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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"My uncle and Clair are doing alright. They just went to start training or something like that" he said toward Renos dad "Anyway I'm sorry if I am rude but Reno never mentioned he had a sister" he said confused as he stood there awkwardly with the father daughter duo. He found it strange that everyone in Renos family could send him on high alert but when it came to his father and him Homura never felt threatened but when it came to Xena he was always on his toes "Anyway sir I was wondering if you knew where Reno was. I have been trying to get ahold of him but he hasn't been returning my calls" he lied hoping Darius would get the message "I was just wondering if you knew but if not I'll be on my way. I'm sure you both have a lot to talk about so I'll leave you to bring her to the principle" he said before quickly storming off toward the door. "Actually sir I was also wondering if you knew where Hanako went. I wanted to talk to her when I woke up earlier but she walked off somewhere and I haven't seen her since" he said before walking off. Once he got outside he walked straight over to there he had exited the school the other day "Alright you old lizard, time for you to teach me what you know" he said before bursting a flame at his feet to shoot just over the wall. He almost went to high but felt lucky to have made it as far as he did "Really need to learn to control this better" he said as he picked himself up off the ground "Now to find that cave" he started walking down his usual path to try and find that dragons cave.

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Hanako Miakori

Hanako topples through the portal after Xia, groaning as she hit the ground with a groan "Unko" she muttered a swear word under her breath as she laid on the grass. She lay there for a moment regaining her breath from the running.

"Thank you for saving my ass  from those creatures, what were they?"

Hanako's denim shorts and tank top were all torn up from the combat, leaving nicks in her skin.

Hanako Miakori

Hanako topples through the portal after Xia, groaning as she hit the ground with a groan "Unko" she muttered a swear word under her breath as she laid on the grass. She lay there for a moment regaining her breath from the running.

"Thank you for saving my ass  from those creatures, what were they?"

Hanako's denim shorts and tank top were all torn up from the combat, leaving nicks in her skin.


Xia sighs and says" The creatures that would of ripped you to peices are called metans and their drawn to strong mana even i hate dealing with them because unless you destroy their core and the their being the come back to regenerate or come back to life in any case i'll get you some spare cloths and from the looks for things your friends on the roof". She uses her powers to create a make shift changing room with a bag of clothes in there so she could get changed.
Luna was still hurting as she saw darius she wasn't supposed to be in school as she just try to hid from them she didn't even know she had a older sister she was confused she try to hide as she looked around for a hiding spot she saw she finished the audtions now she was going to be in trouble if she was found in the school she just tried to sneak away as she was hiding she just looked around' i wonder how my big sister is i wonder if she still alive' she thought as she sat on the floor as just felt her bandages she couldn't stress it she used her powers today she just close her eyes for a bit' why can't i remember my other big sister why wasn't she with me and ruby why did she left when i needed her the most while i got hurt from stepmother' she thought as she just sighed @ShadowSaber331

Hazel finally got to the school as she was panting as she walked to the school and ran to the music room as she looked at the other people she was scared to talk she just went to raiven she got out her phone' i'm scared people will hear my voice they make fun of me since i don't talk right' she text showing her the message' but i'm here for piano' she text showing the text she just looked at the other people making faces at her she just looked at raiven playing with her fingers she didn't like when people make fun of her because she had her Cochlea implant or even if she's deaf she felt bad about it all she wanted to do is punch someone in the face @Eternal Dragonchild
"Hmm, looks like time's almost up," he said. "Let's head back to the cave and see if she's run off somewhere. I'll bring her back to our boss, or my name's not Eragon." Eragon and his team flew off to see if Luna and her bodyguards left the scene. When they arrived they found that it was empty, he smiled. "The hunt is on now."

