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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"Well, nice to see someone's getting the full picture here. But this ain't hell, this is only the starting floor. You still got circles two through five to get familiar with, that's Arlane's domain." Upon hearing Raiven's offer to bring back Cerberus, the girls looked at her in shock. "Of course, you're the incarnation of Osiris. Maybe you can help us after all." "Please get Cerberus back, we miss him so much." "Alright then, if you can bring Cerberus back...then we'll help you. That's the payment."

@Eternal Dragonchild
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"Ok, I'll need to visit the spot where he died, his soul will be strongest there. Also, where is he buried, if there is anything left" She cast a pointed glare towards Magnus as she said that last sentence.  As she put her coat back on a thought crossed her mind, a particularly troubling one "Just how well trained was he" If he wasn't well trained, he could easily attack her. 

Smiling confidently, she waited by the door for one of the sisters to show her the way. Feiron padded to her side and took a seat next to her, whining for attention. When she didn't respond, he stamped his paw on the floor and barked at her. 


"He's out gatekeeper, he only attacks when we give him the okay." "He's not really allow to leave his post anyway, but we'll be sure to mention that you're the daughter of one of the two kings of hell." "Just as long as you get him back in working condition. Though he might attack Magnus out of revenge so he'll have to stay here."

@Eternal Dragonchild
7 minutes ago, ShadowSaber331 said:

"He's out gatekeeper, he only attacks when we give him the okay." "He's not really allow to leave his post anyway, but we'll be sure to mention that you're the daughter of one of the two kings of hell." "Just as long as you get him back in working condition. Though he might attack Magnus out of revenge so he'll have to stay here."

@Eternal Dragonchild


Raiven nodded, stepping outside into the misty landscape, every few steps she left a little orb of lightning to guide her back. Soon she felt the pull of Ceberus's soul. Kneeling down to the ground she started to whisper in Egyptian, soon the mist began to swirl around her until Cerberus was stood next to her. Raiven started to lead him back to the hut,following the lightning as she did so 

"Cassie, Cleo, Sandy. Look what I got"
The sisters looked to where Raiven spoke and were awestruck. "Cerberus, you're back!" "Just as you were before you died!" "Before HE killed you!" Cleo, Sandy, and Cassie looked over to Magnus, with hate and anger in their eyes. "We have received payment, and now, you shall receive knowledge." "But be warned, those who tried to change one's fate, ended up taking their place." "But we already know that you want to change it, so in return for bringing back Cerberus, we'll switch things around. Have Mihkail be fated to die in place of Arlane." "Trust us my dear, Arlane would have died a painful death, for the Crimson Death Dancers not only eliminate their targets...but they erase them from the timeline...meaning, everything that has happened to you up to now that he's done, will be like it has never happened at all." "Plus if he didn't exist, so doesn't the memories of his very existence."

@Eternal Dragonchild
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"You can't seriously expect me to stand here and wait while my friend stands to lose his life. You warned me about this years ago but I didn't listen and now that I'm here to do just hay you don't let me in" he was getting annoyed but he knew very well he couldn't do anything about it "What do I have to do to get in. There is another I wish to know about anyway. My other nephew, the one trapped within with the other. I need to know his destiny" he said referring to his nephews split in personalities. He began to walk toward the door hoping Cerberus wouldn't remember him but he growl said otherwise "I'll burn off all of your heads this time if you don't let me pass" he said angrily as he walked closer to the door "My nephew isn't whole and there is a chance that the second repressed life inside of him will die soon and I need to know if something should be done" he hoped they could help him so that he could finally begin Homura's training.

Raiven's eyes filled with joyful tears "I-I cannot give enough thanks to you three for saving my father and giving me the possibility to heal from Mikhail's ..... advances... I promise to work hard and become fit to rule Hell as it's queen. Speaking of Hell, Darius could you take me on a tour of levels 2 through 5. Maybe father is there"

Feiron was bouncing about near Cerberus, trying to engage the three-headed dog in a game of chase. 

She turned to Darius "Can we talk outside?" 

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"Don't worry, your nephew's fine. He's still locked in mortal combat with Ifrit, who somehow went rogue and tried to take over." "Though there is a way to get inside without having to use any magic." "You see, every so often, the seal that prevents anyone from entering tends to decay, which means your nephew will try to add a new seal. That is when you'll be able to get inside." "But you have to do that fifteen minutes after you return. So once you return to where you came from, that fifteen minute mark will start."

