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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"Eh, I'm used to it, not a lot of humans like elementals as much anyway," he said with a smile. "Plus, I know the feeling. I've been bullies a lot by humans an elementals, now I'm one of those respected and...or course, one of the most hated." Reno, thinking a good spar might help, asked Solace. Though he might get some backlash from it, she wants to know how well she can be in a fight. "Hey uh...Solace, was it? How about a quick spar before the day's done. I'm interested to see what you can do," he shouted in enthusiasm. "Besides, you're almost like Isaac, though he's an alchemist, yet he's also one of those few humans that can outmatch an elemental."

@Clair Seiker

Solace went from walking to taking her drones out before they made a hologram. She placed her foot on it quickly and sprung back as the drones followed her before she charged up her electricity into her punch before attempting to land a hit. The electric was of great quantity. Maybe even more volts than a car battery. If it hit Reno, he would be sent flying. If she didn't hit him, she would hit the ground near him and cause a shock wave. Ebalon jumped out of the current battlefield as she landed on a tree and watched.
Reno smiles and quickly jumps away, avoiding both the electricity and the shockwave. "Nice moves," he said. "My turn now." Using his shadow abilities, he creates a black short sword. The sword suddenly bursts into flames as he scraps the ground with it. "Let's try this, IGNITION CROW!!!" He shoots a flaming crow at Solace, leaving behind a trail of fire as it closes in on her.

@Clair Seiker
Reno smiles and quickly jumps away, avoiding both the electricity and the shockwave. "Nice moves," he said. "My turn now." Using his shadow abilities, he creates a black short sword. The sword suddenly bursts into flames as he scraps the ground with it. "Let's try this, IGNITION CROW!!!" He shoots a flaming crow at Solace, leaving behind a trail of fire as it closes in on her.

@Clair Seiker

Solace saw the crow before she moves out of its way before her drones made a holographic panel with what it looked like the lens of a sniper scope. She began to repeatedly punch at it as electric blasts were being shot at Reno. (Think RWBY Yang)
Reno was able to avoid a few of Solace's blast, but one of them hit him in the leg. "Damn, nice shot, I can see how you're able to beat 3 elementals at once," he groaned. He got up from being hit and begins to create similar drones to his opponents. "Drones that can create electromagnetic charges, interesting. Now let's see if I learned enough to copy it." Reno jumps high into the air, all six drones right in from of him, aiming at it's intended target. The drones started to charge it's electricity while Reno carefully pinpoints the shot. He goes into a corkscrew motion, and bicycle kicks the collected energy. It crashes into the ground a few feet in front of Solace, then travels across the ground, creating mini bursts of energy as it approaches her.

@Clair Seiker
Magnus made his may over to Darius "Sorry but I'll have to leave Arlane to you. I think it's time I helped my nephew put himself back together" he said before disappearing in a burst of flames and then rocketed off towards he Academy. After a few minutes he finally arrived and began to look frantically around the campus grounds for his nephew "Where could you be?" He asked aloud before deciding he'd check his data before going back to his Homura search. 'Really, a virus? Well on the bright side my firewalls caught it before it damaged my files. I have five back ups but the new info is crucial' he thought as he checked the status download. "Good now to see what the general has been up to. I'll check it later bough I'm on a clock and need to find Homura" he said before running off to find the boy.
Reno was able to avoid a few of Solace's blast, but one of them hit him in the leg. "Damn, nice shot, I can see how you're able to beat 3 elementals at once," he groaned. He got up from being hit and begins to create similar drones to his opponents. "Drones that can create electromagnetic charges, interesting. Now let's see if I learned enough to copy it." Reno jumps high into the air, all six drones right in from of him, aiming at it's intended target. The drones started to charge it's electricity while Reno carefully pinpoints the shot. He goes into a corkscrew motion, and bicycle kicks the collected energy. It crashes into the ground a few feet in front of Solace, then travels across the ground, creating mini bursts of energy as it approaches her.

@Clair Seiker

Solace took the hit of electricity and continued to get hit. After she taken a lot of hits, she didn't seem to be hurt by it. She looked at Reno and grinned before she punched her fists together to make some kind of holographic electrical armor before she jumped at Reno as she punched him in the stomach before upper cutting him and finishing off her combo by kicking him in the chest to send him flying. Soon, her drones started to spin in a circular motion seeming to charge a powerful attack.


