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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Reno was surprised to here this coming from Hanako. "Ruby and I aren't together, in fact I don't even know if she's just playing with my emotions or if she's actually loves me," he explains. "It's those kinds of things that frustrate me enough to destroy half the world just to get some damn answers. The only thing stopping that is my patience."

"Alright, let's go," she said. Liliana creates a portal back to where Luna is and walks through it with Ruby in tow. "I got the catalyst and the seal, in case it goes haywire," she said triumphantly. "Ray, I'll need you and Ruby to help sap out the energy. Reno, I'll need you to hold this crystal high in the air." Liliana gave Reno the crystal and went back to join up with the others. Reno held it as high as he could so that the energy could be safely transferred to it's target. Alright, when everyone' ready, let's start the process. Oh and Luna, I'd brace yourself, this procedure can be a bit jarring at times." 

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Leo Radomir


Ruby and ray stand either side of luna completely ignoring reno complaining and start drawing out the energy out slowly so she wouldn't feel as much pain the magic circles pulse as the angels magic is being drawn out little by little ray shock his head as thinks to himself' Even if she wasn't just enjoying the sex you lack the mental strength and integrity and sorry and telling people what you think they want to hear isn't going to work anymore yet you want her to be yours what a massive joke i will tell them to take back the powers i leant you because you are unfit to my friend and comrade'.   
"Ray, focus, I know what you're think, but now is not the best time for that," she shouted. The energy started to gather into her hands thanks to Ruby and Ray's combined efforts. All she has to do now is transfer it to the crystal and it'll be sealed tight. Reno, understanding this, raised it up, allowing the energy to flow into it. He felt every charge of it as it was being sucked into the crystal, but he had to endure for Luna's sake. When it was over, he owered his arm and looked at it closely. "Well Reno, looks like your idea worked." she softly told him. Reno felt drained trying to hold that crystal. He walked over to a nearby chair and sat himself down. "I think I'm gonna have to rest now," he said. Liliana rolled her eyes and said, "You should have been doing that a long time ago. I know you want to get revenge, but you got to know when to stop and think." "I guess you're right, what was I thinking. Sorry Ruby, I guess I need to get my emotions together before doing something stupid." Liliana turned to Ray now that the ordeal is over. "I know he can be a bit thickheaded, but I don't really blame him, like father like son I suppose." Reno thought about his offer with Ray and used his borrowed powers to call forth his familiars Raziel, Eris, and Spectra. the Dragon, Jackle, and Lion respectively came forth to await his master's orders. "Long time no see," he said. "I need you three to stay here with Ruby, Ray and I while the others search for Kaidor. Since Luna's still recovering, we'll need all the help we can get." Reno turns to both Ruby and Ray with a look of seriousness in his face. "Meet my familiars, Raziel the Ice Dragon, Eris the Forest Jackal, and Spectra the Spirit Lion...though from how she does things I tend to call her the literal Hellcat."

@Leo Radomir
"Ray, focus, I know what you're think, but now is not the best time for that," she shouted. The energy started to gather into her hands thanks to Ruby and Ray's combined efforts. All she has to do now is transfer it to the crystal and it'll be sealed tight. Reno, understanding this, raised it up, allowing the energy to flow into it. He felt every charge of it as it was being sucked into the crystal, but he had to endure for Luna's sake. When it was over, he owered his arm and looked at it closely. "Well Reno, looks like your idea worked." she softly told him. Reno felt drained trying to hold that crystal. He walked over to a nearby chair and sat himself down. "I think I'm gonna have to rest now," he said. Liliana rolled her eyes and said, "You should have been doing that a long time ago. I know you want to get revenge, but you got to know when to stop and think." "I guess you're right, what was I thinking. Sorry Ruby, I guess I need to get my emotions together before doing something stupid." Liliana turned to Ray now that the ordeal is over. "I know he can be a bit thickheaded, but I don't really blame him, like father like son I suppose." Reno thought about his offer with Ray and used his borrowed powers to call forth his familiars Raziel, Eris, and Spectra. the Dragon, Jackle, and Lion respectively came forth to await his master's orders. "Long time no see," he said. "I need you three to stay here with Ruby, Ray and I while the others search for Kaidor. Since Luna's still recovering, we'll need all the help we can get." Reno turns to both Ruby and Ray with a look of seriousness in his face. "Meet my familiars, Raziel the Ice Dragon, Eris the Forest Jackal, and Spectra the Spirit Lion...though from how she does things I tend to call her the literal Hellcat."