Darius nods and walks out with Raiven, hoping to give her a grand tour of floors two through five, for she'll be ruler of Upper Hell. "Looks like another crisis is averted. Of course, if I die, that means Reno will take my place, since Xena never was one to enjoy being around demons anyway. So, what is it you need to talk about Raiven?"


@Eternal Dragonchild
"I fear that father may try to visit these three, change it back. You know how stubborn he can be. Even if it isn't permanent, it'll give me a chance to at least say goodbye" She linked her arms behind her back, in a similar pose to Arlane. She stood a little taller and spoke with more confidence than usual.

"I don't want him to die, not until he has a grandchild, it is one of his dreams, to become a grandfather. I was born when he was only 19" 
Darius was surprised that Arlane accepted his fate without realizing his dream, and he would try to change his fate that fits his vision. "He should at least wait until your child reaches...ten years at least?" he said, hoping that it'll give her some sort of incentive to keep her father from visiting the fates. "Of course, I'll need to send in some demons from either Heresy or Fraud to make sure he doesn't get close to the sisters. Even if they have Cerberus protect them."

@Eternal Dragonchild
"Naturally, but is there a right age to conceive anymore" She started pacing, much like her father did but her strides were smaller and more feminine "And now I have to focus on regaining my Elite title, after the tour of course. I got the title because of my protective spirit" Raiven was eager to see what she'd be ruling, either alongside her father or by herself. Politely she held her hand out to Darius, so he could guide her through the floors.

Darius was surprised that Arlane accepted his fate without realizing his dream, and he would try to change his fate that fits his vision. "He should at least wait until your child reaches...ten years at least?" he said, hoping that it'll give her some sort of incentive to keep her father from visiting the fates. "Of course, I'll need to send in some demons from either Heresy or Fraud to make sure he doesn't get close to the sisters. Even if they have Cerberus protect them."

@Eternal Dragonchild

The dragon that's friends with kargaoth suddenly appears and says" I'm sorry to cut in but the angels have moved and I lost track of them their using a magic I've never seen before and the dead brother of gimo  has come back from the dead and even if he lives through this he will come for him and you lot as well". " young one i'm sorry but even though you hold the power of death this demon that is come makes death seem like a flower field and what he has in mind will not be a swift and kind act and he's resistant to death and time magic" " my advise is make powerful allys even if it means getting on your knees because if they say you are humble they will be fsr more willing to help you".
Darius, feeling like she deserves to stay as an Elite, sends a text to everyone. 'To those who have been re-evaluated for the Elite role, you have shown me that you very much deserve the rank and title. Homura, you may be reckless, you may dive head first into the fight, but you've shown that you'll do whatever it takes to help out a friend. Raiven, you may have your moments when you're a spoiled brat, but you're willing to protect the people you love from danger. Reno, you always go alone to fight strong opponents, not knowing your true limits, but you know how to come up with brilliant ideas that benefits all involved. Elites may have their quirks that can rub people the wrong way, but don't let it discourage you, you have qualities deep down inside that make you who you are. Never let people change you, and do what you do best.' On top of that mass message, he sends another one to both Ruby and Ray privately. 'Ruby, Ray, I'm making you two leaders of the Elites, keep an eye on them...and be optimistic for christ sake.'  Darius was about to start the tour until the dragon comes to tell him the news. "Then we better gather everyone, Astaroth, take Kargoath and gather my son, and his allies. We'll see you top side." He looks over to Raiven and frowns, for she wanted to see the areas she was going to rule. "I'm sorry, I know you wanted to see upper Hell, but we need to find this demon and fast." Just then, Cleo comes out and shouts, "He's back in his office right now, I suggest you get there before it's too late!"

Reno felt his phone buzz and read the text from his father. It was a heartfelt speech, one that even he didn't think was possible, but it's there. 'Thank you for those kind words dad. I may have my quirks, but at least I'm doing me.' Reno turns around and faces Ruby. "Goes to show, there are such things as a happy fairy tale ending, you just have to be brave enough to make it happen yourself." He walks over and gives her a light peck on the lips. "Don't get me wrong, I know there are some obstacles that can't be passed through so easily, which is why I keep training. Look at things from a different perspective, as I told you before...and I think dad will say the same thing as well."

