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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Reno was getting angry, not only at her father for trying to kill him, but at himself for not doing anything to stop him. "Damn it to hell, I could have stopped him, I could have save her...and I just stood there..." His aura turned black and his demonic armor started forming. "When I find that son of a bitch I'll....I'll..." His armor was fully formed by the time he was about to finish his sentence, but he didn't want to let it kill everyone again. He stayed in his armor and turned to face his friends. "No way I'm going to rest now Ruby, I just stood there and let him slip away with a look of satisfation in his face, and so long as his energy is inside Luna, he'll track her down to the ends of the earth to finish what he started." he said in his demonic, dual-toned voice. "He said that he'll bring a war to us for angering him...well, he has no idea how powerful my anger is...I'll find that asshole, and I'll give him a grand tour of MY version of hell!"

@Leo Radomir
Luna looked up at her sister" who was he why did he want to kill me" she asked as she was just laying down" i feel useless i couldn't even fight" she say as she was really afraid everything she doe waill be tracked she just had bandages on her stomach she couldn't move for a while' great thanks' she thougt as she just was watching her sister" i'm sorry i ruined your day" she say to her as she looked a the wheelchair' yay me' she thought as she was worried for her sister" what will we do about him he'll come after us i could have used my powers but i was too weak since he shot me" she say as she just looked at her sister she just breath in she was trying not to freak out anymore she looked at reno and her foster mother" wait track me" she say as she try sit up but she wasn't supposed to be moving" ow ow ow" she say @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild

Raphael Moreau


I was a bit miffed when Luna thanked Raiven, as if it was her who had healed her. I was also peeved the Raiven ordered me around like a puppet. No matter, I continued to do my job. "...How scary Reno, how scary indeed." I'd then sigh as I would, with a wave of a hand, summon a clone of mine to maintain the sunshine healing stuff. "...I have yet to have a serious battle with a worthy opponent. I'll aid you, however, know that I will opt out of I find this fight no longer... interesting, or worth of my attention. As I really do not have that much of a purpose to fight," I'd say. I'd then unravel a map showing where all the... "Raphaels" were. With another wave of the hands, essences of shadow came towards my location and merged with me. The percentage I was labeled with, the percentage of all the "Raphaels" concentrating in one being would raise from 0.1% to 5% in seconds. I felt as if I was stronger, more energized. I even gave off a very distinct, very authoritative aura as if the fighting, wittiness, and slyness of 50 Raphaels came into one being. "...The time for talk is over, now, it is time to fight."
Reno was getting angry, not only at her father for trying to kill him, but at himself for not doing anything to stop him. "Damn it to hell, I could have stopped him, I could have save her...and I just stood there..." His aura turned black and his demonic armor started forming. "When I find that son of a bitch I'll....I'll..." His armor was fully formed by the time he was about to finish his sentence, but he didn't want to let it kill everyone again. He stayed in his armor and turned to face his friends. "No way I'm going to rest now Ruby, I just stood there and let him slip away with a look of satisfation in his face, and so long as his energy is inside Luna, he'll track her down to the ends of the earth to finish what he started." he said in his demonic, dual-toned voice. "He said that he'll bring a war to us for angering him...well, he has no idea how powerful my anger is...I'll find that asshole, and I'll give him a grand tour of MY version of hell!"

