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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Luna felt better as she just nodded as she looked at ray as she just smiled as she looked at raiven and her father as she scratch her head she didn't know how to make a portal just yet her big sisters haven't taught her how to make one she just dragged them away from the scene' man i'm pretty useless i can't do anything' she thought as she just was holding onto the potions she didn't like when she felt useless she wish she can fight but she didn't know how to use her new powers" you will be okay raiven and your father will be just fine" she say as she just smiled" so don't worry i give your father this potion that was made i didn't make it but i learning how to be a potion master" she say proud of herself  @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
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Luna felt better as she just nodded as she looked at ray as she just smiled as she looked at raiven and her father as she scratch her head she didn't know how to make a portal just yet her big sisters haven't taught her how to make one she just dragged them away from the scene' man i'm pretty useless i can't do anything' she thought as she just was holding onto the potions she didn't like when she felt useless she wish she can fight but she didn't know how to use her new powers" you will be okay raiven and your father will be just fine" she say as she just smiled" so don't worry i give your father this potion that was made i didn't make it but i learning how to be a potion master" she say proud of herself  @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331

The demon ignores the man and pricks his finger and lesser demons with weird runes on them and then they start to attack attack from long range with anti magic and ultima magic spears and bows and such the demon says" So you want to dance sure i'll play along I wonder how long your son will last at his as it is and I hope you give me more fun than the last hero's most were so easy to kill the only reason I died back then because they had a very powerful ally to help them at the last minute". The demon extends his claws out and stands in an odd stance and his aura starts to change as he gets ready for a long dance.

Ray was able to block some of the attacks but there's so many that some got through and he bit his lip a little.
Luna just was watching as she just smiled at her boyfriend she wanted to help him but she had to watch her frinds she just sighed hoping her boyfriend will get through this fight she just was wandering why she had to stay out of the fight she just sat down as she was watching she just looked at her phone texting her sister' hey ruby when can you teach me how to make a portal i don't even know reno know i feel like i'm the only one that can't protect my friends so teach me how to use my new powers' she text her sister as she just waited for the fight to be over as she just was messing with her phone she was bored @Leo Radomir
Stealth would be ariving much later than any of the other students to the school and he would have three bags while walking onto the campus, two duffle bags, one in each hand, and a hiking pack over his shoulder, he would look around for anyone in sight, trying to see if he could find a staff member so they could give him his room number
Homura's uncle had shown up and apparently with 5 minutes to spare "I'm not quite sure what you mean but I guess I'll bite. So I just have to enter my subconscious now" he sat down and crossed his legs to meditate. When he entered his transient state he noticed a thin membrane blocking off the mental scape where there had been a hard wall prior. He decided he would rip it open and see what was happening. When he entered he felt a sudden rush in wave of heat hit him and he almost passed out "What the hell was that? Okay I have to find Homura before this gets to out of hand" he floated down into the now nearly destroyed fake streets and began running around searching almost every abandoned still standing building he could find "Homura, where are you?" He yelled out as he stopped at what used to be an intersection "Seriously I leave you here for a few days and the inner world goes to hell" he was disappointed at his originals inability to keep the mental scape from becoming this damaged. He tried to feel for some kind of magical presence but only felt one. He felt Ifrits magic coming from the center of what was left of the floating island "Well now what could that mean..." he started walking toward the center and gradually saw what looked to be the aftermath of a big battle that left burn scars in the ground deep enough to fill three times over. Homura looked at the scenery around him "This can't be good" he started running toward the middle. The closer he got he felt it get warmer and warmer "Hey Ifrit where is Homura you jerk" he said to the mad god as he approached the park where a big closed portal stood "I welcome you little one to your doom. You have been tricked and you should now understand that you have walked head first into a trap" Ifrit laughed maniacally as he watched Makoto come closer.
"Really? You died? How did you come back to life?" Darius got into his battle stance and prepare for the fight of his life. Ray, having seen Luna take the others away to safety, rushes over to find a demon and Darius facing off. 'Okay, Reno I'd expect to do something so reckless, but Darius? What the hell is going on here?'  Ray ran over to meet Darius and got into his battle stance. "I don't know what made you want to be the hero, but I'm not going to let you die like this." He looks around to find that Reno and Ruby near a tree, with Ruby giving him some mana to help keep his strength up. 