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

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"I'll see Hell when we send his arse back to the depths. My father taught me this one trick for his Hellhounds" She howled like a wolf, tilting her head back "And now meet Malzahn and Cheralon, my father's hellhounds. Thank you for believing in me" She shrugged off the fact that she wouldn't get to see Hell with her own eyes just yet "I'll take Malzahn, Cheralon and Feiron, impersonate a security guard to check on him" She smiled as the three Hellhounds gathered around her, Stripping off her red coat, she handed it to Darius. "Keep it safe" Underneath she wore a smart suit shirt and dress pants, her band outfit as she'd been conducting auditions before it kicked off, She turned towards the storm clouds "I can try to confuse him, if you like. Bring Fern too, last time I saw her, she was with Isacc" She smiled one last time, checking that the three hellhounds were following her still "Officer Blackcrest reporting for duty" She gave a mock salute and a bow "I'll take a radio, gun and jacket from their break room"

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Darius, feeling like she deserves to stay as an Elite, sends a text to everyone. 'To those who have been re-evaluated for the Elite role, you have shown me that you very much deserve the rank and title. Homura, you may be reckless, you may dive head first into the fight, but you've shown that you'll do whatever it takes to help out a friend. Raiven, you may have your moments when you're a spoiled brat, but you're willing to protect the people you love from danger. Reno, you always go alone to fight strong opponents, not knowing your true limits, but you know how to come up with brilliant ideas that benefits all involved. Elites may have their quirks that can rub people the wrong way, but don't let it discourage you, you have qualities deep down inside that make you who you are. Never let people change you, and do what you do best.' On top of that mass message, he sends another one to both Ruby and Ray privately. 'Ruby, Ray, I'm making you two leaders of the Elites, keep an eye on them...and be optimistic for christ sake.'  Darius was about to start the tour until the dragon comes to tell him the news. "Then we better gather everyone, Astaroth, take Kargoath and gather my son, and his allies. We'll see you top side." He looks over to Raiven and frowns, for she wanted to see the areas she was going to rule. "I'm sorry, I know you wanted to see upper Hell, but we need to find this demon and fast." Just then, Cleo comes out and shouts, "He's back in his office right now, I suggest you get there before it's too late!"

Reno felt his phone buzz and read the text from his father. It was a heartfelt speech, one that even he didn't think was possible, but it's there. 'Thank you for those kind words dad. I may have my quirks, but at least I'm doing me.' Reno turns around and faces Ruby. "Goes to show, there are such things as a happy fairy tale ending, you just have to be brave enough to make it happen yourself." He walks over and gives her a light peck on the lips. "Don't get me wrong, I know there are some obstacles that can't be passed through so easily, which is why I keep training. Look at things from a different perspective, as I told you before...and I think dad will say the same thing as well."

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild


Ruby gives a light chop to the head and says" That's true to a point and it's good to see some change I may be a bitch at times but i'm not one to not give credit where it's due, as for the rest of them I hopeful they show similar growth to you as well but I can't suddenly become an optimist as so many say I should be, I only wish I had more time to train others more this sudden war will be heavy on many". " it's funny and strange i'm a half breed and i'll out live so many people but for the first time in ages I think I can make some bonds after all this time round I just hope this future is better than the last few gens have had". " I could be wrong in my opion doing a search party with out even basic training would prove very risky if anything sending in animals to scout the area would be wiser".

Isaac is looking for fern around campus and then taps his hand and decides to go to the girls dorm and see if she's in her room reading or something

Elsword PsychicTracer Female.pngElsword ArcTracer Female.jpg

+ Solace and Ebalon Hernia +

~ The Human Twins ~

The Hernia sisters finally arrived at the school gates. They were transferred since in their other school, they had caused a cataclysm which nearly destroyed the school gym. As well as causing a black out. "I don't get it. They expel us but not that damn witch. This is pure racism." "Indeed. But maybe here we can find equality. We just need to lie that we are both witches." Solace put her hands behind her head before they both started to walk towards the school office to pick up their schedules as Solace ranted. "Fuck that, if there are anymore elemental ass holes that bully us, they will get my fist in their throat!" Ebalon sighed as she kept her hands in her pockets as they walked. "You know, just because you can create this... special armor, it doesn't mean you are invincible." "Since when did I ever lose a fight since that day you got smart?" Ebalon giggled softly. "That's true. Ho~ I hope we can find some friends here though. Wonder who our dorm mate is." "I bet you it's going to be some elemental. If they start bullying, it's 2 against 1. Well, if we're both in the same dorm." "I hope we are in the same dorm... But this school... It's nice." "...Yeah... Better looking than our old school." They said as they looked around, admiring the architecture and design of the school. As well as how clean it was.