@Leo Radomir

Ruby slapped him very hard across the face and for the first time starts crying in front of her him and says" Your like a kitten trying to swipe at a tiger he will mop the floor with you as you are now even with your powers are you really that keen to die"? " The demon choose to beat you like that your father has saved your cocky ass time and time again you know what these days i wonder why i've tryied so hard to understand what love is clearly i'm wasting my time trying to continue building our bond and you i thought you'd finally learned something after all that has happened". Ruby then rips open a portal and jumps through and the portal closes and ray sighs deeply and gently holds luna's hand and says" No matter how we may feel she has a very valid point we are still learning out powers and some of us are still wounded and you didn't directly reno did by not knowing when to back off i'll stay by you and call my other co workers and tell them what happened".  Ray turned to reno and says" for once don't be a idiot and take good advise i lent you my power because i thought you would handle things better and understand me better but to be frank i'm in two minds to ask them to take it back you say earned your place i'm starting to doubt it because all i see is a little boy that is ready to fly off the handle yet again because he can't keep his emotions in check the fact you have been allowed to retain your rank so long is a joke".
Reno thought long and hard and realized what he was up against. He doesn't even know how powerful those guys are and he still tried to go after them. He returns to his normal self and says, "Damn it, you're right. I'm primarily angry at myself for letting this happen in the first place, if I had sensed him, if I had found him aiming at Luna, she wouldn't be in this mess." Reno was helpless now, he just fell onto his knees, fighting the urge to cry. "I hate feeling powerless, I hate knowing that I should have done something prevent something horrible to happen. What good is having my powers if I can't even protect my friends?"

@Leo Radomir
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Luna just looked at reno as she just start to pout" its not your fault" she say as she looked at ray as she had tears in her eyes" i just want to go home please liliana please i want to go" she say as she was begging her a little she was scared that he come back for her" just let me stay by myslef he will kill me anywyas" she say as she just got in the wheelchair tears keept pouring down her face as she using her wheel chair she just saw everyone fighting "STOP FIGHTING" she yelled" i just want to feel safe i haven't felt that way in a long time so shut up and stop fighting" she say as frowned @ShadowSaber331
"Alright alright, we won't fight anymore," he said. "Anyway, I have a new plan, I know of one person, a hunter who goes by the name of Kaidor. he's been hunting fallen angels for centuries and knows all their tricks like the back of his hand. He'll train us on how to fight them off and teach us some anti-fallen angel magic. So until we know of their weaknesses, he's possibly our best bet." Reno just smiled at them confidently after his emo phase. He also thought that since her father's going to track them down, he may end up finding said hunter as well. "First thing's first though," he continued. "We can't have 'dad from hell' following our every move, and he could possible bypass any defenses we put up. So we need to siphon out his energy inside a catalyst so that we can dispose of it and not have to worry about him stalking us. Also, we're gonna have to split this group up, one to go find Kaidor and the other group will stay with Luna while she recovers, but first...Any idea of how we can extract said energy without killing her in the process?"

@Leo Radomir


@Eternal Dragonchild
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Luna just looked up at them" so i need protection thank you for this reno i need time to heal too so thanks" she say as she smiled she sit in the bed as she was looking around' kinda scared about her father" i don't want him to find me i'm scared okay i'm scared" she say as she looked at reno" i thought big sister would be here for me but no she freaking left me because she was mad at you of all times she had to leave" she say as she just sit on the bed she just hug the pillow trying to calm down as she looked at reno mom" how do i get the energy out of me so he don't track me" she say as she had tears in her eyes" reno" she say hiccuping @ShadowSaber331
"Okay, I get it, it's my fault," he said. Liliana rolled her eyes and said, "I don't know if I could do it with my own powers, but I do have a catalyst that can help siphon it out. I'll be right back." She creates a portal into HQ and walks through it, leaving the others to tend to Luna. "Hopefully she gets back here with the catalyst," he commented. "We got about three hours before his energy merges with Luna, otherwise it'll be even harder to extract it."

Liliana walked out of the portal and into her room, where she frantically looked round for a proper catalyst to hold the energy. "Come on come on, where the hell is it?" After some time, she found what she was looking for: an empty mana crystal that can suck out and use the energy of any living thing, she walks out the door into a long hallway. 'Alright, just one more thing to keep the energy inside the it.' She was referring to a seal that was created to keep the energy inside any crystal from going haywire. She left the room and hear crying, who she knew was Ruby's. "Ruby, are you here hunny?" she shouted.

