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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"Look, as much as I want too, he's capable of handling himself," Tenebris said with a smirk. "Plus, I did some digging into his thought, he's constantly pushing people away because of his past. One that involves him oh...I don't know, killing all of his friends and loved-ones by accident." Lux turns around to face his brother with a look of distain. "Why are you mentioning this now!? He didn't want to talk about that for a reason!" "Not like it matters 'Oh no, Reno's a merciless killer, everybody run,' I swear, he views himself as a curse because where ever he goes, misfortune seems to follow." "Oh come on Tenebris, it can't be that bad." Tenebris laughed so hard he fell off the bed and was rolling around on the floor. He gets up and sits back down on it and looks at his brother with an entertained look on his face. "You're joking, right? We both saw his memories and we seen some nasty proof. Hazel and Luna getting shot, Raiven getting shot, and raped, Homura putting himself in a coma and losing his powers, the constant near death experiences he's went through. Yeah, it's pretty damn bad bro, he has a history of having death and destruction plague everybody and everything around him, I'm surprised history didn't repeat itself with you two."

Reno noticed that the chains were breaking and retreated to gather his strength again. Placing an anti-magic field around him, he pulls out a potion he made back in sophomore year that he said could "allow a wizard to regain his stamina and mana during a battle." Feeling like it was his last resort, he drinks it, and later passes out, possibly from the side-effect of the potion.

Xena went back inside knowing that the others were inside as well and pulls out her phone. As she was looking through her messages, a new one from Luna shows up, telling her that she was joining the band and that she had something else to tell her. 'Okay Luna, I'll meet you in the cafeteria, I'm getting pretty hungry after that long trip. You should probably eat too, you'll need the nutrients for your wounds to heal properly.'

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild


Kinka laughs then says" Not bad but in a war there is no rest more times than not remember that, as for allowing I would of had your friend broken the rules I've also lost interest in this fight and don't plan to let the witch drain me of my mana because given enough time I would be a lot weaker". He loses a fair bit more but uses his will to keep going and then breaks the rest and then reshapes and then flys off with some off the other angels. Ray is some what sore but is still able to stand and shakes his head and says" That was a tough battle and he didn't even use his battle form like reno did were going to need the help of master hunters and grandmasters to take him down and I could do with some food i'm hungry after all that fighting".

Ruby grins and as she hears everyone and says" Don't compare us some weaklings till I die at the age I want i'll got through many more experinces and when he's ready i'll be waiting for him, as for the love i'll be his friend again but love for me and him is not on the cards right now and besides I really like haniko chan and besides when you think about it when a women truly loves a man he'll know it".
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Quick as the light that she controlled, Hanako kissed Ruby on the lips. She wrapped a hand into her hair to briefly deepen the kiss. Breaking away, the girl brushed Ruby's hair off her face. "You're so beautiful, Rubes. You make coming here to Sakura worth it. Sure I may miss home. I'll take you there one day"

@Leo Radomir
"I think he knows Ruby, hell, I saw him cry a few times screaming out 'I never should have pushed her away,' " Tenebris said as he tried not to laugh. "I swear, there has never been a day in the spirit realm that he's not moaning about losing his childhood crush." "Ugh, don't remind me." Lux felt Reno's energy suddenly go back to normal, signifying that the battle is over. "That battle is over, Nika has retreated. Let's go brother." Tenebris and Lux fuse together to check on Reno, who was asleep next to a tree. Feeling like he should wake him up, he bashes his head with his staff. "GAH, DAMN IT TO HELL," he shouted. "Why did you do that?" Reno looked around and saw that Nika, along with the other angels are gone. He stands up and walks around the battlefield, all while checking for any remaining angels that decided to stick around. As he was looking around, he finds that Ray was exhausted, but is still standing. "Yo, Ray," he shouts as he runs to him. "So, I take it he honored his word then? We need to gather everyone and come up with a game plan, 'cause I doubt they're gonna give up that easily." As he looks around some more, he askes, "Hey, where's Homura?"

