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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Luna just looked at her mother" um  can i call you mum i mean i'm not used to it yet" she say as she just looked around the place as she got out her cracked phone to text ray' hey sorry i'm better i just needed a minute do you think we can go see the fireworks' she text" yay fireworks i never seen fireworks before" she say as she just smiling to her she just looked around" i think ray will be coming back i hope he does i want to see the fireworks with him" she say as her face was red as she noticing something off" are you okay" she say tilting her head @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
Homura while unconscious looked around to see if he could try and get back into his mental scape. Every time he tried to pry his way in he found a literal wall blocking off his entry. In every way, his subconscious was sealed off and he had no way of getting in "Seriously? What the hell!" He said to himself. He kept trying with no luck so instead he decided he oils go and check his magic source. What he saw was mind blowing but at the same time he knew it had always been like this. He checked to see if his magic powers were still there but only saw the mass of mana sitting in his body and nothing else "Incredible....." he said in awe.

After a while he could feel his something was very off. He didn't know how to e plain it but he felt like something evil and destructive was somewhere it shouldn't be. "Come on! Wake up Makoto. Your friends need you!" He said to himself as he willed himself to awake. After a few moments he woke up again this time in his own room with Clair sitting beside his bed and his uncle Magnus watching a video on his holo-watch "Hey everyone. So how did I do?" He asked with a dazed smile on his face.

@Mr Swiftshots 

Luna just looked at her mother" um  can i call you mum i mean i'm not used to it yet" she say as she just looked around the place as she got out her cracked phone to text ray' hey sorry i'm better i just needed a minute do you think we can go see the fireworks' she text" yay fireworks i never seen fireworks before" she say as she just smiling to her she just looked around" i think ray will be coming back i hope he does i want to see the fireworks with him" she say as her face was red as she noticing something off" are you okay" she say tilting her head @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331

Ray got the the text and text back' sure i'll come back to see them with you, also at some point you should say sorry to ruby i know you didn't mean any harm by it but it's a very touchy subject for her given the rest of the details around it and she didn't want reno to know because right now he's unstable and that's putting it nicely', i didn't want to say it in front of others because i didn't want you to feel even more awkward but please try and think more before you say the next thing because i worry it will come back to bite you' Ray then opens a portal and walks through and starts to head back to the fair and smiles gently as he thinks of the fun he's about to have.

Isaac twitches and says" As i said before if you're going to waste my time i'm gone the boyfriend seems more of a distraction then a help and trying to take on to much info when your not used it is a bad idea as i said before so if were going to do this we need to write down the details study it then after we have some understanding move on to the next book and work from there".

A mysterious dragon in human form pops in front of lillianna and leans in and whispers" I would prefer not to have a pointlessly having to restrain you by force  the reason for my ally coming and doing what he's doing is because time after time reno has not learned to respect other peoples past among other issues so an asskicking like no other is due i do feel a little sorry for the boy for being kinda thick but i'm a book keeper and have a duty to see things through".
45 minutes ago, Leo Radomir said:

Ray got the the text and text back' sure i'll come back to see them with you, also at some point you should say sorry to ruby i know you didn't mean any harm by it but it's a very touchy subject for her given the rest of the details around it and she didn't want reno to know because right now he's unstable and that's putting it nicely', i didn't want to say it in front o ant you to feel even more awkward but please try and think more before you say the next thing because i worry it will come back to bite you' Ray then opens a portal and walks through and starts to head back to the fair and smiles gently as he thinks of the fun he's about to have

Isaac twitches and says" As i said before if you're going to waste my time i'm gone the boyfriend seems more of a distraction then a help and trying to take on to much info when your not used it is a bad idea as i said before so if were going to do this we need to write down the details study it then after we have some understanding move on to the next book and work from there".