Reno sat near the tree, watching as his father and Ray was about to fight the demon, until his gaze was focused to the demons behind him, attacking the school. "Ruby, Hanako, you two need to keep them from attacking everyone," he said, though out of exhaustion. "Solace, Ebalon, you two are coming with me. We need to find my mom." Reno creates a portal which leads to the nurses office, and jumps in. When he enters from the other side, he finds Luna, Raiven, Arlane, and Liliana in the same room. "We got a problem, demons are attacking the school this time," he shouted. "I think he switched targets since dad and Ray are fighting him now."

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

Raiven nodded, hugging her father close. She wiped the blood off of his mouth "Stay strong father, I love you" As she stood up Arlane gripped her wrist tightly and pulled her close, Raiven squeaked until Arlane began to whisper softly in her ear. Once the grip on her wrist slackened she stood up and brushed her father's eyes closed

"This war....against the angels, it's just become personal....No one kills my daddy" 

She stood up barreling through the school until she came across a demon who was terrorising a student. She sighed, picking the demon up by the scruff of the neck

"Which circle did you escape from. Stink?" The demon hissed and spat at Raiven who rolled her eyes.

Shortly the demon found itself flying through the air into the path of an incoming lightning bolt.


@Leo Radomir

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Reno was scared by how furious Raiven was as she demolished some of the walls of the school. Seeing that Arlane might be dead, Reno pulls out his phone and texts Arcus, who he thought might come and help calm her down. 'Arcus, Raiven's on a murderous rampage for what they did to Arlane. She's hunting down every demon in this school, as much as I want to help, I need to recover for a while. Find her and help her out.'  Reno looks over to Luna, who has the potion in hand. "No, don't use it yet," he tells her. " Arlane accepted his fate...if he wants to stay dead, then who am I to deny his wish." Liliana snaps her fingers and uses a time spell to rebuild the walls of the office. "There we go, that's pretty much all I can do," she explains. "If I even think of trying to turn back time to before Arlane died, it could tear a hole in reality. That, and it ruins the nature of fate."

Ray noticed Raiven bolting out of the walls and taking out one of the demons. Surprised by her sudden surge of power, he didn't see one of the lesser demons coming at him. When he turned around, the demo hit him on his sides, where, unfortunately, five of the potions were located. Ray didn't falter from the attack, and was able to crush its body with his gravity spell. "Darius, I'm going to take care of the lesser demons, try not to die." "I'll keep that in mind," shouted Darius, still waiting for the demon to make its first move. He rushes over to Raiven, killing off a few more in the process. When he caught up to her, he asks, "What the hell happened? Where's Arlane?"  


@Anyone Online

@Eternal Dragonchild
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Reno was scared by how furious Raiven was as she demolished some of the walls of the school. Seeing that Arlane might be dead, Reno pulls out his phone and texts Arcus, who he thought might come and help calm her down. 'Arcus, Raiven's on a murderous rampage for what they did to Arlane. She's hunting down every demon in this school, as much as I want to help, I need to recover for a while. Find her and help her out.'  Reno looks over to Luna, who has the potion in hand. "No, don't use it yet," he tells her. " Arlane accepted his fate...if he wants to stay dead, then who am I to deny his wish." Liliana snaps her fingers and uses a time spell to rebuild the walls of the office. "There we go, that's pretty much all I can do," she explains. "If I even think of trying to turn back time to before Arlane died, it could tear a hole in reality. That, and it ruins the nature of fate."

Ray noticed Raiven bolting out of the walls and taking out one of the demons. Surprised by her sudden surge of power, he didn't see one of the lesser demons coming at him. When he turned around, the demo hit him on his sides, where, unfortunately, five of the potions were located. Ray didn't falter from the attack, and was able to crush its body with his gravity spell. "Darius, I'm going to take care of the lesser demons, try not to die." "I'll keep that in mind," shouted Darius, still waiting for the demon to make its first move. He rushes over to Raiven, killing off a few more in the process. When he caught up to her, he asks, "What the hell happened? Where's Arlane?"  


@Anyone Online

@Eternal Dragonchild

"He's dead" Raiven growled, using her body to throw a demon to the floor "Before he died, he passed everything he knew onto me. Transferred his power to the next in line. I'm gonna set the precedent for how I'm gonna rule right now" She touched her hand to the demon's forehead, banishing it back to Hell. 