(I ish free!)
Reno, feeling a bit hungry, opened a portal leading the entrance of the school. "I'm gonna walk around for a bit, you should rest too," he said. "I know you've had a lot of experience, and more stamina than I do, but you'll need to regain some energy for when they come back earlier than expected." With that said, he walks through the portal and closes it. Thinking about what Ruby said, he leisurely strolls around the school, walking off the extensive training they had did in the spirit realm. As he was walking, he accidentally bumps into two girls, who, after a close examination, loo almost identical. "Oh god, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you two...hey, I haven't seen you two around." He gets up and dusts himself off, afterwards he extends his hand to the two girls. "Need help getting up?"

(Gender bent Psychic Tracer and Arc Tracer, nice choice.)

@Clair Seiker

@Leo Radomir
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Reno, feeling a bit hungry, opened a portal leading the entrance of the school. "I'm gonna walk around for a bit, you should rest too," he said. "I know you've had a lot of experience, and more stamina than I do, but you'll need to regain some energy for when they come back earlier than expected." With that said, he walks through the portal and closes it. Thinking about what Ruby said, he leisurely strolls around the school, walking off the extensive training they had did in the spirit realm. As he was walking, he accidentally bumps into two girls, who, after a close examination, loo almost identical. "Oh god, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you two...hey, I haven't seen you two around." He gets up and dusts himself off, afterwards he extends his hand to the two girls. "Need help getting up?"

(Gender bent Psychic Tracer and Arc Tracer, nice choice.)

@Clair Seiker

@Leo Radomir

When Reno bumped into the girls, Solace didn't exactly move, she just jolted a bit. However, Ebalon wasn't so... sturdy. She fell before she as lent a hand. She grabbed his hand and got up smiling. "Yes. Thank you." "We're both new. That's why you never seen us around. We just got here." Solace said as she turned to Reno. Great, another student. Now was it a bully elemental or a human like her? Or was it an elemental that the school produced to support equality? She wasn't sure. "But uh... How did you bump into us? I mean, you aren't... blind, are you?"

(Thanks. I wanted to be human. But Add uses mainly science. I was gonna go with Aisha but...too simple)
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Reno chuckled a bit, embarrassed for bumping into them. "Sorry about that, I was lost in thought for a moment...well, since you're new, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Reno Artorias, elemental, Elite Rank 3 to be exact...or whatever rank I might be once the re-evaluation's over." Reno wasn't sure which rank he was going to be since he passed the re-evaluation. "I'm not the only one here, Homura and Raiven are Elites as well, and don't worry, they're pro human, like I am. In fact, some of are friends are human, Luka and Hazel to be specific. Unfortunately, the student body president's not here, she's practicing with her Space element. She, like me and a few others, are trying to set a good example for the elementals here." Reno turned his back to the girls and continued to speak, though this time in a serious manner. "Of course, the reason being there are bullies that tend to poke fun at people, both human and elemental. Me and the rest of the Elites aren't a fan of bullies, if I have to snap a few bones to keep it to a minimum, than so be it." Reno's hand glowed a dark for a moment before fading away. True he hated bullies, but he wouldn't go as far as killing them. He turns to face them again, and says, with a smile and a light chuckle, "Sorry, for both talking your ears off and making the mood go dark for a moment. What are your names?"