A mysterious dragon in human form pops in front of lillianna and leans in and whispers" I would prefer not to have a pointlessly having to restrain you by force  the reason for my ally coming and doing what he's doing is because time after time reno has not learned to respect other peoples past among other issues so an asskicking like no other is due i do feel a little sorry for the boy for being kinda thick but i'm a book keeper and have a duty to see things through".


Raiven tucked her legs up to her chest "M-my powers are unstable at best currently, I need something that can drain the excess electricity away, painlessly. Arcus can do that. Plus he reassures me that I am not some form of monster" She sat between the two boys, shivering slightly with cold "So let's go find out about my powers, it'd be helpful"

@Anyone Online
All of a sudden, she felt a huge surge of demonic power and turned to the source, she pointed to where it was and said. "Over there, double S class demon at that clearing," she told them, "Find everyone and meet me over there." Liliana then heard someone speak and figured it was going to get ugly soon, but at the same time she wanted him to learn from his mistakes, albeit the easy way but sometimes the hard way beats no way at all. "I see, it's about time Reno learned his lesson in humility and respect," she whispers back in a cold tone of voice. "At least allow us to be on standby in case things go too far." 

Meanwhile, Reno was starting to sweat from having to fight Kargoath. He was able to land a few hits and each of them didn't even phase him, though some he saw did hurt him a bit. "Seriously, is that all you got?" he asked. All the demon could do was grin, having seen how powerful he is without his powers. "Well, you're pretty good even without your powers," he laughed. "But now it's time to put on your big boy pants kid." Kargoath turned invisible and proceeded to walk behind him. Having lost all of his powers, Reno couldn't sense him, he's as blind as a bat now. Just then, he felt something hit him in his back, causing him to stumble forward while groaning in pain. "That was a cheap shot you bastard!" Kargoath then hit him in the abdomen, lifting him up high enough to slam him face first with an elbow to the back. Kargoath then stomped down on him and laughed an evil laugh. "Oh that's rich," he chortled. "Ironic you complain about cheap shots when your the asshole making a few verbal ones yourself. YOU should NOT be the ONE to TALK!!!" He stomped on Reno hard with each shout for emphasis. Reno rolled himself onto his back and stared at the sky, knowing full well that Kargoath was right. For good measure, he stomped on him again, but this time on his chest, breaking a few ribs in the process. All Reno could do was scream out in pain from the impact and clutch his chest while coughing up his own blood. "I never did like you, scumbags like you deserve a place in hell."  'Kargoath, that's my son damn it, I told you to knock some sense into him, not kill him!'  Kargoath knew he would get into trouble again for his disobedience, but he didn't care, he wanted to make Reno suffer twice the pain he's caused everyone else over the years...even if it kills him.

@Leo Radomir

All of a sudden, she felt a huge surge of demonic power and turned to the source, she pointed to where it was and said. "Over there, double S class demon at that clearing," she told them, "Find everyone and meet me over there." Liliana then heard someone speak and figured it was going to get ugly soon, but at the same time she wanted him to learn from his mistakes, albeit the easy way but sometimes the hard way beats no way at all. "I see, it's about time Reno learned his lesson in humility and respect," she whispers back in a cold tone of voice. "At least allow us to be on standby in case things go too far." 

Meanwhile, Reno was starting to sweat from having to fight Kargoath. He was able to land a few hits and each of them didn't even phase him, though some he saw did hurt him a bit. "Seriously, is that all you got?" he asked. All the demon could do was grin, having seen how powerful he is without his powers. "Well, you're pretty good even without your powers," he laughed. "But now it's time to put on your big boy pants kid." Kargoath turned invisible and proceeded to walk behind him. Having lost all of his powers, Reno couldn't sense him, he's as blind as a bat now. Just then, he felt something hit him in his back, causing him to stumble forward while groaning in pain. "That was a cheap shot you bastard!" Kargoath then hit him in the abdomen, lifting him up high enough to slam him face first with an elbow to the back. Kargoath then stomped down on him and laughed an evil laugh. "Oh that's rich," he chortled. "Ironic you complain about cheap shots when your the asshole making a few verbal ones yourself. YOU should NOT be the ONE to TALK!!!" He stomped on Reno hard with each shout for emphasis. Reno rolled himself onto his back and stared at the sky, knowing full well that Kargoath was right. For good measure, he stomped on him again, but this time on his chest, breaking a few ribs in the process. All Reno could do was scream out in pain from the impact and clutch his chest while coughing up his own blood. "I never did like you, scumbags like you deserve a place in hell."  'Kargoath, that's my son damn it, I told you to knock some sense into him, not kill him!'  Kargoath knew he would get into trouble again for his disobedience, but he didn't care, he wanted to make Reno suffer twice the pain he's caused everyone else over the years...even if it kills him.