@Leo Radomir

Ruby and ray ignore the familiars and ray says" I'll be taking more powers back with in the next week as i've deemed you unfit to be my ally and friend it's a shame because like ruby i thought you understood me but your only ever sorry and regretful after the events, by the ways there was some love from ruby but till you change she'll distance her self from you". " I'm also asking you before i don't give you a choice will you rest and recover and sit this one out right now you'll only be in the way and even a medium level fallen angel can kill you". " back at my other hq i know a guy that can help so there's no need to go see the guy i wish i didn't have to do it this way but if we always let it slide you wouldn't learn i've had to sit missions out so i'm not doing this to be spitdul".
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Luna was in a lot of pain since the energy was out of her as she looked at the family" how you do" she say in pain as she just wanted to cry she just sighed looking at her big sister and ray" please don't fight right now please i'm still trying to heal can you wait please" she say to them  as she sat up painfully as she was looking around she was grinning her teeth together she was trying to be tough she didn't care if she was in pain she looked at ruby as she was somewhat scared but didn't show it on her face" i'm okay" she say to her sister" thank you for taking it out of me that was like a curse" she say as she just lay back down cuddeling with raiven she needed time to recover when they were taking the energy out she was screaming she almost cried during the process of removing the energy in her now she just felt weak too weak too move @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
"I supposed you're right, I need to keep a calm mind in order for me to be the hero," he said. "Which is why until I'm ready...I'm revoking my Elite role early." Liliana was shocked to hear his son willingly give up the role he's worked so hard on. "Reno, let's not be hasty here," she pleaded. "You worked so hard to obtain that title, you've trained all your life for it. Why would you just suddenly throw it away over something like this?" Reno didn't want to do this to his own mother, but he felt like he had no choice in the matter. "Because until I can prov my worth to them, I'm not fit for the role. You know it, they know it, my dad knows it...I'm sorry mom, but it's my choice." "Who cares about that? Who cares about what they think? You did it for you, not for someone else." Reno just stood there with a serious look on his face. "She's right, you did it because you wanted to be the hero you wanted to be, not to impress someone." Darius showed up in time to see his son before him. "Kargoath was to make sure you don't do something reckless, now here you are doing something selfish, did you even think about how others would feel before you made that decision?" "Yes, I have, and it's because of my actions that I'd rather not tarnish the Elite title. Like you, Ray, Ruby, and everyone else has told me. until I get my emotions in check I'll only do more harm than good. I'm just taking your advice and stripping my Elite title until that happens." Reno creates a portal to the spirit realm, where he used to go and train. "Do not come and get me, my familiars will keep you from doing so," he continued. "I'm going to do some meditation." Darius and Liliana were dumbfounded to hear him say all of that, and what he was doing. All they could do was watch as Reno stepped into the portal and close it. "Damn it...he just stripped himself of his Elite rank, I don't even know if that's the son I know, or the son I wanted him to be."

Raiven Darktower

Raiven sleepily wrapped her arms around the girl with a yawn. She gently moved the girl so she was being snuggled by the Lightning elemental. "Shush, just rest, regain your energy, I'll keep you safe from any harm. Someone tried to touch you without asking and I'll shock them"

She planted a sleepy, tender kiss to Luna's forehead before wrapping herself around the girl, her Sunhound sitting nearby to watch. It soon pawed over to Darius and nosed his hand, trying to get free strokes out of recent events.

