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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Hazel just looked at her friends as she just sneezed again' man i feel so hot she just sat down on a chair' i think its my allegis i not sure what i'm sneezing for i'm sorry' she signed as she just sit down as she was feeling hot she didn't say anything about she was feeling hot she just looked at her friend and reno mother looking all worried about her' i'm fine don't worry' she signed trying to stop sneezing she just giggled a bit' my nose won't go boom your parents were teasing you' she signed as she looked at her as that made her smile @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
"It's probably a fever, you did stay up in that Ferris Wheel at high altitudes where the cold winds were at it's strongest." Liliana made a bowl of Ray's soup and added a few herbs in it. She walked over to where Hazel is and gave it to her. "Here you go, this should help," she said. Ray, is there a place for Hazel to sleep in?" "Is there also a place for me and Lily to rest in as well," Darius asked. "After all that's happened today, I need to rest these old bones."

@Leo Radomir

"It's probably a fever, you did stay up in that Ferris Wheel at high altitudes where the cold winds were at it's strongest." Liliana made a bowl of Ray's soup and added a few herbs in it. She walked over to where Hazel is and gave it to her. "Here you go, this should help," she said. Ray, is there a place for Hazel to sleep in?" "Is there also a place for me and Lily to rest in as well," Darius asked. "After all that's happened today, I need to rest these old bones."

@Leo Radomir


Ray gently laughed and says" It seems my home is becoming a motel and yeah i've got places you and lilanna can stay in the back and hazel can be in the middle section, also ruby has gone back to the other to report and she'll come back with a fallen angel hunter and team but the rest of them should head back in the morning before the talks of how to go about this start after than you can head back and speak to who ever you need to talk to". " As for the soup i only made it simple because i'm not sure of people's tastes".
Luna just looked at her foster dad as she just smiled as she got up from the bed" thank you daddy" she say to him" and thanks mom" she say as she was looking at them she just smiled she had a real family now she missed her parents her real mom but she was happy at least she just went back to the bed she was in with she just eat her food as she was eating her food she was glad she was gonna see her big later much later but she was happy she just looked at raiven @ShadowSaber331

Hazel just was frustrated that she was sick' not fair i was supposed to have audtions tomorrow guss i'll have to skip tomorrow' she sighed as she saw raiven as she smiled" raiven hey" she say as she just smiled she saw the girl that was shot 
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Luka Arnett

Luka followed beside Hazel, keeping hold of her hand 'I sleep with Hazel' She signed to Ray and Lilliana 'She my girlfriend' With that, she gave Hazel a quick kiss on the lips before hiding behind the girl in embarassment. 'You saw nothing'


@Leo Radomir


Raiven Darktower 

Raiven smiled at Darius and Hazel when they entered "Still alive and kicking. Have you seen daddy, Darius? Apparently I pulled some sort of mass reincarnation" She sounded proud of herself and of the fact that she had saved so many lives today

"Can you also call Arcus, I seem to have lost my phone at the fair" With that she held out her hands for a hug from Hazel.

She'd eaten her soup and was nibbling at the bread occasionally

Hazel just blushed deeply as she was kissed by luka she just smiled as she just looked at her friend' yeah i sleep with luka' she coughed a bit she just saw raiven" i don't think i come to audtions i'm sick i was stuck in ferris wheel for few hours" she say as she looked sad that she had to miss it she liked music she was pouting a bit  she just sit on the bed" are you okay" she asked as she giggled" you can borrow my phone to call your boyfriend if you want" she say as she just smiled a bit turning away since her face was still red from the kiss' man that kiss was amazing i don't care if people see us kissing i'm proud of it' she thought to herself as she was laying down she tugged onto raiven shirt" what if i get a bad dream about daddy" she say as she was still somewhat scared of going to sleep @Eternal Dragonchild
"Thanks Ray, I know I could count on you." As Darius made his way to the back of the cave he heard Luna refer to him as "Daddy." Stunned by that, he looked over to Liliana, who just told him, "It's a long story hun. Now come on, we gotta get some sleep." "Okay, but first I gotta give Arlane a message." Darius pulled out his phone and texted Arlane. 'Hey, Raiven and I gonna be taking a short rest somewhere along with everyone else. You're not gonna believe this, she managed to reincarnate everyone inside the fair...though they were dead from what I've heard. I think she's getting used to her new abilities.' He sent the text and took his place next to his wife, closing his eyes as he awaited for what's in store tomorrow.