@Leo Radomir
Homura quickly vacated the area as soon as the angels left. "Young one, you did well against the angel but as long as the one who trapped us prior still breaths no one is safe. You must get stronger before attempting to fight him again" Solaris spoke in his mind with a calm voice. "Child, the light dragon queen speaks the truth. Even with the four of us lending you our magic, it doesn't mean you're invinsible" said Ddraig toward Homura as he continued where Solaris left off. "Wait so I can't just go after him now? I'm not able to fight him even with your power behind me" he said toward the dragons as he made his way to the dragons cave outside the academy "Seriously though it was almost as though I couldn't touch him" he said remembering the little amounts of damage the angel had received from his attacks. "The Angel was only called away but he could have destroyed you and your friends. You don't have your origin either so a form similar to my brothers contractor is impossible" said Zero with no hesitation as he mentioned Homura's lack of power "Don't be so hard on the boy, he did save us from complete and total servitude for basically an eternity" said Volt with a grateful tone "Well how then should I get stronger? I can't just train like I used to because there is no method for raising someone's magic energy reserves" Homura said remembering his uncles research paper on energy amplifiers. "Maybe I'm not strong enough without my origin but it looks like I'll never see it again. Ifrit made sure of that" he said hinting at the rogue deity sitting in his sealed subconscious with his original self. *Hey Reno come to the Dragon cave just outside the campus. I have something to show you* he hit send on his text hoping his friend would show up.

Reno felt his phone buzz and saw a text from Homura, telling him to meet him near the Dragon cave. "Change of plans Ray, find Ruby and Hanako, tell them that we're meet with dad," he said. "We need a plan to defend this school, and Luna, from those fallen angels. In the mean time, I'm going to find Homura near the Dragon cave, he says he has something to show me." Reno looks around some more and finds some angels still lying around. He felt that their mana was drained and figured something out. "While you're at it, there are some angels here that are still barely alive" he continued. "I read in a book once that a being's life force holds the memories of their entire lives. Maybe with that we can figure out where their base of operations is." "Yeah, three problems with that plan. A. They're a lot smarter than they look, so they may have their life forces rigged as well, B. Just because we stopped Nika from destroying the school does not mean we're teammates. You still have a long ways to no, even longer now, before you can gain my trust, same for Ruby's as well. and C..." Ray punches Reno hard in the face. The sound of his jaw breaking and his skull cracking could be heard. Reno fell hard on his back from how strong the hit was and readjusted his jaw. "That's for being a selfish, reckless, asswipe. I swear, it's like you're a real glutton for punishment." Ray walks away to inform Ruby, but not before turning around and telling him. "If anything, we should let Homura do that." A grin crept across Reno's face as he was getting up, it'll be something to teach him not to charge in guns blazing. "Okay, anyway, I'll see if I can get him back here. See ya later." Ray watches as Reno teleports away, he then pulls out his phone and texts everyone. 'Luna, Darius, Ruby, meet me in the cafeteria, we need to discuss a few things...also, the fight left me kinda hungry so...yeah.'

Meanwhile, Reno finds Homura near the entrance of a cave. "So, what is it you want to show me?"



@Leo Radomir
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Luna just looked at her sister as she found her as she hugged her from behind" big sister" she say as she just was happy as she giggled" um i do have something to say to you where big sister ruby" she asked as she looked a bit sad she just looked at xena as she just sighed slightly she just looked around her as she sighed" i guess i tell you know i have to go back to auditons later on" she say as she just smiled as her stomach growled as she looked at her big sister as she just sat on the table she felt more comfortable with xena than to ruby she liked her more she just stretched a bit she was still healing but was taking it too hard she wasn't taking it easy she just looked at her sister @ShadowSaber331
Xena walked around the cafeteria and begun to take in the sights. While looking around the buffet, she took some burgers, a side of fries, and a few slices of pepperoni pizza. She paid for her food and walks over to one of the open tables. As she placed her food on the table, she noticed a metal dome nearby. 'Wow, I feel bad for whoever's gonna clean that up. Can't believe a "Sex Dome" is still a thing.' As Xena started eating her food, she notices Luna walking towards her. When she sat down, she listened to her mentioning something about her wanting to go to auditions. "Nice, it's been a while since I've been in the band," she said. "So, what instrument do you play? I play the Clarinet."

