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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"Of course, anything to get revenge on those angels." "I agree, it's about time we atoned for our wrong doings." "Especially since we're...um, how does the contract work again?" Zero groaned, having heard Solaris ask the one question every dragon should know. "How you are the dragon queen I can never understand. It means that we are to be his familiars," he explains. "Meaning that, since we're dragons as well, his amulet can draw out our powers so he can make it his own. My Ice, your Light, and Volt's lightning." Solaris blushed for having forgotten about that, again. She may be the dragon queen, but she has very poor memory. "Okay okay, I get it now. I really need to remember things more. But yeah, I'm ready."

"I'll admit, that was an interesting display of light magic." Xena was rather surprised that light can be used for such chaotic purposes. "I'll admit, physics and science is scary when implementing it in a more...chaotic nature. Hell, I'm still surprised when...matter of fact, when this is over, I got a lot of stories to tell you all about my little brother."

@GreyGremory (Well, looks like you'll be in control of all three dragons now that they accepted the idea)

@Eternal Dragonchild
Luna just woke up as she stood up as she just looked around she was feeling a bit better as she was reading a book about the potions as she just looked at them as she smiled" don't worry i'm better i feel better i gonna make some potions" she say as she smiled she loved making potions she just was watching the others as she was using some of her plants she was smashing them' lets see i need mint' she thought as she just smiled looking down" miss lilanana do you think you can train me how to make potions like you" she asked as she just smiled' whoa that is cool' she thought" i like to learn new things" she say as she just smiled looking at her as she just smiled @ShadowSaber331

Hanako Miakori

Hanako boxed off two angels in cubes of light, exploding them with a clap of her hands, the boxes shrinking rapidly to contain the energy of the explosion. 

She released the energy, causing the boxes to turn into shards of pure light which buried themselves into a third angel under her direction

"They may be weak to light magic but they aren't weak to the laws of physics, I simply contained the normal energy of an angel in a space around a tenth of the size and BOOM they explode" She smiled at Xena and Ruby "Physics and Science trumps again"


Ruby grinned and says" interesting way to do it but these are only middle class fallen officers and archs have ways of absorbing or nulling light or explosions and such also archs like nika there are siriously bad news they have a range of nasty ability's including soul ruption they don't even have to touch your for it to work". 

Ray smirked and says" if it was a normal high class yes it would be but this arch has a lot of experience i can feel the aura even though he's holding back, so we work with this plan chain maze". Ray jumps back and starts to quickly form a maze of thick black and grey chains to limit the archs moments. The arch doesn't show what he's thinking but secretly his acting one of his ability's 
Reno follows Ray and watches as thick chains merge together to form some sort of labyrinth. "Huh, chain maze, nice," he said in astonishment. "Though we might want to do this carefully. If all the angels are following his lead, he must be the archangel, and some of them have the ability to rupture your soul without even touching them...or so I've read in a few books. I'd be careful either way." Reno creates a few illusions of both him and Ray, the illusions then rush into the maze. "Those illusions will help me gauge what we're dealing with," he explains. "Unless you want to try your luck at fighting the Minotaur yourself." He started to laugh at his joke, for it was the perfect reference to the situation. @Leo Radomir