Hazel Valrie

Hazel waas in her school as she was bored she wandered where was reno as she just looked around as she went to her girlfriends dorm room as she had some cholate that she bought she bought a necklace for her she just smiled she knock on her girlfriends doorm room' oh wait' she thought' she can't hear that i forgot i'm so used to hearing' she thought as she got out her phone' hey my girl can you open the door i have something for you' she text she planned a date she was ready for it as she just smiled' lets go i'm ready for our date' she thought as she just looked around as she just smiled  as she was humming a little bit she was in a good mood nothing can bring her down @Eternal Dragonchild
Reno, after recovering from onslaught, got back up and saw that she was charging up for a powerful attack. "I'll have to admit, you're strong," he shouted. "This is the most fun I've had in years, but this battle must come to an end." Reno dashed toward Solace and kicked one of the drones away from her, hoping that it would break the chain. He then uses his shadow abilities to create a few mirrors and fired a laser at one of them. The laser hit every single mirror in a zigzag motion until it shot up into the air. Reno, seeing this, creates a satellite above the field and the laser shot into it before shooting downward as an even larger beam, towards Solace. Reno smiles as he creates a barrier and watches as the beam directly hits his opponent. Using the drones, he creates what looks to be a solid energy prism, as a precautionary measure. 'Looks like Equinox's training was a god send. Didn't know shadow elementals can look into people memories and learn their move sets. This is gonna be fun in the future.'

Darius, having seen Raiven dress up as a security guard with her three hounds, looked at her with confidence. "Then go, we don't have a lot of time before that demon finds and kills Arlane." He was worried, he didn't want to be too late before he's dead, and even turning back time won't save him, he needed to act fast.

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Clair Seiker 
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Reno, after recovering from onslaught, got back up and saw that she was charging up for a powerful attack. "I'll have to admit, you're strong," he shouted. "This is the most fun I've had in years, but this battle must come to an end." Reno dashed toward Solace and kicked one of the drones away from her, hoping that it would break the chain. He then uses his shadow abilities to create a few mirrors and fired a laser at one of them. The laser hit every single mirror in a zigzag motion until it shot up into the air. Reno, seeing this, creates a satellite above the field and the laser shot into it before shooting downward as an even larger beam, towards Solace. Reno smiles as he creates a barrier and watches as the beam directly hits his opponent. Using the drones, he creates what looks to be a solid energy prism, as a precautionary measure. 'Looks like Equinox's training was a god send. Didn't know shadow elementals can look into people memories and learn their move sets. This is gonna be fun in the future.'

Darius, having seen Raiven dress up as a security guard with her three hounds, looked at her with confidence. "Then go, we don't have a lot of time before that demon finds and kills Arlane." He was worried, he didn't want to be too late before he's dead, and even turning back time won't save him, he needed to act fast.

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Clair Seiker 

After Reno's attack, Solace got up from the ground before she broke the prism and looked at Reno. "My battles ends with my opponents... Haha, you know, electric and plasma really helps me. So that lazer just now, gave me more than enough!" She growled before she released an electric wave before she charged at Reno before she began to unleash a barrage of punches a kicks, soon finishing it off with her drones circling again. But it seemed to charge very quickly due to Solace's state before she punched in the middle of the circle unleashing a piercing electric burst at Reno. It was enough to paralyze or stun. "Particle Accel!" 
Reno was about to avoid the attack, but a sudden surge of pain in his head prevented him from doing that. 'Damn, forgot about the side effect of learning their move sets. After a certain amount of time, you not only forget them, but it'll give you a very painful headache!!!' The blast hit Reno, and he was unable to move. The electricity temporarily shut down all motor function in his body, leaving him kneeling before his opponents. "Damn that stings," he shouted. After a few or so seconds, he starts laughing, harder than he ever laughed in his life. "Best sparring match ever, WOOHOO!!!"