Luna just looked at her sister as she just smiled" i play the violen mom used to play it right before the curse" she say as she looked up" oh hey i know what carrer i wanna be finally i want to be a potion master like your mom" she say happily as she got out her lunch box she was a vegterian so she don't eat the food at the cafteria as she just smiled" do you wanna come and hear me play" she say" it be nice i mean i just want to spend some time with my big sister" she say as she was somewhat nervous" i mean ruby is always busy with work i know she kill people but still i just want some attention like mom did to me she always had tome for me" she say tearing up a little bit as she sighed" sorry it's hard you know being alone not having a mother" she say @ShadowSaber331
Quick as the light that she controlled, Hanako kissed Ruby on the lips. She wrapped a hand into her hair to briefly deepen the kiss. Breaking away, the girl brushed Ruby's hair off her face. "You're so beautiful, Rubes. You make coming here to Sakura worth it. Sure I may miss home. I'll take you there one day"

@Leo Radomir

Ruby enjoys then moment and rubs her hand along her back and playfully over her then hear's her phone buzz then says" It seems ray is texting me we'll have to continue our fun later and yeah that sounds great I don't have a home to take you to but there is some one you should meet he's an interesting god". Ruby takes out her phone and sees the message and grins and then gently taps hanikos back one last time before letting go and opening thee door and heads out and waits out side the door for her.

Ray gets is about to head into the care fiterial when he gets a call from ruby's brother incas and he picks up and says" long time no speak sir I got to admit it's unusual for you to call me is there anything I can help you with"

Ray hides in a space pocket and waits for him to speak and after a minute or so incas says" noo i'm all sorted on this end but you know I feel kind of bad about being so tough on ruby in particular I didn't want people on top of home issues to take advantage of her so I taught her how to be a hard ass, but in the last few years I've learned a lot of things and I know she respects me greatly and follows my orders for the most part but for some reason in kinda hurts". " I may not have a right to talk and feel this way after the part of damage I did but I remember when she used to cook and make tea and hug me as I came home or when I could welcome her home, so somehow I want to make up for raising her badly and change our real to the way it used to be".

Ray sighs and says" I don't have a lot of experiences in this area however I do understand that your not one to say something or do something with out thinking it through yes in a lot of ways she's hard to talk and deal with for a lot of people but thanks to you and her we can both rise and help people in out own way, people like us aren't born to be liked by everyone it's the nature of our work but I want to keep working with ruby not because you and her saved me but because even in all of her darkness there's a little bits of light and warmth that sometimes shine though". " As for luna she means well but given her her personality I can see why she rubs people the wrong way but she's a sweet women and happy she's my girlfriend".

After several more minutes about talking about many different things they say good bye and then ray hangs up and heads to the cafeiteria and he sees luna and sneaks behind her and playfuly slides under her and leans on her shoulder and waits for her to talk.

@Eternal Dragonchild
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"I know how that feels," she says, feeling a bit glum from her time spent traveling around the world. "I never had much of a traveling companion, it was just me and the wind blowing. Besides, we'll have lots of fun together. Anyway, I think you should tell dad that you want to be a potions master, I think he'd be either thrilled or surprised."

Darius walks into the cafeteria after getting a text from Ray. He was curious as to what he wanted to talk about regarding the fallen angels now that they're here, though when he arrived, he notices Ray having a bit of fun with Luna. "Looks like you two are enjoying yourselves," he said as he walks towards the table. Darius then smells the air and looks around to find a metal dome open. "Sex dome, really, THAT'S still a thing?" "I know right!?" "Of course I can imagine Reno and Ruby doing that, those two remind me of me and Lily. I was the hardhead and she was already trying to make sure I'm not dead by morning. Heh, like father like son I suppose." He takes a seat next to Xena, who tells him, "Well dad since you initiated story time, Luna here has one to tell you first." "Really now, what is it my dear?"

@Leo Radomir

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Hanako smiles and changes into something more practical, taking her bamboo cane in hand. She stepped out of the dorm room, locking it behind her. "So what do we have to do?" she asked, brushing her hair off her face. She now wore a leather jacket, jeans, button up shirt and ballet pumps. 

