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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

"Uh huh, so, what do you wanna do Ruby," he asked. "We could check out the rides, play a few games, I even heard that they hired a fortune-teller." Deep down though, he wanted to talk to Ahunt and get the full story, but seeing as though things haven't been as smooth with her as it gets, he wanted to at least apologize to her. "Well, you kids have fun," she said. "I'm gonna go check out the food here. I haven't had fried dough in ages." Reno rolled his eyes and watched his mother walk away. 'Ugh, seriously, she somehow reminds me of Ruby when we were younger. Though instead of her being eight she's forty-two.' Reno looked at Ruby and was trying to find some way to tell her, but he instead shifted his focus to Ray and Luna. "So, you two are dating now?"

@Leo Radomir

2 hours ago, ShadowSaber331 said:

5 hours ago, Zeldafangirl said:

Hazel was just smiling as she just was walking to the fair" yay lets have some fun" she say as she was sticking her tongue at reno as she giggled as she was walking with them to the fair as she saw the fair she got happy" yay we are here" she say as she looked at raiven and luka as she just giggled she didn't know what to get on first or what to do" so uh what yoo want to go on first raiven or yoo wait for boyfriend" she say as she just tilted her head slightly she just looked up at the sky as she was excited  @Eternal Dragonchild


Darius turned and saw Arlane behind him. "The Crimson Death Dancers," he asked. "So, you think you're going to be attacked by one of them? Ruby and I have been tracking them down for years, as well as the Grey Skulls, and a few other terrorist organizations. This is bad." Darius didn't want to see his friend die in the worst possible way. He needed to find some way to prevent him from getting killed. "By the way Arlane, in your vision, where were you in your vision?"  

Reno smirked at her comment before speaking up. "I know, just wanted to make sure," he said. "Besides, I was there during your performance, if you had control over your powers like you do over your band, you might be one of, if not THE, most powerful Elite in the UK. Plus, my mom and dad used to take me there when I was a kid so..."

@Leo Radomir


@Eternal Dragonchild


"Why don't we go to the shooting gallery they have teddies" She hugged Hazel as she pointed to the stall "And Reno, music is easy, one-note mean one note. Electricity is constantly changing. It's like comparing grapes and lemons" Determined to win a prize, Raiven dragged Hazel to the stall where she handed over a handful of coins to play the game."Want to play too?"

Arlane sighed "I was outside, it could have been a dinner party, speech, ball...any event. It was late afternoon or early evening" His knuckles whitened on the chair "Unfortunately, as the Minister for Justice, I have no option but to continue with my job. I only ask that Raiven is cared for"
Reno thought about it for a second and realized her point. Powers are difficult to control at times, and even if they have mastery over it, if one variable is off, it could do more harm than good. Seeing as though he doesn't have much of a retort to give, he tells her, "Yes it's constantly changing, but..." He stops mid sentence and creates eight orbs, each representing the natural and arcane magics. They all orbited around him for a second before moving his arms in a pattern, from figure eights, to simple juggling, he ended his display by spinning them in front of him, and with a wave of his arm, went behind him and turned into blades that spun in a slower rate. "You have to learn how to control it's ever changing pattern if you're going to become the master of lightning," he said with a smirk. He waves his arms again and all eight blades dissipated. "No control, means you'll most likely kill innocent people by accident." Reno didn't want Raiven to be stuck with that burden, he gave her that advice because... "I've been down that road before, so I know how it feels. Learn to control your powers Rai, or one day it'll go haywire."

Darius was shocked to hear that he was ready to accept his fate. "I will Arlane, but promise me that if there is a way to bring you back, that you will tell me." Darius was determined to find a way to keep his friend alive from the CDD, even if he'd have to create an illusion of Arlane to take his place. "What else can you tell me about your vision?"

@Eternal Dragonchild
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13 minutes ago, ShadowSaber331 said:

Reno thought about it for a second and realized her point. Powers are difficult to control at times, and even if they have mastery over it, if one variable is off, it could do more harm than good. Seeing as though he doesn't have much of a retort to give, he tells her, "Yes it's constantly changing, but..." He stops mid sentence and creates eight orbs, each representing the natural and arcane magics. They all orbited around him for a second before moving his arms in a pattern, from figure eights, to simple juggling, he ended his display by spinning them in front of him, and with a wave of his arm, went behind him and turned into blades that spun in a slower rate. "You have to learn how to control it's ever changing pattern if you're going to become the master of lightning," he said with a smirk. He waves his arms again and all eight blades dissipated. "No control, means you'll most likely kill innocent people by accident." Reno didn't want Raiven to be stuck with that burden, he gave her that advice because... "I've been down that road before, so I know how it feels. Learn to control your powers Rai, or one day it'll go haywire."

