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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"He-he could just be really busy. He's preparing a new law after all" Raiven spoke with a false cheeriness that didn't do much to hide her emotions "Or he forgot to charge his phone, he's in an important series of meetings" She began to list off reasons why her father wasn't in danger, getting more ridiculous with each passing sentence, the cream on the cake being "Maybe he's turned into a butterfly and is living in the schools gardens, happy and free" 

It was obvious that Raiven was trying not to think about her father being dead.

"Unfortunately, he is...or, he will be soon." "Then we still have time to intervene right? We could just go in, grab him, and transport him to some place the CDD can't find him." Darius wanted to believe it was possible that he's still alive, but he didn't want to break his friend's promise. "No, we cannot intervene," he sternly stated. "I know him, he'd rather accept his fate than to do something about it...besides, he promised me not to..." "NOT TO WHAT!? SAVE YOUR BEST FRIEND!?" Reno felt a mix of anger and sadness to hear that Darius wouldn't go out of his way to rescue his comrade. "ENOUGH, this is his choice, not mine!" Darius looked like he was about to cry himself, as much as he hated the idea of not doing anything, he couldn't break his promise. "If I wanted to, I could have sent bodyguards to protect him, I could have protected him myself...but he wanted to accept his fate, and he made me promise not to change it." 

@Eternal Dragonchild
Magnus had left Clair to meditate in training area 3 where his equipment had been set so that she could find where her barriers start and end. He decided he would walk about the school since he had felt some high level magical pressure coming from all around the school. After a bit the presences had vanished 'Convenient...' he thought to himself a little disappointed. As he wandered he had just come around the the cafeteria as Darius had mentioned Arlanes vision of his own death and he decided this was worth his time "I'm sorry for interrupting this great conversation but what am I hearing about Arlane dying at the hands of some one from an almost nonexistent group? I'm sorry Darius but I am starting to see how we ended up almost killing each other on various occasions. How could you not keep me in the loop about our friend dying" he said slightly distraught at his friends behaviour "I may be mad but I'm definitely not apathetic! If Asahi could see you now he would be more disappointed with you than I am" he said in mention of Homura's father who had been in the elite program with them. He remembered Asahi always doing the right thing even if it meant hurting himself. Asahi never did anything to benefit himself if it meant hurting others and for a time Magnus didn't understand it but now even after Asahi had passed he respected that man and tries to live up to that image of a man everyday "Asahi never would have kept this secret from his friends so why would you?" He said to Darius once again bringing up Homura's father.

@ShadowSaber331 @Mr Swiftshots@Eternal Dragonchild @Leo Radomir
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"Asahi was always someone that runs towards danger just to protect his friends. He's always betting his life even though he's fatigued, always wanting to be the hero. Well look where it's got hiim, if anything I'm glad the bastard's in his grave for being a careless idiot!" Reno, having heard enough, punched his father hard in the face. It was so strong that it created a shockwave that not only blew out the windows and pushed away all the tables, but it made everyone's skeleton rattle. "For you to talk about the dead like that is unforgivable," he said in a spiteful tone. "I suggest you take back everything you said, or I will release my barriers and show you what I've been holding back all this time."

"I want my daddy" Raiven whispered. She looked small and scared now she'd heard Darius mention about the CDD "Darius, where's my daddy?" She asked, using Luna to remain upright

She looked from Magnus to Darius and back to Magnus with round eyes. She'd never been this scared before.


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Magnus's hair and eyes flared up at Darius's words about his brother in law until Reno stepped in a punched him. He was surprised but he also didn't feel any more sorry for the reason it had happened "So you're saying you're glad my sister died because he was a careless idiot? You're saying that both my sister and the man she had married died because he was a careless idiot?!" He was about to lose it and his hair and eyes showed it. His hair had changed into the blue green flames and his eyes glowed with the same sort of colour pattern "How about it Darius? How about I make you take everything back that you said about my family!" He was furious about what was said and wanted to beat the apology out of Darius "Or are you going to apologize for dragging my nephews father and mothers names through the dirt?" He said with a firm sternness to his tone. "You know what I'll deal with this later! For now I'm going to Arlane and bringing his sorry ass back here and destroying any of this thugs if they try to get near him!" He said looking to the girl asking about his friend "You must be Raiven. Don't worry your father will be just fine, I'm going to make sure of it" he said with a smile, his hair changed back to normal and his eyes vacant of a glow. "Alright I need volunteers, preferably someone who isn't a student and isn't Darius" he said hoping to keep underage mages out of it and not wanting Darius to be involved.