"I hope I do not have cause to use this." she said, pointing to her cane "It comes tight"

@Leo Radomir
Luna just got a bit scared when ray snuck behind her and slid next to her as she looked at them as she was nervous about telling them her story" alright i go to the begnning when i was little i always wanted to be just like my mom when i grew up but everything went down the drain when she was cursed i lost myself i didn't know who i was anymore i didn't think i derserve to live when my mother died" she say as she sighed" when i came to live with ruby she was a hard one but i loved her even though she tried to protect me from harm even from stepmother now she's in jail for hurting me and ruby now i'm here in this school i'm trying to find myself for who i am i made good friends and i have a family again and i have a good boyfriend that loves me" she say as she held onto ray hand as she looked at darus as she smiled" i going to be a potion master i'm sorry for trying to scarfice myself the past couple years i didn't think i was worth living i just wanted to be with my mother" she say as she looked at them" all i want now is a family that loves me that don't hit me that hugs" she say as just sighed @ShadowSaber331
"You was so depressed about your mother passing that you thought you was alone. Trying to get yourself killed will do more harm than good, I'm sure a lot of people told you that, including my son." "I think it fits somewhere between selfish and stupid. Killing yourself just to escape mean leaving everyone who has loved you all this time." "My thoughts exactly, especially since killing yourself mean leaving a lot of hearts broken in the process." Darius took a deep breath, taking in everything else Luna has told him. "I'm glad that you decided to become a potions master, that way you'll be with me and Liliana in case you have do another suicide attempt, and believe me, I rule lower hell, I've seen people who have committed suicide suffer greatly. Ever heard of the saying "Not knowing what you have until it's gone?" Well, that's the torture down there."

Hanako smiles and changes into something more practical, taking her bamboo cane in hand. She stepped out of the dorm room, locking it behind her. "So what do we have to do?" she asked, brushing her hair off her face. She now wore a leather jacket, jeans, button up shirt and ballet pumps. 

"I hope I do not have cause to use this." she said, pointing to her cane "It comes tight"

@Leo Radomir

Ruby smiles gently then says" it never hurts to be prepared that's for sures as for why we need to head down to the cafeteria to talk about a plan to fight the fallen angels this time we got lucky angels aside I hope my sister has woken up from her stupidity I know i'm hard to deal and i'm tough on her but her and my older brother are the only direct ones in my huge family that understood me but like me and luna we didn't fully form the right bond due to having our respective duties", do I hate him no but it's hard for me to not be very formal with him more times than not".  Ruby continues to walk down the halls towards the destination their ment to be at and smiles softly feeling a little better about being able to talk about her past.

Ray smiles gently and says" so that's how you see it but i'm glad your in a much better place again, would you be a sweetheart and get me some ramen and some dumplings and so on I could eat a horse as for the other half of that story at some point we'll need to sit down with her and talk but for right now".
1 hour ago, Leo Radomir said:

Ruby smiles gently then says" it never hurts to be prepared that's for sures as for why we need to head down to the cafeteria to talk about a plan to fight the fallen angels this time we got lucky angels aside I hope my sister has woken up from her stupidity I know i'm hard to deal and i'm tough on her but her and my older brother are the only direct ones in my huge family that understood me but like me and luna we didn't fully form the right bond due to having our respective duties", do I hate him no but it's hard for me to not be very formal with him more times than not".  Ruby continues to walk down the halls towards the destination their ment to be at and smiles softly feeling a little better about being able to talk about her past.

Ray smiles gently and says" so that's how you see it but i'm glad your in a much better place again, would you be a sweetheart and get me some ramen and some dumplings and so on I could eat a horse as for the other half of that story at some point we'll need to sit down with her and talk but for right now".


Hanako smiled, holding onto Ruby's hand "Letus get this done so I can share more of my home with you" She sounded slightly annoyed at the interruption. She  took her seat at the table, hand ghosting over Ruby's back with a grin 
Homura turned to look at Reno "Hey remember when we found that dragon outside the school in that clearing not to far from here?" He said remembering the injured dragon that had made the pact with Reno "Well I have something to show you inside the cave" he began leading his friend farther into the cave until they made it to the heart cavern. Homura could hear Ddraigs objection "We still do not know this boys allegiances. It could end up dooming you and your other friends" he said inside Homura's mind "Its fine I trust him with my life. That says a lot about him as it does me" Homura said out loud in response to the dragons warning. Homura focused on his arm and back before taking off his jacket and revealing the new dragon kings familiars tattoos as they glowed intensely "Reno I introduce to you the three lost dragon kings Solaris, Volt, and Zero. Also meet Ddraig the red dragon emperor of legend" Homura's voice sounds distorted but also much clearer and almost divine. With in moments the four dragons appeared out of thin air within the cavern behind Homura all glowering down at Reno "I am Ddraig, the eternal flame dragon king. It is a pleasure to meet my students most trusted ally and another dragon pact holder" said the massive red dragon toward the small white haired boy. Zero looked at the white haired child inspecting the holder of his brothers contractor "My name is Zero, the frozen winter dragon king. You hold Raziels contract. I would like to see my brother again if you don't mind" he said toward the boy with intensity in his voice. Homura looked at Reno "Its okay man trust me these four are friends. You can trust them. Or if not them you can trust me" he smiled at his friend as he stood at the foot of he dragon lords.