@Leo Radomir


@Eternal Dragonchild

Luna just shake her head" how would you know about my father i kept him a secret" she say" as ruby told me to its not your fault okay" she say as she just looked at him" please don't leave me i'm scared i'm scared" she say as she looked at him tears falling down her face as she noticed her hand was shaking thanks to her fear" i don't want to be like him i don't want to turn evil like him please save me from him" she sa yas she start to doze off as she lay on the bed' i don't want to go i can't i can't leave not yet i haven't found my love i haven't told ray i loved him' she was crying now as she hugged her legs as she was tremembeling in fear @ShadowSaber331
Reno looked like he was about get angry again, but he kept his cool and told her what happened. "You mentioned that he was your father a while ago," he explained. "Don't worry, we're not leaving you here, not until we got the energy out of you. Besides, the guy practically feeds on fallen angel energy. We're using that as payment for helping us." Reno started to pace around, it was all he could do to pass the time while he thinks up another idea and while he waits for his mother to come back with the catalyst.

Luna just looked at her" no i just need my friend right now please be my friend" she say as she just scared" will it hurt" she say as she just lay on him holding otno him' i just can't deal with it my father is awful like my stepmother" she say tears coming down her face she just tried to calm down" all i want to do is sleep but i can't do that until energy is out of me right" she say as she just was struggling to stay awake she almost fell asleep she needed coffee or some soda to keep her awake @ShadowSaber331
Myuki sent a text to Mhikail expressing her disappointment *I thought I told you to bring me that Moreau boy. Do you want me to send you back to hell or are you going to finally decided as I asked* she hit send and put her cafeteria tray by the garbage and left to find something else to occupy her time. When she went down to the festival she saw absolute chaos. "Hahahaha everyone seems to be in a panic but it wasn't me this time" she said giggling. She walked passed plenty of people and made it just in time to see a demon plant some of his own life energy inside of an innocent girl. She walked over to Reno as he paced up and down "So what had the great and all mighty 'Avatar' all in a rut? Finally stain that squeaky clean reputation of yours?" She asked sarcastically "So demons from hell huh? Is this the evil you seem so keen on fighting rather than that frenchys 'revolution'" she started looking around as she spoke to Reno. "Anyway is there any way I can be of some help? Like maybe i don't know, burning that evil energy out of her mana well before it binds to her completely" she said holding out a green flame similar to the one her brother had used "Tick tock" she said as she waited for his response.

@Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331
Reno thought long and hard and realized what he was up against. He doesn't even know how powerful those guys are and he still tried to go after them. He returns to his normal self and says, "Damn it, you're right. I'm primarily angry at myself for letting this happen in the first place, if I had sensed him, if I had found him aiming at Luna, she wouldn't be in this mess." Reno was helpless now, he just fell onto his knees, fighting the urge to cry. "I hate feeling powerless, I hate knowing that I should have done something prevent something horrible to happen. What good is keeping my powers if I can't even protect my friends?"

@Leo Radomir

Ray sighed and said" Even a master elemental would have a hard time with him that guy is a whole different kind of monster to other monsters and his main skill sets are shadow and spirit and in this area it's very easy to move around". and who's this so many pains in the ass lately it's like i'm in some badly written story on seconds thoughts i do care my energy will help the process of drawing the energy out so you can get stuffed anyone with half a brain knows favors like that don't come for free from strangers". 