@Leo Radomir


The dragon nodded then teleports and and starts forceing his way into the bubble and says in kags mind That's enough yes he's an arrogant dick but killing him isn't going to make him change and if you kill him it means unneeded paperwork for me, i don't like the boy but there's been lots of people i don't like do you remember at the beginning we used to hate each other me because i was  so flippant and cold and you because you used to always let your anger get the better of you and being to sure of your self.

Isaac gently sighed and says" I see then i'm sorry for getting the wrong end of the stick i'll go and get us the books and then i'll come back it should take me a few minutes i hope that's enough time to gather your thoughts there's a kitchen behind us maybe some calming tea will help you". He got up and quickly walks towards where the books are and starts scanning for the right section then after a minute finds it and tells the library asistant what other books he'll need and the assistant nods and gets on with it. The he gets going on with finding the book of necromancy of old gods and after a couple of minutes finds it and takes it down and the assistant gives him the other books after he comes down and then he starts heading back. 

Ruby eats a little of her snack and then gently giggles at the comment and says" So that's how it's ay yes he is not no he's not my bf for many reasons but that's another story and just wondering have you ever been with another girl i have and it's fun if the playmate is willing". Ruby teasingly slides her hands over hanikos back and kisses her neck gently and then pulls back and grins and then continues to eat her snake like nothing had happened.
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Luna just sighed as she read the text as she looked at liliana as she just nodded she walked to where her big sister as she felt bad about eariler but saw she was talking to someone she didn't want to bug her she just hang her head she head as she regret what she said but she know she can let reno forget what she said she just smiled a bit" um big sister liliana say to meet over there something is going on and i'm sorry i can get reno to forget what i say i just was tired of hiding the secret and my emotion was getting to me but your right i have to learn to forget i'll try okay" she say to her big sister as she just looked at her big sissster as she looked around @Leo Radomir
Kargoath turned to meet his partner face to face. "How did you get though my shield," he asked. "No matter, I don't plan to kill him...yet." Kargoath grabs Reno by the neck and lifts him up. "Besides, pride is a deadly sin anyway, so you can't say I'm not taking my job seriously." Kargoath throws him at the barrier, knocking the air out of him. "Damn it," he groaned. His breathing became short and his body felt weak. His chest started to hurt on his left side where Kargoath stepped on him. He tries to get up but he couldn't find his footing and fell forward onto his face. Kargoath, feeling like he did job, gave Reno his powers back, but not before impaling him with his claws. Four of it missed a few vital organs and avoided the spine, while the fifth was sheathed. He lifts him up and gives him one final statement. "Let this be a lesson to you boy," he growled as the barrier dissipated. "Arrogance begets death, next time I won't be so merciful." Kargoath used his claws and his lightning powers to electrocute him, causing Reno to scream out in pain. He let Reno slide off of his claws onto the ground and just stared at him with hatred. "Let's go, I don't to be here any longer now his screams can be heard." He turned himself invisible and left Reno a potion to heal all his wounds. 