Luna just looked at ray as she just nodded as she smiled" sure" as she just got her boyfriend the food he wanted as she smiled" here ray" she say as she looked at Darius" you mean i'm staying she sat back down" um Darius you mean i'm staying with you guys i know i'm better now i don't feel like killing myself anymore i feel happiness for the first time in a long time" she say as she just looked at him" i was depressed for a long time i didn't know how to express it to other people not even to ruby" she say as she look at them as she giggled a bit" don't worry about me anymore i don't get deprresed like i do i just don't know what i'm going to with my dad that trying to kill me i'm afraid" she say to them as she was eating" i'm sorry for telling you all this i just wanted you to understand me to see through my eyes" she say as she yawned a bit" do i really have to tell ruby ray" she say pouting a bit @ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
"I see, well, at least you're better, and don't worry, we'll keep you safe from your father." Darius looked around and saw Ruby and Hanako approach them. He clears his throat at the fact that everyone is here...almost everyone. "Well, now that everyone is accounted for," he said. "Almost everyone, as I'm sure Reno went off somewhere. Sometimes, I wonder if he's overdoing his training. You wanted to talk to us about something Ray?"

Reno looked over at Homura and then at the three elder dragons, one of them asking for Raziel. He takes a deep breath, nods at Homura, and says, "Alright, I'll get him out." Reno walks toward a large clearing, his right hand covered in ice. When he reached a certain distance, he punches the ground, creating a snowy shockwave. The snow collects in the air, forming a ball, then the dragon breaks out of it, landing softly in behind his master. "It is good to see you again, brother," said Raziel. "How I have longed for the day we will reunite after the purge."

@Leo Radomir


Luna just looked at ray as she just nodded as she smiled" sure" as she just got her boyfriend the food he wanted as she smiled" here ray" she say as she looked at Darius" you mean i'm staying she sat back down" um Darius you mean i'm staying with you guys i know i'm better now i don't feel like killing myself anymore i feel happiness for the first time in a long time" she say as she just looked at him" i was depressed for a long time i didn't know how to express it to other people not even to ruby" she say as she look at them as she giggled a bit" don't worry about me anymore i don't get deprresed like i do i just don't know what i'm going to with my dad that trying to kill me i'm afraid" she say to them as she was eating" i'm sorry for telling you all this i just wanted you to understand me to see through my eyes" she say as she yawned a bit" do i really have to tell ruby ray" she say pouting a bit @ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir

Ruby smiles and then says" I wasn't around for the first part but i'm glad you've snapped out of the stupid mode and I hear through Isaac your learning how to make potions that's great but to biz we need to start straining people in anti mana and other aspects to fight off the angels". " I want this to be known now that I don't care what clair thinks or says when it comes to homura if he can't do what me and the master hunters say while training then he can get stuffed yes that makes me a cow but i'm sick of burying fools that rush off with out a plan and also if the other heads aren't going to help me then the least they can do is not mess with my job".

Ray stops for a moment and says" not just what ruby said but I feel we should do some team warm up and knowledge test to help get people used to new requirements  needed before training, also I don't want to sneak around so if the heads have a problem with the way things are done then their welcome to talk to us about it how ever if it's just a waste of my time I won't bother and continue to work with the ones that do want to work with me and ruby".