Reno was at this for hours (or in his case months), and after a bit of effort, he had not achieved enlightenment, but new abilities. He opened his eyes and found that he was levitating after months of meditation. 'Holy crap, I'm levitating!? Normally the tends to happen after some time but, I did it!' He noticed that his hands are now glowing, one a bright white, and one and midnight black. He clapped both his hands and both lights dissipated. "Looks like I got some new tricks to test out," he said with a confident smile. As he trained, he found that with his light side, he could create barriers, move at light speed, and shoot off burning hot projectiles, and with he dark side, siphon the life energy from his enemies, poison them with his dark aura, and create mines from his dark aura. He had to show this to his friends, but he felt that it would be a surprise, so he sat back to his old pose and meditated some more, hoping that if he could achieve enlightenment, he could gain more abilities based on both harmony and discord.

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild
No I have a girl friend now. I never knew you liked me." Arcus said as he poured and sat Aubrey down. "So do you wanna hang out, or do you wanna go back to the academy??" Arcus asked as he poked her stomach, and stuck his tongue out. 

Raiven Darktower

Raiven smiled, wrapping one arm around Luna and the other around Hazel , her chest serving as a perfectly functional pillow for the pair of girls. She'd arranged herself into a half reclining position as Luka curled up on top of her, drawing the blanket over the four of them.

Her familiar, Feiron padded into the room, settling across her feet and completly filling the bed up 

"You won't dream of your father Hazel, you just had that kiss from Luka to dream all about" She whispered as she gently caressed the girl's hair, much like a mother would. 

"Hey Ray, could you get me a glass of water with a straw? The younger ones have voted me as their pillow for the night" She said with a smile, her voice calm and gentle as she sent a text to Arcus from Hazel's phone

"Hey Arcus, Raiven here. Just borrowing Hazel's phone as I lost mine, we're all ok. Ray's given us a place to stay overnight. Can you swing by, I want good night kisses"

Aubrey Dark

Aubrey frowned in annoyance "Break up with her. I'm the only one for you." She said with a growl, staring straight at Arcus. When his phone buzzed she looked at his pocket accusingly "Is that her now? Go on, do it. Come back to someone who won't use you"

In truth Aubrey was jealous of whoever was dating Arcus and decided to show it by being a spiteful brat. 

"I want to hang out in your bed, y'know, like you do with HER"

Hazel just looked at her as she heard what she say" i not that young i 15 turning 16 soonish" she say to her as she just yawned" no more dreams of daddy" she say as she was holding onto luka falling asleep she just signed to her' i like kiss' she signed as she did that she she was just cuddeling close to her and raiven she loved her friend and her girlfriend the most raiven was like a sister to her no matter what she will always by their side they were important people to her she just yawned" night guys" she say as she just yawned sleeply @Eternal Dragonchild
"Thanks Ray, I know I could count on you." As Darius made his way to the back of the cave he heard Luna refer to him as "Daddy." Stunned by that, he looked over to Liliana, who just told him, "It's a long story hun. Now come on, we gotta get some sleep." "Okay, but first I gotta give Arlane a message." Darius pulled out his phone and texted Arlane. 'Hey, Raiven and I gonna be taking a short rest somewhere along with everyone else. You're not gonna believe this, she managed to reincarnate everyone inside the fair...though they were dead from what I've heard. I think she's getting used to her new abilities.' He sent the text and took his place next to his wife, closing his eyes as he awaited for what's in store tomorrow.