Liliana heard Reno scream as if he got hurt really badly. 'Reno, I knew it was going to end badly, I knew it.'  She got up from the table and bolted for where she thought she heard the scream and arrived in time to see her son on the ground. "RENO!" she screamed. 'His aura's still around, he's still alive, good.' Liliana rushed towards Reno and knelt down beside him. She was distraught to see her son in this condition and was on the verge of tears. Looking around his body, she found a light blue potion, probably from whoever did this. Liliana rests his head against her lap, grabbed the potion and gave it to Reno. "Here, drink this," she ordered. Reno, not one to question his own mother, did what she wanted him to and started drinking the potion. He felt his body start to repair itself starting with his ribs and a few holes from Kargoath's claws. "There, that should do it. I'm not sure how this potion works, but for someone to give it to you while in the state your in, it might take some time for your wounds to heal."

@Leo Radomir
7 hours ago, Leo Radomir said:

The dragon nodded then teleports and and starts forceing his way into the bubble and says in kags mind That's enough yes he's an arrogant dick but killing him isn't going to make him change and if you kill him it means unneeded paperwork for me, i don't like the boy but there's been lots of people i don't like do you remember at the beginning we used to hate each other me because i was  so flippant and cold and you because you used to always let your anger get the better of you and being to sure of your self.

Isaac gently sighed and says" I see then i'm sorry for getting the wrong end of the stick i'll go and get us the books and then i'll come back it should take me a few minutes i hope that's enough time to gather your thoughts there's a kitchen behind us maybe some calming tea will help you". He got up and quickly walks towards where the books are and starts scanning for the right section then after a minute finds it and tells the library asistant what other books he'll need and the assistant nods and gets on with it. The he gets going on with finding the book of necromancy of old gods and after a couple of minutes finds it and takes it down and the assistant gives him the other books after he comes down and then he starts heading back. 

Ruby eats a little of her snack and then gently giggles at the comment and says" So that's how it's ay yes he is not no he's not my bf for many reasons but that's another story and just wondering have you ever been with another girl i have and it's fun if the playmate is willing". Ruby teasingly slides her hands over hanikos back and kisses her neck gently and then pulls back and grins and then continues to eat her snake like nothing had happened.



"Okay. Thank you for understanding" Raiven busies herself with fetching a handful of notebooks and pens from her band rucksack so they could take notes. Isacc was kind to her, she'd have to find a way to thank him later, maybe some candy. "So Arcy. Want to go on the love boat after, or the water slide?" she asked her boyfriend as she rested against him.

Hanako turned cherry red and started to stutter "I thought you were with Reno" The cream on her nose was bright against her flushed skin. She leant into Ruby slightly "Who says I'm into boys" 
"Okay. Thank you for understanding" Raiven busies herself with fetching a handful of notebooks and pens from her band rucksack so they could take notes. Isacc was kind to her, she'd have to find a way to thank him later, maybe some candy. "So Arcy. Want to go on the love boat after, or the water slide?" she asked her boyfriend as she rested against him.

Hanako turned cherry red and started to stutter "I thought you were with Reno" The cream on her nose was bright against her flushed skin. She leant into Ruby slightly "Who says I'm into boys" 

Ruby heard her sister talk to her and says" As much as i would like to play more and answer the question my sister is saying sorry to me in her own awkward way", Ruby gently pats luna's head and says" remember my beloved sister sometimes holding secrets is for the best because there are some things you can't take back after telling them and if your going to rise to be a senior hunter like me in a year keeping your emotions in check is key because many will be gunning for your place as leader if you don't show you have earned it". "But for now i#ll leave it at that because i've made my point and i'd better ask ahunt to heal reno not sure how she'll feel about given the events but i can't have him die just yet after all there is a shortage of playmates". A sly smile came on rubs face and gave a look to say you really are fairly innocent but i don't mind that. 

Ahunt went over to reno and says" A mothers love is a lovely thing but i do warn that you take it for granted because unlike me and ruby that have the demon blood of the life clan lintoa in them she will age almost as fast as normal humans and for now ruby is fond of you so i don't want to make her sad by seeing you die and with that said i will help you to an extent even though i don't like you right now".