@Clair Seiker
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"Well, since you're new, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Reno Artorias, elemental, Elite Rank 3 to be exact...or whatever rank I might be once the re-evaluation's over." Reno wasn't sure which rank he was going to be since he passed the re-evaluation. "I'm not the only one here, Homura and Raiven are Elites as well, and don't worry, they're pro human, like I am. In fact, some of are friends are human, Luka and Hazel to be specific. Unfortunately, the student body president's not here, she's practicing with her Space element. She, like me and a few others, are trying to set a good example for the elementals here." Reno turned his back to the girls and continued to speak, though this time in a serious manner. "Of course, the reason being there are bullies that tend to poke fun at people, both human and elemental. Me and the rest of the Elites aren't a fan of bullies, if I have to snap a few bones to keep it to a minimum, than so be it." Reno's hand glowed a dark for a moment before fading away. True he hated bullies, but he wouldn't go as far as killing them. He turns to face them again, and says, with a smile and a light chuckle, "Sorry, for both talking your ears off and making the mood go dark for a moment. What are your names?"

@Clair Seiker

"I'm Ebalon. My sister's Solace. We're... Humans." "There goes that moment when you said we'd lie about being witches." "Sh-Shush!" Ebalon said as she blushed slightly as she placed a finger at her lips looking towards Solace. Soon, Solace's gaze turned towards Reno, she had a look of interest. Mostly poking at the title, Elite. "Elite huh...? Sounds pretty high. Has a human ever been an elite?"
"Unfortunately no," Reno answered. "This school was once an all elemental school, but since the human exchange program, it's now for humans as well. Most of the elementals liked the idea, while the others...well, not so much. If this works out, we may have an Elite program for humans too." Reno thought long and hard for something else to say, not wanting to start a possible fight with the new students. "I figured you two were humans because of your aura. It doesn't have an element tied to it like the other elementals here. Anyway, I'm sure after a long ass trip, you two must be hungry. Come, let me show you where the buffet is before we take you to your dorms."

@Clair Seiker
"Unfortunately no," Reno answered. "This school was once an all elemental school, but since the human exchange program, it's now for humans as well. Most of the elementals liked the idea, while the others...well, not so much. If this works out, we may have an Elite program for humans too." Reno thought long and hard for something else to say, not wanting to start a possible fight with the new students. "I figured you two were humans because of your aura. It doesn't have an element tied to it like the other elementals here. Anyway, I'm sure after a long ass trip, you two must be hungry. Come, let me show you where the buffet is before we take you to your dorms."

@Clair Seiker

"W-Well...We just ate not too long ago..." She said as she followed. However Solace didn't follow right away. She took a moment to think before following as well. "How does one become an elite then huh?" She asked even more interest being found in her tone. Seems like she was up to something.
Reno kept walking when Ebalon told him that they ate already. "Fair enough, luckily the girls dorms are on the way." He stopped shortly after Solace asked how someone becomes an Elite. "To be honest, there are specific requirements for an elemental to become an Elite. They must possess  great power, have the skills needed to survive any and all battles, and must be an elemental...oh, and they have to be pro human, meaning no discrimination towards non-elementals whatsoever. Anyway, you know you're room numbers, right?"

@Clair Seiker
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Reno kept walking when Ebalon told him that they ate already. "Fair enough, luckily the girls dorms are on the way." He stopped shortly after Solace asked how someone becomes an Elite. "To be honest, there are specific requirements for an elemental to become an Elite. They must possess  great power, have the skills needed to survive any and all battles, and must be an elemental...oh, and they have to be pro human, meaning no discrimination towards non-elementals whatsoever. Anyway, you know you're room numbers, right?"

@Clair Seiker

When Solace heard about the requirements of an elite, she frowned. "Seriously... Like elementals were born from divinity and raised on a pedestal..." She said before she walked ahead. Ebalon rubbed the back of her head as she spoke to Reno looking down slightly. "Sorry about Solace... She uh... We've been bullied a lot by the elementals since we were young. She has a hate for them really. She was one of the best fighters in our other school, beating up 3 elementals at once. I don't know the Elementals' capabilities or abilities here but, she'll get strong. I'm sure of it... But I don't think she can put aside her hatred.."
"Eh, I'm used to it, not a lot of humans like elementals as much anyway," he said with a smile. "Plus, I know the feeling. I've been bullies a lot by humans an elementals, now I'm one of those respected and...or course, one of the most hated." Reno, thinking a good spar might help, asked Solace. Though he might get some backlash from it, she wants to know how well she can be in a fight. "Hey uh...Solace, was it? How about a quick spar before the day's done. I'm interested to see what you can do," he shouted in enthusiasm. "Besides, you're almost like Isaac, though he's an alchemist, yet he's also one of those few humans that can outmatch an elemental."

@Clair Seiker

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