@Eternal Dragonchild




"Just because you're some sort of technicolour power freak" Raiven muttered before turning on her heel, leaving the group so she could go and calm down. She made her way up to the hill and sat on  the far side, looking up at the sky "Judgemental bastard" she whispered under her breath as she sat there, trying to keep a lid on her temper since Osiris had awakened it had been a lot more unpredictable, as witnessed when she reduced a flute player to tears for losing her instrument cleaning cloth. 

A thought crossed her mind, if she was going to be the goddess of death, she better read up on her powers. She knew the library had a book called the "Tome of Death". Another one also peaked her interest, "The Codices of the Demon"

Arlane sighed "What if I do not want to be brought back, the time of my sun is setting, surely your grief will be like the moon at night, brief and fleeting, before a new sun rises to light and warm the world." Arlane wasn't often philosophical, preferring to speak in direct terms " What good does it do, it is set to happen, I asked Lucifer himself to see if he could help. It is set in STONE Darius." 
Luna was just happy as she just looked around as she saw her big brother Reno" reno guess what your mom going to adopt me" she say happily as she saw some other people she was a bit shy she really liked ray she looked up there was a ferris wheel she just smiled she just hugged reno as she was happy to be with ray" hey ray lets have some fun than later meet up Lil..... i mean mum i think" she say as she just hold his hand she was excited about being able to be adopted and to spend some time with ray" lets have some fun on some rides okay" she say as she just hold onto him @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331

Hazel just hide behind raiven as she saw some people she was very shy she didn't like meeting new people she just looked at the person but hide again than saw she was friends with reno she just stepped out she wasn't as scared anymore she looked at the game she was playing but she was losing she just puffed she hated when she lose games she wanted the teddy bear" raiveeeeen" she say as she was pouting she didn't like losing she just gave up on the game" i want to go on the rides" she say as she just looked at raiven and luka she just smiled glad she had great friends and a great girlfriend she just hold her hand" wanna go on a ride' she signed to luka @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild
'I don't know why, but I felt something earlier when I was walking with Raiven...something's off.' Reno kept thinking about it for a while but gave up, figuring that the answer will present itself soon. When he heard about Luna becoming his foster sister, he was a bit surprised about it. "That's awesome," he shouted. "Wait a minute, what's going on in your home that made mom want to adopt you?" He's seen Luna's scars before when she tried to hide them, but he didn't exactly why they were there. 'Okay, weird presence, mom taking in Luna, I don't know if it's coincidental or something actually happened. I'll ask mom about it when I find her."

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Luna just looked at Reno as she pulled down her sleeves as she was trying to hide her scars but she knew she had to tell him about her stepmother" i.... i get abused back at home so your mum agreed to adopt me" she say as she looked at him" big sister is getting forced to marry someone that she don't want you to i think she likes you more" she say as she just was messing with her shirt" i'm okay though i'm tougher than i look at least i try to be" she say as she just looked at him showing him the scars she had she was trying to get him to underrstand her pain what she went through everyday she pulled down her scars as she just sighed" do you understand now" she asked as she just smiled she wasn't going to be sad she was still happy nothing can bring her down nothing can make her cry right now @ShadowSaber331
Luna was just happy as she just looked around as she saw her big brother Reno" reno guess what your mom going to adopt me" she say happily as she saw some other people she was a bit shy she really liked ray she looked up there was a ferris wheel she just smiled she just hugged reno as she was happy to be with ray" hey ray lets have some fun than later meet up Lil..... i mean mum i think" she say as she just hold his hand she was excited about being able to be adopted and to spend some time with ray" lets have some fun on some rides okay" she say as she just hold onto him @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331

Hazel just hide behind raiven as she saw some people she was very shy she didn't like meeting new people she just looked at the person but hide again than saw she was friends with reno she just stepped out she wasn't as scared anymore she looked at the game she was playing but she was losing she just puffed she hated when she lose games she wanted the teddy bear" raiveeeeen" she say as she was pouting she didn't like losing she just gave up on the game" i want to go on the rides" she say as she just looked at raiven and luka she just smiled glad she had great friends and a great girlfriend she just hold her hand" wanna go on a ride' she signed to luka @ShadowSaber331 @Eternal Dragonchild