(Found this and it is PERFECTION, thank you @Ambela


@Zeldafangirl (Luna)
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"I supposed you're right, I need to keep a calm mind in order for me to be the hero," he said. "Which is why until I'm ready...I'm revoking my Elite role early." Liliana was shocked to hear his son willingly give up the role he's worked so hard on. "Reno, let's not be hasty here," she pleaded. "You worked so hard to obtain that title, you've trained all your life for it. Why would you just suddenly throw it away over something like this?" Reno didn't want to do this to his own mother, but he felt like he had no choice in the matter. "Because until I can prov my worth to them, I'm not fit for the role. You know it, they know it, my dad knows it...I'm sorry mom, but it's my choice." "Who cares about that? Who cares about what they think? You did it for you, not for someone else." Reno just stood there with a serious look on his face. "She's right, you did it because you wanted to be the hero you wanted to be, not to impress someone." Darius showed up in time to see his son before him. "Kargoath was to make sure you don't do something reckless, now here you are doing something selfish, did you even think about how others would feel before you made that decision?" "Yes, I have, and it's because of my actions that I'd rather not tarnish the Elite title. Like you, Ray, Ruby, and everyone else has told me. until I get my emotions in check I'll only do more harm than good. I'm just taking your advice and stripping my Elite title until that happens." Reno creates a portal to the spirit realm, where he used to go and train. "Do not come and get me, my familiars will keep you from doing so," he continued. "I'm going to do some meditation." Darius and Liliana were dumbfounded to hear him say all of that, and what he was doing. All they could do was watch as Reno stepped into the portal and close it. "Damn it...he just stripped himself of his Elite rank, I don't even know if that's the son I know, or the son I wanted him to be."

Ruby sighed and says" the backlash from not allowing himself to heal properly will sooner or later kick in and for the time being i'm taking a break from your home and going back to other hq if he kills himself in the process it's not my problem anymore i thank you for your kindness and time and all the other things have let me grow, i'll make people have a time slot to seen luna if you don't want to that's fine i'm used to having to watch over her when i can". 

Ruby slips a pain killer in her mouth and says"  It should take five minutes or so to kick in i'll have ray give you the visitor pass for the other hq it's only for one visitor that's how it works over there and now i must go back to rest i've had more than enough nonsense for one day". Ruby then starts to open a portal and turns to haniko and says" i don't completely understand the whole love thing but one thing i do now is right now i need people like you with a level head so i'll get you a pass as well to come and visit me and ray and thanks for trying to make the day fun". Ruby then jumps through the portal and it closes and ray sighs and says" I'll stay with luna ruby will be back in a few hours and i have a place nearby besides the two hq that we can use and i'm sorry your feeling are hurt but right now he's starting to get it right even though he stupidity has gone off to train in his weakened condition, if you have any matters concerning the job at hand please leave a not with the other hq and i'll get back to you". 
Hazel was stuck in the farris wheel with luka as she was scared to climb down' too high too high' she thought as she was looking at the hight as she got out her phone she text one of her friends" SOMEONE HELP stuck on farris wheel and I"M SCARED OF HEIGHTS" she texted her friends she just looked down as she was feeling a bit light headed' now what should we do while we wait' she texted as she just lay on her lap' i hate heights i hate heights' she signed trying not to freak out she just sighed closing her eyes trying not to think about the height of the ferris wheel she just wanted to throw up but didn't since she was with luna' man this sucks' she thought as she looked at luka' who idea was it to go on the ferris wheel again' she signed giggling a little 

Luna just yawend all sleepy her sister gave her a pill as she was getting tired she just hugged raiven as she was sleeping' i want to go home' she thought as she was ready to go as someone touch as she was scared for a bit but calmed down she was dreaming of her mom she was ready to heal she just yawned very big she glad ray stayed but she had to go back to the school or to HQ with lilana since she was still hurt and she needed the protection just in case her father will be coming back she felt relaxed a bit drooling on the pillow a bit she was scared if her father come back to her he would take her from her new family from the hq and hurt her like her stepmother did @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
Myuki hated being ignored. She was offering to use her families gift but no one seemed to care. "Seriously instead of trying something that looks like it might be painful but what ever I guess I'm not needed here" she said with a bit of anger before transporting away with a flash of her flame. She didn't care to meet that other boy since he didn't show her any manners so she left that at that. She was willing to help them remove the energy and transfer it to herself. She wanted to use it to draw the angels close so that she could negotiate a deal with them but no, everyone had to look at the fact she wanted to kill her brother and gat she was in love high him. 'Jerks the long of them' she thought to herself as she sat down in the library and began to read.

@ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir

Magnus almost jumped at not so much his nephews speaking but instead he jumped when Clair had spoken "Sorry I was reading a little. Uhm yes it was impressive. Actually most mages who attempt that spell usually end up in critical condition so it's quite something that you were able to use that spell and only end up unconscious. That and you have no element magic to call on so I'm amazed you could use the grimoir as well as you did" he said gesturing to the amulet around Homura's neck. He looked outside and saw smoke off in the direction of town 'Wait the festival is down there' he thought as his face tightened "Alright you two how about you both go get something to eat. I'll get everything set up so that you can both train together when we start tomorrow. Homura, you especially need the training since your most at risk of losing your Elites rank and title" he said sternly as he looked at his phone and punched in a few digits. "Alright with in proper training and resting schedule parameters you should be able to get stronger than you were with your powers in 3 weeks" he said holding up three fingers as he looked at his nephew after sticking his phone away.