Liliana looked over at Luna, who asked her if she could learn how to make other kinds of potions. "Sure dear," she answered. :Though some of them are tricky to make, and some produce catastrophic result if done incorrectly. Let's start you with some basic potions first to get you started."  @Zeldafangirl
Luna just looat at Lilanna as she just smiled" yay thanks your the best" she say as she just smiled" okay i learn my heardest to learning how to make potions thank you teaching me how to make potions i mean i don't have anyone else to help me learn your the only one" she say as she just stood up as she looked at her" okay something simple sound good to me" she say as she just smiled looking at her @ShadowSaber331
Homura started getting anxious after hearing that those men from earlier were at the school "Okay that can't be good. I need to be able to go and help them" Homura was about to say more until Ddraig interrupted "Boy just know that this magic, although strong isn't a solution. You must regain your origin before long or this magic will kill you. As long as you understand that you will be fine. Your future looks bright as is" he said to Homura before allowing the three dragon kings perform the familiars ritual. When the ritual was complete Homura felt empowered but also felt very heavy. He could still move like he always had but he felt like he was carrying a weightless invisible mass on his shoulders. He found as well that he had new familiars marks on his arms. A lightning bolt shaped into a magic circle with a dragons claw in the centre that started at the top of his shoulder for Volt. Underneath it he saw a mark that looked like a sun with a dragons head and wings surrounding it which must have stood for Solaris. At the upper half of his forearm was a mark that looked almost like a dragon encircling his arm while also covered in ice and frost for Zero. "Incredible. Although I'm surprised that they were able to fit on my arm. Ddraig takes up the upper half of my back" he said while he examined the marks "Alrightt now to go and take care of Eragon" he said with a fire in his eyes. After running and jumping for a few moments he started to see the school coming back up in the distance with a figure flying over head but the area had been surrounded by a barrier 'Great they are going to make it hard to get in' he said  wishing they had just went to put the rest of the school in panic. He charged at the barrier with great speed "Fire Dragons Iron Fist!" His fist covered itself in bright intense flames as he punched at the barrier. The resistance from the barrier was almost to strong and knocked him backward after cracking "Alright now let's try that again" he said as he shared the cracked spot again "Shrink spell. 3cm tall" he said before completely shrinking while flying at top speed toward the. Rack in the force field. After some moments he finally flew threw the closing crack and landed on the ground at full size again "Really got to work on my landing" he said as he pulled himself to his feet and held his sides in pain "No time to waste. Have to get to my friends" he said as he ran toward the conflict with no intention of stopping. He started seeing a labyrinth forming as he got closer and decided he would go right on in if he was going to take out Eragon for enslaving the dragon lords. Homura started emitting a burning aura from his body as he ran through the maze turning in all different directions as he tried to find his target.


Hanako Miakori

"Thank you for the compliments." Hanako gave them a bow "Light can be soft and gentle or hard and dangerous" She smiled at them both, sitting down next to Ruby, hugging her leg "Shall we go get some snacks?" She asked, looking up at the two people she was with "I have Dango and matcha ice cream in my room"

Aubrey Dark

Aubrey sat in the cafeteria, phone in hand. She wanted to know what had happened when Raiven found her trombone

"Hey Arcy, did Raiven like my gift to her. It was beautiful in my eyes" 

She hit send, leaning back in her chair as she drank her coffee

Raiven Darktower/ Fern Vinison

Fern smiled at Hazel "You're a friend of my cousin then. I'm Fern but Raiven calls me Plants." She offered the girl her hand to shake as Raiven listened to a couple more auditions, this time flute players "One on the left is dreadful" She said, referencing the two flute players.

Hazel just looked at her as she just smiled" yes ma'am i friend of raiven she's also my roommate i'm the pionest i just joined um today" she say as she looked up at her she just cover her ears' man that sounds awful' she thought as she just looked at her" its nice to meet yoo" she say" i hope we can be friends like me and raiven are" she say as she just looked at her she shook her hand" i'm actually pretty alone my dad went jail but raiven makes me happy  i guess she's kinda like a family to me" she say as she just smiled looking at her as she just let go of her hand as she was being fidgity she was shy around new people @Eternal Dragonchild

Hanako Miakori

"Thank you for the compliments." Hanako gave them a bow "Light can be soft and gentle or hard and dangerous" She smiled at them both, sitting down next to Ruby, hugging her leg "Shall we go get some snacks?" She asked, looking up at the two people she was with "I have Dango and matcha ice cream in my room"

Aubrey Dark

Aubrey sat in the cafeteria, phone in hand. She wanted to know what had happened when Raiven found her trombone

"Hey Arcy, did Raiven like my gift to her. It was beautiful in my eyes" 

She hit send, leaning back in her chair as she drank her coffee

Raiven Darktower/ Fern Vinison

Fern smiled at Hazel "You're a friend of my cousin then. I'm Fern but Raiven calls me Plants." She offered the girl her hand to shake as Raiven listened to a couple more auditions, this time flute players "One on the left is dreadful" She said, referencing the two flute players.


Aubrey Dark

Aubrey sat in the cafeteria, phone in hand. She wanted to know what had happened when Raiven found her trombone

"Hey Arcy, did Raiven like my gift to her. It was beautiful in my eyes" 

She hit send, leaning back in her chair as she drank her coffee

Raiven Darktower/ Fern Vinison

Fern smiled at Hazel "You're a friend of my cousin then. I'm Fern but Raiven calls me Plants." She offered the girl her hand to shake as Raiven listened to a couple more auditions, this time flute players "One on the left is dreadful" She said, referencing the two flute players.