@Eternal Dragonchild

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Magnus had left Clair to meditate in training area 3 where his equipment had been set so that she could find where her barriers start and end. He decided he would walk about the school since he had felt some high level magical pressure coming from all around the school. After a bit the presences had vanished 'Convenient...' he thought to himself a little disappointed. As he wandered he had just come around the the cafeteria as Darius had mentioned Arlanes vision of his own death and he decided this was worth his time "I'm sorry for interrupting this great conversation but what am I hearing about Arlane dying at the hands of some one from an almost nonexistent group? I'm sorry Darius but I am starting to see how we ended up almost killing each other on various occasions. How could you not keep me in the loop about our friend dying" he said slightly distraught at his friends behaviour "I may be mad but I'm definitely not apathetic! If Asahi could see you now he would be more disappointed with you than I am" he said in mention of Homura's father who had been in the elite program with them. He remembered Asahi always doing the right thing even if it meant hurting himself. Asahi never did anything to benefit himself if it meant hurting others and for a time Magnus didn't understand it but now even after Asahi had passed he respected that man and tries to live up to that image of a man everyday "Asahi never would have kept this secret from his friends so why would you?" He said to Darius once again bringing up Homura's father.

@ShadowSaber331 @Mr Swiftshots@Eternal Dragonchild @Leo Radomir

Ruby closes her eyes and then a couple of minutes later both ahunt and her sister densa come out and say" please boys life isn't so simple and noble like in fairy tails people die for a number of reasons and some people have the right to be anger about, however there's a way to go about dealing about it i'm not saying you don't have a right to be angry but keeping a hot heart and cool head is key if we want to win this war and not end up being scattered to the winds". " it took my sister a long time to start chaning but i'm happy she is, but back to biz were asking because we don't want to have to hurt fellow alyys if possible".
"Oh how would you know Magnus," he groaned, trying to get up from the impact. "When was the last time you put everything on the table only to lose it all? He bet his life and he lost, there's a reason there are no heroes in real life, because those very same heroes lost their lives over something completely unimportant." Ray, seeing that the situation might end up badly, picks up Luna and takes her to the nurses office, where he asks her to try and treat her for whatever possible sickness she has. He stood by her, as any boyfriend would, as she was being treated. "You're going to be fine Luna, I'll make sure of that."

Meanwhile, Reno, Darius, and Magnus were facing off with each other, until Gilzen shows up out of nowhere, hoping to stop the fight. "Enough, all of you," he shouts as he walks into the cafeteria. "All this fighting is getting us nowhere. Darius, there are such things as heroes, in fact, if it wasn't for the elemental master, we wouldn't have stories to tell our children. Ruby, Just because you choose to be realistic doesn't mean you have to be pessimistic, show a little optimism for god sake." Gilzen looks to both Reno and Magnus, who both looks at him out of confusion. "You two, I get that you mean well, I really do, but heroics doesn't mean always putting yourself in harm's way all the bloody time. You gotta learn to think about the cause and effect before rushing into danger." "But what about Arlane, we can't just let him die." "If he wants to die, then fine, it's his fate to decide, not yours." Reno sighs and lets go of his anger. "I know you don't want to see your friends suffer, in fact, I find that admirable, but there are some things you can't control." "I always hated not being able to do anything to help." Gilzen walks over to Reno and places a hand on his shoulder, smiling all the while. "I know, it's a pain in the ass to deal with, been there before lad. But you need to learn to keep a calm mind and a level head in all situations and not let emotions cloud your judgement." "He's right master, you've shown me that you were able to keep your emotions in check the last time. I understand you want to defend the deceased's honor, but like Ahunt and Densa said, there are other ways to handle it." Reno took a couple of deep breaths, and felt himself calming down. Gilzen chants a spell and puts everything back in order, the windows were fixed, the tables were back to it's normal places. It was almost as if a father/son fight to the death never happened at all. Reno sits down on the table and thought about what could have been different before things got out of control. 