Ruby dusts the dust from the many walls she had punched down and walks through one of them and says"  Yeah i'm here but i'm not sure i should be and that crystal i made is intense on the body and mind i wouldn't advise it be used with out two or three masters like you at the same time as for her joining the hunters i thought she had it in her but after today for her own good i need to tell darus she's not cut out for it she's not emotionally strong enough and as you know when in a merc or army group there are rules that need to be followed". Ruby paused for a minute then says" Also at some point one might have to kill and unlike me and others luna wouldn't be the same if she was forced to kill someone to live, they have positions in the medical ranks and other non combat units". " As for reno this  can done two ways he can recover on his on or i'll have kio sama come down and shove him in a cave with no way out i'm not interested in his option like homura he is a danger to us and himself, you might be be thinking that's to rash but how many more ones i care will die or be killed for one reason or another i outlive a lot of my friends and i've had to kill my friends to keep the peace war will be coming and till i know reno isn't going to keep flying off the handle like an idiot and keeps saying sorry every time he screws up i have no will not fight with him". Ruby's eyes have a very cold but sincere glow to them as she says this not caring if she's hated at this point she knows better than most but sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.
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Homura while unconscious looked around to see if he could try and get back into his mental scape. Every time he tried to pry his way in he found a literal wall blocking off his entry. In every way, his subconscious was sealed off and he had no way of getting in "Seriously? What the hell!" He said to himself. He kept trying with no luck so instead he decided he oils go and check his magic source. What he saw was mind blowing but at the same time he knew it had always been like this. He checked to see if his magic powers were still there but only saw the mass of mana sitting in his body and nothing else "Incredible....." he said in awe.

After a while he could feel his something was very off. He didn't know how to e plain it but he felt like something evil and destructive was somewhere it shouldn't be. "Come on! Wake up Makoto. Your friends need you!" He said to himself as he willed himself to awake. After a few moments he woke up again this time in his own room with Clair sitting beside his bed and his uncle Magnus watching a video on his holo-watch "Hey everyone. So how did I do?" He asked with a dazed smile on his face.

@Mr Swiftshots 

Clair Was half asleep by the time Homura finally came around however she rapidly returned to her full awareness when he began to speak. Today had been quite an experience for her let alone Homura who had clearly more to tell than her. With a smile Clair moved to correct her posture in the seat before addressing what Homura had asked " You did great Homura , with more training you should be better than you ever were before. It's really quite impressive , I had no idea you could use the element of fire in that way."

Clair continued to talk to Homura and inform him of the events that took place while he was unconscious and after she had finished with that she turned to Magnus to see what his opinion was "Magnus , what do you think ? Wasn't he great ! He spit fire , from his mouth..... that's never been done before."

10 hours ago, XxCharColexX said:

Raphael Moreau


I was a bit miffed when Luna thanked Raiven, as if it was her who had healed her. I was also peeved the Raiven ordered me around like a puppet. No matter, I continued to do my job. "...How scary Reno, how scary indeed." I'd then sigh as I would, with a wave of a hand, summon a clone of mine to maintain the sunshine healing stuff. "...I have yet to have a serious battle with a worthy opponent. I'll aid you, however, know that I will opt out of I find this fight no longer... interesting, or worth of my attention. As I really do not have that much of a purpose to fight," I'd say. I'd then unravel a map showing where all the... "Raphaels" were. With another wave of the hands, essences of shadow came towards my location and merged with me. The percentage I was labeled with, the percentage of all the "Raphaels" concentrating in one being would raise from 0.1% to 5% in seconds. I felt as if I was stronger, more energized. I even gave off a very distinct, very authoritative aura as if the fighting, wittiness, and slyness of 50 Raphaels came into one being. "...The time for talk is over, now, it is time to fight."


 Raiven rolled over and flipped Raphael the bird "See us Elites can do good, we aren't all assholes" She smiled as she saw Luna looking stronger "See that? That's good old Egyptian magic. Your sunlight did jack shit" Raiven rolled back over and promptly fell asleep, snoring as she curled up into a ball beside Luna. 

Hanako laughed at Raphael before draping herself on top of Reno, using him as a free ride as she calculated the amount of fallen angels he had avaliable to use and exactly how strong they'd make him "If only I knew how many fallen angels he drained just now. Reno darling, can you use your mana tracing to tell me?"