The angel twitches and says" Obnoxious little boys like you that aren't invited get a special gift". the spell activates a nasty dark purple and blood red eye activates on followed by orbs of raw pysic and non elemental start to follow all of the heat signatures at blinding speed making it pretty hard to dodge with out taking some damage.

Ray face palms himself and says" what he's doing to reckless can make our job ten times harder it doesn't take much for the angel to change his mind, and this is exactly why back then ruby and me left him to fend for himself back there without telling him our plan even though he still had the nerve to ask but it seems some one helped him out and why we pushed so hard for the system to redo because of course many others who were part of the original thought it was fair but they couldn't see cracks in the system that's why went went over their heads and spoke to your dad". 
Reno notices the flames inside the maze and facepalms himself. "God damn it, Homura," he shouts. "Ugh...as much as I hate to say this, but I REALLY hope he gets his soul ruptured." He mentally curses him for literally running into the thick of the fight, but he looks at the bright side of the situation, "Well, at least he'll keep the others busy so that they don't take a few pot shots on us." Reno felt one of the orbs wiz past him and ducked down. covering his head. When they all flew away, he got back up, sweat dripping from his forehead. "Speaking of pot shots, I almost got hit by one of those!"

Liliana turns to the page where a simple defensive potion is in. "Here we go, this one's a simple defense potion known as the 'portable barrier,' " she explains. "Some potions can be thrown to create something, not just ingested. This one's one of those few that once thrown can create a magical barrier of light to keep away invaders. If done correctly, it'll last for a long time."

@Leo Radomir

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Reno notices the flames inside the maze and facepalms himself. "God damn it, Homura," he shouts. "Ugh...as much as I hate to say this, but I REALLY hope he gets his soul ruptured." He mentally curses him for literally running into the thick of the fight, but he looks at the bright side of the situation, "Well, at least he'll keep the others busy so that they don't take a few pot shots on us." Reno felt one of the orbs wiz past him and ducked down. covering his head. When they all flew away, he got back up, sweat dripping from his forehead. "Speaking of pot shots, I almost got hit by one of those!"

Liliana turns to the page where a simple defensive potion is in. "Here we go, this one's a simple defense potion known as the 'portable barrier,' " she explains. "Some potions can be thrown to create something, not just ingested. This one's one of those few that once thrown can create a magical barrier of light to keep away invaders. If done correctly, it'll last for a long time."

@Leo Radomir


Ray grins then gently laughs and says" That's not very nice to say about your friend but yeah they smart like hell when they hit because of the mix their made of and with that lets use the chains to get closer while the angel is distracted with him". Ray jumps on the chains and starts to jump from one to the other to make it harder to hit him.

isaac came into the room and says" so your teaching her about potions my dad sent me two extra by accident so i'll give her one of them and i can help in teaching her by writing down some of the more complex stuff with in the notes".

Ruby grins and says" I'm hungry knowing her she'll probably stick around and it seems idiot has provided cover for them since he disrupted a sacred match as for how long the other two will last not sure but ray will be fine".
LUna just looked at him as she looked at the book she just was listening to lilana" i'll work with ya i mean i like working with plants stuff like that i don't think i woule be good working with my sisters plus i work good with plants i mean its my powers after all" she say as she just looked at them as she was looking at the books as she just looking at the ingredients" how do you make a potion" she say as she just looked at her as she just smiled" sure you can help me learning how to make potions" she say as shse just looked at the boy that worked in she just watched him looking at the books she was reading she was trying to make a simple potion with lilana and issac" i feel this is where i belong" she say smiling @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
Homura wasn't as surprised as he should have been when he saw the purple orbs but he still knew he wouldn't be able to dodge them completely "Seriously and to think I was fighting you first" he said as he dodged one after another. He kept dodging and even blocking some of the attacks but he looked away from them for a moment and got blasted in the chest with the last one and landed firmly on his back. He went unconscious for a few seconds before he felt a jolt of electricity shoot into him from his shoulder "What I'm up I'm up! Oh right I'm after Eragon" he said as he got up and brushed himself off *Hey Reno he's mine. He desecrated sacred ground and enslaved noble creatures that should never have been treated like that* he hit send and put his phone away unsure if his message even went through but he didn't care. His only thought was about taking Eragon down to his level. "Hey chicken-ater let's finish what you and I started earlier" he called out to the fallen angel before charging his next spell "Lightning dragons Heaven word halberd!!" He launched a spear shaped electric charge at the angel and landed a blow causing an explosion in mid air "Alright now let's go!" He said challenging the Demi god head on. 