"Well, now that you're here, I think we can start with training." Ruby creates a portal into the spirit realm and walks inside, expecting Reno to follow. He gets up and walks through it himself. "Why are we here again?" "You got lucky fighting off the archangel, even if you were holding back. You need to learn their trick so that you can counter them before things go out of hand." "Okay...so, why are you training me? Last I recalled you didn't want anything to do with me." Ruby turned around and place a hand on her hip, with a sly, smug expression on her face. "Well, now is a good a time to prove your worth again."

@Leo Radomir (Well, what do you think)


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"I'm fine with accepting that there are somethings that I can't control but it doesn't mean I can't try! And what that bastard said about my kin can't be ignored!" He said as he acknowledged the man "If anything can be done, it's beating the regret into Darius if it's the last thing I do" he was enraged at Darius's ignorant comment and wanted to finish what Darius had started. "How about it Darius should we settle this like men or are you going to run away like a coward?" He looked down at Darius with his glowing eyes and fiery hair "I'll make you regret every last word that left your moth a moment ago!" He picked Darius up by the collar of his shirt and dragged him out to one of the empty stadiums and tossed him to the other side. He noticed all the students watching but paid no mind to them "You've been challenged by former rank 2 Elite code name: The Mad Warlock. Now get ready! I don't pick on weak defenceless scum like you" he said with no hesitation as he made a flame appear around both his fists. @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild
"Fine then, former rank 3 Elite code name: Soul Reaper, ready for combat." With a flick of the wrist, Darius creates six demonic swords behind him. "If fighting you will help quell your anger, than so be it." 'Heh, just like old times. Me and him, always settling our feuds on the battlefield. Though I'm getting the feeling that it's gonna be a deathmatch than a simple match.'  A mysterious man enters the arena and throws his sword in between them. "I swear, the fact that you two are fighting is beyond pathetic. Why don't you just apologize to Magnus so that we don't need any more casualties in this school?" "Exacly, so why don't you two end the stupidity now before you put everyone else in danger...again." Darius shifted his gaze between the man, Magnus, and Incas before making the blades dissipate. "You're right, I'm sorry Magnus. I never should have stained your sister's honor, as well as Asahi's. I hope you can forgive me."  Incas sighs before taking a seat somewhere with the mysterious figure. They were lucky that they managed to prevent a fight and save a few innocent students in the process. "By the way...um." "Ezreal." "Incas...so Ezreal, have you seen Ruby? I've been meaning to tell her something but I couldn't find her." "Hell if I know. I just got here, as I am looking for my son Issac."

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Raiven stood to the side "If you won't help him, I will" She stared both Darius and Magnus down, her gaze identical to the one Arlane used when annoyed "If you want to stop me, you're welcome to try. Don't think I'm gonna let you get off easy" 

She turned and left towards the gathering storm behind her, the wind disturbing her hair. Sighing she stopped just short "Sure, it may be his fate to die, but after that? It's anyone's game and I know the game of reincarnation so that's what we'll play"


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Hazel just walked in the cafteria as she was humming a song as she was happy as she saw as she got worried" raiven" she say as she just looked at her as she just was worried' whats wrong with sissy' she thought as she try to follow her friend" wait let me help i know i'm human i don't care i do anything to help my friends" she say as she looked at her with a serious look as she just was worried about her friend she had to do something for her she didn't know what she just was being fidgity a bit she was happy that she could help her" just tell me what i can do and i'll help" she say as she just looked at her' she always been there for me it's my turn to repay her she was there for my mum's there she were always there now it time for me to repay her somehow' she thought @Eternal Dragonchild

Luna just looked at her boyfriend as she was confused she felt hot' i feel hot' she thought as she just looked around" i sworry" she say her speech was off a bit she just looked at her boyfriend as she was seeing her father but it wasn't her father it was only her imagination she just lay down as she just sighed" i'm sworry you see me sick" she say as she coughed up blood she had a curse on her that was placed on her by her father she just cover her mouth seeing the blood on her hand she was scared" what the blood for i thought i sick" she say as she just looked at him trying to know what was going on" take me to lilana or dalius they know about this stuff" she say as she coughed more blood up she was scared she was going to die' maybe it a curse the gun shot maybe the bullet had a curse on it' she thought @ShadowSaber331
Ray was shocked to see that Luna was suffering the same curse that was inflicted onto both her mother and onto Ruby. He was about to go out to find Liliana, until he heard her voice. "Um, I'm still here you know, I didn't even leave the office." Liliana takes out a potion that, when prepared properly, was said to lift all curses. It was a very difficult potion to make, and the ingredients needed for it were very hard to find, she gives to potion to Luna and hopes for the best.

