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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Hazel just looked at them as she was smiling" raiven yay come on come with us it be fun" she say as she just looked at her" pleeeeeeeeese i should be coton candy" she say as she tends to be winy when she wanted something she just started to pout" it be fun and there be candy" she say as she just looked at her friend as she start to rub her eyes as she yawned a bit she just hugged raiven as she was here with them" are yoo coming with us to fair" she say as she just looked around as she liked her big sister" tomorrow after skool wanna go shoping" she say as she just smiled looking at reno" i wanna reno to come with us" she say as she smiled" i mean after the band auditions and stuff" she say @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331

Luna felt her face was red from her friend touching her leg" i hope big sister be okay i mean she is my sister i wouldn't want her to die she's the only thing i have left i know she was raised diffrently but i look up to her all i want to do is protect her as much as i can i don't want her to die because of me because of stepmother if i knew she got hurt because of me i'll would have fought for my sister" she say as she lay her head on his shoulder" i can't wait to have some fun with you maybe we can go on a romantic ride" she say as she just giggled" and watch the fireworks tonight i can't wait to spend my time with you" she say as she just smiled looking at him blushing deeply @Leo Radomir
53 minutes ago, Zeldafangirl said:

Hazel just looked at them as she was smiling" raiven yay come on come with us it be fun" she say as she just looked at her" pleeeeeeeeese i should be coton candy" she say as she tends to be winy when she wanted something she just started to pout" it be fun and there be candy" she say as she just looked at her friend as she start to rub her eyes as she yawned a bit she just hugged raiven as she was here with them" are yoo coming with us to fair" she say as she just looked around as she liked her big sister" tomorrow after skool wanna go shoping" she say as she just smiled looking at reno" i wanna reno to come with us" she say as she smiled" i mean after the band auditions and stuff" she say @Eternal Dragonchild @ShadowSaber331



Raiven sighed "Okay, Arcus is coming too" She picked up her phone to text her boyfriend 
"Hey Arcy, you coming to the fair baby. They have a love boat!!" Hitting send she put her bag over her shoulder. "I know I am not invincible Reno, you are not my dad, he'd be proud of me" She huffed, giving Hazel a hug as the band packed the instruments away. "I shouldn't take the time off" she whispered to herself.

Arlane gave a laugh "She's a bloody good shot. That's commander Amari's training.She taught my little girl how to shoot" He leant backwards on the bleachers like he did in school "She passes the test, I'll be proud to pass my rule onto her"


@Anyone Online
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Hazel just smiled as she was happy she just smiled getting a hug" tank yoo raiven wait who acus" she say as she was trying to pronunce the words right she just frowned a bit"i'm trying to sound word right sworry" she say as she just looked at her" your dad is cool he put my dad in jail so tanks for telling him i forgot to tank you" she say as she just was humming a bit as she was looking around hearing sounds" tank yoo for being here when mom died and listen to me with my problem with my dad" she say as she just smiled" yoo have boyfriend" she asked as she was confused who was arcus" can luka come too" she asked as she text her' hey luka we go fair wanna come me arcus, raiven, and big brother reno wanna come with us please say you'll come' she text @Eternal Dragonchild
6 minutes ago, Zeldafangirl said:

Hazel just smiled as she was happy she just smiled getting a hug" tank yoo raiven wait who acus" she say as she was trying to pronunce the words right she just frowned a bit"i'm trying to sound word right sworry" she say as she just looked at her" your dad is cool he put my dad in jail so tanks for telling him i forgot to tank you" she say as she just was humming a bit as she was looking around hearing sounds" tank yoo for being here when mom died and listen to me with my problem with my dad" she say as she just smiled" yoo have boyfriend" she asked as she was confused who was arcus" can luka come too" she asked as she text her' hey luka we go fair wanna come me arcus, raiven, and big brother reno wanna come with us please say you'll come' she text @Eternal Dragonchild


"Of course Luka can come, you don't have to thank me for being your friend. You can be such a silly sausage" She smiled sweetly at Hazel, ignoring Reno until he apologised for being a grump about her skills. 

