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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"Please, just be yo again. It's making me sad seeing you like this, I want my Arcus back. I'm sure we can find a hallway if you want to y'know have some grown up time" She held both him and Hazel close to her, not wanting to let go of either of them. When Hazel stirred Raivenbegan to calm her in a natural motherly way, her ass banging into Arcus as she juggled Luka and tried to calmHazel at the same time.

@Anyone Online

Arcus blushed and let out little moans. "R.....Raiven don't do that I'll get excited." Arcus said as he blushed and tried to move his hips away from Raiven's ass. "I'll just go to my room, and leave you to help your friends." Arcus slid back and tried to get off the bed.
Raiven began to cry softly when Arcus left "Don't go" She cried out "I'm currently powerless should anything happen, the three of us will be toast" She grabbed hold of him, letting Luka slide into Hazel's arms " "I saw a guest bathroom earlier, we could go there" SHe lifted herself onto his back, forcing him to carry her too "Or you could stay and help me protect these tow, I prefer the bathroom idea"

@Anyone Online
Arcus sighed and carried Raiven to the guest bathroom. Arcus after he closed the door sat down and leaned against it. He tried to keep his eyes off Raiven's body. It seems like their whole Relationship was just about feeling each other up, and that was it 
1 minute ago, Anyone Online said:

Arcus sighed and carried Raiven to the guest bathroom. Arcus after he closed the door sat down and leaned against it. He tried to keep his eyes off Raiven's body. It seems like their whole Relationship was just about feeling each other up, and that was it 


"Arcus, I wanted to talk to you alone, I managd to reincarnate the fair after a fallen angel wnet rogue. That's why I need you with me, it drained my powers entirely " She sighed, resting her head in her hands "I need you to stay next to me until my powers are back." She sighed, worried that Aubrey would take her true love away as tears ran down her face.
Arcus went over and hugged Raiven. He held her close sas he though about their relationship. He rubbed her back and he leaned back and cloed his eyes. "Its okay Raiven shhh."
Hazel was mubling in her sleep as she was yawning she just hugged raiven" teddy" she say as she layed on raiven arm as she smiled she thought raiven as teddy she usually sleep with a stuffed animal with her but she left it back at the academy she just yawned she was the closet next to her she just was yawning her heart was racing in her dream about her mother dying as she wimper a little bit" mommy don't leave me" she say as she was sleep talking as she was yawning in her sleep she had her implant off at the moment in the cas as she was moving around a lot she regret losing her mom and not saying goodbye to her she felt loneness sometimes  @Eternal Dragonchild

Luna just blushed as he kissed her" i won't fait and i just take a shower would you do the bandages though" she say as she was holding his hand she glad she had him she just walked with him to the bathroom she was still in pain but it didn't really bouther her she was just humming she wanted to stay with him she haven't told her big sister they are dating she think they are" so does this make us boyfriend girlfriend" she asked as she blushed at the question she reallly wanted him to be her boyfriend" i loved that kiss" she say as she was being a little dreamsy with him" she just looked around she was hoping to thell her sister @Leo Radomir

Ray grins and says" your asking me that now after all the affection i've shown you and yes she knows she's like a blade like that and no i won't cheat on you but if you want another girl to play with that's up for talking about after all i know you love me most from you reactions". Ray paused for a minute then says" now let me take them off then i'll be outside in the main room while you take your shower after all as much as i want to shower you in affection right now you need to heal".
Luna just blushed as she nodded" okay that is fine can you take it off now" she asked and noticed it was bleading slightly as she smiled" yeah i still need to heal" she say as she was happy to have a boyfriend" um when is ruby coming back i want ruby to know" she say as she looked at him as she smiled as she was skipping a little to the bathroom as she felt like she could stay with him she just smiled as she just sit on the tiolet set trying to get it off but didn't work out for her @Leo Radomir

Hazel was just calming down by her girlfriend as she just smiled" teddy" she say as she was smiling she felt safe she didn't noticed it was her girlfriends arm she just was trying not to droal she jusg hug tight her arm as she smiled loving her" luka" she say in her dream she dream about them ice skating as she just smiled at the thought @Eternal Dragonchild

Raiven Darktower

"I want to have my powers. I feel weak and dizzy without them" she sobbed into his chest "Luna, Luka and Hazel look up to me as a protector and I can't fulfill that, it makes me feel shit" Her forehead was resting against his chest as she started to take big gulps of air to calm herself. Her hands tangling into the front of his shirt, keeping him close.