She had tears running down her face as she looked for the next unfortunate victim to be either destroyed or banished.
Luna was at the nurse office with raiven and the others" Ms liliana i have the potion you made earier ray has the rest he gave me two just in case i could use it" she say giving the potion to raiven" just give to him he will be the same ms lilana made it not me" she say as she looked at her as she try to smile as she looked at liliana she had to make sure everyone was okay she was training for the potion making she hated seeing people dying she just stretched" i had years since my mom died because of the curse killed her but everything will be okay yeah i still miss her but you'll be okay if you want to take the potion go ahead he wouldn't even know he was dead he'll be just fine" she say @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
20 hours ago, Leo Radomir said:

Zenith comes and scoops him to his feet and holds him with ease and says" It's a good thing your built like a wall but keep in mind your a water type before all and could do more damage next time" 

Isaac is in front of fern's room and kicks the door in then looks under the bed and pulls her from underneath and says" Sorry for the scare but watching you mop around annoys the crap out of me and I want to show you something cool this you asked me before".

Ruby sneaks behind han chan steals the tea and downs and then hugs her softly and says" The other idiots going to be sore for a while and i'd like to be pampered so lets head back".



Fern squeals and punches Isacc in shock "It's scary out there. I don't want to go out there" Once she'd calmed down, she relaxed, sitting up. She had dust in her hair and smudged across her nose. "What do you want to show me though. Can you show it to me here?" She looked up to Isacc with her soft eyes.

On 26/01/2017 at 2:57 PM, Zeldafangirl said:


Hazel Valrie

Hazel waas in her school as she was bored she wandered where was reno as she just looked around as she went to her girlfriends dorm room as she had some cholate that she bought she bought a necklace for her she just smiled she knock on her girlfriends doorm room' oh wait' she thought' she can't hear that i forgot i'm so used to hearing' she thought as she got out her phone' hey my girl can you open the door i have something for you' she text she planned a date she was ready for it as she just smiled' lets go i'm ready for our date' she thought as she just looked around as she just smiled  as she was humming a little bit she was in a good mood nothing can bring her down @Eternal Dragonchild



Luka opened the door carefully, she was wearing her favourite dress "Come in" She signed excitedly, kissing Hazel on the cheek "I found some movies to watch. Let's cuddle under the duvet together" She had a big wide smile on her face as she twirled around in her favourite dress.

(I may bring her mother in briefly)
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Daedalin steps out of the cab and takes out his omnispacious handbag. Honestly, with magic, why don't more people have these?

His plane flight was quite a bore, no one of any interest was sitting near him. So he read one of his books. This one happened to be about some short rebellion that happened somewhere. He really didnt care.

The taxi drove from right outside the airport to the academy. It stalled for a little bit and the drivee ask Dae if he was sure he wantes to go here. Dae, not paying attention to what's going on outside, replies with a simple yes.

The taxi continues and drops him off. When Dae gets out of the taxi, he sees why the taxi driver asked for confirmation. The hordes of hell were running around the school. "How come the worst things happen wherever I go!" He galf sighs, half yells angrily. He pulls an oversized needle, a makeshift rapier for him, out of his bag. He then begins to make his way to the main building.
"No, not yet," said Ray. "Not until this all blows over. We don't want him coming back in the middle of a fight only for him to die again." He's right, in fights like these, it's possible to suddenly end up dead if you're not careful, especially when there's a demon that's trying to kill him. Ray was about to go back and fight, but felt a sharp pain on his side. When he looked down, he noticed some blood on him. 'Damn it, the glass from the bottles. Ugh, fantastic.' Luckily, he was wearing a red shirt, for he didn't want to worry Luna.


@Eternal Dragonchild
Luna felt better as she just nodded as she looked at ray as she just smiled as she looked at raiven and her father as she scratch her head she didn't know how to make a portal just yet her big sisters haven't taught her how to make one she just dragged them away from the scene' man i'm pretty useless i can't do anything' she thought as she just was holding onto the potions she didn't like when she felt useless she wish she can fight but she didn't know how to use her new powers" you will be okay raiven and your father will be just fine" she say as she just smiled" so don't worry i give your father this potion that was made i didn't make it but i learning how to be a potion master" she say proud of herself  @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331

The demon smirks then presses his hands into the air and mix of gravity and wind magic rips though the air and ripping the area around it to pieces and says" Demons aren't the only things I can summon i'm a demon but i'm also a fallen angel".

Fern squeals and punches Isacc in shock "It's scary out there. I don't want to go out there" Once she'd calmed down, she relaxed, sitting up. She had dust in her hair and smudged across her nose. "What do you want to show me though. Can you show it to me here?" She looked up to Isacc with her soft eyes.

Isaac leans in and steals a kiss from her and then pulls back and says" don't be such a wet blanket my human experiment opps slip of the tongue I mean love lady", Issac playfully pulls her into him so she can't escape and waits for her to react.
Fern smacked him again, this time playfully on the nose "I heard things out there" She held onto him, head buried in his chest "Is my cousin safe?" She asked, holding onto his shirt with both hands "I'm not brave like her, I stay behind the front lines. I admire her strength" She rested her head on his shoulder, smiling slightly.