She looped arms with Hazel and started marching towards the fair.

Luka picked up her phone, read the message before charging out to where Hazel was and jumping on her friend "I come" she yelled at Hazel, cheerful as ever.
Hazel just giggled as she just smiled" thats why you love me cause i'm slilly like that anyways this my girlfriend Luka she's nice too" she say as she stood up" hey luka" she say and signed to her" someone's happy" she gigigled as she was holding onto her girlfriend hand as she was in a good mood" reno being a meanie to you so we should leave him behind until her say sworry" she say as they walked toward the fair' luka what you been up to oh daddy went to jail raiven daddy put my dad to jail he won't come after me now' she signed happily as she just looked at luka' what rides you wanna go on' she signed as she just happy to be with her friends and girlfriend @Eternal Dragonchild
Reno was amused by how Raiven was marching towards the fair. "Do you even know where it is," he shouted. "I mean I know, you're eager to go, but since you're leading the way miss 'Drum Major,' do you have any idea where it is?" Reno doesn't doubt Raiven's sense of direction, but it doesn't hurt to ask if she knows in case she doesn't, either way, they're going to have a bit of fun and relaxation before they start their training.

Liliana figured that the fair would be a good idea to be out there and have some fun as well, for it's been a long time since she went out somewhere that's not either within HQ grounds or to search for items of importance. "I think I should come with you," she suggested. "I think we deserve a little break from our work, and it has been a while since I've been outside HQ grounds to do something other than go item hunting. Besides, a little fresh air can help a lady like me." Liliana wanted to take Ruby along to destress herself from the workload that she's been dealing with over the years. "What do you think Ruby, wanna come with us and have a bit of fun?"

Darius was amazed at the fact that Raiven has had some firearms training at a young age. "Sure she's a good shot, but I'm more interested in how she fairs in hand-to-hand combat," he said. "There will be a time when, like Homura, she loses her powers somehow and has only her natural strength to defend herself. Reno has had some training from various different martial arts masters, so he's by far the best fighter of the Elites."

@Eternal Dragonchild


@Leo Radomir
Luna just looked at her big sister" you should come maybe you feel better Ruby i just want you to feel better so we can train some more i don't want to lost my big sister" she say tears in her eyes a bit she just try to hide it as she looked at ray as she was holding his hand as she was blushing" sure miss Lilana you should come we all should come it be fun for all of us we all need it" she say as she just smiled to her she was happy to be around friends that cared for her she had a phone call from her her stepmother as she was afraid to pick up the phone" hello" she say afraid as she heard her stepmother on the other line she just dropped her phone she tends to have panic attacks she just cover her ears" sorry i'm okay" she say @ShadowSaber331

Raphael Moreau


The fight between me and the robotic dummy continued. The sound of metal clanging against another would be obvious, as I then continued, continued to strike, continued to attack. However, I also played some defense as well. Because of my speed, I'd finally honed in and incorporated the delay the robot had. Taking advantage of the delay time the robot had, I took my chance to finish the job. I'd run my blade right through my metallic opponent, and I would turn back to see a perfectly cut robot. 

After the sparring session, I had barely had broken a sweat, and I would then walk over to the training session that Darius was holding with Raiven. Stoically, without expression, I'd watch. I have yet to receive any actually hard training from these fellows. I wasn't really shown a fight, but a show. I'd continue to observe the scene in front of me.
Liliana was concerned for Luna's wellbeing when her stepmother decided to call. 'I think I should listen in and see what she has to say.'  "Well, I'm going to go to my roon now,," she said in an excited tone. "I have to get everything ready for the trip, I'll be back soon." As she went to her room, she uses a spell to intercept incoming calls, which she thought was much more effective than bugging a phone. As she listened into to their conversation, she started getting dressed for the trip.