Ray watched everything and smiled gently and then says" reno nows not the best time for that but all will be explained later in the week your becoming impulsive and impatient again and from the looks of things you hurt raiven's feelings keep in mind you flirt with death far more going down the road your on than others that is even more reason not to make others feel bad about their lack of ability and word it so feel positive about it, because if you were them would you want some one want pointing out your bad points in such a smack down way"? " 

Ruby faced palmed her self as she hearing all this and then says" I also need a break from all this stuff i had a mana ruption the other day due to stress and still recovering and luna deserves to start getting back some of the happiness that been stolen from her". " I understand there's a lot on your mind but remember some wounds of the past are harder to let go of that's why i said before i wouldn't force you to talk about it". anhunt watches silently in spirit form behind ruby but is still not happy but after talking with lilianna decides to play some what nice and give him chance just like she had been given.

Isaac playfully sneaks behind raien and playfuly pokes her sides then moves round the front and says" Your aura seems different today if you want to talk i'll hear you out i might even be able to help you feel better and understand how do deal with what's bugging you".
Reno was a bit shocked to hear Luna, Ray, and Ruby's statements. He first looked towards Luna who kept a bright smile on her face. "I do understand how it feels to put on a strong fron to hide what's going on," he said. "In fact there are times when that mask turns into my real face." He looks over to Ray and frowns from what he had told him. "In fact, it's because of that I tend to be impulsive, to the point where I end up pushing people away, or get someone killed, be it my teammates or an innocent civilian. But you know what they say, old habits die hard." Reno looks to Ruby who he knows was right about the past. "Looks like you and dad are right Ruby, meaning well doesn't mean I know what's best." Reno's always been prideful of his abilities due to the extensive amount of training he's been doing over the years, but he keeps forgetting that not everyone has gone through the same thing. He shook the thought and focused his attention to Ruby again. "Well, since you're here, wanna check out some of the booths," he asked. "I've been meaning to enjoy a day off from training, since I've been doing that for years."


@Leo Radomir
1 hour ago, Leo Radomir said:

Isaac playfully sneaks behind raien and playfuly pokes her sides then moves round the front and says" Your aura seems different today if you want to talk i'll hear you out i might even be able to help you feel better and understand how do deal with what's bugging you".


"Reno" She answers simply "He's always picking on me cause I'm weaker in terms of power. Sure I may not be the Master of Electricity, maybe I don't want to be" She sighed as she leant forwards " Just because he's so special he thinks he can make fun of me" Raiven eyes twinkled with tears as she crumpled into a heap "Sometimes I could just earth every ounce of power I have through him, but that wouldn't be right"
Luna just looked at the others as she just closed her eyes she just went to find food stuff she just smiled she wasn't really happy about thinking about her stepmother she just sit at a table seeing her foster mom as she just smiled a little she was just watching other people passing by she just couldn't deal with the others she just wanted to be happy but no they ruined the mood for her' stepmother ruined my life for me and big sister she just put her head down looking at the other people passing by her she just got out her 3ds she even left ray she wasn't in the mood anymorre she just started to play her video game she had her 3ds from her stepmother it was bought from her big sister @ShadowSaber331
Luna just looked at the others as she just closed her eyes she just went to find food stuff she just smiled she wasn't really happy about thinking about her stepmother she just sit at a table seeing her foster mom as she just smiled a little she was just watching other people passing by she just couldn't deal with the others she just wanted to be happy but no they ruined the mood for her' stepmother ruined my life for me and big sister she just put her head down looking at the other people passing by her she just got out her 3ds she even left ray she wasn't in the mood anymorre she just started to play her video game she had her 3ds from her stepmother it was bought from her big sister @ShadowSaber331

Ray hid his anger the best he could but he said" This was my first time in a place like this and you ruined it, well since luna isn't in the mood i'll go back to hq after all i don't want to make her feel even more awkward". Ray quickly rips open a portal and then jumps though and starts walking down the slope and it closes after. 

Ruby deeply sighs and says" i'll cut you a break this time reno because i'm to weak right now to get into any more and were expecting haniko and some point to talk about this that and the other". Ruby starts walking towards the food stands needing something to eat after that. ' i know luna didn't mean anything but i really didn't want her to bring it up in front of reno because right now he's all over the shop and very likely to do something stupid and i can't deal with that right now'.