Homura looked at both Clair and his uncle "Wow so apparently I missed a lot. Wait when did they decide to do the re-evaluations? I thought that they should only do that if they found someone in that set cheating on their tests" he said remembering a line about the matter in his school handbook. He looked outside "Well maybe we should go out tonight Clair. It would be nice plus I need to make it up to you after the other night" he said remembering their ruined date due to his insistent need to help everyone. He wanted to apologize to her properly "How about it Prez, would you please go to dinner with me tonight?" He asked after getting up from his bed and sliding one of his loose fit blue dress vests.

@Mr Swiftshots 

Luka Arnett

Luka wrapped her arms around Hazel "Mainly mine' she signed in reply. Luka wasn't fond of the way it kept rocking in the wind, she'd have to do something and soon to avoid fainting. 'We could eat the snacks we bought, food is a great distraction' she signed emphatically as she dug in her bag for the treats and drinks they'd bought. After some rustling she triumphantly held up the bag of popcorn and a bottle of lemonade 'Let's eat'

Hazel just smiled at her' i wonder when someone will notice that we still stuck up here i text our friends but no one is answering' she signed as she just sat up looking at the food' yay food' she sighed as she just smiled she looked at the popcorn as she was trying to ignore her dizzness she just looked at luka' please someone help us' she thought as she just eat some popcorn' thank you for buying some food and drinks' she signed as shejust start eating the popcorn she was scared be left up here all night she just felt some tears coming down her face' do you think someone will save us' she signed as she was snuggling next to her she felt the wind pushing the ferris wheel she felt sick she just wanted to get down from the ferris wheel but no one noticed that they were still up there she was getting cold @Eternal Dragonchild
"I'm gonna go back to the fair," she said. "I have to find Hazel and Luka, those two were with us during the inccident." Liliana creates a portal to the fair and walks through it. It ended up sending her right next to the Ferris Wheel. After a few seconds, she heard screaming, who she recognized as Hazel's, and was stunned when she saw that they're both stuck at the top of the ride. Frantically, she rushes over to the controls and flips one of the switches. She turned to see that the wheel is moving, but at a slow rate. 'Oh my god, how long were they up there for?'

Darius got up from his feet and turned to meet Ray's gaze. "Alright Ray, I'll hold you up on that," he said, though with a forced smile. "Reno's doing something that I never thought he would do in my entire life. He's going to meditate and try to achieve enlightenment. If he succeeds, he'll have gained some pretty interesting light abilities, primarily for defense and recovery." He was interested to see how his son would be able to come out and if he'd be different from before. "Still, to suddenly strip himself of his Elite rank, that's not like him at all. Maybe he's finally getting it."

@Leo Radomir
Hazel felt the ferris wheel as she smiled a bit as she looked down as she saw reno's mother her and luka been stuck in there for a long time as she just want to get off this thing she just cover her mouth she had a very weak stomach she just looked at luka' cold cold liliana is here i be rushing to the trash can when i get out' she signed as she felt the ferris wheel was at the bottom she just got out and ran to the trashcan she felt very weak as her stomach gave out she just throw up she hated hates' never again will i ride another farris wheel' she thought as she felt someone rubbing her back as she just smiled" i'm okay i'm okay" she say to the person who was rubbing her back @ShadowSaber331 & @Eternal Dragonchild

Luka Arnett

Luka stepped off the Ferris wheel and clung onto Lilliana. 'Thank you for saving us!' She signed, shivering slightly because she was cold. Her backpack was slung over her shoulders, food safely stowed inside as she walked over to Hazel and rubbed her softly on the back 'You gonna be okay Hazy' she signed to the the girl.

Hazel wa sright about one thing, they were never ever going on a Ferris Wheel again.

"I'm so sorry I left you two here, we had a bit of a situation that needed our attention." Liliana created a portal and transported herself and the two girl to where Luna was held up in. "In short, Luna was shot by someone, we're looking for whoever did it, but he's hard to track down." "Of course, Fallen Angels can be slippery little vermin. Unfortunately, we'll have to wait until Reno comes back." Liliana nodded in agreement. "Of course, unless any of us knows how we can contact Kaidor, I don't think we can do anything." This was a bind they have no choice but to let happen, because like she said, unless someone knows how to find or contact Kaidor, they'll have to wait until Reno gets back.