Isaac came back with the books and put the most important to the side of her and then give her a bunch of stickys and then puts the other two books to the side for later and says"  About what you said when it comes to that people make choices and those choices are what makes or doesn't make us what we want to be in the future i say this as someone that can only wish he wasn't a monster all i can do now is help others to learn to deal with their issues so they don't make the same mistakes i did".
Reno was surprised to hear Ahunt say that for a demon that loves to destroy. "I guess I have misjudged you Ahunt," he said. "Sorry I jumped to conclusions." Liliana smiled when she heard her son say that. "You see, I told you he'd understand," she told her. "Anyway, I've done my job, I'll leave you to yours." Liliana got up and walked back to the table she was at before the incident. Reno however, even though he can't move yet felt like he should share something as well. "Look, I already figured Ruby is fond of me, but I highly doubt she actually loves me until she tells me herself," he said. "Besides, I actually love her too, I've always loved her ever since we were kids...you said that she was fond of me, but I don't really see it, then again she's not one to wear her heart on her sleeve...then again, I've gotten used to getting myself killed trying to find answers that either I want to hear or that nobody would tell me anyway."

@Leo Radomir
Reno was surprised to hear Ahunt say that for a demon that loves to destroy. "I guess I have misjudged you Ahunt," he said. "Sorry I jumped to conclusions." Liliana smiled when she heard her son say that. "You see, I told you he'd understand," she told her. "Anyway, I've done my job, I'll leave you to yours." Liliana got up and walked back to the table she was at before the incident. Reno however, even though he can't move yet felt like he should share something as well. "Look, I already figured Ruby is fond of me, but I highly doubt she actually loves me until she tells me herself," he said. "Besides, I actually love her too, I've always loved her ever since we were kids...you said that she was fond of me, but I don't really see it, then again she's not one to wear her heart on her sleeve...then again, I've gotten used to getting myself killed trying to find answers that either I want to hear or that nobody would tell me anyway."

@Leo Radomir

Ahunt grins slyly and says" it seems that haniko has a thing for you and your right she's not i don't even know the whole story to be honest but i get the feeling the way she grew up and some of the people she has been around since she was a kid have made her that way don't go too emo on me kid she's rejected men with far more to offer and let's be honest how many women would hold back if there wasn't some affection and some love i've seen her leave once great warriors completely broken with no way to heal and not even bat an eye".  Ahunt paused for a minute then says" i'm looking forward to the drama to be seen haniko may look weak but something tells me there's far more than meets the eye who knows if i grow to like you enough i might even tell you a feel secrets that draw women to men so much faster".
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Luna just nodded" okay see ya i'm going to hang out with ray when he gets here so if you see him i be eating" she say as she just looked around lilana as she just smiled" are you okay lilana" she asked as she just sit next to her" will reno be okay" she asked as she was checking her phone she felt her finger was bleeding from her cracked phone' owwww' she she thought she was in a bit pain she thought she saw her real father' no he can't be here probably my imagination he left us with that woman' she say as she close her eyes as fear was all over her' no dad went down to hell i know it but how did he escape how' she thought as she was afraid she just looked around @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
Reno got up, though with some effort, and managed to keep himself on his feet. "Don't worry, this love triangle is the reason why a lot of relationships end horribly for all involved," he said with a groan, as his body was still recovering from the fight. "I just hope Hanako is not the yandere type, I'd really hate to literally knock some sense into her, in a way that's not how I had some knocked into me." As he walked around the fair, he saw his mother next to Luna, who looked like she saw a ghost somehow. "Hey mom, hey...uh, Luna, you okay," he asked. "You looked like you saw a ghost, what happened?" "I'm sure it's nothing sweety," said Liliana. "Probably PTS, you know how that is, right?" Reno knew something was up but he didn't want to push the subject any further. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Anyway, I think I'm feeling a little better, whatever that potion did helped rebuild some of my wounds, and a few injuries."  "Good, hopefully you've learned your lesson." 'Oh you have no idea.' Reno looked to where Luna sat and felt a little guilty. "Hey, since you're here, I'm sorry for asking you," he said in the most sincere way possible. "It was a very touchy subject and I shouldn't have asked for the answer."