Isaac twitched with some rage but then sighs and says" For the the love of pete you would of thought after my ass kicking he would of learned and your right it wouldn't your learning which is more than i can say for him, why is stupid people often seem to have the most power but on the other hand his father must be losing his hair dealing with him and if he's not careful one day he might get crippled in a way he can't recover". "But enough of that i'm i wrong in guessing you want to learn more about your ability's and such"?

@Eternal Dragonchild
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Reno just stared at the others as they went on their separate ways. 'Sometimes, I really gotta stop being so blunt.' He needed to set his mind straight and figure out some way to break his habit. He walks around the fair a bit and thought about what could have been a possible solution to the problem at hand, yes he was used to being alone and is used to pushing people away, but he feels like he needs to break that habit before he makes matters worse than it already is. He saw a lot of kids running around, couples kissing, friends laughing and carrying on, if he wasn't such a blunt, straight-forward, self-righteous, careless, insensitive asshole, he could enjoy that. Reno found a nearby table and sat down on it with his head down against it. 'Ugh, I really need to think more about how someone feels when I open my mouth.' 

Liliana paid for her fried dough and walked away from the vendor. there she saw Luna sitting at one of the tables. "Hi Luna," she said, taking a seat next to her. "Man, you should try this. I haven't had fried dough in a long time." She turned to noticed that she was focused on her game with a look that says her fun was ruined. "What's wrong Luna," she asked. "What's gotten you in such a sad mood?"

Luna just looked at lilana as she just shrugged" its nothing really" she say as she just poked at the fried dough as she looked at her foster mom" it's nothing really maybe reno said something to me but i'm okay he asked about my scars" she say as she just looked down" you don't have to worry about me i'm tough like my sister is" she say as she just looked at her" i was supposed to go on a date with ray reno ruined the mood now i have no date cause i ran off here now i'm not in the mood to do anything but play my video game" she say as she just sniffed feeling like she was about to cry as she just hug lilian she wasn't sure to call her mum yet @ShadowSaber331
20 minutes ago, Leo Radomir said:

Ray hid his anger the best he could but he said" This was my first time in a place like this and you ruined it, well since luna isn't in the mood i'll go back to hq after all i don't want to make her feel even more awkward". Ray quickly rips open a portal and then jumps though and starts walking down the slope and it closes after. 

Ruby deeply sighs and says" i'll cut you a break this time reno because i'm to weak right now to get into any more and were expecting haniko and some point to talk about this that and the other". Ruby starts walking towards the food stands needing something to eat after that. ' i know luna didn't mean anything but i really didn't want her to bring it up in front of reno because right now he's all over the shop and very likely to do something stupid and i can't deal with that right now'.

Isaac twitched with some rage but then sighs and says" For the the love of pete you would of thought after my ass kicking he would of learned and your right it wouldn't your learning which is more than i can say for him, why is stupid people often seem to have the most power but on the other hand his father must be losing his hair dealing with him and if he's not careful one day he might get crippled in a way he can't recover". "But enough of that i'm i wrong in guessing you want to learn more about your ability's and such"?

@Eternal Dragonchild


"Thank you for understanding that I'm learning." She gave Isaac a surprise hug, sparking to show her comfort around him "I would like to learn more, especially about Osiris and my powers overall. I'm the only Lightning Elemental in my family so I've had little training and my other powers have only shown themselves recently so I'm hopeless with them" Raiven wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled at him "Thank you for taking the time, Arcus is running late so you came at the right time, before I lost what control I have"

Hanako was walking through the fair, candy floss in hand. She saw Ruby and hurried over to her fellow student "Konnichiwa Ruby-San, how are you? Sorry to cause you troubles by asking but, could you do me a favour, can you ask the crepe seller for a vanilla and hatchimisu (honey) crepe? I don't know how to pronounce the English for it" The Japanese girl gave a bow, her embarrasment at failing to know the correct word evident on her face. She handed Ruby the correct amount of money to pay for the crepe. 
Kargoath returned to Darius with his report. The house was burned down, Ruby and Luna's possessions were transferred to their rooms in his HQ, and all demons were released to keep an eye out for Allison. "Good, I have one more task for you," he said. "I want you to test Reno. He can be an impulsive jerk sometimes, to the point where his teammates will despise working with him. I need you to....knock some sense into him." Kargoath smiled and went on with his task. "Oh, one more thing," he shouted, causing Kargoath to stop to hear what was added. "Don't tell him that I sent you, and place a barrier around the two of you so that outside help can't assist him." Kargoath took note of it and went to hunt down his son. Deep down, he never really liked his son all that much, so he was gong to enjoy every minute of it.