Raiven turned on Ray with fire in her eyes and tears down her face "My father is DEAD, He bled out inside. I'm the last of the Darktowers. He won't be coming back. His soul was destroyed by that demon's magic" She jabbed a demon in the throat, electrocuting it as she did so. The demon dropped to the floor like a rock. Behind Ray she saw another student with a rapier and behind him another demon, intent on sneaking up him. She directed a small blast of electricity at the demon, immobilising it.



@Leo Radomir
Ray felt very sympathetic to Raiven now. "I know the feeling," he says in a somber tone. "I never really had a family myself, for I'm also the last of my clan. As much as I dislike your bratty nature, I do understand your pain." Noticing one of the demons sneaking up on one of the students, he charges in, but stopped in time to see a bolt of lightning come out and immobilize it. He turns around and sees a look of hate in her eyes. 'Those eyes, they're the same as mine...the same darkness, the same lust for retribution.'

Darius looked up at the demon made, which is spewing out fallen angels. He fires a spiritual blast toward it, and it explodes, closing the portal completely, but not before a few hundred managed to cross over. "Who the hell are you, and why did you kill Arlane!?" he asks.

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild
Arcus was frantically porting around the campus. He was scared for Raiven. A demon had knocked him out, and he had no idea what was going on. When Arcus awoke his first instinct was to find Raiven and see if she was okay. That's exactly what Arcus did. He took a steady breath as his form started to flicker. He hadn't used this much power since he exploded on that human. When Arcus got to the main building he was on tje border of passing out. He saw Raiven and hobbled towards her. Little did he know a demon was right behind him. Arcus took another step before he felt something pierce his side. The demon had stabbed Arcus, and blood was steadily flowing out of the wound. "RAAAA." Arcus fell to the ground turning pale, and his form flickering from using his power so much.

@Eternal Dragonchild
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The demon that stabbed Arcus soon shattered into demon chunks as Raiven drained it of the last of it's energy. She caught Arcus, using the demon's energy to heal him. She started to cry as she held him. She didn't want to lose him too.

@Anyone Online
Ray was too busy pulling out glass from his side due to the potions being broken on it. When he checked the wound, he found it to be healed, and he felt fine suddenly. 'Wow, that potion's powerful stuff.' He checked his person and realized that the potion all but the one Luna has are broken, figuring that Liliana as more laying around thanks to her hobby, he gets up and grabs Luna. Using his powers he creates a portal and uses his space abilities to lift Arcus and Raiven via Zero Gravity spell. He pushes the two through that portal and runs in with them, closing it behind him before any demons show up. "Whoa, you guys looked like you're in a rush, what happ...ended?" Reno looked at Arcus's nearly dying body, thinking of how many students will die due to this war. Ray takes the potion from Luna and gives it to Arcus. "This should help," he said. "Next time, don't exert yourself or you'll end up being open to a sneak attack." Reno looks up at his mother and asks her if she has anymore, which she responds, "I do, I've used a multiplication spell on it when I saw that it works. I tend to have a lot on hand for when hunters end up dead or is close to dying." "Good, because we need a lot of it for when they die. Though that demon used some sort of soul rupturing move, which is why Arlane can't be brought back." He thought back to Ruby and Hanako, where are still out there, maybe fighting the other demons while protecting two other humans. "Damn, we need to find Ruby and Hanako, they're still out there."

@Anyone Online

@Eternal Dragonchild
The demon energy did very little to heal Arcus. It seems the his body was rejecting the help. His eyes started to dim, and his form continued to flicker. Arcus opened his mouth to tell Raiven something, and a scream of pure pain erupted from his mouth. Arcus started to shake, and his his veins began to glow. The power was started to leak through his body. Arcus's shaking got worse and his screams came out louder.

@Eternal Dragonchild
Daedalin turned around when he heard something like a moth getting zapped by a bug lamp. He saw the demon's carcass and two people. One of which was running towards him and just recently stopped. The other had the look of pure bloodlust on her face.

"Were you guys trying to kill me or the de-" 

Before he could finish his sentence, a man apparated into the room, right in front of a demon. When it stabbed the man, Dae ran over and thrusted his rapier through it with all the force he could. With his strength and the momentum from his running (it was mostly the momentum) the rapier pierced through the demon's body, and even came out of it's backside.