@Clair Seiker
Raiven gave him a salute before disappearing into the depths of the clouds. She arrived in the breakroom of the security officers near her dad's office. The hellhounds had shifted into two hulking Rottweilers and an Alsatian. She donned a jacket, gun and radio before heading out, the two Rottweilers trailing behind her as she led Feiron on a lead towards Arlane's office. Upon reaching it she knocked on the door gently


(If you're doing the demon) 
Reno was about to avoid the attack, but a sudden surge of pain in his head prevented him from doing that. 'Damn, forgot about the side effect of learning their move sets. After a certain amount of time, you not only forget them, but it'll give you a very painful headache!!!' The blast hit Reno, and he was unable to move. The electricity temporarily shut down all motor function in his body, leaving him kneeling before his opponents. "Damn that stings," he shouted. After a few or so seconds, he starts laughing, harder than he ever laughed in his life. "Best sparring match ever, WOOHOO!!!"

@Clair Seiker

Zenith comes and scoops him to his feet and holds him with ease and says" It's a good thing your built like a wall but keep in mind your a water type before all and could do more damage next time" 

Isaac is in front of fern's room and kicks the door in then looks under the bed and pulls her from underneath and says" Sorry for the scare but watching you mop around annoys the crap out of me and I want to show you something cool this you asked me before".

Ruby sneaks behind han chan steals the tea and downs and then hugs her softly and says" The other idiots going to be sore for a while and i'd like to be pampered so lets head back".
Reno was about to avoid the attack, but a sudden surge of pain in his head prevented him from doing that. 'Damn, forgot about the side effect of learning their move sets. After a certain amount of time, you not only forget them, but it'll give you a very painful headache!!!' The blast hit Reno, and he was unable to move. The electricity temporarily shut down all motor function in his body, leaving him kneeling before his opponents. "Damn that stings," he shouted. After a few or so seconds, he starts laughing, harder than he ever laughed in his life. "Best sparring match ever, WOOHOO!!!"

@Clair Seiker

Solace breathed heavily before she began to smile. Did she just defeat what they called an elite? Her drones soon went behind her to make a seat for her before she sat down tiredly trying to catch her breath. "Did I win?"

@Leo Radomir@Eternal Dragonchild - since you tagged..)
Solace breathed heavily before she began to smile. Did she just defeat what they called an elite? Her drones soon went behind her to make a seat for her before she sat down tiredly trying to catch her breath. "Did I win?"

@Leo Radomir@Eternal Dragonchild - since you tagged..)

Zenith smiles gently and says" yes and this idiot shouldn't be doing this after the training her just went though, but it seems you did very well, you should work with Isaac though to get your stamina up".
"Yeah yeah, I get it," Reno said out of annoyance. "Well, that was awesome. You're pretty good with those drones." Reno uses his light powers to quickly heal his wounds, but when he tried to walk, he nearly fell. "Ugh, looks like I'll be here for a bit," he said with a chuckle before turning to Zenith. "Also, how would you know about that, we were in the spirit realm the entire time I was training."

@Clair Seiker

@Leo Radomir
Zenith smiles gently and says" yes and this idiot shouldn't be doing this after the training her just went though, but it seems you did very well, you should work with Isaac though to get your stamina up".

"It's fine..." She said before she got up and walked over to Reno. "Here. Let's get you somewhere to sit." She said before she gave him a hand to help him up, Ebalon arriving at the scene as well.

"Yeah yeah, I get it," Reno said out of annoyance. "Well, that was awesome. You're pretty good with those drones." Reno uses his light powers to quickly heal his wounds, but when he tried to walk, he nearly fell. "Ugh, looks like I'll be here for a bit," he said with a chuckle before turning to Zenith. "Also, how would you know about that, we were in the spirit realm the entire time I was training."

@Clair Seiker

@Leo Radomir

Zenith chuckled and said" I'm a teacher and I used to be a battle medic so I know the signs but if you two are going to be so awkward about it don't blame me when you completely burn your out" " if you have any common sense you'll take a rest for the day".
"I was planning on doing that anyway. As much as I love training, can't do that without my body shutting down on me in the process." Solace came over, along with Ebalon, to help him up, and he accepted their assistance. "Well, nice to feel the effects wearing off," he said with a chuckle. "That packed one hell of a punch, though I'm surprised it only temporarily paralyzed most of my body." Reno started walking around like nothing happened, but he still felt a bit fatigued.  He notices Ruby and Hanako near a tree and shouts, "So, I take it you two enjoyed the show?"