Luna started to wimper as she was in her own room as her stepmother was yelling at her to come back to the house luna hand start to shake" but... but... but i don't want to go back home" she say to her stepmother she thought her stepmother was going to apoligize for hurting her but she didn't tears came down her face as she was rocking back and forth in her room" i want you back home NOW and i want you out of that stupid school of yours your coming here and get hurt your going back in the closet" her stepmother said luna just dropped the phone as she just threw it across the room breaking her phone she just hiccups she just looked down packing her stuff she had to do what her stepmother says or she get more hurt when she was done packing she just went back to the corner of the room she just was rocking back and forth she was afraid to go back to the school tears keep falling down her face she was a mess at the moment she needed her sister at the moment she needed her friends she was having a panic attack as she was trying to get to her pills @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
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Liliana couldn't take it anymore, so she gave her husband a call to ask Arlane a favor. "Hello, this is Darius."  "Hi honey, it's your lovely wife," she said. "Listen, I have a favor to ask of Arlane, you know Luna's stepmother?"  "Her, oh, Arlane and I know about her, so what do you want him to do?"  "Send her to hell, a far down as possible." Darius laughed as he just heard the request. "Lily, I rule all of lower hell, and the circle of Violence is where one of my most brutal demons take pleasure in torturing people like her." Liliana smiled at the thought of such a punishment. "Good, see to it that it's done." "Don't worry my queen, I've been waiting to drag her into hell for a long time." Liliana hung up and finished getting her things together. When she walked out she had a sly smirk on her face. "Well, I'm done, let's get going, shall we?"

Darius called upon on a demon by the name of Kargoath, one of his overseers in one of the prisons in hell known for their torture methods, some of which even make him feel sick in his stomach. Kargoath is also one of the few demons he calls on that can sneak up on elementals and steal their powers, rendering them unable to defend themselves before dragging them to hell for an eternity of pain and suffering. "There is someone I want you to drag down into one of your prisons," he stated. "Someone who's been causing grief to the daughter of a long deceased friend of ours. I want you to hunt her down, and drag her to your prison, after that, you can do what you do best to her." Kargoath smiles and went on his way to his intended target. Darius knows that he's never failed at his job, so he expected results in a matter of minutes.

@Leo Radomir

Luna just looks up at her as she just looked at her phone" um..... i think i need a new phone" she say picking up her cracked phone" sorry i was upset i think i be okay can i really stay with you" she asked" maybe.... you can adopt me i mean big sister isn't old to do it maybe you can you were friends with my mom it what she would have wanted" she say as she just looked at her whipping her tears on her shirt she just took off her glasses she was wearing she usually wear contacts she had a habbit pushing up her glasses' i wonder if she will adopt me i been alone for a long time i just don't want to go back to my stepmother' she thought to herself 

Luna's stepmother was in the room as she was sipping some coffee she was happy she going to harm her stepdaughter she hated both of them she was the one that put on a curse on luna's mother she married luna's dad but he left her now the daugheters is hers since he left them she just smirked as she was waiting for luna to get to the house she had plans to hurt her she was the weak one RUby was the strong one trying to protect her little sister' they both are coming back here' she thought as she just was watching the tv as she kinda felt something strange coming to the house she didn't know what it was she just ignored it @ShadowSaber331
Kargoath was invisible the entire time he was around, seeing the perfect opportunity, he steals her powers, rendering her unable to stop him. He then summons a few demons to grab her and pull her down into the fiery pits. "You have been found guilty for the crime of murder, domestic violence, and child abuse, for that, your punishment is an eternity in hell. Oh, and don't worry about your powers, they're safe with me." The demon laughed as he watched her be pulled into the pits, grinning all the while. "Oh, and I have a lot of demons on standby to chase you down if you try to escape your fate."

Liliana was surprised to hear that Luna wanted her to adopt her. She figured any option beats having to go back to her stepmother, so she nodded in approval. "Of course my dear," she said in a softly spoken voice. "It'll be nice to have you as a member of our family. Plus, from what I've heard, she kinda deserves a place somewhere in hell."