Reno got up after feeling some form of demonic presence somewhere. 'There's that presence again, where the hell are you now?' He looked around every corner he could think of that's near the table he's in, and he couldn't find him anywhere. When the presence faded, he returned to his sulking, contemplating on what to do to set things straight again.
Arcus ran to Raiven. "Baby girl I am so sorry. I didn't mean to be late. I'm sorry." Arcus gathered Raiven in a tight hug. He lifted her up in his arms and held Raiven close.
"Thank you for understanding that I'm learning." She gave Isaac a surprise hug, sparking to show her comfort around him "I would like to learn more, especially about Osiris and my powers overall. I'm the only Lightning Elemental in my family so I've had little training and my other powers have only shown themselves recently so I'm hopeless with them" Raiven wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled at him "Thank you for taking the time, Arcus is running late so you came at the right time, before I lost what control I have"

Hanako was walking through the fair, candy floss in hand. She saw Ruby and hurried over to her fellow student "Konnichiwa Ruby-San, how are you? Sorry to cause you troubles by asking but, could you do me a favour, can you ask the crepe seller for a vanilla and hatchimisu (honey) crepe? I don't know how to pronounce the English for it" The Japanese girl gave a bow, her embarrasment at failing to know the correct word evident on her face. She handed Ruby the correct amount of money to pay for the crepe. 

Ruby gently gigiled and says" Sure wish i could say great but hey i'll get you one i sometimes give slang or a nickname when dealing with this guy and he knows what i want and after events i have a sweet craving reno's buying the new round for us since were doing him the favour of two attractive women as his dates". Ruby sensed something but isn't sure what it's and thinks to her self' it pops up then vanishes i wonder what it's i got to admit latly i'm pretty frustrated with a lot of things but if i'm always a cow then i'm no better than reno with his bad ways'. Ruby went up the crepe vendor and says" one hive and pod and one salted toffee and one mixed forest of desire please". The man nodded then starts to make one and get the assistants to make the others and says" You don't look so hot aura wise i hope your going to be ok and this helps i won't charge you for one of them because you helped me last summer and i made a killing". Ruby gently laughs and says" yeah you could say i've got a lot more on my plate then i'd like but that's how it's when you do what i do". Ruby pays him for two of the three then a few minutes later there all down and ruby collects them and then starts heading back.

Isaac gently smiles and says" it's fine i don't mind as long as people don't waste my time with nonsense, i got to admit i'm supprised that guy ray helped you given how he feels about most elites i don't really get what's going through his mind and i thought i was complex, that aside though back to learning about your powers well since it's the god of death lets look at basic necromancy book from egypt write down those notes then switch over and work between the books".  
Arcus ran to Raiven. "Baby girl I am so sorry. I didn't mean to be late. I'm sorry." Arcus gathered Raiven in a tight hug. He lifted her up in his arms and held Raiven close.

23 minutes ago, Leo Radomir said:

Ruby gently gigiled and says" Sure wish i could say great but hey i'll get you one i sometimes give slang or a nickname when dealing with this guy and he knows what i want and after events i have a sweet craving reno's buying the new round for us since were doing him the favour of two attractive women as his dates". Ruby sensed something but isn't sure what it's and thinks to her self' it pops up then vanishes i wonder what it's i got to admit latly i'm pretty frustrated with a lot of things but if i'm always a cow then i'm no better than reno with his bad ways'. Ruby went up the crepe vendor and says" one hive and pod and one salted toffee and one mixed forest of desire please". The man nodded then starts to make one and get the assistants to make the others and says" You don't look so hot aura wise i hope your going to be ok and this helps i won't charge you for one of them because you helped me last summer and i made a killing". Ruby gently laughs and says" yeah you could say i've got a lot more on my plate then i'd like but that's how it's when you do what i do". Ruby pays him for two of the three then a few minutes later there all down and ruby collects them and then starts heading back.

Isaac gently smiles and says" it's fine i don't mind as long as people don't waste my time with nonsense, i got to admit i'm supprised that guy ray helped you given how he feels about most elites i don't really get what's going through his mind and i thought i was complex, that aside though back to learning about your powers well since it's the god of death lets look at basic necromancy book from egypt write down those notes then switch over and work between the books".  