@Clair Seiker

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Leo Radomir
"I was planning on doing that anyway. As much as I love training, can't do that without my body shutting down on me in the process." Solace came over, along with Ebalon, to help him up, and he accepted their assistance. "Well, nice to feel the effects wearing off," he said with a chuckle. "That packed one hell of a punch, though I'm surprised it only temporarily paralyzed most of my body." Reno started walking around like nothing happened, but he still felt a bit fatigued.  He notices Ruby and Hanako near a tree and shouts, "So, I take it you two enjoyed the show?"

@Clair Seiker

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Leo Radomir

"Tch... I just held back. It would give me a bad reputation if I had severely injured an elite. A human like me." She said as she crossed her arms. Ebalon whispers. "There's the tsundere~"

@Eternal Dragonchild@Leo Radomir
Raiven gave him a salute before disappearing into the depths of the clouds. She arrived in the breakroom of the security officers near her dad's office. The hellhounds had shifted into two hulking Rottweilers and an Alsatian. She donned a jacket, gun and radio before heading out, the two Rottweilers trailing behind her as she led Feiron on a lead towards Arlane's office. Upon reaching it she knocked on the door gently


(If you're doing the demon) 

The demon unleashes shock waves of anti magic and gravity aiming to crush her and her pets in the process, and hopefully him as well. Ruby looks at the girl and coldly smirks and then looks back to reno with a blank look in her eyes that says it all.
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Reno having felt something off, notices the shockwaves coming at Raiven. Using what little stamina he has, he gets up and tackles Raiven away from the attack's path. "That was close, anti magic and gravity is a nasty combo," he said. Darius shows up in time to see this and shouts at the demon. "Hey, hell's reject, let's dance." "Dad, what the hell are you doing?" "Something I haven't done in years...being a hero. Ruby, get Reno, Hanako, and Raiven to safety and find Ray. I'll buy you some time." Reno was about to get up and help but felt a stinging sensation on his leg. 'Damn, the shockwave must have hit my leg when I pushed her out of it's path.' He looks over at Raiven. "Raiven...are you okay?"

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild
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Raiven dusted herself off, standing up on shaky legs "I hate gravity magic. Feiron, Malzahn, Cheralon are you three ok" The three hounds barked a confirmation  She looked around for her father, seeing him crushed beneath a wall "Father" She called out, dashing towards him, using lightning to aid her approach. She nods her answer to Reno.

She grabbed some of the bricks, throwing them to the side.

Hanako ducked down behind the trees, dragging the two human students with her. Motioning them to be quiet she created a series of protective panelling

@Clair Seiker


@Leo Radomir
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Raiven dusted herself off, standing up on shaky legs "I hate gravity magic. Feiron, Malzahn, Cheralon are you three ok" The three hounds barked a confirmation  She looked around for her father, seeing him crushed beneath a wall "Father" She called out, dashing towards him, using lightning to aid her approach.

She grabbed some of the bricks, throwing them to the side.

Hanako ducked down behind the trees, dragging the two human students with her. Motioning them to be quiet she created a series of protective panelling

@Clair Seiker


@Leo Radomir

+ Solace and Ebalon Hernia +

~ Hernia Twins ~

The twins looked at Hanako wondering what was going on but they didn't speak since they were told to keep quiet. Assuming for their own safety. They kept close behind the tree, but were ready to fight back if the need arises. Soon, Ebalon whispered. "So what now?"
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Ray felt a sudden rumble from the nurses office. "Huh, we're being attacked? This early?" "Seems like it, should we find out what's going on?" Ray nods and picks up Luna, who looks like she's feeling a little better. "Wait," Liliana shouts, pointing at six bottles of some light blue liquid. "You may need to take those. I made them myself, out of boredom of course. They're revival potions, just pour it on top of a dying corpse or give it to them to drink it. It's fast acting so that way they'll feel like they didn't either die or become fatally wounded." Ray looked at the potions and smiled at Liliana, thankful for her making them for fun. He takes them, and Luna, and creates a portal to where he thinks the source of the explosion came from. When they arrive he finds Raiven trying to clear out the rubble. Feeling like something happened, he used his space magic to lift up the debris, and found Arlane alive, but barely conscious. "Luna, get these two out of here," he told her, handing her the potions before rushing off to fight whatever caused this.


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