Reno was at this for hours (or in his case months), and after a bit of effort, he had not achieved enlightenment, but new abilities. He opened his eyes and found that he was levitating after months of meditation. 'Holy crap, I'm levitating!? Normally the tends to happen after some time but, I did it!' He noticed that his hands are now glowing, one a bright white, and one and midnight black. He clapped both his hands and both lights dissipated. "Looks like I got some new tricks to test out," he said with a confident smile. As he trained, he found that with his light side, he could create barriers, move at light speed, and shoot off burning hot projectiles, and with he dark side, siphon the life energy from his enemies, poison them with his dark aura, and create mines from his dark aura. He had to show this to his friends, but he felt that it would be a surprise, so he sat back to his old pose and meditated some more, hoping that if he could achieve enlightenment, he could gain more abilities based on both harmony and discord.

@Leo Radomir

@Eternal Dragonchild

Ray sighs and says" the bed can hold up to three people but it's like being in a sardine tin so i wouldn't recommend it there's more bed in the middle part of the cave".  Ray starts cleaning up of those that have finished and sighs again  and says" I see since it's like that i'll go and get some glasses please don't break them i'm not as wealthy as many people are and have to work hard for my stuff". Ray then went to the kitchen and pours four glasses and comes back with the glasses on a tray and puts the glasses on the table then says" I'm going now oh before i forget the bathroom/toilets are to the right of the kitchen please stay on the upper levels as well since this place has many boby traps and magical enchantments".
Luna got up from the bed as she just wanted to stay with ray as she just hug him" can i come with you" she say as she just smiled she felt safe when she was with him" i want to stay with you can i" she say as she didn't know when her big sister would come and visit her she just looked at him" i feel better" she say to him as she was looking at the others that was sleeping on the bed she noticed it was a lot of people she just smiled a bit as she sighed as she lift up her shirt checking on her bandage it seemed right all she wanted to be with ray right now she was being a bit clingy with him she didn't want him to leave her alone @Leo Radomir
Luna got up from the bed as she just wanted to stay with ray as she just hug him" can i come with you" she say as she just smiled she felt safe when she was with him" i want to stay with you can i" she say as she didn't know when her big sister would come and visit her she just looked at him" i feel better" she say to him as she was looking at the others that was sleeping on the bed she noticed it was a lot of people she just smiled a bit as she sighed as she lift up her shirt checking on her bandage it seemed right all she wanted to be with ray right now she was being a bit clingy with him she didn't want him to leave her alone @Leo Radomir

Ray smiles gently and kisses her forhead and says" Of course it's fine i just didn't want to force you to get up since your were enjoying your self but since your coming with me i'll change your bandages after a bath, i used to do it for ruby from time to time and i know you've regained some strength my love but it's not wise to push your self i have a spare room in the middle section of the cave".  
Arcus was confused by what Aubrey was saying. "I can't break up with her. I really like her." Arcus said as he took out his phone. He looked back at Aubrey and showed her the text. I can take you to meet her??" Arcus said as he hugged Aubrey to calm her down. He then sent a text saying, "I will be there in a few."
1 minute ago, Anyone Online said:

Arcus was confused by what Aubrey was saying. "I can't break up with her. I really like her." Arcus said as he took out his phone. He looked back at Aubrey and showed her the text. I can take you to meet her??" Arcus said as he hugged Aubrey to calm her down. He then sent a text saying, "I will be there in a few."


Aubrey stomped her foot "She's using you. GOD how could you be so blind, my love for you is so pure and amazing!" She turrned and stormed off, wanting to leave Arcus until he could work it out for himself. She hated the fact he was blind. She'd have her revenge.

Walking into the music room she took out Raiven's trombone, she'd smelled the girls scent on him, the same one  that adorned this trombone. she flung it about the room, turning the once proud instrument into a battered cone of metal and pipes. Satisfied with her work, she shoved it back into the case, returning it to where it stayed.

