning, you tried to put yourself in a coma to both try to break the curse, and to face off against your dark side, the dark side being the real jet black haired Homura. From what I could gather, we tried to stay and help but you wanted us out of your subconscious because you wanted to handle it alone, we all got out, you woke up without your powers due to some deity that's trying to control your body, but obviously lost since you got both his dark flames and your own back." Reno started breathing heavy, since it was so much to explain at one time. "Long story short, you and Makoto must have come to terms with each other and have combined not only your powers, but also your memories...or so I thought until you proved that you didn't. I don't know, probably due to the coma."


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