(Char, Raiven healed Luna in the post LITERALLY JUST BEFORE YOU. Next time READ.)
"Unfortunately no," he answered. "Fallen angels are known to hide their mana signatures from even the best trackers, or so I've heard from my father." He suddenly heard Myuki's voice outside, who wanted to offer them her assistance. Ray sounded like he was confused so he figured he should introduce them. "Oh right, you two haven't met yet, Ray, this is Myuki, Homura's twin sister, who somehow has a pretty bad yandere complex...and somewhat of a brocon I think," he explains. Reno focuses his attention to Myuki who's not with Mihkail this time. "Anyway, we got Ray to help with the process, so...wait a minute, why are you THAT willing to help us? There has to be some sort of fine print somewhere, and where's Mihkail?"

Liliana nodded in agreement in what Ruby was trying to say about the crystal, Luna and Reno. "Okay, three things to tell you about that," she said. "1. I know Reno can be a bit hardheaded at times, but I guess he's just like his father, he always hated doing nothing, always wanting to do something about it even if it kills him. 2. Luna does have some strong mana, but I guess you're right, she's not used to fighting yet. There are medical units that need someone to make potions to heal heavily injured members after all. 3. I got Ray with me, he'll be able to help me extract the energy from Luna while Reno keeps it steady enough for it to be siphoned out, I'll need your help too if you think it's not going to be enough. I just need to find the seal so that it doesn't go haywire when the process is complete."

@Leo Radomir


@Eternal Dragonchild
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(Oh. I didn't see that... Heheh.) \_("/)_/

Raphael Moreau


"...How gracious you are when you try to make a point, I must say," I'd note sarcastically. Perhaps the sunlight didn't work for Luna, I didn't care about that, however, perhaps it was I, myself, who was the intended target. I then would get on my knees, and mockingly praise Raiven, "Oh great half-child demonic being, who is somehow an incarnation of some false God, and sleeps as I then make my response because we all know that it is going to anger her! I am ever thankful for you doing 1 good thing, to someone I don't even care about! Oh, your grace is plentiful and merciful may you shall ever be!" Afterward, I'd then be realistic again. "...The enfant, no, the bébé, thinks that one good act rewrites all wrongs. How interesting."
"Oh right, you two haven't met yet, Ray, this is Myuki, Homura's twin sister, who somehow has a pretty bad yandere complex...and somewhat of a brocon I think," he explains. Reno focuses his attention to Myuki who's not with Mihkail this time. "Anyway, we got Ray to help with the process, so...wait a minute, why are you THAT willing to help us? There has to be some sort of fine print somewhere, and where's Mihkail?"

Liliana nodded in agreement in what Ruby was trying to say about the crystal, Luna and Reno. "Okay, three things to tell you about that," she said. "1. I know Reno can be a bit hardheaded at times, but I guess he's just like his father, he always hated nothing doing something about it even if it kills him. 2. Luna does have some strong mana, but I guess you're right, she's not used to fighting yet. There are medical units that need someone to make potions to heal heavily injured members after all. 3. I got Ray with me, he'll be able to help me extract the energy from Luna while Reno keeps it steady enough for it to be siphoned out, I'll need your help too if you think it's not going to be enough. I just need to find the seal so that it doesn't go haywire when the process is complete."

@Leo Radomir


Ray smirked and says" Again don't really care i don't have time for little games and annoying twits that don't know when to shut up and who cares about the other guy he's not the priority here, i'm going to start the process". Ray starts to set up the magic circles on luna's body.