"Look, if you want to save your father, then go. But do you have the slightest idea of where he is?" Darius asked sternly. "He didn't even call you, he never returned my texts, if anything he's trying to hide his location from us...and we can't trace him because he hid his mana signature."


@Eternal Dragonchild
Luna just coughed a bit as she took the medicne' man thats horrible' she thought as she sat up a bit so she can take the medicne as she looked at liliana as she didn't know she didn't leave she just put her head to her knees as she just sighed she didn't know why her dad wanted her dead' why does he want me dead i didn't do anything to him why does he want me dead for what' she thought as she just smiled looking at the bed not looking up at her boyfriend and liliana she was feeling horrible why her father wanted her dead she felt tears coming down her face she just wanted to cry she felt horrible" why does he want me dead liliana shy would he want me dead i didn't do anything to upset him i don't even know him that well" she cried as she just looked at them as she was crying a bit looking up at them @ShadowSaber331
Raiven stood to the side "If you won't help him, I will" She stared both Darius and Magnus down, her gaze identical to the one Arlane used when annoyed "If you want to stop me, you're welcome to try. Don't think I'm gonna let you get off easy" 

She turned and left towards the gathering storm behind her, the wind disturbing her hair. Sighing she stopped just short "Sure, it may be his fate to die, but after that? It's anyone's game and I know the game of reincarnation so that's what we'll play"



Isaac shows up and sighs and says" your just like the other fools letting your emotion get the better of you it's no wonder why ruby and ray pushed so hard to get things redo lots of people work hard and are kind but if were that easy and so on but even as a human and I can see why there's so many issue with the set up my fight with homura proved many aren't anywhere near ready". " i'm not saying being a hero is always a bad thing their needed to a point but just going off like a headless chicken is wearing a sign saying shoot me in the back" " Also at some point your power will come to bite you i'm not saying this to be nasty i'm saying this because the vampire blade I used has almost killed me in the past and that's why I learned to be more careful" " Your welcome to be mad but I've buried far to many for some one my age and I don't wish to see more meet that fate if possible, also you should accept the help of that ray guy he's very wise and smart for his age".
1 hour ago, ShadowSaber331 said:

Ray was shocked to see that Luna was suffering the same curse that was inflicted onto both her mother and onto Ruby. He was about to go out to find Liliana, until he heard her voice. "Um, I'm still here you know, I didn't even leave the office." Liliana takes out a potion that, when prepared properly, was said to lift all curses. It was a very difficult potion to make, and the ingredients needed for it were very hard to find, she gives to potion to Luna and hopes for the best.

"Look, if you want to save your father, then go. But do you have the slightest idea of where he is?" Darius asked sternly. "He didn't even call you, he never returned my texts, if anything he's trying to hide his location from us...and we can't trace him because he hid his mana signature."


@Eternal Dragonchild




"Simple, I'll head to the houses of parliment, then to 10 Downing street" Raiven smiled, having figured out her plan to locate her dad "Unless he's already dead and that's why you can't pick up on him. Or you're useless as the King of lower hell and I should surpass you?" Raiven was furious that they hadn't done anything to at least check if he was still alive. Suddenly she had an idea "He left his jacket in my room. He can't change his scent. I can use Feiron to track him"

She turned to Hazel "My dad's missing and according to old useless, he's got an assassin after him. Really really could have done with knowing that. They say I cannot find him. Isaacc, are you coming with me?"

 @Leo Radomir

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Hazel just looked at her friend" i don't doubt you your strong you can find him you got me and your boyfriend and everyone i can even help you" she say as she looked at her she was whilling to help even she know she probably get hurt she didn't care she was brave enough to go" just give me a chance i know how to track things to" she say" plus i'm good at hacking things" she say as she just looked at her" i'm whilling to help you out since your my best friend and if i had a chance to saved my mother from getting killed i would have done it so let me help anyway i can" she say as she looked up at her as she was smiling a little bit @Eternal Dragonchild
"Simple, I'll head to the houses of parliment, then to 10 Downing street" Raiven smiled, having figured out her plan to locate her dad "Unless he's already dead and that's why you can't pick up on him. Or you're useless as the King of lower hell and I should surpass you?" Raiven was furious that they hadn't done anything to at least check if he was still alive. Suddenly she had an idea "He left his jacket in my room. He can't change his scent. I can use Feiron to track him"

She turned to Hazel "My dad's missing and according to old useless, he's got an assassin after him. Really really could have done with knowing that. They say I cannot find him. Isaacc, are you coming with me?"