Be pulled his needle out of the newly deceased demon, and sheathed it through a simple loop attached to his belt. Aftee this, he pulls a basic first-aid kit out of his bag and started tending to the stabbed man's wounds. "Can someone tell me what the hell ((no pun intended)) is happening here!?!"
"Someone help him" Raiven was in floods of tears, first her father, now Arcus. She wasn't going to lose two people in one day. She kept hold of Arcus's hand as she looked to the new student.

"LOng story short, Friend of mine's father shot her, I saved her. somehow fallen angels got involved. Father was planned to be assassinated, I visited the fates and changed it. Massive fucking demon appears and blasts at me, I find my father dying, bring him here. He dies. I go to seek revenge, kill several demons and save you and now my boyfriend's dying"

@Anyone Online

Fern smacked him again, this time playfully on the nose "I heard things out there" She held onto him, head buried in his chest "Is my cousin safe?" She asked, holding onto his shirt with both hands "I'm not brave like her, I stay behind the front lines. I admire her strength" She rested her head on his shoulder, smiling slightly.

Raiven turned on Ray with fire in her eyes and tears down her face "My father is DEAD, He bled out inside. I'm the last of the Darktowers. He won't be coming back. His soul was destroyed by that demon's magic" She jabbed a demon in the throat, electrocuting it as she did so. The demon dropped to the floor like a rock. Behind Ray she saw another student with a rapier and behind him another demon, intent on sneaking up him. She directed a small blast of electricity at the demon, immobilising it.



@Leo Radomir

Isaac smiles and says" maybe i'll show you some time and yes she is for now but I don't know when the greater demon will show up but for now i'll help you grow so you can be of use of the battlefield one day but for now i'll take you to my lab and show you what I do for a living".

The half breed grins and says" I'm Utrengi the Pact maker and from what I've watched humans while in the shadows they are

Ray felt very sympathetic to Raiven now. "I know the feeling," he says in a somber tone. "I never really had a family myself, for I'm also the last of my clan. As much as I dislike your bratty nature, I do understand your pain." Noticing one of the demons sneaking up on one of the students, he charges in, but stopped in time to see a bolt of lightning come out and immobilize it. He turns around and sees a look of hate in her eyes. 'Those eyes, they're the same as mine...the same darkness, the same lust for retribution.'

Darius looked up at the demon made, which is spewing out fallen angels. He fires a spiritual blast toward it, and it explodes, closing the portal completely, but not before a few hundred managed to cross over. "Who the hell are you, and why did you kill Arlane!?" he asks.

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

The half breed grins and says" Oh they really didn't tell you did they how do you think a lot of the demons got even stronger than they were, me ugtigsai the pact maker when I've honoured word even before the wars humans didn't want to keep their end of the deal and have tryied to kill me as for your friend he was guilty of a lot of stuff but because he was the king the rules didn't applie to him and I can't stand that kind of human most It's time I got more serious and start sending some stronger foes for them to chew on".

He make some mist and then quickly starts to fade away.

Meanwhile ruby is keeping the non combants safe with a multi layied ward she set up but she knows it won't hold for ever so she looks to haniko to say I need you to go out and take down several the barrier won't hold otherwise.
"Someone help him" Raiven was in floods of tears, first her father, now Arcus. She wasn't going to lose two people in one day. She kept hold of Arcus's hand as she looked to the new student.

"LOng story short, Friend of mine's father shot her, I saved her. somehow fallen angels got involved. Father was planned to be assassinated, I visited the fates and changed it. Massive fucking demon appears and blasts at me, I find my father dying, bring him here. He dies. I go to seek revenge, kill several demons and save you and now my boyfriend's dying"

@Anyone Online


"Well it's nice to know that lighting bolt wasn't meant for me." Dae says, feebly trying to lighten the mood. He treats the wound with antibiotics, and pulls out a needle and some thread. "This is going to hurt, but as long as this isn't some magically infected wound, it should work. Or at least make you live a bit longer." Dae says to Arcus, beginning to stitch the wound closed. @Anyone Online @Eternal Dragonchild
Darius got out of his stance when he found that the demon has disappeared, but something bothered him that the demon, Utrengi, said to him. 'Honor the word...like some sort of promise? And what about the things Arlane is guilty of...I feel like he's another part of some bigger picture.'

Reno watched as the new kid stitched up the wound, but there was still the issue of his body rejecting the demon's aura. "It's nice that you're helping out Arcus, but what are we going to do about the demon's aura? It's being rejected by his own." Reno was worried about his friend, but he still has a bit of hope that it will resolve itself.

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