@Leo Radomir

Luna just looked at him as she was wandering if he should tell him about her dad' nah i don't want get ruby mad' she thought as she just sighed" yeah it's my PTS" she lied she twitched when she lied about something she just sighed" anyways its okay just don't ask about my past again i just want to forget about my past i want to forget my stepmother i just want to be happy it would make my real mom happy to actually have hapiness no more sadness please just don't ask i just really want to be happy" she say as she just sighed" i just need to learn how to keep a secret" she say as she just looked down" can you keep me and ruby secret" she say looking up @ShadowSaber331

Raphael Moreau


Since I was in the presence of Darius, I was perhaps, informed of Kargoath's attack on Reno, and perhaps I recorded it. However, I realized, whenever that... thing... came around, I felt as if my powers were suddenly, on a string, on a chain. Perhaps it took me some time to figure things out, so I then do the obvious. Using my shadow powers, I'd then do some reverse aura tracking. As a shadow, all shadow attach themselves to people. All I had to do was pinpoint Reno's shadow, which is not hard for a shadow elemental by the way, and boom. I'd teleport nearby wherever he is. Naturally, as soon as I got there, I saw Reno and his mother. So I summoned a projector and put on display the conversation between Darius and the demon. At the same time, I'd convert the file into an SD Chip of sorts. Using some magic voodoo-bull the SD Chip was thrown on top of the projector to act as evidence of the credibility of the file. Perhaps I was playing... devil's advocate... literally, by showing what has been going on behind the scenes, explaining why a demon came to attack Reno. Or perhaps there will be a more... desired effect. I'd leave a part of me behind, a clone but much, much more to listen to their reaction. 
"Don't worry Luna, I won't tell everyone about it," he told her. "Besides, Ruby will kick my ass if I told anyone anyway. Just know that if you need help, you got us here with you every step of the way." Reno heard his stomach growl and chuckled a bit. "Fighting a double S class demon sure worked up an appetite, I'll be back, I gonna get something to eat." Reno walked over to one of the food stands and asked for fried dough, a couple of hot dogs, and some water. He paid the man for his food, and as soon as he turned around, he saw a projector, which showed who sent the demon to attack Reno. "Heh, so, it was dad who sent the demon after me, huh?" he said with a grin. "Double S class demons are hard to control sometimes, so I guess I can't forgive the bastard." 

Luna just looked at him as she smiled as she nodded she just put her head down as she was bored" man when will the fireworks play i wann see the fireworks she just was playing with her 3ds she was supposed to meet with ray looks like he bailed on her she just frowned she didn't know what to do 'guess i'm alone now' she thought as she got up as she felt some darkenss in her like someone was attacking her she just screamed in pain she droped on her kness it was her father she felt blood on her stomach' mommy' she thought she was screaming so much she couldn't tail who was running to her she just tried to stay awake her father shot her it missed anything important" mommy i want to sleep" she say as she screamed in pain she couldn't tell what was going on people where running her plants was wraping around her she didn't know where was her big sister the last thing she saw was the fireworks starting  @ShadowSaber331 @Leo Radomir
Reno heard a gun shot that was loud enough for anyone to hear. 'Gun shots? Here? What the hell's going o...oh shit!' "LUNA!!!!" Reno rushed over to Luna's side as plants started wrapping around her. He pulls out the phone and calls for the paramedics. He told them what had happened and they said that they will be there ASAP. He hung up the phone and texted Ruby, Ray, and Raiven. 'Guys, Luna got shot, someone shot her, help me keep her alive, please!!!'  "It'll be okay Luna, it'll be okay," he told her frantically. "Just...just stay with me." He voie started to crack, he was scared of losing her. 'Oh god, this is like Raiven and Hazel all over again. Damn it to hell.'  Liliana knelt down next to Reno and Luna, fear showing in her eyes. "What happened," she asked. "Why is Luna bleeding?"  "Someone shot her," he replied, tears rolling down his face. "Someone shot her while the firework show started. Please tell me you still have some of that potion left, PLEASE!" Liliana just looked at him with an apologetic stare. "I'm sorry, but I ran out trying to help you." She uses her powers to search for any signs of life, and then looked to see if anything important was hit. "She's still alive, luckily, and nothing important was hit. You called the paramedics, right." Reno nodded, glad that he thought about that before hand. 'Of all the things to have happened, why did another one of my friends get shot?' He looked around and saw a man right in the middle of a panicking crowd of people and just watched as he walked off. 'I'll find you you son of a bitch, I'll find you and I will kill you.'