Luna just smiled at her she just giggled as she just hug her" thank you" she say as she was enjoying the hug it was like her mom hugs" can we go to the fair now" she asks as she just was humming a bit she was excited about having a new mother to love" would Mr Darius being okay with me being adopted by you" she asked as she wasn't sure to call him dad or something she just smiled holding onto her" fair fair going to have some fun" she sanged a bit as she was skipping wiaiting for her to go to the fair

Alison just was struggling to get free her powers was gone and she was going to the pits of hell she couldn't get free from the grasp of guards that was pulling her down' okay okay i'm sorry i hurt my daughters and killing luna's mother i'm sorry for everything' she thought as she was getting pulled down she couldn't do anything" so this is my punishment than" she say as she just struggled" you taking away my powers" she say to the man who took away her powers she was defensless with out her powrs @ShadowSaber331
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Raphael Moreau


"How interesting, yet cruel I must say," I'd note towards Darius. I was emitting some form of dubious vibe in front of him. "...Perhaps I should be wary when I speak to you, after all, I detest the hot weather I'm afraid," I'd say with a lot of charisma. I'd create 2 chairs and a table out of thin air. They were fine, French tables and chairs, as they were elegantly designed and crafted. I'd take a seat on one side, and I would sigh, as something would change inside my head. Away from this, easy-going, loose-lipped, arrogant man I had shaped myself to be. "...I was wondering, why were you reevaluating the Elites now out of all times," I'd say. My eyes became beaded, as I'd leer at him, "...Perhaps there is a bigger force at work here, is there not?" I'd then wait for his response.

Darius saw Kargoath return with news that his deed was done. With a smile on his face, he ordered the demon to transfer Luna and Ruby's belongings into his HQ, and to burn the house down to make it look like a tragic accident. He also requested that the hunters from Treachery be dispatches to keep an eye out for that woman in case the one he dragged down was a decoy. Kargoath did what he was tasked to do and set forth to complete it. As he was about to relax, he heard Raphael call out to him. He saw him create a table and a few chairs and walked over to a chair.

Darius was curious as to why he wanted to re-evaluate the Elites, but it didn't faze him in the slightest. "Well, Raphael," he said, taking a seat in one of the chairs. "The Elites right now are not as 'trained' as they were in the past. Some of them tend to flaunt their title around as if it's a 'get out of jail free' card, well, except for Reno, he at least takes his role seriously. But he can be impulsive sometimes which can lead him into a mess of trouble." Darius creates a Rapier out of thin air and holds it with the blade against the ground. "I want them to take their duties seriously, and I want them to prove that their rank is of great importance...besides, as you said, there are greater forces out there, some that would threaten to ruin the chance for peace between humans and elementals." Darius felt his phone buzz and pulled it out. It was a text from Liliana saying that she adopted Luna into the family. 'That's wonderful news honey, anything to get her away from that demon bitch of a stepmother. Of course I don't mind her calling me 'dad' from now on though, as long as she's able to train hard with Ray.'  He sent the text and put his phone back into his pocket.

Liliana got a response from her husband and squealed in delight. "Looks like Darius is all for it, and I know Reno will be surprised to hear the news as well." She grabbed her bag that she filled with some items she'll need in case of something going amiss and gave Luna one more hug. "Don't worry, you'll be safe with us, nobody will hurt you here."


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Ruby was only have paying attention and felt a chill down her spin but said nothing thinking' i have a dotty image of an evil man that was with her before that war but i can barely remember what he looks like nor his name, and from what i can remember he was a greater demon i don't remember which layer of hell he was from and if he got sealed on not but for luna's sake more than mine i hope he's sealed he was a insanely powerful pain in the ass and many died that day'

The says" As long as you have some body and mana pills i still feel some what weak from the stress and everything else and this is good for luna she's great little sister i only wish i had the power myself to of done this years ago but enough of that i don't want to kill the happy mood".