Ruby twitched and saysA bit is an understatement but after this over i want you to tell him to go rest if he refuses again i will do it we all have times in our lives when we're powerless or frustrated and so on, heck i've lost count of how many i couldn't save and there's a fine line of how many you can bring back from the dead when it comes to that brat their will be a price to pay somewhere down the line i hope she's ready when that dragon comes back for her deeds", As for luna she won't ever join my unit as long as she thinks she can do as she pleases there's many dark secrets i would like to tell people that i can't because i know it will cause mass chaos and so much more". " I'll help because she's my sister and later we need to talk with darius and her about were to put her".  
Liliana grinned at Ruby's choice to help. "I'm glad to see that you care about her Ruby," she said. "Though I don't think she'll take too kindly to you leaving her out of anger. I guess Reno's not the only one who shouldn't let his emotions cloud his judgement." Liliana continued to search for the seal, which would have been easy to find if she...'Damn it, how could I have forgotten about the usual place I keep those things!?' She walked back to her room and opened one of her cabinets, where the required seal was located. "You know,I was wondering why you did what you did," she said as she walked back to where Ruby was. "I think you're in love with him."

@Leo Radomir
Hanako nodded, hugging Reno from behind "Problematic for my calculations but Raiven reincarnated 75 people where there were 80 in total in the area affected by the mana drain. One is our target, meaning that there were three that we cannot detect the mana for plus Raiven herself. Three fallen angels taking down 75 people equals 25 angels per a person, simply multiply the 25:1 ratio to give the approximate damage he could do." 

She smiled and kissed Reno's cheek "Problem solved" She had a chherful grin on her face as she held onto him.

@Reno Artorias
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"Considering how powerful they get when they drain mana from people...oh god." The thought of one fall angel being that strong could be problematic if he were to fight them alone. "Okay, that scared the hell out of me," he said. "Something that powerful could destroy the entire world if they could drain the world population. It'll be something all of us couldn't stop at once. We need to stop this before that happens, or this war will end up becoming an apocalyptic event." Reno felt Hanako kiss him on the cheek, and nearly blushed. "Uh, please tell me that was a friendly kiss."

@Eternal Dragonchild
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Liliana grinned at Ruby's choice to help. "I'm glad to see that you care about her Ruby," she said. "Though I don't think she'll take too kindly to you leaving her out of anger. I guess Reno's not the only one who shouldn't let his emotions cloud his judgement." Liliana continued to search for the seal, which would have been easy to find if she...'Damn it, how could I have forgotten about the usual place I keep those things!?' She walked back to her room and opened one of her cabinets, where the required seal was located. "You know,I was wondering why you did what you did," she said as she walked back to where Ruby was. "I think you're in love with him."

@Leo Radomir

Ruby smirked and says" maybe a part of me is but regardless that ends till he can grow up and i don't care what my sister thinks after this is all over and of course i'm more emotional that usual it's been one thing after the other with those idiots and i'm sick of people wanting to run off to their deaths now i'm still not giving him the option of doing as he please so if he refuses again i'll stick to what i said i would do, now lets get this over with i want to go back to resting my body isn't at full strength". 
"Maybe, maybe not. You're my sort of guy. Strong, handsome and smart. Not to my level though" She gave him another shy kiss on the cheek as she got a free piggy back ride out of his pacing "Only problem is, you're with Ruby, who's kinda hot in her own way. My calculations have shown that you both have the physical qualities that many find attractive in the relevant gender" 

Reno was surprised to here this coming from Hanako. "Ruby and I aren't together, in fact I don't even know if she's just playing with my emotions or if she's actually loves me," he explains. "It's those kinds of things that frustrate me enough to destroy half the world just to get some damn answers. The only thing stopping that is my patience."

"Alright, let's go," she said. Liliana creates a portal back to where Luna is and walks through it with Ruby in tow. "I got the catalyst and the seal, in case it goes haywire," she said triumphantly. "Ray, I'll need you and Ruby to help sap out the energy. Reno, I'll need you to hold this crystal high in the air." Liliana gave Reno the crystal and went back to join up with the others. Reno held it as high as he could so that the energy could be safely transferred to it's target. Alright, when everyone' ready, let's start the process. Oh and Luna, I'd brace yourself, this procedure can be a bit jarring at times."

@Eternal Dragonchild

@Leo Radomir


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