Darius walked his daughter to the principle's office, where she was able to get everything squared away. "Thanks dad," she said. "You're welcome, please keep an eye on your brother for me, he can be difficult to handle sometimes." Xena nodded and watched as Darius walks away. 'Man, I hope Reno's not too angry with me. I've been traveling around the world a lot and I haven't even bothered to visit every so often. I'll try to make it up to Reno somehow.' She walks back to the same room she was in, though with a bit of difficulty and a bit of help from the students and faculty, and found that nothing really changed in terms of occupants. Xena looks around, taking in the nostalgia and finds Luna, who looks nervous. "Um...why are you hiding?" she asked. "Not used to seeing another member of the family, aren't you?"

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Hanako Miakori

She smiled at Xia "I guess I owe you my life" She rested a hand on the dragon's head, giving it a stroke as she walked into the changing room. 

She was instantly thankful to Xia as she'd placed a kimono and sandals in the bag. 

Changing into them she used her abilities to create a way up to the roof where she wrapped her arms around Ruby with a smile


Raiven Darktower

"Let's get you set up at the piano, you don't have to worry about the band laughing at you" She used an orb of lightning to push Raphael of the seat and guiding Hazel into it "You ready to go. I know you're what I'm looking for so this is just a formality" 
Raiven took a seat on a chair, next to a pile of black jackets, much like the one she wore for band.


Raphael Moreau


Once I was done playing and realized who was talking to me, I was a bit disoriented on how to react. But, I soon got my act together. I would be even more in disarray as a lightning projectile attempted to hit me. However, this the time where I regain my composure as I would then smirk, regaining my cool, complex, and ever-so-smug composure. "Depressing," I'd say as if I was speaking in pieces. "...It is depressing that a Band President, moreover and Elite must beg to have their way," as it would the appear Raiven had aimed at an illusion, as the piano and "I" Raiven was guiding Hazel to disappeared into the air. The real me, whose is indeed the real deal, would then stand up, and step over to the side and usher them to the piano seat. "...Don't worry, this piano is the real deal. I always keep my promises."


@Eternal Dragonchild

Hanako Miakori

She smiled at Xia "I guess I owe you my life" She rested a hand on the dragon's head, giving it a stroke as she walked into the changing room. 

She was instantly thankful to Xia as she'd placed a kimono and sandals in the bag. 

Changing into them she used her abilities to create a way up to the roof where she wrapped her arms around Ruby with a smile


Raiven Darktower

"Let's get you set up at the piano, you don't have to worry about the band laughing at you" She used an orb of lightning to push Raphael of the seat and guiding Hazel into it "You ready to go. I know you're what I'm looking for so this is just a formality" 
Raiven took a seat on a chair, next to a pile of black jackets, much like the one she wore for band.

Raiven Darktower

"Let's get you set up at the piano, you don't have to worry about the band laughing at you" She used an orb of lightning to push Raphael of the seat and guiding Hazel into it "You ready to go. I know you're what I'm looking for so this is just a formality" 
Raiven took a seat on a chair, next to a pile of black jackets, much like the one she wore for band.


Zenith is heading back from being on a scouting mission and says to himself" There's a couple of new energy's here but who do they belong to and i need to stop by his lab and ask if he has the item he created for a friend of mine survived a nasty battle because of it".

Ruby blinked for a moment then kisses haniko on the cheek gently wraps her arms round her back and rests one on her bum affectionately and says" glad your back from the looks of things xia helped you out at some points i'm going to have to get some more help with the gates and the spirit world because things are getting really messy in some parts of it".
Luna just looked at at him as she sighed" one i don't remember her i know she's my sister now but i don't really rememver her i guess i'll ask ruby when she wakes up and two yeah i'm nervous having her as one of my teachers" she say as she just looked at him" am i in trouble for coming to school it just i had audtions that i couldn't miss my thingy is okay i think" she say as she had fear in her eyes as she just smiled a bit" uh i gotta go do something" she say as she stood up she knew what she was doing was the best for her friends she just left the school as she looked for eragon and his team as she found him what she was doing was dangrous but it was the right thing to do for her family and friends @Leo Radomir
Luna just looked at at him as she sighed" one i don't remember her i know she's my sister now but i don't really rememver her i guess i'll ask ruby when she wakes up and two yeah i'm nervous having her as one of my teachers" she say as she just looked at him" am i in trouble for coming to school it just i had audtions that i couldn't miss my thingy is okay i think" she say as she had fear in her eyes as she just smiled a bit" uh i gotta go do something" she say as she stood up she knew what she was doing was the best for her friends she just left the school as she looked for eragon and his team as she found him what she was doing was dangrous but it was the right thing to do for her family and friends @Leo Radomir