 @Leo Radomir


Isaac sighed and says" the hunters aren't going to just tell any old person my group has rules and such as well, my group and others have been looking for him but there seems to be something blocking us even if we can track his scent to street how do we go from there?"

" These guys are just your round of the mill assassins my group and others have lost many in our fight with them, we should at least consult with the master alchemist and hunters before we do anything else".
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"He's right, you can't fight them all off at once. Hell, Ruby and Ray have had some issues fighting them as well. You'll be dead WAY before Arlane is." Darius was regretting his choice for not wanting to help his friend, so he did what anyone would do in situations like these. "He told me that he'll be killed during an event that he'll be hosting. Do you know of any event that you father has planned Raiven?" "Listen, I know you're going to do something crazy, but if you even try to change his fate, you'll end up taking his place as well." "Who are you to say what I can or can't do?" "I'm Ezreal, Issac's father. Heed my warning you two, changing something that's been preordained will cost you your life. I've had to bury many of my friends because they tried to tempt it."

@Eternal Dragonchild
45 minutes ago, ShadowSaber331 said:

"He's right, you can't fight them all off at once. Hell, Ruby and Ray have had some issues fighting them as well. You'll be dead WAY before Arlane is." Darius was regretting his choice for not wanting to help his friend, so he did what anyone would do in situations like these. "He told me that he'll be killed during an event that he'll be hosting. Do you know of any event that you father has planned Raiven?" "Listen, I know you're going to do something crazy, but if you even try to change his fate, you'll end up taking his place as well." "Who are you to say what I can or can't do?" "I'm Ezreal, Issac's father. Heed my warning you two, changing something that's been preordained will cost you your life. I've had to bury many of my friends because they tried to tempt it."

@Eternal Dragonchild




She smacked Darius hard across the face, lightning crackling through the air "You're just like your son. You both always doubt me" She stood up, walking over to a first year to commander their laptop. Soon she'd pulled up the Government portal "Hey Hazel, can you get into here, I can pull up my father's diary from inside." She moved aside to allow Hazel access to the laptop. "Once I have his diary, I can use it to eliminate some events. Meanwhile I'm going to check on an event for today. His email is A.Darktower@MoJ.Gov.Uk"

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Magnus decided he would check on Clair before heading off to find Arlane "So miss amazing, have you made any progress?" He asked with certain enthusiasm "The point of the training to to find exactly where your subconscious limiters stretch to. Once we have that figured out we can move on to taking them down a little at a time while still maintaining your personality. From what the general had told me, that's your biggest flaw when you remove your limiters is that you lose your sense of self and can hurt anyone with no remorse. Be them enemy or ally" he finished his explanation and then moved over to his work bench. After fiddling a little bit at his table he walked back with an identical collar similar to the one she was already wearing "This little device here will replace your old limiting band but with the added bonus of delivering a high powered electroshock if it measures your brainwaves matching that of the average sociopath with murderous or violent tendencies. So in theory it should help you learn to take down your limiters while still maintaining everything that makes up the compassionate Clair O'reily we all know and.....well you get the idea" he said before removing her old limiting collar and quickly placing on the new one "After enough time you should be able to control your powers no matter how angry you get. Soon enough if this all goes well your powers will be 100% yours" he got up from kneeling and then brushed himself off. He took out his phone and saw the blip labeled Arlane still in the same area it was in before "Well miss O'reily I will leave you to do some more meditation and maybe work on controlling your powers while I go and stop an attempted murder" he said before shooting up from the arena floor into the sky and then rocketing off toward London.