A mysterious voice calls in allison's head' why hello stupid cow looks like you got sloppy and got caught, before i helped you because i liked you when you weren't a total fool but now if you want a favor you're going to have to do me a one first, i need the blood of ten thousand medium spirit demons to bring back my half brother when you have done that i'll come to free you do we have a deal'  Alison's lip curled ever so slightly and then demon nodded as well as was gone before they could track him.
Reno was amused by how Raiven was marching towards the fair. "Do you even know where it is," he shouted. "I mean I know, you're eager to go, but since you're leading the way miss 'Drum Major,' do you have any idea where it is?" Reno doesn't doubt Raiven's sense of direction, but it doesn't hurt to ask if she knows in case she doesn't, either way, they're going to have a bit of fun and relaxation before they start their training.

Liliana figured that the fair would be a good idea to be out there and have some fun as well, for it's been a long time since she went out somewhere that's not either within HQ grounds or to search for items of importance. "I think I should come with you," she suggested. "I think we deserve a little break from our work, and it has been a while since I've been outside HQ grounds to do something other than go item hunting. Besides, a little fresh air can help a lady like me." Liliana wanted to take Ruby along to destress herself from the workload that she's been dealing with over the years. "What do you think Ruby, wanna come with us and have a bit of fun?"

Darius was amazed at the fact that Raiven has had some firearms training at a young age. "Sure she's a good shot, but I'm more interested in how she fairs in hand-to-hand combat," he said. "There will be a time when, like Homura, she loses her powers somehow and has only her natural strength to defend herself. Reno has had some training from various different martial arts masters, so he's by far the best fighter of the Elites."

@Eternal Dragonchild


@Leo Radomir

"Of course I know where it is. Same place as last year. We played there for a while before enjoying the fair!" Raiven gave Reno a smirk, proud to have one upped him. Linking arms with Hazel and Luka, Raiven marched on, humming a piece from the band's graduation concert. She preferred the company of those who didn't judge her for her lesser control. Hazel, Luka and Michiko all fell into that group. 

Arlane smiled "She's always armed. I wouldn't allow her out of the house without a weapon for self defense"  He rested his hands on the back of Darius's chair "The Crimson Death Dancers for one. I fear that they may try to disrupt the Elites. Raiven may be weak at the moment but as we saw with those two demons, she has a lot of hidden potential. We just need to draw it out. It seems to be triggered by seeing the people she cares about threatened" He remembered what Raiven had asked of him, to drag Hazel's father down to Hell.

A black mist swirled beside him " Cilaroch, find this man" He showed the demon a photograph "Take him to Hell and do what you and Sizach do best, turn him into chum for Malzahn and the others." Cilaroch smiled as she turned and left, forming a cloud much like Mikhail did as he left.


Raphael Moreau


"Interesting. Such title flaunting was the reason I declared my revolution," I'd say. I'd then regain my normal, easy going, constructive personality. "Such training reminds me, reminds me how I am trained back at home. We are trained vigorously, and now that I am here in England, I fear this will be turning into more of... a vacation, than a school year," I'd say. I'd then sigh, as I would then wait for his response.
Hazel was just smiling as she just was walking to the fair" yay lets have some fun" she say as she was sticking her tongue at reno as she giggled as she was walking with them to the fair as she saw the fair she got happy" yay we are here" she say as she looked at raiven and luka as she just giggled she didn't know what to get on first or what to do" so uh what yoo want to go on first raiven or yoo wait for boyfriend" she say as she just tilted her head slightly she just looked up at the sky as she was excited  @Eternal Dragonchild

Luna just looked at her big sister" are you okay with this me getting adopted i mean stepmom is going away so why not i mean i derserve to be happy too" she say as she just looked at her sister as she just smiled giving her a hug" i don't want my sister to stress" she blushed a bit when she said she was a great little sister" at least we don't have to worry about that woman anymore" she say as she just looked at her sister than hug liliana again she just looked at her' do i call her mum i don't know' she thought to herself as she just giggled 