"Plus I'm scared I'm gonna lose you to Aubrey. I don't want to be alone ever again"

Luna just blushed as she nodded" okay that is fine can you take it off now" she asked and noticed it was bleading slightly as she smiled" yeah i still need to heal" she say as she was happy to have a boyfriend" um when is ruby coming back i want ruby to know" she say as she looked at him as she smiled as she was skipping a little to the bathroom as she felt like she could stay with him she just smiled as she just sit on the tiolet set trying to get it off but didn't work out for her @Leo Radomir

Hazel was just calming down by her girlfriend as she just smiled" teddy" she say as she was smiling she felt safe she didn't noticed it was her girlfriends arm she just was trying not to droal she jusg hug tight her arm as she smiled loving her" luka" she say in her dream she dream about them ice skating as she just smiled at the thought @Eternal Dragonchild

Ray sighed as she didn't completely listen and is struggling so he sits in a way to support her legs and puts her legs on his lap and gently starts unwrapping the bandages and says" she already knows were going out silly flower and she should be back in a couple of hours and i don't mean to be a bummer but if you are friends with that ravine girl sparks will fly at some point because ruby can't stand her me i'm see both sides of the coin in light of events i can understand why ruby would be peeved be compared to her since she's worked her ass off to get her powers".
Raiven don't be scared. Im here. Plus your powders will be back before you know it." As arcus said this he wiped away Raiven's tears. He then took off his shirt, and looked at Raiven. He then pulled Raiven onto Hus lap, and started kissing her neck. "Raiven I won't leave." Arcus then stood up and picked up Raiven andnpinned her against the wall. Arcus then started trailing kisses down neck and collar bone.
Raiven don't be scared. Im here. Plus your powders will be back before you know it." As arcus said this he wiped away Raiven's tears. He then took off his shirt, and looked at Raiven. He then pulled Raiven onto Hus lap, and started kissing her neck. "Raiven I won't leave." Arcus then stood up and picked up Raiven andnpinned her against the wall. Arcus then started trailing kisses down neck and collar bone.

Xia came through the ground and says" What are u doing here your not one of masters friends and your not a coworker or some one that has earned the right to rest here and you girl don't you have any shame making out in some else house he could of said no you know and told you to go back".

Isaac studying alchemy in the library and smiles gently as he scans from page to page and is taking down notes some of the girls are whispering about him saying stuff like does he have girlfriend and so on.

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Darius woke up from his sleep after feeling a sinister aura somewhere. He got up from his bed, put on his clothes, and walked out to the main room of the cave. He found nobody there, and he didn't hear any of the traps go off, something didn't sit right with him. He noticed Ray come out of the bathroom and called out to him. "Hey, Ray," he called in a ow enough voice so that he wouldn't wake everyone up. "I don't know why, but I feel like something's outside. MInd coming with me, I could use a second pair of eyes?" @Leo Radomir

Meanwhile, Reno heard a voice inside the spirit realm. "So, you are trying to achieve enlightenment, is that right?" Reno opened his eyes to see...nobody, he dismisses it as his imagination and goes back to his meditation. "I think you're starting to achieve it yourself. Otherwise I wouldn't be here conversing with you." "Who are you, and what do you want?" The being then appears in light that's blinding enough for Reno to shield his eyes. When the light dimmed, it revealed a man, wearing a white hooded robe and holding a staff. "I am Equinox, the guardian of balance," he said in a soothing voice. "I am a being that is in tune with both light..." Equinox's robe suddenly turns black, and his staff turns into a scythe. "...and Darkness." His voice turned from soothing and calm, to hellish and demonic. "I'm here because you wanted to find the balance between light and dark, harmony and discord. life and death. Is that it?" "Yes, I wanted to control my emotions so that I wouldn't be so reckless." "So you're trying to find the harmony to balance out the discord." Reno nodded from Equinox's question. Equinox started to contemplate his decision. He wanted Reno to learn how to control his emotions, but at the same time he wants to lend him the strength to overcome any opposition, but he felt that if he did it could lead him to be even more reckless than how Reno had put it. "I have a proposition for you," he said. "Prove to me that you are worthy to be my master, and I'll teach you how to control both light and dark." "How will I do that?" Equinox smiled at Reno's curiosity. "There are three trials that you must pass in order for us to be your familiar, each representing the body, the mind, and the soul respectively," Equinox explained. "Be warned though, they will be tougher as you progress, 2,000 have tried to finish all the trials, and all of them failed the third trial. Break the chain, Reno, and I will pass down my teachings to you."