Ray quickly tracks her down with help from xia and says" luna how many bloody times are you going to endanger yourself you've been very lucky but luck isn't infinite i don't mean to sound like a dick but your pulling the same crap dumb hero and mr selfish just thinking about that prick makes my blood boil anyways, we haven't had time to grow together so i'll be dammed if i let you pull this crap and leave me alone i spent enough time alone to equal a couple of lifetimes for some people". 
Homura followed the path toward the dragons cave and found some undesirables around its entrance "Hey I hope you know that the owner doesn't take kindly to intruders" he said to the winged men as they walked closer "I thought I said STOP!" He said as he flared some flames around his fist and smashed the ground. He looked up at the individuals and walked closer to them "My name is Homura. I'm the number four Elite at Sakura Academy. I'll say it again. You're not welcome here" his eyes glowed with determination but still lacked the original glow they had when he used his flames. Now his eyes only glowed figuratively as he stared he men down 'What's with this energy coming off them? It's insane, almost inhuman' he thought to himself as he readied for a face off.

@ShadowSaber331 (The fallen angels)
"Okay, I don't know who the hell you think you are to demand anything from me, nor do I give a rat's ass about your rank," he said. "Number four eh? So you're twice as shitty as number two?" Eragon started laughing hysterically from his joke, but then cheerful nature became serious. "Listen, we happen to be a force that can wipe you all out with a snap of a finger, so just walk away and let us do our jobs."


Hanako Miakori

Hanako blushes and leans into Ruby, "It's so beautiful up here, I wish I could capture this forever" She relaxed as she leant against her 

"I want to burn this feeling into my heart, use it to fight for what is right" She touched Ruby's face and smiled softly.

She withdrew her hand and created a small ball of light which she tossed upwards where it exploded into a shower of sparkles


Fern Vinison

Fern was walking through the halls, nose in a book. She wasn't paying much attention to where she was going. As she turned the corner she walked into Zenith, sending the book into her nose.

Luna just felt tears come down her face" but.... but.... if i don't do something he'll kill you guys i can't risk losing my friends or family" she say as she just hug him as she just cried" i just can't lose you guys cause of me they just want me i can't do anything but give myself in he wants me" she say as she just sighed as she just run to darius as she was crying hugging him tightly" i need big sister where is she you know your daughter my half sister" she say as she was crying" daddy want me i can't stop the war unless i turn myself in" she say crying as she was hiccuping a bit as she just looked at ray and darius" please help me" she say" i can't do this alone i know it was wrong for me to sacrifse me but help me please" she say @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331

Hanako Miakori

Hanako blushes and leans into Ruby, "It's so beautiful up here, I wish I could capture this forever" She relaxed as she leant against her 

"I want to burn this feeling into my heart, use it to fight for what is right" She touched Ruby's face and smiled softly.

She withdrew her hand and created a small ball of light which she tossed upwards where it exploded into a shower of sparkles


Fern Vinison

Fern was walking through the halls, nose in a book. She wasn't paying much attention to where she was going. As she turned the corner she walked into Zenith, sending the book into her nose.

Fern Vinison

Fern was walking through the halls, nose in a book. She wasn't paying much attention to where she was going. As she turned the corner she walked into Zenith, sending the book into her nose.


Ruby smiles as she watches and says" idiot men could learn a few things from you i seem to be most calm when i'm around you i've got to be honest i'm not ready to forgive homura for his crap back when i was recusing reno but you've been friends with for a while so as long as your cool with me i'll be cool and fair with your".