@Eternal Dragonchild
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Hazel just stood up' sorry i have a very weak stomach espisally with heights they are scary' she signed' i'm never ever will get on a ferris wheel again never' she signed as she sighed' sorry' she signed as she stood up as she grabbed her bag she felt a little better as she looked at miss Lilianna as she looked at her" tank you saving us" she say as she was trying to talk better she still needed to practice she just walked with them she just sneezed' uh oh' she thought as she just walked with her back to the place' she got shot like when i was with raiven i got shot on my arm' she thought as she just saw everyone as she smiled she kept sneezing as she felt hot a bit @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild
back at rays place he puts luna on the bed and gently shakes her and says" please get up i can't feed you if your asleep and i have a place for rav chan in the back i'll sleep on the sofa rav chan can head out some time tomorrow ruby will be back in a few hrs and even though they don't get on after all the events even ruby won't want to pick a fight so don't worry". 

@Eternal Dragonchild

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Reno was focusing hard and long to achieve enlightenment, and he figured it was going to take years before he could do. That was one of the reasons why he liked training in the spirit realm. There, one month in that realm is equivalent to one hour in the material plain, and since he was not of the spiritual plain, one minute to him is equivalent to...one minute. He figured that a couple of days would be enough to meditate, or so he figured. 'They're right, I've been selfish, I've been reckless, like I didn't think about how someone would feel about me being dead or is close to dying.' As he concentrated, he felt lighter, like the weight of the world was lifting off of him. Not sure of himself, he kept on repeating the mantra.

Luna just sat up as she was very tired as she had heer eyes half open as she just yawned as she looked at him" raiven is my friend so goodnight" she say laying back down she was so sleepy her bandages needed to be changed she was somewhat healed but not fully she just yawned" food" she say as she yaned wanting to sleep" raiven saved my life you did too of course with the energy that was in me" she say as she lay back down as she was waiting for the food  she just was happy" big sister is coming back later yay" she say as she looked at him" raiven is the first friend i made since i started the school she's nice" she say as she just sit back up looking at her friend @Leo Radomir
Arcus turned around and saw the least likely person.  He saw his best friend Aubrey, and ran to her. He wrapped her in a big hug, and twirled around. "How is my favorite best friend??" Arcus asked as he hugged her at the waist and held her close to him.

Raiven Darktower

Raiven sat up in the bed, head ringing like Big Ben. Blearily she rubbed her eyes, looking around the room. She spotted Ray and groaned "What happened, why does my head feel like Big Ben is ringing inside it, where am I? Why do I feel so weak?" She bombarded the boy with questions, hoping to fill in the mental blanks in her recollection of events. Her hair was standing on end, giving her an almost Einstein like apperance. 

All she knew were that her arms and legs felt like jelly and her head was hurting as she wrapped her arms around Luna to give the girl a comforting hug.

"You ok now?" She asked. 

Luka Arnett

Luka wrapped her arms around Hazel again 'Oops, bless you.' She signed when Hazel sneezed. When Hazel kept on sneezing, she gave Lilliana a worried look.

'Miss, is Hazel okay?' She asked, pointing to her constantly sneezing girlfriend 'If she doesn't stop, her nose will go BOOM!' Luka explained. Her parents had told her this and Luka, despite being 15, believed it.


Raiven Darktower

Raiven sat up in the bed, head ringing like Big Ben. Blearily she rubbed her eyes, looking around the room. She spotted Ray and groaned "What happened, why does my head feel like Big Ben is ringing inside it, where am I? Why do I feel so weak?" She bombarded the boy with questions, hoping to fill in the mental blanks in her recollection of events. Her hair was standing on end, giving her an almost Einstein like apperance. 

All she knew were that her arms and legs felt like jelly and her head was hurting as she wrapped her arms around Luna to give the girl a comforting hug.

"You ok now?" She asked. 

Luka Arnett

Luka wrapped her arms around Hazel again 'Oops, bless you.' She signed when Hazel sneezed. When Hazel kept on sneezing, she gave Lilliana a worried look.