Alison heard a voice in her head as she just smirked she was going to escape somehow she was the pits of hell now she just looked around she saw guards everywhere in two hours she got ten thosands souls she just smirked' okay done and done' she thought to the guy as she saw the guards she just try to run but got pinned down she just screamed she was going to get hurt' i don't have my powers anymore man i'm useless without my powers' she thought as she was dragged to a room in hell she was screaming when she was getting hurt @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
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"So, we got some fresh meat inside this here prison," said one of the wardens. "My name is Etrius, and welcome to my prison. You've been sent here because of what you have done and have been doing while up in the material plain." Etrius jabs her in the abdomen with a spirit nullifying punch, seeing as there have been cases where many spirits try to break them out, it was one of a few fail safes he's worked on over the years. "There we go, one way in, no way out, just the way I like it," he continued. "I see your powers have been sapped out, good, not like it matters. This entire prison is full of Elite class demons, there were some medium class demons, but they were all killed. You're gonna atone for your sins Allison Lotus, and may god have mercy on your soul."

Liliana gave Luna one more hug. "I guess that means I'm your mother now," she said. She stopped hugging her and picked up her bag. "Well, let's get going, the fair's not gonna be around for long." 'I felt something odd coming from somewhere. I think Allison is being assisted by a spirit like Ruby is with Ahunt, if so, then we better get ready for one hell of a fight.' 

Darius turned and saw Arlane behind him. "The Crimson Death Dancers," he asked. "So, you think you're going to be attacked by one of them? Ruby and I have been tracking them down for years, as well as the Grey Skulls, and a few other terrorist organizations. This is bad." Darius didn't want to see his friend die in the worst possible way. He needed to find some way to prevent him from getting killed. "By the way Arlane, in your vision, where were you in your vision?"  

Reno smirked at her comment before speaking up. "I know, just wanted to make sure," he said. "Besides, I was there during your performance, if you had control over your powers like you do over your band, you might be one of, if not THE, most powerful Elite in the UK. Plus, my mom and dad used to take me there when I was a kid so..."

@Leo Radomir


@Eternal Dragonchild
"So, we got some fresh meat inside this here prison," said one of the wardens. "My name is Etrius, and welcome to my prison. You've been sent here because of what you have done and have been doing while up in the material plain." Etrius jabs her in the abdomen with a spirit nullifying punch, seeing as there have been cases where many spirits try to break them out, it was one of a few fail safes he's worked on over the years. "There we go, one way in, no way out, just the way I like it," he continued. "I see your powers have been sapped out, good, not like it matters. This entire prison is full of Elite class demons, there were some medium class demons, but they were all killed. You're gonna atone for your sins Allison Lotus, and may god have mercy on your soul."

Liliana gave Luna one more hug. "I guess that means I'm your mother now," she said. She stopped hugging her and picked up her bag. "Well, let's get going, the fair's not gonna be around for long." 'I felt something odd coming from somewhere. I think Allison is being assisted by a spirit like Ruby is with Ahunt, if so, then we better get ready for one hell of a fight.' 

Darius turned and saw Arlane behind him. "The Crimson Death Dancers," he asked. "So, you think you're going to be attacked by one of them? Ruby and I have been tracking them down for years, as well as the Grey Skulls, and a few other terrorist organizations. This is bad." Darius didn't want to see his friend die in the worst possible way. He needed to find some way to prevent him from getting killed. "By the way Arlane, in your vision, where were you in your vision?"  

Reno smirked at her comment before speaking up. "I know, just wanted to make sure," he said. "Besides, I was there during your performance, if you had control over your powers like you do over your band, you might be one of, if not THE, most powerful Elite in the UK. Plus, my mom and dad used to take me there when I was a kid so..."

@Leo Radomir


@Eternal Dragonchild

Ruby smiles gently to ease the mood and then says" two mothers in one lifetime it's almost surreal but there are other crazier things so i'll roll with it and let's head to the fair who knows i might even spot some eye candy there to lift my spirits even more". Ruby mischievous grins and then leans back and stretches and waits for them to get ready.