@Leo Radomir


@Eternal Dragonchild
2 hours ago, Leo Radomir said:

Ruby heard her sister talk to her and says" As much as i would like to play more and answer the question my sister is saying sorry to me in her own awkward way", Ruby gently pats luna's head and says" remember my beloved sister sometimes holding secrets is for the best because there are some things you can't take back after telling them and if your going to rise to be a senior hunter like me in a year keeping your emotions in check is key because many will be gunning for your place as leader if you don't show you have earned it". "But for now i#ll leave it at that because i've made my point and i'd better ask ahunt to heal reno not sure how she'll feel about given the events but i can't have him die just yet after all there is a shortage of playmates". A sly smile came on rubs face and gave a look to say you really are fairly innocent but i don't mind that. 

Ahunt went over to reno and says" A mothers love is a lovely thing but i do warn that you take it for granted because unlike me and ruby that have the demon blood of the life clan lintoa in them she will age almost as fast as normal humans and for now ruby is fond of you so i don't want to make her sad by seeing you die and with that said i will help you to an extent even though i don't like you right now".

Isaac came back with the books and put the most important to the side of her and then give her a bunch of stickys and then puts the other two books to the side for later and says"  About what you said when it comes to that people make choices and those choices are what makes or doesn't make us what we want to be in the future i say this as someone that can only wish he wasn't a monster all i can do now is help others to learn to deal with their issues so they don't make the same mistakes i did".


As Hanako was walking around the fair, she spotted Reno. A small, happy smile crossed her face although she was mentally cursing her choice of shorts and a tank top, she had done her hair up in a nice, traditional bun. All was forgotten when she spotted her fellow student hit the floor. Dashing over she used her powers to erect a series of precise panels to hide the group from onlookers.

Raiven, having received Reno's text took to the storm clouds to reach Luna. Her phone dropped to the grass where she was stood before she'd received the text. When she stepped free of the clouds her eyes were burning a pure fierce gold. Placing one hand on Luna's chest she focused her thoughts on the attacker, draining him like a battery and pouring the energy into Luna. If you looked hard enough at her, you could just make out the shape of an Egyptian headdress adorning her figure "You're not going anywhere Luna. I've got you. If you fall, I'll raise you"


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Raphael Moreau


Once the... 'envoy' reported that Reno knew exactly who had done the job, I felt as if I was done here. However, the sound of a gun had startled me. With haste I tried to pinpoint where the shot landed, and I saw it with my own eyes who got shot. Naturally, I'd teleport there to help out. I didn't care if they refused to have my help, I'd raise my hand as if to call upon the heavens. A focused, concentrated light came down upon the area around me. "...You might want to step back guys, I believe demons do not like Holy Light I'm afraid." I would then let the logic of photosynthesis heal Luna.
As Hanako was walking around the fair, she spotted Reno. A small, happy smile crossed her face although she was mentally cursing her choice of shorts and a tank top, she had done her hair up in a nice, traditional bun. All was forgotten when she spotted her fellow student hit the floor. Dashing over she used her powers to erect a series of precise panels to hide the group from onlookers.