Raiven Darktower

Feiron uncurled himself from Raiven's tattoo, wrapping himself around her legs before standing in front of Xia "Back away from my familiar. Raiven is kind, Raiven saved me like she saved your master's girlfriend" He bared his fangs slightly at Xia as he stalked from side to side, swishing his tail.

"Feiron come away. Xia means nothing bad, Xia, as I am currently powerless I need Arcus here to help me watch over Luka and Hazel."


Raiven Darktower

Feiron uncurled himself from Raiven's tattoo, wrapping himself around her legs before standing in front of Xia "Back away from my familiar. Raiven is kind, Raiven saved me like she saved your master's girlfriend" He bared his fangs slightly at Xia as he stalked from side to side, swishing his tail.

"Feiron come away. Xia means nothing bad, Xia, as I am currently powerless I need Arcus here to help me watch over Luka and Hazel."


Xia was about to tell them more but scoffed and and says" it seems there's something else outside but i'm not done and i've never liked sun hounds better train him better or next time i'll seal him in a space orb",  Xia then reappears by ray and then says" I'll finish helping her out you and ray better go and check it out". 

Ray sighs stops what he's doing then blinks outside with darius and feels the energy from the sky somewhere sand says" i don't know where there more than one of them as well, it's best not to be hasty about our next move they must of used the energy that was remaining to track the last spot". 

Xia continues to unwrap the bandages and says" I'm xia masters familiar and i'll look after you while you he's taking care of it cleaver bastards to use the last of the energy to pin point the edge of the cave".
'So, he knows we're here eh? No matter, we might as well send them a message.' With his hand raised, he orders the angels to throw the corpses out. All of them landed right in front of Darius and Ray, and each of them have recently made wounds. "Here's a little message from our leader," the angel called out. "Your hunters have fallen, though they did decrease our numbers, props to them I guess, anyway, keep protecting Luna, and you will all die!"

@Leo Radomir
Luna just walked to the fallen angel as she had a straight fight" i'll go with you in one condition if i go with you to see my father you don't kill my friends or family" she say as she just looked at him she was scared to go" i live with my father" she say as she just wanted to cry" sorry guys its for your own good" she say as she just went with the fallen angel she was actually scared of her father more than her stepmother she just sighed looking at the fallen angel that left her shirt up dragging her to wherever her father is living she was afraid to stay there @ShadowSaber331
The angel smiled at her offer, she was so willing to give herself up just to save her friends is amusing, but anything to keep his boss happy I suppose. "That's a good girl," he said, lifting her head up to meet her gaze. "He's gonna enjoy torturing your soul." "Luna, are you crazy? Your father will kill you!!!" "Silence fool...tell you what, I'll turn a blind eye for now and spare you the troubke." The angel throws Luna at Ray, knocking them both down onto the ground. "You're lucky I'm in a merciful mood today miss Lotus," he shouted. "My orders were to deliver a message to your little band of body bags...oops, I mean, bodyguards. We'll give you a twenty-four hour head start to run, and if we find you, you're dead." The angel along with his squadron left the scene, his laugh echoing in the night.

Luna just looked at her friends" you better go i have to go pack my father will hurt me i don't care anything to porotect my friends" she say as she looked at them as she just stood up from the ground' there no way i'm going to sleep' she thought" what choice do i have he'll come and kill you and all my friends i don't have a freaking choice" she say as she looked at them as she sighed" i can't lose you guys or big sister and my boyfriend" she say as she just started crying " and i thought my life will change for the good but no i can't father wants me" she say as she smiled looking at him @ShadowSaber331

Hazel just woke up as she looked at her friends sleeping as she yawned she just couldn't sleep she got off the bed as she just started to read as she was trying to learn how to speak as she watch her friends sleeping and a boy she just smiled' i can't sleep that well' she thought as she got out her sketch book as she just smiled as she started to draw she liked the moment it looked so cute she loved drawing it calms her down when she was stressed about something or that she couldn't sleep she just enjoyed herself she just yawned loudly she missed reno she didn't know where he was she just walked outside' i miss you mommy i always feel alone' she thought @Eternal Dragonchild
Luna just looked at her friends" you better go i have to go pack my father will hurt me i don't care anything to porotect my friends" she say as she looked at them as she just stood up from the ground' there no way i'm going to sleep' she thought" what choice do i have he'll come and kill you and all my friends i don't have a freaking choice" she say as she looked at them as she sighed" i can't lose you guys or big sister and my boyfriend" she say as she just started crying " and i thought my life will change for the good but no i can't father wants me" she say as she smiled looking at him @ShadowSaber331