Raiven hugged into Arcus, smiling at Isaac, drawing comfort from her boyfriend's aura. "That sounds like a plan, but first, let's have some candy and drinks. We can go to the fair later, It should be lovely and romantic in the evening with the fireworks" Digging into her pockets Raiven fished out a small black bag of candy "I keep them in here, it keeps them safe." She opened up the bag, offering it to the two boys.

@Anyone Online

Hanako cocked her head "But I thought you were his boyfriend?" She stated it quietly so only Ruby could hear as she took her crepe "Thank you for ordering this for me" She gave Ruby her first genuine smile since she arrived at the Academy "Reno is kind of hot, if I wore glasses they'd fog up when I saw him" Her crepe was just right, she looked up at Ruby with a blob of cream on the tip of her nose "Maybe we can use this to seduce him"
Feeling a slight chill down his spine, Reno gets up and walks away from the area. 'I don't know why, but I'm getting the feeling that presence wouldn't be in a highly populated area.'  As he was walking around, he felt the presence again, this time he was able to find the direction of it and ran towards the source. When he arrived to where it originated, he saw only a large clearing, which he found to be suspicious. Reno walked into the middle of the clearing and before he knew it, a demon appeared out of nowhere. "Well well well, if it isn't Reno, I was wondering when I could finally give you a punishment worthy of your arrogance!" Reno was surprised to find a double S class demon in the middle of nowhere. "No matter, I think it's time I sent you back to...GAAAHHH!!!" Before Reno could finish his sentence, the demon punched him hard in face. The force was powerful enough to push him into the force field. 'Ugh, that hurt, good thing this force kept me from hitting civilians in the...wait, force field!?'  "I see you noticed that I put a force field around this area. Don't worry, it's sound proof, so it's like our fight isn't not happening at all." Reno tried to fire an ice ball at him, but he could even shoot one. He tried a lightning bolt, and that didn't go off either. He tried fire, wind, summoning demons, creating weapons, nothing happened. 'What the hell is going on, why can't I use my damn powers!?'  "Yoohoo, looking for this? I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Kargoath, and I'm what you call the judge and executioner of lower hell. One of my favorite abilities is to steal the abilities of my victims, so prepare yourself for the ultimate ass kicking of your life!"  "Hey, that's my line you walking zit," Reno shouted. "I may not have my powers anymore, but I can still handle myself in hand-to-hand combat."

Liliana comforted Luna as best as she can. "It'll be okay dear," she softly said. "My first date with Darius didn't go so well either, in fact he tends to be the guy who ruins the mood rather than make it any better. Give it some time and Ray will be back, we only have six hours before the firework show begins, plenty of time to get his thoughts together."  Liliana suddenly sense something in the fair, and it was not a good sense she felt, it was powerful and deadly. 'This is bad, this is really bad, why of all days does something have to happen? WHY!?'

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Arcus happily accepted, and ate the candy out of her hand. "Thank you Raiven the candy was delicious." Arcus said as he kissed Raiven's lips and but her neck kreaving a trail of saliva. Arcus then pulled back with a smirk.
3 minutes ago, Anyone Online said:

Arcus happily accepted, and ate the candy out of her hand. "Thank you Raiven the candy was delicious." Arcus said as he kissed Raiven's lips and but her neck kreaving a trail of saliva. Arcus then pulled back with a smirk.


Raiven placed one of his hands on her waist, wrapping the other arm around her shoulder as she leant against him with a smile "Want to go see the fireworks together later" She asked him, her head resting against his neck as she held him.
"So Isaac, where abouts in the library are these books, the three of us should be able to come up with some useful work. One book on each of the triad of elements I can use" 

@Leo Radomir
Arcus just smiled and nodded his head yes.  He kissed her one last time and let go. "So what aboiaboiut books??" Arcus asked as he put Hus hands in his hoodie pocket and played with his bracelet.
28 minutes ago, Anyone Online said:

Arcus just smiled and nodded his head yes.  He kissed her one last time and let go. "So what aboiaboiut books??" Arcus asked as he put Hus hands in his hoodie pocket and played with his bracelet.


"More kisses" Raiven pouted and nuzzled him, digging her nose into him and holding his shirt "I want you to never let go" she whispered, holding her boyfriend as close as she could "Could I have a bit of power please"
Arcus let out a small moan, from Raiven nuzzling him. Arvusjust started out waves of power, and he kissed Raiven's neck lightly sucking on it and leaving trail of sakoiva. He then went to her ear and started nipping her ear.

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