Homura wasn't as surprised as he should have been when he saw the purple orbs but he still knew he wouldn't be able to dodge them completely "Seriously and to think I was fighting you first" he said as he dodged one after another. He kept dodging and even blocking some of the attacks but he looked away from them for a moment and got blasted in the chest with the last one and landed firmly on his back. He went unconscious for a few seconds before he felt a jolt of electricity shoot into him from his shoulder "What I'm up I'm up! Oh right I'm after Eragon" he said as he got up and brushed himself off *Hey Reno he's mine. He desecrated sacred ground and enslaved noble creatures that should never have been treated like that* he hit send and put his phone away unsure if his message even went through but he didn't care. His only thought was about taking Eragon down to his level. "Hey chicken-ater let's finish what you and I started earlier" he called out to the fallen angel before charging his next spell "Lightning dragons Heaven word halberd!!" He launched a spear shaped electric charge at the angel and landed a blow causing an explosion in mid air "Alright now let's go!" He said challenging the Demi god head on. 


The angel put up a ward to to reduce the damage from the attack and then says" Power word of the lost vinta magic breaker". Two grey hands form and a massive shockwave of air and anti mana energy rips through the maze smashing apart many of the chains with ease ray manages to just out of the way but gets by some of the shrapnel and winces a bit of pain as it embedded in some of his body and he's regen starts kicking in draining his mana faster. 
Homura was sent flying by the shockwave and was shot with pieces of shrapnel which caused him to pass out again from pain. While he was unconscious he started hearing a voice "Kid get up! Are you seriously going to let it end like this? Get up and fight. He has nothing on you trust me oh and sorry about before but here's your origin back. This will be the last time you see me forever so let me tell you I dont regret anything but I'm also sorry for how you were treated by me in the past. I'm going to keep Ifrit back so this is good bye" wig that true Homura had disappeared completely but Homura's magic had completely returned and had melted away some of the shrapnel stuck in his body. He felt a surge of energy and felt an electric shock once again "Alright already I get it! Alright Eragon, how about you come down here and fight like a man chicken!" He yelled up after struggling to his feet. He enveloped himself in green flames which drained more than half of his magic energy but he felt more able to fight than before he arrived at the scene. "Light dragons flash field!" He yelled as he created a ball of light in his palms and smashed it at he ground. In an instant, the entire area within 100 feet was covered in bright light. rhe area looked like it was under the effect of a continuous flash grenade and it made it near impossible to see. Homura tried his best to make it over to Ray who had been injured "Hey no need to thank the rash and impulsive dude not worthy of his title or anything" he said before bringing out a green flame and healing most of Rays injuries inflicting them on himself "Alright now what's the plan?" He asked with a slight sense of exhaustion.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
Homura was sent flying by the shockwave and was shot with pieces of shrapnel which caused him to pass out again from pain. While he was unconscious he started hearing a voice "Kid get up! Are you seriously going to let it end like this? Get up and fight. He has nothing on you trust me oh and sorry about before but here's your origin back. This will be the last time you see me forever so let me tell you I dont regret anything but I'm also sorry for how you were treated by me in the past. I'm going to keep Ifrit back so this is good bye" wig that true Homura had disappeared completely but Homura's magic had completely returned and had melted away some of the shrapnel stuck in his body. He felt a surge of energy and felt an electric shock once again "Alright already I get it! Alright Eragon, how about you come down here and fight like a man chicken!" He yelled up after struggling to his feet. He enveloped himself in green flames which drained more than half of his magic energy but he felt more able to fight than before he arrived at the scene. "Light dragons flash field!" He yelled as he created a ball of light in his palms and smashed it at he ground. In an instant, the entire area within 100 feet was covered in bright light. rhe area looked like it was under the effect of a continuous flash grenade and it made it near impossible to see. Homura tried his best to make it over to Ray who had been injured "Hey no need to thank the rash and impulsive dude not worthy of his title or anything" he said before bringing out a green flame and healing most of Rays injuries inflicting them on himself "Alright now what's the plan?" He asked with a slight sense of exhaustion.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir

Ray smirked and threw him and mana pill and then downs one himself and says" I won't one because i would of healed my self and two because your still an annoying idiotic ass and don't deserve it things just seem to fall into your lap some how it pisses people like me off that have earned however i don't want to own people like you so i'm repaying the favor now so it's not hanging over me like an annoying spirit  if you want to change my mind on this prove me wrong by getting all to acknowledge you've changed because getting approval from one's allies is only part of it in the bigger picture". Ray throws up some odd colored to create a barrier to reduce the effects off the anti magic taking place in the maze. After a couple of minutes of being silent he says" This ability of yours will only hold out so long i need you and reno to draw his attention while i suck some of his energy and power out otherwise we'll in hot water".
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Reno was able to avoid most of the attack, but was hit in his arm, leg, and his back. Using Lux's teachings he created a cloak of light aura that covers his body, healing anything and everything that was inflicted on him. He walks over to Homura and Ray who were still recovering from the onslaught. He kneels down next t them to prevent his enemy from seeing where he is and was able to hear Ray's plan. "Fair enough, just be careful around him," he whispers. "As I've said before, Archangels can use Soul Rupture without even coming in contact with you.

"I'm glad you feel that way Luna," said Liliana. She gives her a hug and thought about the other potions she could make. Though the thought of her helping in the garden was relaxing, she feels as though she'd be more useful becoming a potions master. "Now, let's get to work, read through the pages and see if you can create the necessary ingredients for it dear."

@Leo Radomir

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Luna just looked at her as she just smiled" yes ma'am i understand" she say as she smiled looking at him as she just sit there reading the page as she just sighed' okay i can do this i can become like lilana becoming a potions master' she thougt as she just looked" before i came here to sakaura i thought i could fight but no i'm not that its not how my mother raised me Kindness is always reawded that what mom always say to me" she say as she just smiled as she made a smimple potion it didn't turtn out as good as liliana but she made something @ShadowSaber331
He shook her hand and grinned. "Pleasure to meet you. I was here to try,out for the saxophone, maybe clairinet? Depends on what you have open still." He said, glancing around the room to the other band kids. He really seemed to stick out in his mind.
Homura looked at his friends slightly annoyed but still glad they weren't telling him to shove off. He put on a smug look "Don't worry about this Ray just keep doing your thing and Reno and I will handle the rest. I'm counting on you" he said before throwing the mana pill in his mouth "Reno lets show him why ranks three and four are nothing to laugh at" he said with a grin on his face before runking into the maze again. "Alright now Nika, can you tell me where Eragon is?" He said as he maneuvered through the maze to find the angel "Maybe this will jog your memory. Fire dragons Iron Fist!" He slammed his fist into the individuals face only sliding it backward a couple feet. Homura put on an apologetic grin as he pulled his fist away and tried to think of something else that could hurt him "How about this then! Lighting dragons Breakdown Fist!" With that Homura punched the air in the direction of the angel and a giant electric Fist began flying at him at top speed. The impact exploded outward in all directions causing Homura to slide back a few feet while he tried desperately to keep his balance. "Please tell me that got him" he said hoping he had some effect.

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
Homura looked at his friends slightly annoyed but still glad they weren't telling him to shove off. He put on a smug look "Don't worry about this Ray just keep doing your thing and Reno and I will handle the rest. I'm counting on you" he said before throwing the mana pill in his mouth "Reno lets show him why ranks three and four are nothing to laugh at" he said with a grin on his face before runking into the maze again. "Alright now Nika, can you tell me where Eragon is?" He said as he maneuvered through the maze to find the angel "Maybe this will jog your memory. Fire dragons Iron Fist!" He slammed his fist into the individuals face only sliding it backward a couple feet. Homura put on an apologetic grin as he pulled his fist away and tried to think of something else that could hurt him "How about this then! Lighting dragons Breakdown Fist!" With that Homura punched the air in the direction of the angel and a giant electric Fist began flying at him at top speed. The impact exploded outward in all directions causing Homura to slide back a few feet while he tried desperately to keep his balance. "Please tell me that got him" he said hoping he had some effect.

@Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331

Nika grinned as one of the hits got through barrier but then wipes his mouth of the blood and then shrinks in size and teleports and his first start to resonate and then he swiftly back hands him across the head and says" don't get cocky you little turd it's because of your friends help i couldn't sense you for a little but now it's time for me to get more serious i'm going to hurt you in ways that you didn't think possible". A small potion of his true power comes out it's enough bloodlust to shake the fear into many a foe.  Nika teleports and then comes up behind reno arming to an energy blast to the center of his back to do some serious damage. Ray starts the chant almost silently to summon his trump card the chains of the lustful witch but it would take at least ten minute in this condition.
"Stand tall boy. Your time magic can only heal your physical wounds but the pain will still be present" said Zero with a calm demeanour "Alright fine but after this I'm going to take the best nap" he said in response. Homura rose with a lot of difficulty but managed to stay on his feet once he got up "Alright now to show you what I'm really made of" he rushed off  at lightning speeds and flashed right to where the angel had gone "Lightning dragon's Raging Bolt!" He threw a bolt of pure lightning energy at the angel before flipping back and then healing Renos injury. The pain in Homura's back flared but he soon adjusted to it "Reno get up and give me a hand. Ray is doing his part but we can't just leave this to him can we. We're the first line of defence for Sakura. There is no way we can go down. We are Sakura third and fourth ranked fighters" he said hoping to spark his friends spirit "Meet me out there" he ran off to continue fighting Nika "Frost dragons tundra wing!" He said as he waved both his arms fast toward his opponent blasting the angel with speeding shards of ice and cold winds. Homura jumped up above the angel "Fire dragons Talon!" He flipped into a high speed flaming kick aimed at the angels head hoping to do some more damage and slow him down. @ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
Reno got up and groaned from the sudden attack. As he got up, he heard Homura telling him to show what a rank three and four Elite can do. "Alright you giant stork," he shouted. "I think it's time I got serious." Reno screams out into the heavens and dons his demonic armor, his rage and hate fueling it's undeniable power. "Let's see you try and dodge this," he says as he extends his reels his arms back. He shifts his hands so that it almost resembles that of claws and screams, "Hell Blades!" Reno starts to claw at the air, creating a barrag of spiritual blades that moved in different directions, but each of them were able to hit it's mark. Reno jumps high into the air, his right and left legs glowing with light and dark aura respectively. "Now for the finale, Judgement Cross!" He kicks with his left leg first and used the momentum to kick with his right, firing both light and dark blades at Nika. The blades then move towards each other, merging into an X shape before hitting him. When Reno lands, he still keeps his armor on and silently chants a defensive spell to reduce any incoming damage for when Nika retaliates.

Liliana looked at the potion Luna has created by herself as smiled. 'She'll be a great potions master one day, she might even be better than the others I've read about.' "Nice work," said Liliana. "Now that you've made it, let's test it out." Liliana uses chants a spell to create a clone of herself, which unless one of them tells you that they're either real or fake, is a very spot on duplicate. "We'll be using a clone of me to test out the potions," she explains. "Don't worry if the potion doesn't work, I'm sure the other potion masters didn't have theirs work out on the first take either."

@Leo Radomir

He shook her hand and grinned. "Pleasure to meet you. I was here to try,out for the saxophone, maybe clairinet? Depends on what you have open still." He said, glancing around the room to the other band kids. He really seemed to stick out in his mind.

"Right let's see... I can hear you play the saxophone as I'm also leader of the brass section, clarinet can be heard by Hannah who leads the woodwinds. She's the girl with the white hair, bob cut and the teal flash"

Raiven picked up the saxophone and handed it over to the boy before picking up a clipboard. 

"Let's hear you play then, you choose the piece. 

Ruby grins and says" I'm hungry knowing her she'll probably stick around and it seems idiot has provided cover for them since he disrupted a sacred match as for how long the other two will last not sure but ray will be fine".

Hanako smiled and took Ruby's arm, leading her to the dorm. "Here's my room, isn't much. Let me get the treats" She crossed over to the fridge in her room and took out a plate of Dango. "I made them myself, red bean paste flavour." She held one up for Ruby to inspect. It had cat ears on it.

"Yeah, I'm a transfer student, much like Homura and Raphael. Born and bred Japanese"
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Luna just looked at her as she smiled" okay" she say as she was a little nervous she just gave the potion to the clone it was her first potion she ever made she just was happy maybe it will be bad she had to tell her sister about her desison" i kinda have to tell my sister about my desicon about becoming a potion maker" she say as she just looked at her" yeah i put my life in dager i fially found something and someone fighting for" she say as she was humming a bit as she was looking at her' i wonder if big sister will be mad or happy about me' she thought as she just looked down she felt her phone ringing but ignored it she didn't know who the person who was calling she forgot about her audtions' ack i forgot about my audtions' she thought @ShadowSaber331 

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