Zenith sees the girl and the boy in the hall and smiles gently as says" Good to see you back joseph i thought you'd faded from the school and you young miss really should be more careful but that aside are you ok"? 
Joseph looks up at him, taking out an earbud. "Not much to do, Y'know. Hard to make friends when the contrast of yourself is very... Day and night." He joked. "Also glad to see someone cares about me staying shut out for the past few days, figured it would be better to stay in as my migranes hit rather then have you suffer with me." He said, then looking to the girl. "Joseph Walker, you?" He asked, holding out a gloved hand.

Fern Vinison

"Fern Vinison" she took his gloved hand and shook it, shutting her book and placing it under her arm. "Have you seen my cousin at all, Raiven, Raiven Darktower?. She's band president" She turned to Zenith "I'm sorry, this is a fascinating book on potions work. I'd love to attempt some but I'd need a lab. One with proper facilities instead of the science ones"


Hazel just went to the piano as she sighed looking at the other people watching her as she heard what her friend said to her" okay no pressure" she say as she  just started to play she was really nervous if she can make it she felt the music surging in her body she remembers the notes she was taught by her mom she just smiled' okay i can do this i don't care about other people raiven knows i can make it i'll be in the band in no time' she thought as she had tears in her eyes she tends to have tears in her eyes whenever she plays the music she haven't played her music in a long time for her it sounds good she just smiled when she was done she just sighed she looked at  raiven" what friend thinks" she say as she just looked at her @Eternal Dragonchild
"Look, Ray's right, you can't sacrifice yourself, there's still gonna be a war even if you did that." Darius was beginning to wonder when his son is gonna come back and help. 'His training should have been done by now, where is he?'  "Um...did I miss something?" "We got Fallen Angels trying to kill Luna here, and she was going to sacrifice herself" Xena put her hands on her hips and shook her head in disbelief. "Look, that is by far the dumbest plan ever, especially when it comes to the enemy."



Raiven smiled "What size shirt do you wear?" She asked, flipping through the pile of jackets next to her. The girl gave her a smile and called out to the other members of the band "Meet our new pianist, Hazel Valerie" She lead the entire band in a round of applause for Hazel.

Luna just looked at her sister than to darius as she sighed" i know but..... i guess your right i'm sorry please don't tell ruby this" she say as she just looked at her big sister" am i in trouble for thinking that" she say looking down at her feet" i jsut scared all the time he'll hurt me he kill you guys i guess i just didn't want anything to happen to my friends and family i know it was a stupid idea" she say as she just wipe her tears" what do we do Mr Darius and uh Xena" she say as she was scratching her head a bit" the enemy is my father" she say as she looked at her big sister as she sighed hoping ruby didn't hear any of this she just felt a bit more calm" sorry" she say @ShadowSaber331
Homura felt the pressure change around the men and immediately put up his guard "Like hell im going to just sit by and let you go on your little "hunt" and who says I can't beat you. I'd be insulting Adrian if I lost hear after you said that" he said before bringing out his flaming wings and charged the man in front at his top speed and kneed him in the head while coving his knee with flames. Homura needed to end it quickly so he decided he'd use that new move. He quickly landed behind the men at the mouth of the cave and turned to face them "Fire dragons ROAR!" He said before letting out a burst of air from his lungs and lighting it on fire just after it exited his mouth. He launched his attack with great force before ending and sprinting at full speed toward the heart of the cave where the dragon resided "Come and catch me if you can winged losers" he yelled while he ran hoping to draw them to him.

"Raiven? Shit!" He said, looking down. "Band tryouts, im coming up soon. I'll walk with you if you like." He said, offering his hand out as a formal gesture.
Hazel just started to blush as she just smiled a bit" i'm a small" she say say as she just looked at raiven as she looked at everyone applusing for her" thanks Rav" she say as she just smiled looking at the jacket' whoa i did it mom i did it i'm in the band' she thought as she had the bigest smile on her face it looked a little goofy but she was happy' good thing i practice the other day' she thought as she stand up she just giggled" tank you" she say to the other people that was clapping for her @Eternal Dragonchild

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