Ray goes back to eating his food while waiting for people to take in what's said, I can understand why ruby is like this many can't let go of their pride but as said before things need to change to fix a broken system.
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Luna just looked at her friends and her big sisters" i know you weren't with me at that time i was always with stepmother but i'm happy i have you as a sister it makes my life happier no more scary stepmother" she say as she just looked at her as she shut her mouth as she sighed looking around as she was realizing she wasn't feeling good but ignored it her face was pretty red she haven't taking it easy" yeah i'm gonna be the best potion master someday it's my dream yeah i can't do what you do at your job but i'll help you if you need healing" she say as she just looked at her as she looked at xena as she just place a shoulder on her as she just yawned a bit feeling her head heating up a bit" but with father after me trying to kill me i feel the same way i did when mom died but i'm trying to ignore that feeling i just so tired of running away i'm so tired of it why does my father wants me so bad i'm nothing to him he left years ago why now why try to take me away from here" she say as she just smiled a bit she just looked at ruby as she had her head on xena she wasn't feeling good at all her head was heating up she didn't know why @Leo Radomir  @ShadowSaber331
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"Hmm, I see. In that case, Ruby, Ray, I'll need you two to train the Elites for the next time those fallen angels strike. Having seen their powers and abilities, I think they make exceptional Elites. They may have their quirks, but they know how to work with each other's strengths and cover each other's weaknesses. They pass my re-evaluation. Maybe you two should learn from them as I have." He was beaming to see how much they're starting to improve upon themselves in the matter, and how each of them showed how great they are in their own way. "But, they still need to learn how to handle different beings other than just elementals, that's where you two come in. But..." Darius felt a bit uneasy after the battle was over. He was amazed, also a bit proud, by how Reno was able to take out a few fallen angels by himself, but something else bothered him to an extent. "I've noticed something before. Reno was able to take out five angels, and I sensed him using his armor...but he didn't release his seals to do so. I don't know if I should be proud or concerned." "Speaking of concerned, I think Luna's running a fever." Darius placed his hand on her forehead and felt it burn up. "Dad, we need someone to treat her." Xena looks over at Ray and Ruby, hoping they know what to do in this situation. "Hey, you two can help, right? I mean, it may be some sort of fever, but I want a second opinion on the matter."

@Leo Radomir
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Raiven walked in, taking a seat near Darius "I can take her to the nurse, if needed" she offered, referencing Luna's condition  with a wave of the hand. She took a look at Luna again "It's good to see you again, is your chest alright now?" she asked her friend, getting up to enclose her in a hug.

Luna felt small and delicate In Raiven's arms as the brunette hugged her.

@Leo Radomir


"Perhaps I've misjudged you Raiven," he said, his voice hinting in sincerity. "You've shown that you're able to help out your friends in times of need. I'm sorry for doubting your capabilities." Xena looked over at her father, who looked like he regretted his choices. "I know you mean well Dad, but sometimes, that doesn't mean you know what's best." "I know, I told Reno this a long time ago. Maybe it's time I took my own advice...and maybe I should learn from him as well."

@Eternal Dragonchild
10 minutes ago, ShadowSaber331 said:

"Perhaps I've misjudged you Raiven," he said, his voice hinting in sincerity. "You've shown that you're able to help out your friends in times of need. I'm sorry for doubting your capabilities." Xena looked over at her father, who looked like he regretted his choices. "I know you mean well Dad, but sometimes, that doesn't mean you know what's best." "I know, I told Reno this a long time ago. Maybe it's time I took my own advice...and maybe I should learn from him as well."

@Eternal Dragonchild


"Darius. I was an asshole before. Hazel taught me that you didn't need to be an elemental to be brave" She smiled as she held Luna, cradling the girl. "Have you heard from Dady, he's not returning my calls, neither is his secretary. I fear that something bad has happened" She kept hold of Luna, looking Darius in the eyes
"I'll get Reno here." Darius texted Reno to meet him in the cafeteria. As seconds went by, Reno showed up, with a look of seriousness in his face. "What happened?" "Arlane hasn't been returning his calls from his own daughter...I fear something happened to him." Xena looked at her father, his face plastered with the look of both fear and sadness. "You know something, don't you?" Darius looked over to his daughter, and to everyone else and sighs. He didn't want to keep this secret for long, not while there's still a chance to save his old friend. "Arane had a vision, that he was going to be killed by someone from the Crimson Death Dancers." "WHAT!?" shouted Reno. He had never been this angry at his father before in his entire life. "You're telling us this NOW!? Why didn't you say anything!?"

@Eternal Dragonchild
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