Hazel just woke up as she looked at her friends sleeping as she yawned she just couldn't sleep she got off the bed as she just started to read as she was trying to learn how to speak as she watch her friends sleeping and a boy she just smiled' i can't sleep that well' she thought as she got out her sketch book as she just smiled as she started to draw she liked the moment it looked so cute she loved drawing it calms her down when she was stressed about something or that she couldn't sleep she just enjoyed herself she just yawned loudly she missed reno she didn't know where he was she just walked outside' i miss you mommy i always feel alone' she thought @Eternal Dragonchild

A make picks them both up with ease and says" sorry i'm late dealing with the higher ups is a real pain in the ass sometimes and took much longer than i wanted it to i'm gelzin the master hunter and young girl don't be so hasty your sister took a fair beating in an ambush to come and help you and my team". 

Ruby has several bruises and cuts and possibly other injuries and smirks and says" i'm not going to go down like a sack of flour and i've thought about a lot of things and luna i'm sorry but your not cut out for the hunters for many reasons one of the biggest is this path is full of bloodshed and even though you can fight pretty well your not a killer like me and i fear that may change you to a path you can't take back and the squad has no room for heroical stupidity". "I was lucky a master hunter was with me and i know what i'm doing there's a medical unit called the phoenix squad i feel your talents would be far more suited there, ray will help you with your training after i'm not so cold to do that to you". Ruby then felt a heavy jolt in her body and a curse mark started to appear and she coughed up some blood and falls to her knee.  

Raiven Darktower

"Shall we go and get my trombone, I have been practising something special for you" She gave him a smile and hugged her boyfriend close 

"My trombone is still in the music room so we gotta go there."

Raiven had a great big beaming grin on her face, happy to be doing something special for her other half

Fern Vinison

Fern sat down at a table in the library, books in hand. From her bag she pulled out a notebook and began to read. She happened to glance up from her books and catch sight of Isacc. SHe raised her hand and gave him a shy wave. "Hey, do they have any books on poisons " she asked '

Arcus just smiled, and flashed them to the music room. "Well my lovely Queen I can't wait to hear it." Arcus said as he sat on a chair and smirked at Raiven. "I know how much you love playing things for me, but what is it this time." Arcus said as he joked, and kissed Raiven's cheek. He was kind of excited to hear what she had for him this time.

Raiven Darktower

"Shall we go and get my trombone, I have been practising something special for you" She gave him a smile and hugged her boyfriend close 

"My trombone is still in the music room so we gotta go there."

Raiven had a great big beaming grin on her face, happy to be doing something special for her other half

Fern Vinison

Fern sat down at a table in the library, books in hand. From her bag she pulled out a notebook and began to read. She happened to glance up from her books and catch sight of Isacc. SHe raised her hand and gave him a shy wave. "Hey, do they have any books on poisons " she asked '

Fern Vinison

Fern sat down at a table in the library, books in hand. From her bag she pulled out a notebook and began to read. She happened to glance up from her books and catch sight of Isacc. SHe raised her hand and gave him a shy wave. "Hey, do they have any books on poisons " she asked '


Issac looks up and says" yeah section four middle row some of them are pretty heavy though you might want to ask the assistant to help you if your looking for a more detailed one". He goes back to his reading and writing and ignoring the rest of the girls gossiping about the girl that had spoken to him.

Raiven Darktower

Raiven picked up her trombone case. Raiven gently set in on a table to open it. When she looked inside she started to scream and cry. Her beloved instrument was in pieces. She hadn't left it like that. Her legs gave way as she hit the floor, tears rolling down her face 

"M-m-my beloved instrument" she choked out, her shirt beginning to soak with the tears "Who did this?"

Fern Vinison

Fern smiled "Thank you very much, I have skill with poisons and I want to learn more" She looked at his book with an expression of mild curiosity "Whatcha reading about" she asked in her usual cheerful tone "I'm only here to pass the time until my cousin's back from the fair"


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