@Mr Swiftshots
She smacked Darius hard across the face, lightning crackling through the air "You're just like your son. You both always doubt me" She stood up, walking over to a first year to commander their laptop. Soon she'd pulled up the Government portal "Hey Hazel, can you get into here, I can pull up my father's diary from inside." She moved aside to allow Hazel access to the laptop. "Once I have his diary, I can use it to eliminate some events. Meanwhile I'm going to check on an event for today. His email is A.Darktower@MoJ.Gov.Uk"


Isaac follows and closes the laptop and says in a very pissed off ton" For fuck sake for once I wish the other students wouldn't let their emotions rule then this is why many others get pissed and amoungst other reasons and there's tenstion in the first place". " fathers right in one aspect but there is a way round this and that's why we need to talk to the others first, even if you tip him off they will have a plan b and c and so on fallen angels and greater demons are extremely smart" " kinka is one of the main arch angels and bloody sly one at that with some nasty ability's, i'm not saying magus isn't strong but raw power alone isn't going to cut it with a guy like him". " I know I may seem some what cold but you have a lot of protenial and your my friend and don't want to see you throw your life away"  
Hazel just followed raiven as she just looked at her as she nodded" yes ma'am i understand" as she smiled she didn't want raiven to get mad at her she just sat down as she stretched her fingers" okay here it goes" she say but she saw someone as she screamed as he slamed the laptop on the computer as she scream" WHAT THE HELL THAT HURTS" she yelled at the guy as she just rubbed her fingers as she just looked at him" we are just trying to find a way to save Raiven father you ass holes not doing natha nope so leave her alone" she say as she just glared at him  she picked up the computer @Leo Radomir @Eternal Dragonchild
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Hazel just followed raiven as she just looked at her as she nodded" yes ma'am i understand" as she smiled she didn't want raiven to get mad at her she just sat down as she stretched her fingers" okay here it goes" she say but she saw someone as she screamed as he slamed the laptop on the computer as she scream" WHAT THE HELL THAT HURTS" she yelled at the guy as she just rubbed her fingers as she just looked at him" we are just trying to find a way to save Raiven father you ass holes not doing natha nope so leave her alone" she say as she just glared at him  she picked up the computer @Leo Radomir @Eternal Dragonchild

Isaac smirks coldly and says" shut up and think for crying out loud do u really think for one minute that an arch angel that has lived for many many centuries doesn't know how tech works don't be so dumb if anything any encriped message through some animal would be a far safer better and when I say animal I mean one that can sneak under the rader". " your welcome to hate me and frankly I don't give a shit but this is a war not some game you can just walk away from if they capture you there's a high chance they will use Altima magic to kill you and that works outside of the laws of the dead because they kill you on different level do you want to know your slowly being ripped apart and there's nothing you can do about it"?

Ray is tending to luna and says" it's ok just rest please I didn't want to be pushy infront of the others as your boyfriend because what good would making a giant fuss to help you heal, i'll bring you some food in a few hours in the meantime i'll get you some water you can drink over the span of the night that will help in it's own way".
Magnus closed in steadily on Arlanes office to see that there were some unfamiliars in the room "Well now what do we have here" he said to himself as he flew straight into the window, forcing it open rather than breaking it. He landed with little difficulty only to find three students exactly where hey shouldn't be "What are you three doing here? This isn't a place for students to be!" He said to the three interrupting their conversation. He couldn't believe what was happening but he decided fit wasn't worth it to try and send them away and slow down his search. 'Screw if I'll just look for Arlane and get out of here' he thought to himself as he started using his phone to track the dot on the screen. According to the application the blip was right under him so he decided to try and figure out why until he found the tracker sitting in a drawer sitting by a nice large backed single chair "You seriously found it? And I fought I was clever sliding it under your skin when you were sleeping" he said as he picked it up and slid it in his pocket. "Kids there is nothing here worth mentioning. It's time you all went back to school before dinner. After that is bedtime for all the good little teenage elements" he said with a condescending tone in his voice. He began a program on his watch to take in any and all information encrypted or not and copy it to his own computer back at the academy "Where could you be..." he didn't know where his friend was but he didn't like the feeling he was getting.

@Eternal Dragonchild @Zeldafangirl @Leo Radomir

Homura had been meditating since Reno left and had been trying to find a way back into his subconscious but he had no luck "What can I do to get back in?" He asked himself as he continued meditating with the dragons all around focusing their power in a circle. While they focused a magic circle burned itself into the ground leavin a permanent mark all around Homura.

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