Raiven, having received Reno's text took to the storm clouds to reach Luna. When she stepped free of the clouds her eyes were burning a pure fierce gold. Placing one hand on Luna's chest she focused her thoughts on the attacker, draining him like a battery and pouring the energy into Luna. If you looked hard enough at her, you could just make out the shape of an Egyptian headdress adorning her figure "You're not going anywhere Luna. I've got you. If you fall, I'll raise you"



The attacker bust out laughing as he drains many mortals completely of mana killing them outright and cuts off the drain with an anti mana spell and whispers in reno's head' As long as she has my energy in her to keep her alive i'll always know where she is and your demons won't be able to drag me to hell i made sure not to piss off my allies and become sloppy so enjoy your peace while you can because at some point i'm bring a war to you all for angering me they weren't as tasty as you elementals or strong fighter but they will do toddles".   With that he went poof like he was never there bodies everywhere people screaming in fear for their lives a couple of high level fallen angel laughing before vanishing as well.
Luna just open her eyes as she felt energy as she just try to sit up but failed" ruby?" she say as she looked around but was too weak" Raiven thank you' i'm in so much pain' she thought as she looked reno tears was falling down her face she had energy it dosne't stop the pain' where is ruby i thought she would be worried i was shot' she thought to herslf" he's gone the guy who shot me he was my dad he's a demon i thought he was in jail no one can't drag him down to hell he's strong" she say as she just start crying" can you help me up" she asked she couldn't walk on her own just yet as she just looked at her friends surronding around her she just looked at her foster mother" i'm okay i think just in pain a bit" she say as she just looked at her she was scared her father try to kill her again she was rocking back and forth scared @Eternal Dragonchild @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
Raiven's eyes narrowed as she heard the screams "You take care of Luna, Raphael. I'll see what I can do out there" Bursting out of the tent she took in the scene before her, the bodies lying on the floor and the people running screaming. She closed her eyes 'Osiris, I need more power. I need souls of the dead, their energy' She spoke internally, not quite in tune with the god. The god smiled You CAN do this, you and I are one and the same. When she opened her eyes they were a brilliant indescribable mix of blue and gold.

Walking to the middle of the square, Raiven began to chant in Egyptian. In one hand she held a crook, in the other a flail. As she chanted a layer of silvery mist began to coat her form.  Time to mix it up a little, show my unique heritage. Above her head, the storm clouds swirled and gathered. With a flick of the wrist, she combined the mist and storm as one. Another flick of the wrist brought dancing silvery lightning to the fallen people. Slowly they began to stir as Raiven stumbled back into the tent exhausted. 

Osiris sighed softly before speaking "She did a lot out there, she'll be drained for a while, reincarnation does that" Sleepily Raiven offered Reno a fist bump.


@Leo Radomir


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Luna just open her eyes as she felt energy as she just try to sit up but failed" ruby?" she say as she looked around but was too weak" Raiven thank you' i'm in so much pain' she thought as she looked reno tears was falling down her face she had energy it dosne't stop the pain' where is ruby i thought she would be worried i was shot' she thought to herslf" he's gone the guy who shot me he was my dad he's a demon i thought he was in jail no one can't drag him down to hell he's strong" she say as she just start crying" can you help me up" she asked she couldn't walk on her own just yet as she just looked at her friends surronding around her she just looked at her foster mother" i'm okay i think just in pain a bit" she say as she just looked at her she was scared her father try to kill her again she was rocking back and forth scared @Eternal Dragonchild @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331

Ruby and ray came by and says" what worries us most is he has high level fallen angels with him and from the looks of things has become a half fallen angel which make him resistant to light based attack unlike most normal demons and of course i'm worried i'll have ahunt place a ward and keep watch over you to speed up the healing since right now my powers are still recovering i should be ok in a day or so and reno you should rest". " I knew this day would come some day but today of all days and he's not  man to make ideal threats".

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