Allison endured the hit then faintly smiled and says" for now that's true i'm powerless but if you have experienced what i have it takes a hell a of a lot to make your jaw drop" she chuckled at her pun and god such a hypocrite just because he doesn't steal souls doesn't mean he saves the ones that should be saved and sometimes even kills for the most selfish of reasons". " your just a different kind of pain in the ass and i won't be here forever people like me have a way of surviving so enjoy your power for now because nothing lasts forever".
Etrius grins and says, "We'll see about that." He turns to one of the guards and tells it to activate the spirit barrier. "Hope you like it, the spirit barrier makes it so you can't escape...and so you don't get outside help. The king told me of how someone broke into one of the prisons in upper hell, so we made some precautionary measures to ensure that doesn't happen. Meaning outside help, human, elemental, or spirit, will cease to exist if they try to get in or out, that includes you too."

Liliana was glad to hear Ruby say that, but he knows deep down she's more fond of Reno than of any other male. She creates a portal to the fair, making sure that it's stabilized so that nothing horrible happens. "Good to know Ruby," she told her. "But I'm getting the feeling there's someone you're already fond of...and if fate should have it, he should be in that fair right now." Liliana walks through the portal first and felt nostalgia hit her. Almost every fond memory of the fair was there, even the hill where she and Darius shared their first kiss.

Reno felt like he was walking for hours, probably from the seal Ray told him about earlier. When he heard that familiar music, he used his lightning powers to teleport himto the entrance. 'Man, this brings back memories. Welp, time to have some fun before training begi...'  "Reno!" Reno heard someone scream his name and turned to the source. He was surprised to find his mother inside the fair as well. "Mom!?" he shouted, shocked that his mother was out of the house. He walked over to give her a hug like he hasn't seen her in years. "What are you doing here?"  "I came here to take a break from the work I've been doing, and I did bring a few people along for the ride."

@Leo Radomir

Etrius grins and says, "We'll see about that." He turns to one of the guards and tells it to activate the spirit barrier. "Hope you like it, the spirit barrier makes it so you can't escape...and so you don't get outside help. The king told me of how someone broke into one of the prisons in upper hell, so we made some precautionary measures to ensure that doesn't happen. Meaning outside help, human, elemental, or spirit, will cease to exist if they try to get in or out, that includes you too."

Liliana was glad to hear Ruby say that, but he knows deep down she's more fond of Reno than of any other male. She creates a portal to the fair, making sure that it's stabilized so that nothing horrible happens. "Good to know Ruby," she told her. "But I'm getting the feeling there's someone you're already fond of...and if fate should have it, he should be in that fair right now." Liliana walks through the portal first and felt nostalgia hit her. Almost every fond memory of the fair was there, even the hill where she and Darius shared their first kiss.

Reno felt like he was walking for hours, probably from the seal Ray told him about earlier. When he heard that familiar music, he used his lightning powers to teleport himto the entrance. 'Man, this brings back memories. Welp, time to have some fun before training begi...'  "Reno!" Reno heard someone scream his name and turned to the source. He was surprised to find his mother inside the fair as well. "Mom!?" he shouted, shocked that his mother was out of the house. He walked over to give her a hug like he hasn't seen her in years. "What are you doing here?"  "I came here to take a break from the work I've been doing, and I did bring a few people along for the ride."

@Leo Radomir


Alison went silent and thought to her self' arrogant ass and who said it was from the outside but never the less i like a fun game it makes it all the more fun come check mate in the mean time i'll just go to sleep and wait for the next boring thing they have for me'

Ruby gentle waves to reno and then says" like you i have a lot of secrets so i might have some else in mind i'm young and playing the field is fun according to many guys, i'm happy for you though it's not everyone that meets and stays with their first love as for luna and ray it seems they are fairly close as well i'm looking forward to seeing how she deals with a slight odd one like ray now shall we let the fun really start"? A sly grin creeps on her face and then she sneaks behind luna and gives her a quick grop then lets go and jumps back and gives a look to say your growing nice and healthy.

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