'Miss, is Hazel okay?' She asked, pointing to her constantly sneezing girlfriend 'If she doesn't stop, her nose will go BOOM!' Luka explained. Her parents had told her this and Luka, despite being 15, believed it.

Luka Arnett

Luka wrapped her arms around Hazel again 'Oops, bless you.' She signed when Hazel sneezed. When Hazel kept on sneezing, she gave Lilliana a worried look.

'Miss, is Hazel okay?' She asked, pointing to her constantly sneezing girlfriend 'If she doesn't stop, her nose will go BOOM!' Luka explained. Her parents had told her this and Luka, despite being 15, believed it.


Ray gently laughs and says" you used a lot of your mana and now getting the backlash from it, i'll bring some medicine to will i'm at it you'll need it, as for luna she was crying and some point you fell asleep with her i can't blame you if your in love with such a wonderful girl but i'm not one to share so it will have to stay a dream if that's the case". Ray then turns around and heads to the kitchen next door and starts sorting through the food to make an easy meal for them both so they can regain their strengh.
Luna just looked at her friend' i was not crying' she thought tas she was pouting" i'm okay i think" she say as she just was playing with her hair her hair was a mess from sleeping" it's nice to see your okay too thanks for helping with me being shot" she say as she just was coughing a bit she just hug her friend" i owe you my life i could have died but i didn't" she say as she looked at her as she just giggled as she was playing a bit" are ya gonna stay here" she asked as she was hungry" my boyfriend is making me and you some food" she told her as she was smiling she was happy" but yeah i think i'm okay don't worry" she say" i probably need some protection cause my daddy will come to get me i don't know i'm scared my dad is a demon" she say as she looked at her as she just lay back to down wanting to go back to sleep @Eternal Dragonchild

Aubrey Dark

Aubrey squealed as Arcus hugged her "I'm doing really well, I'm gonna be coming to Sakura now, I got transferred too. Is my Arcy's heart still avaliable for me?" She asked, hands on her hips as she pouted at him "It better be as no one else is worthy of you." Aubrey hadn't seen Arcus in a long time, she'd missed him. 

Yet over all the time, her feelings still hadn't changed much, she still had a romantic interest in him 

"I'll push away any other girl"

Raiven Darktower

"You do not owe me your life, or anything at all for that matter" She smiled at Luna "But only saving you should not have drained me this much, Ray why is my mana drained this much?" She stayed close to Luna, resting her head on top of the girl's "Where's Arcus, where's my boyfriend. I need him here" Raiven's voice sounded younger and a lot more scared. Her hands shuffled through herpockets unable to find her phone 

"Oh where is it now?"


Aubrey Dark

Aubrey squealed as Arcus hugged her "I'm doing really well, I'm gonna be coming to Sakura now, I got transferred too. Is my Arcy's heart still avaliable for me?" She asked, hands on her hips as she pouted at him "It better be as no one else is worthy of you." Aubrey hadn't seen Arcus in a long time, she'd missed him. 

Yet over all the time, her feelings still hadn't changed much, she still had a romantic interest in him 

"I'll push away any other girl"

Raiven Darktower

"You do not owe me your life, or anything at all for that matter" She smiled at Luna "But only saving you should not have drained me this much, Ray why is my mana drained this much?" She stayed close to Luna, resting her head on top of the girl's "Where's Arcus, where's my boyfriend. I need him here" Raiven's voice sounded younger and a lot more scared. Her hands shuffled through herpockets unable to find her phone 

"Oh where is it now?"

Raiven Darktower

"You do not owe me your life, or anything at all for that matter" She smiled at Luna "But only saving you should not have drained me this much, Ray why is my mana drained this much?" She stayed close to Luna, resting her head on top of the girl's "Where's Arcus, where's my boyfriend. I need him here" Raiven's voice sounded younger and a lot more scared. Her hands shuffled through herpockets unable to find her phone 

"Oh where is it now?"


Ray came back with two cream of chicken soups and some bread and butter and puts it on the table near the bed and says"  He's back at the academy were pretty far from the place so i'll take you back in the morning, as for your so drained well between healing and mass resurrection you almost depleted your mana don't worry i have no interest in you so you don't have to worry about me making a move on you, please eat before the soup and bread go cold it's dangerous not to eat while in this condition" " I have some paper work to take care of so i'll eat later and i'm used to being up later and as i said before my guardian ixa is also keeping watch as an added measure".    

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