Raiven smiled and replied to the text "There's a spare space in the bed for you to sleep in, hurry up. I'm getting cold" she hit send, sending a selfy of her pouting little face to Arcus.
I'm coming now. I guess my friend got mad and left." Arcus texted and flashed to the room. "Hey Raiven can I come in??" Arcus asked as he looked a little down, and confused as to what Aubrey said. He didn't know what she meant.
Luna just looked at him as she was smiling a bit as she just stretched" i know i'm not pushing myself i haven't even used my powers it will hurt my stomach or something" she say as she just held his hand" you know we can have a little dinner later on when everyone is gone if you want i mean we didn't have a real date since my dad shot me i'm sorry" she say as she looked at him" wait take a bath with you you used to do that to big sister" she say as her whole face turned pure red @Leo Radomir
Raiven opened up her arms for a hug "Want you to come here and tell me what's eating you. It's my job to be administering the bites" She tried not to drool onto Luka as she observed his figure, eyes trailing downwards to his belt "Please Arcy, I want to be held by you.  I need to tell you something" She'd pulled her top down, her breasts threatening to pop out from the top.

@Anyone Online
Luna just looked at him as she was smiling a bit as she just stretched" i know i'm not pushing myself i haven't even used my powers it will hurt my stomach or something" she say as she just held his hand" you know we can have a little dinner later on when everyone is gone if you want i mean we didn't have a real date since my dad shot me i'm sorry" she say as she looked at him" wait take a bath with you you used to do that to big sister" she say as her whole face turned pure red @Leo Radomir

Ray gently laughs and says" I meant run you a bath for you and it seems the soup wasn't enough so sure as for the rest don't worry about it and powers don't quite work like that i'll show later, as for wanting me to join i don't mind but will you faint on me if i do that's what i wonder". Ray leans in and steals a little kisses then pulls out a smiles widely and waits for her to respond to all that had just happened.
Arcus went over to her and blushed. His face still sullen, he walked over and got into her arms. "Hey Raiven." Arcus said as he still blushed and got comfortable. He held Raiven close and tried not to look at her body.
"What's upsetting you, tell me or i'll plant your head in my boobs and hold you there until you tell me" She placed a hand on the back of his head ready. Kissing him she slipped her tongue into hiss mouth, embracing him and holding him close, legs wrapping around his.

@Anyone Online
Arcus blushed and let out a light moan. "My childhood friend Aubrey just transfered here, and she told me she liked me. She said you were using me and that your love wasn't true. She told me to dump you and date her. I said I loved yoiyoiu, but I think shebmay try something.
2 minutes ago, Anyone Online said:

Arcus blushed and let out a light moan. "My childhood friend Aubrey just transfered here, and she told me she liked me. She said you were using me and that your love wasn't true. She told me to dump you and date her. I said I loved yoiyoiu, but I think shebmay try something.


"If she does, I'll put a scare in her that she'll never ever forget, she bettr not touch my instrument or she'll end up in hospital" Everyone in the academy knew better than to do anything than handle Raiven's instrument with the utmost of care "You know she's lying right. I love you more than daddy and Mr Fluffles combined" As an afterthought she pushed Arcus's head into her chest and held it there, enjoying him breathing against her skin "This is for even listening to her saying that I don't love you"
Hazel was mubling in her sleep as she was yawning she just hugged raiven" teddy" she say as she layed on raiven arm as she smiled she thought raiven as teddy she usually sleep with a stuffed animal with her but she left it back at the academy she just yawned she was the closet next to her she just was yawning her heart was racing in her dream about her mother dying as she wimper a little bit" mommy don't leave me" she say as she was sleep talking as she was yawning in her sleep she had her implant off at the moment in the cas as she was moving around a lot she regret losing her mom and not saying goodbye to her she felt loneness sometimes  @Eternal Dragonchild

Luna just blushed as he kissed her" i won't fait and i just take a shower would you do the bandages though" she say as she was holding his hand she glad she had him she just walked with him to the bathroom she was still in pain but it didn't really bouther her she was just humming she wanted to stay with him she haven't told her big sister they are dating she think they are" so does this make us boyfriend girlfriend" she asked as she blushed at the question she reallly wanted him to be her boyfriend" i loved that kiss" she say as she was being a little dreamsy with him" she just looked around she was hoping to thell her sister @Leo Radomir
Aruce blushed and licked her skin. "I'm sorry Raiven. I just don't want to lose you or her." Arcus said as he rolled over and let his arms fall to the bed. His face was still sullen, and he tried to look anywhere but Raiven's body. For some reason he just couldn't look he felt very shy.

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